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  • Eurobricks Emperor

This is your opportunity to share your idea's for new LEGO parts. Please describe and motivate each suggested new part and be very clear why it would be useful and a "must have". You should write at least a few lines of defense for each suggestion, the better the defense, the more chance someone at the LEGO Company will be convince to produce it. Don't ask for new train wheels or airplane wings because I'm Classic-Pirates.com ambassador.

Each serious and well defended case will be relayed by me to the LEGO Community team who'll deliver the suggestions to the right people in the LEGO Company. Don't start making up idea's just for the sake of it; it will cost me time to relay these idea's so think hard and long before suggesting.

Please note there is no guarantee your ideas will be used and you will not be credited or receive any recognition if they are. By posting in this thread you agree to these terms.

I'll leave this thread open for some time and see how it goes

EDIT 1: Please do add pictures like maydayartist did in his post if possible. Or include a picture of a real life example (e.g. a particular type of wig) to help visualize what you have in mind. Also clearly separate each suggested item and the defensive case that goes together with it.

You can always edit your post and add more information (pictures, new suggestions, etc...) . I prefer that over making a new one.

EDIT 2: If a suggestion was already made by another member, don't hesitate to post it again and include your own defensive story. I'll combine all stories for the same part. Of course, the more reasons we can think of for having a certain new part, the better.

Old Skeletons, with the old arms. Reason : They are much better at looking dead, which on a deserted island, a skeleton should be. Also much more posable, for a humiliating pose after death.



Edited by Stauder

  • Author
  • Eurobricks Emperor
-A mortar peice

-A Bayonet

-Silver and Bronze coins

Thats all I want. :pir-classic:

Emperor, you have to write at least a few lines of defense for each suggested part. For example, there are already golden coins, where is the big added value to have them in silver/bronze? I'm not saying there is not added value, only that you should defend and motivate your request. You might have to give it some thought.

Okay :pir-blush:

Mortar- It would add more variety to forts. Like instead of the fort having 4 cannons, it could have 3 cannons and one mortar.

Bayonet- A lot of people want a Bayonet for their soldiers. And that would help Lego compete against Brickarms.

Silver and Bronze coins- It would add more variety to treasures.

Bayonet- A lot of people want a Bayonet for their soldiers. And that would help Lego compete against Brickarms.

I'd like to point out that Lego supports the customizing community, or something like that... I forgot the exact quote.. But it would be interesting to see none the less!


Edited by Stauder


Per-wigs were huge in 18th century fashion, everybody wore them, sadly these little minifigures aren't wearing wigs.


Even pirates had bayonets, every soldier across the world at the piracy age had a bayonet.


Large cannons aren't always as great as Mortars.

Globe: A globe is a neccesity.

Edited by Sir Wellington

-A smaller type of cannon

For variation and this would be especially usefull for smaller ships, otherwise it might not be able have a (non-moc) cannon on it without looking silly (also a plus if TLG decides to create a small ship like the one from 6277).

-A different kind of sword and/or gun

Again, for variation, this would help similar sets stand out/differentiate from eachother.

-A globe

What is a sea/world exploring pirate/imperial without a nice globe?

-New animals

Pigs, chickens etc., livestock was very important in the imperial age (and still is, usefull for a variety of themes).

-A scabbard

Especially for the higher ranked imperials, a nice scabbard to hold their cutlass on their hip.

Edited by Fluyt

I waited for this so long!!! :pir-cry_happy:

Bricks, plates etc. with studs not only on top, but on bottom as well! - it's useful everywhere! :pir-classic:

Bricks, plates etc. with studs not only on bottom, but on top as well! - ^up

Something like bricks 1x1 with headlight, but headlights have go studs in recess; i want this part I think have stud on the side like this part (of course on one side!). ^up :pir-tongue:

I'm sorry, but I can't explain those parts on picture. :pir-cry_sad:

And specifically Pirate'ish: :pir_laugh2:

New Bluecoats uniforms - those like redcoats uniforms in Pirates II, but blue, :pir-classic:rb.jpeg

Tricorne hats in new colours - not only useful for pirates, they can add some variety into Pirates minifigs,

New pirates torsos - ^up

Like Emperor said: silver and bronze coins :pir-sweet: - Emperor said the reason,

Like Stauder said: old skeletons - Stauder said the reason,

New designs of sails - add more variety into ships,

Maybe new ship hull parts? :pir-hmpf: - I don't know, they may be intresting! :pir-blush:

New pirates heads - now only Brickbeard have got a fillet on eye :pir-hmpf_bad: ,

Old palm trunks please!!! :pir-grin: They are better, that's why. :pir-classic:

That's all. :pir-wink:

EDIT: Nice idea with the globe, Fluyt! :pir-blush:

EDIT2: Oh, I have one nice idea for not-only-pirate part: inverted cheese slope! :pir-classic:

EDIT3: I support Capitain Blackmoor with 1x3 tiles!!!

I will add some pictures when I will have more time.

Edited by Dr Kilroy

Don't ask for new train wheels or airplane wings because I'm Classic-Pirates.com ambassador.

This was my first thought reading the topic. Is it allowed to add parts that are not 100% pirate, but I think it will fit the castle, pirate and historic-town section more than all other .

I very often missed 2 special sloped bricks for imposant roof techniques.

First a negativ version of this one,


the correct name would be "Slope Brick 75 2 x 2 x 3 Inverted Double Convex"


And second one is also a 3 brick high slope of this one,


The new name would be "Slope Brick 75 2 x 2 x 3 Double Concave"

I would say, this is the special NEED :)

On every roof helmet this would be the very exclusiv way to construct corners and bays.

Colours are not so important, of course black!! and red.

All the same for 65 degrees would be nice too, but not so important.

Edited by maydayartist

First a negativ version of this one,


the correct name would be "Slope Brick 75 2 x 2 x 3 Inverted Double Convex"


Then I could make fort walls that go in all directions. Or even make a fort that is a cross formation.

I would like to see hull that are seperated not just horizontally, but vertically as well. This way we could make our ships as wide or a narrow as we wanted.

Furthermore, I would like a front hull piece that is less rounded, and more like a triangle to better resemble some real ships. A special brick piece that could be built on top of this hull for height would be nice as well.

One of the main reasons I havent worked on a ship MOC is because Im none too happy about how the hull pieces look and work. The ships I want to base my MOCs on, simply don't look like those hulls.


P.S. When the heck can we get some 32X32 blue baseplates on Pick-A-Brick?! HUH?!

Other than new pirate and soldier torsos, and new heads, here is what I would like:

pearl silver and pearl bronze coins+pearl gold coins: would add more variety to treasures.

old skeletons

Bring back old shrub molds!

Chrome gold and chrome silver cutlasses- would make you admiral, general or captian appear much more affluent and powerful.

cutlass.jpg <-- See? Its shiny!

New colored tricornes and new decorated bicornes and tricornes- would make your admiral/general/captian\'s hat much more fancy looking!


New plumes, in white and pearl gold

Wigs, to make aristocrat, governor and off duty admiral, general and captian figs


Globes, more maps, compasses (even if it doesn\'t actually work) , what a great idea, Sir Wellington!

a 4x4 stud mortar holder and a mortar barrel (you could make it shoot!) 18th-century-mortar-at.jpg

Bayonettes, which snap on the barrels of musketes

small, narrow cannon barrel, for deck guns

molded goats and pigs(1x3 studs)

That's all I can think of for now, i'll add stuff in if I have any more ideas.

Edited by Admiral M

Tri-corn hats with a white trim around the edges because they will look better

Different sizes of the ropes with studs on the end so we can finally have a ship with ropes again

and something a bit unrelated is bring back big ships like skull eyes schooner!

A pig would be a very nice addition to any ship. That way the sailors could have some fresh meat...

Some flour/grain bag pieces would also be nice.

New printed maps. I really don't like the Indy one in the current line.

Civilian hair pieces. Powdered wigs would be nice for a governor figure.

Brown treasure chests. I don't like the gold ones at all. The treasure is supposed to be in the chest, not the chest.

I also really like the idea of a globe.


  • Author
  • Eurobricks Emperor

Please do add pictures like maydayartist did in his post if possible. Or include a picture of a real life example (e.g. a particular type of wig) to help visualize what you have in mind. Also clearly separate each suggested item and the defensive case that goes together with it.

You can always edit your post and add more information (pictures, new suggestions, etc...) . I prefer that over making a new one.

Okay! Here's my list:

1x3 tiles, I think everyone knows the reason why. They would look very nice on wooden structures for example, and it is cheaper instead of 1x1 and a 1x2 tile.

Smaller cannons, the current ones are quite big and sometimes they can't be used on a ship.

Yellow, tan or dark tan cannon carriages. Brown looks good too, but green, red and blue is not always suitable on a ship.

Muskets. They would do a much better job then the current blunderbuss.

Cottonbales, sacks and bottles. I'd like to see some more useful accessoires within the pirates theme.

That was it for now! Perhaps I will get some other ideas soon. :pir-blush:

edit: updated!

Edited by Cap'n Blackmoor

Definitely bayonets for reasons previously stated (integral part of history)

Mortars, also for reasons previously stated

Bricks like this but with two studs 90 degrees apart (instead of the present 180 degrees)

A variety in Epaulette colours (not just blue, red and gold, please, but also green and brown, with a greater occurence of black)

A faction that is not bluecoats (gasp!). Preferably green or black; however bluecoats would be acceptable (grudgingly)

Printed leg pieces for pirates (pockets please!)

A globe would be nice....

A new beard piece - shorter and more rounded on the bottom

That's about it. :pir-classic:

Well, here's my thoughts on the matter.

Pigs/goats/sheep - My pirates/soldiers have to eat something other than apples, cherries, turkey and beef. It would add much more variety to Lego scenes, and these are also pieces that can be used in every single line. (eg - a castle set with two trolls raiding a Castle farmhouse, or a shepherd guarding his flock.)

reddish brown treasure chests - it's already been stated, but the chest isn't supposed to be the treasure. If Lego really wants to make the chests more elaborate, they can paint the ribs a metallic color or include such a detail at a slightly higher cost on PAB, or make it part of a set geared towards AFOLS. ps - I would love to have an official chest painted like that. I rarely modify Lego pieces, and don't use unofficial pieces

A Globe - After Chris Columbus found out the world was round, globes were used everywhere, but all we have for Lego is a 2X2 tile painted like a map? The globe could even be available in a few different paint jobs like blue and brown for a new modular library building, or tan and brown for a Pirates II globe sitting in the governor's mansion. So again, here's a piece that can be used in a couple different themes. It's also something that is doable using current parts. If this piece 203.1082759146.jpg was molded in blue, it would be cake to paint a little brown on it... although an actual globe piece with the stand and everything would be pretty sweet.

Heads - more variety. I've bought a lot of Impulse sets and Cannon Battles. Well over 50% of my Soldiers have the same head. I switched it up a little but now the tow/castle minifigs that I took heads from are useless because they all look the same. I've actually bought some town sets for 1. parts and 2. new heads for my Soldiers so they don't all look like clones. I'll still continue to buy them for parts, only difference is, the minifigs will actually be useable again.

Boat hulls - a remolding of this piece (or a very similiar and at least as well designed part) in reddish brown or dark brown for a smaller hulled ship/boat. It hasn't been available in a long time either, so it'd be a welcome reintroduction.


Periwigs, hairpieces, wigs, hats and the like. - does it really have to be said that the Pirates line is slightly lacking hairpieces for both genders, and civilians in general? Not everyone wore a hat 300 years ago, except Lego figures.

I think that just about wraps it up for now... Is there a deadline on this?

  • Author
  • Eurobricks Emperor
Is there a deadline on this?

No, not really. If I'm starting to feel overwhelmed with suggestions I might close the thread for a while and open it again later to give me time to process it all. We'll see how things go :classic:

I'd like to see some smaller hulls that could be made in the same style as the new large hulls. I'd also like to see those and the current hull pieces made in dark brown, black, and other useful colors, assuming we will continue to get at least one new large ship a year. Other than that, all the other suggestions everyone has put up sound nice, especially the globe and pig parts. :pir-wink:

A pig would be a very nice addition to any ship. That way the sailors could have some fresh meat...

Some flour/grain bag pieces would also be nice.

New printed maps. I really don't like the Indy one in the current line.

Civilian hair pieces. Powdered wigs would be nice for a governor figure.

Brown treasure chests. I don't like the gold ones at all. The treasure is supposed to be in the chest, not the chest.

I also really like the idea of a globe.


Not all of the treasure chests in the new line are gold, actually. Soldier's fort has a brown chest - although if you don't consider reddish-brown to be real brown, then I don't think anyone can help you with that. :pir-tongue:

Well since the town theme is getting Pigs next year we don't need that to be speacially made for this. But we do molded chickens, goats, and sheep. Might as well make a donkey for a blacksmith's shop.

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