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My first train was 171 to go with my 4.5V motor.

Me too. It wasn't much by today's standards! I later got 7740 - a fantastic train - but unfortunately sold it during my dark age. No trains since, but I've got my eye on the Emerald Night.

7715 was my first. Then 7722 and the individual wagons (postal, crane, tanker etc). And then 99% of the 9v range. Followed by RC.



When I was a kid, my dad worked away from home most of the time (he worked on big civil engineering building projects) and only came home at weekends. He would sometimes bring me little Lego sets ("impulse sets") home with him, as a treat (mainly I think it was to keep me quiet for a bit :classic: ). Once, when it was near my birthday, he brought me a bigger set: Lego 4.5V train 171!

I loved that train! I spent ages making up stories about it (including train crashes, inevitably :classic: ) and over time he also brought me extra track and the most coveted treasure, a motor!

My parents saw how much I loved the train and that Christmas I got the ultimate prize (well... I was only a kid!)... the motorised 4.5V train, 182!

What a happy Christmas that was! I had a total of two motorised trains, and enough track to run them both at the same time! I still have a picture somewhere of me sitting in the middle of a loop of track while the two trains run around me!

Those two little trains are still my favourite toys that I have ever owned; but they are long gone (with the onset of dark ages) and I don't really feel the need to chase them down on Ebay or whatever- somehow it wouldn't be the same. My dad died a few years ago and every time I see pictures of those old 4.5V trains I still think of him.



Mine was High Speed Train I liked it but it was never that great in my opinion. I wish I had picked up some of the My Own Train sets but I never did. It is unfortunately still my only real train set. (I don't count the Hogwarts express)

first Train set

When I was small boy, I have never got an engine.

The first two pieces which I had when i was a little boy,

are: set 163a , 123

for a station: set 342


Well since this topic was revived, I might as well join in!

My first and only train set was 7715, and I rebuilt it in so many ways as a kid!


During my dark age, I dabbled with HO scale model trains when I could make the time. Now that my dark age is over, I plan to start fresh with this year's cargo train. Well if my wife agrees that is! :wink:

My only (true) set was this, save a pack of 9V curved rails and a power connection wire:


Shame I missed out on the 9V line...

My first Train set was a Union Pacific GP-7, HO-scale. My first LEGO train was the 7897 Passenger train

Set 132 and 171 with an additional 4,5V motor and battery box.

Many years later, after my dark ages, the 4564 9V set.

Officially 171 but i never realised until recently that I even had this set, I did not have the instructions, just load of blue track, 4 bases, a battery box and a stickered brick saying 171

So next would be 7720

Then 7745

then 4563

and the rest is history, several thousands later, my 9v collection is complete...

That would be 181.


Edited by wtorbeyns

Emerald Night

10194 Emerald Night that I got for Christmas :blush: (never had any trains as a kid either, but now I'm afraid it won't stop with the Emerald :wink:)


As AFOL I got some 9V sets as well but I do not care much about collecting set, I prefer building my own trains designs these days.


own design? looks very much like the layout I always wanted to copy from the train ideas book from the 80's, I just never had enough track. I was always impressed by the number of points & light controllers attached to the speed regulator in Lego's layout.

own design? looks very much like the layout I always wanted to copy from the train ideas book from the 80's, I just never had enough track. I was always impressed by the number of points & light controllers attached to the speed regulator in Lego's layout.

You might want to check Homa's flicker and brickshelf accounts. His designs are pretty widely know. Particularly his ICE.

My only (true) set was this, save a pack of 9V curved rails and a power connection wire:


Shame I missed out on the 9V line...

this was my first train set


I soooo wanted the Cargo Crane set above to go with my train, but I was never able to find it

Edited by j3tang


All of them together at once. :sweet:

I was a happy kid back in the '80s. :wink:


I only own two train sets which I got at the same time. :classic:


I love the push-along train! :sweet:


~ Christopher

Never had Lego trains as a child. Dad had (and still has) an attic full of Minitrix and Fleischmann so 'we had enough trains in the house'...

My first train set after the dark ages was 4512:


It's still the only complete set I have. After that I've only got the Santa Fe, Hobby train and Emerald Night.

This is a great topic and I really enjoy seeing all the classic trains that some of you are sharing. Makes me somewhat envious that I missed out on all the early trains that weren't available in the U.S.

While my first "blue-track era" train was returned when I was a kid (exchanged for the Yellow Castle), my first train was the My Own Train Steam Locomotive and individual cars that came seperately.

Here's a little video around the old Wild West town (was just able to locate it and upload it to YouTube).

I'm just starting in the LEGO train business.

Just recently bought the super-pack that contained: 7898 (the actual train, the rest are track-packs and the station.), 7896, 7895 and 7997.

This, in preparation for the new Power Functions trains that are to arrive later this year.

I iz da newbie.

I'm an 12v fan, the 7710 was my first train it got electrify pretty quickly after I got it for my birthday. The 7735 followed the next year and is to date my favorite train. I just got back into trains having found some floor space to put down temporally a decent sized layout. Sadly the (electric) rails and sleepers are in bad shape. The electric rails are bend so trains get struck often while my rails and sleepers are fragile breaking quickly.

I got the supersize pack last month to get a start on the RC rails and preparing to switch to power functions. I want to try modify the 7735 engine to run on pf power.

My first Train was the 10020 Santa Fe Super Chief, followed by the 10133 BNSF GP-38. I've bought a motor, tracks and everything else separately on eBay, but so far I'm really happy with our 9V collection. A few more purchases and I'll probably be making the switch over to PF.

Other than that, I'm planning on purchasing the Factory Hobby Trains set soonish which would finally allow me to moc up an elaborate tram for our city... I know all of you guys love the Metroliner to bits, and even though it was also one of my favourite sets during my childhood, I don't see it as being a really MOCworthy set, so I'm not that keen on it.

I got 7727 back in 1984, I think it was. My cousin and best friend had a (in my 8-year-old eyes) huge amount of blue 12V trains on loan from some other, older, cousins of ours and I desperately wanted a train too. I was afraid they were too expensive, so I was investigating all kinds of scenarios (push train with a separate motor etc.) to find out a way for my parents to buy me a 12V train. In the Netherlands, we have something called "Sinterklaas", which is similar to Christmas (in terms of getting presents anyway) and celebrated on the 5th of December. I already got the 7820 post waggon earlier in the afternoon at my grand parent's, so I thought things looked promising! In the evening, I got the 7727. I guess my mother just wanted to buy one box and be done with it. I certainly didn't complain :). For my birthday, two weeks later, I got a transformer, track etc. Later still, the collection got expanded with a goods terminal, more track, light posts, signal, a 7755 locomotive (my brother got that one) and more.

Two years ago, I was bitten by the Lego virus again, after surfing the web a little looking for some information about Lego after my brother had given my newly born daughter a box of Duplo. I guess that was an expensive and time consuming mistake :) I now have all the gray era trains and accessories and most of Classic Town from the 80's (the only exception is that I only own one gas station, fire station, police station etc. and I'm missing some of the special ones that weren't available in Europe)....

Edited by Helmantel

I never hard any train sets ... :|

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