Posted September 1, 200915 yr In the beginning there was Town LEGO where there was nice little city cars and nice little hotels and construction sets, oddly enough shell was around before LEGO started their own fuel company "Octan: and caused a huge problems for LEGO city citizens as they actually had a choice on what gas they used! Later Won by Octan because they went green. (hybrids currently in development) All the minifigs had classic grin faces, no matter what happened to them! One day they decided to go where no minifig had gone before, Space! We had those lovely classic space sets in 1979 (30 years ago!) Galaxy Explorer,( the coolest ship name ever), its a Galaxy not planet explorer, obviously these minifigs were going places They set up bases and built rockets and drove around cute little space/moon buggys that had no suspension LEGO had gone to space and they liked it Fast-forward 30 years later and here we are today, I haven't seen anything decent in 10-20 years maybe We got Space Police 3 and last year had a Mars Mission Oh and one more thing I forgot to mention, Star Wars, for 10 years too Lego has taken aliens in a bad light, making them space criminals deserving to be put in little pods, they even did the unthinkable and stole the first LEGO astronaut! Last year they had the aliens home planet of mars mined for resources and the aliens be captured/killed and being dissected in every medical lab horror method possible Now enough of the boring story, what do you think? Has Lego Space gotten better? Is it getting better? Was it ever bad? I personally think that when the SW licenses eventually ends, we might see slightly better space themes, but LEGO will have to go back to the drawing board. They need to re- think back to when space was about exploration and fun, not capturing aliens and typing them as criminals and mining other planets.
September 1, 200915 yr I have two "space craft". Blacktron Aerial Intruder from childhood, and Gold Heist from a recent purchase. I would say that the older space sets have more of those transparent windscreens and canopies which were awesome imo. Newer space sets seem to make less use of those pieces. I like the recent alien minifigs though.
September 1, 200915 yr I remember having some of the classic sets as a kid, but got pulled away by SW toys. Then GI JOE. Here I am 30 years later, I bought some HP sets and the "Monsters" from the studio line. They've sat in storage since 03, then I saw Space Police III in toys r us. Done!!!! I bought the Hyperspace set, and am currently trading all my HP and ninja stuff to fund my my Space City project. In short, Space got a whole lot better, at least IMHO. Skull Twins FTW Michal
September 1, 200915 yr Interesting question. This is how I see it: Classic Space Pros: - Highly creatively designed sets - Different styles, but no real definition of bad and good guys. - The lack of a set story allowed for the user to make up his/her own stories. Cons: - Generic figs - Not much story, mostly just exploration, with the exception of the conflict between Space Police I & II and Blacktron. Life On Mars Pros: - First actually alien looking figs - Human as well as alien figs had unique faces and therefore character. - More defined story Cons: - Alien figs were inferior due to lack of posability - Alien vehicles didn't have a consistent color scheme and therefore looked thrown together. - Human vehicles looked more like present day space shuttles and rovers and therefore lacked a bit of creativity. - return to an all-male cast. Mars Mission Pros: - Sleek and smooth looking vehicles - More individual looking human characters Cons: - Very generic aliens with little to no posability. The Commanders in the last wave were a little more posable, but lacked a backside - A lot of Technic pieces involved in the set designs - Many <insert that tiresome argument> pieces. - Replacement of printed pieces with stickers. - Still an all-male cast. - Rather controversial backstory. Space Police III Pros: - Alien looking minifigs with normal minifig bodies - Back printing on some of the torsos - Very creative and detailed, yet sleek looking designs. - Classic Space references - All (or most) characters are unique - One female character Cons: - Few airtight vehicles and space helmets. - Somewhat racist story - Even more stickers Conclusion: In my opinion, the first wave of Mars Mission was the low point in Lego Space. Now, with SP3, they are going into the right direction again. If only they get rid of the racism and airtightness issues, they'll do fine IMO.
September 1, 200915 yr Space has been getting worst and worster. Classic space was great, Futuron maybe even better. Blacktron was great, BT 2, M-tron and SP1&2 were good and then everything went sliding a bit down until Exploriens came out. Life on Mars was not so good, Mars Mission was a bit better thanks to the colour scheme, SPIII to me is BY FAR the worst space theme ever.
September 1, 200915 yr I'm torn between Oky and The Cobra. Reading LegoKing's review of the small Mars Mission mining unit made me think about what I liked and disliked about both themes. As Oky points out, while a lot of the builds were crappy and very Technic based in Mars Mission, there were some amazing sets like the vastly underrated 7645 Crystal Reaper (especially when you add the Power Functions) and a great variety in terms of small mining vehicles and even cool retro robots as found in 7645 Alien Infiltrator. On the other hand, if it wasn't for the amazing minifigs, SP3 could be one of the most disappointing themes ever. Yes, the 5974 Galactic Enforcer is well-realised and impressive, and a fun build, but everything down from that is terrible. We already have too many cars and vehicles in regular themes - why base a Space line around more hotrods? Indeed, SP3 includes some of the worst small vehicles to be ever produced as official Lego designs, such as the terrible assortment of junk craft in Squidman's Pitstop or the ridiculous Technic-shooter-on-a-plate in the Max Security Transport set. Even the larger vehicles are largely similar (the front of Space Truck Getaway and the Hyperspeed Pursuit craft). The Mars Mission attempt to create an alien fleet with a distinctly organic feel may not have been entirely successful, but at least it is original. If the figs in Mars Mission had been given the same attention as the SP3 ones, and the stupid foam shooting function had been entirely removed from the first wave, that line would have been much more appreciated. Take the figs away from SP3, and you're not left with much at all
September 1, 200915 yr Space has been getting worst and worster.Classic space was great, Futuron maybe even better. Blacktron was great, BT 2, M-tron and SP1&2 were good and then everything went sliding a bit down until Exploriens came out. Life on Mars was not so good, Mars Mission was a bit better thanks to the colour scheme, SPIII to me is BY FAR the worst space theme ever. I partly agree with you. I think the "golden age" for the space theme was Futuron till Exploriens. But I don't think everything slided down after Space Police II. I think it happened after Exploriens (Spyrius is one of my favourites). For the rest I think the same. I think Space Police III should be renamed, it doesn't deserve that name in comparison to SP 1 & 2. Edited September 1, 200915 yr by Richie
September 1, 200915 yr A few more words to make myself clearer: to me, Ice planet was another good theme, Spyrius wasn't. I still haven't made up my mind yet on Unitron, and Exploriens was nearly as good as IP2002.
September 1, 200915 yr I think Space hit a peak from about 1987 to 1992, and still remained very good up until Insectoids in 1998, which was a little weak. LOM wasn't really Space at all in the sense I think of it (few transparent pieces and no dynamic color scheme), while MM and SP3 have some good ideas but have too many poor sets and are hurt by being products of their times. I don't like the heavy reliance on stickers and a complete lack of theme-specific printed parts aside from minifigs, as well as color variations and other quality issues. Both MM and SP3 have a couple of excellent models and are otherwise forgettable. On one hand, this is not something new. Among the old space themes, I think only Futuron, SP2 and Spyrius had uniformly good sets across the whole theme, and the other factions were pretty hit-or-miss. However, I liked the part selection in the old themes much better. There were numerous sets in both classic and themed space that I thought were decidedly weak, but were still worth getting for their unique yet versatile parts. The modern themes rely a lot on studless Technic construction or parts that don't look like Lego (the spiky things on the SP3 enemy sets). I also find that the modern curved canopies are less useful than the old, blocky and angular ones. That being said, the Galactic Enforcer is my favorite space set in a long time. If the same set had come out in 1992 or so, I would consider it at least equally good as any of the old 698x flagships. SP3 has a lot of cool ideas as an overall theme (alien minifigs, backstory, box art and police log videos), but this is the only actual set that really lives up to that standard. Also, people should clarify what they mean by "classic space." It can mean at least 3 different things in common usage (only 1978/79, 1978-1987 or 1978-1999), and I see people using the term in different ways already. I use it to mean 1978-1987.
September 1, 200915 yr I would say space is heading in the right direction, but not neccesarily getting a lot better, just marginally.
September 1, 200915 yr I think the space sets have actually remained on the same premise but have just gotten newer with the years. It's the same concept and the ships have gotten much better, but they are taking a back seat to SW for sure.
September 1, 200915 yr Unlike many people, I feel that Space Police 3 is actually a largely successful theme, with the exception of one or two sets. I personally am really a fan of the vehicles in the smallest two sets, and the vehicles in Space Truck Getaway, Hyperspace Pursuit, and the Galactic Enforcer are all superb. I even like Squidman's pitstop to some degree - sure, it's overpriced and the land vehicle is horrible, but the rest is actually rather appealing to me (especially the neat play features and the other two alien vehicles). Even the impulses are decent - I really love that robot dog in the K-9 Unit. Gold Heist and Max Security Transport are the only truly disapointing kits to me, and the former is the only one that I would truly consider bad. Max Security Transport is not as good as most of the other kits (mainly because it was change heavily from the prototype), but it still is decent, and the transforming function is neat. Overall, I'd give the Space police an 8/10 for it's sets, and I truly feel it's the best Sci-Fi line since the dark ages. On the flip side, I'm afraid I don't really see what is so interesting about Mars Mission, and especially why some people consider it to be better than Space Police 3. Sure, wave two was drastically better than wave one, but the more I look at it, the more I feel that it was still a disapointment. Mainly, this is because I don't like the Crystal Reaper nearly as much as a lot of other people do, and because I feel that the Hypersonics Craft was extremely disapointing. The smaller sets were better (although not as good as SP3's smaller sets), and the Ultra Drill Walker remains fantastic. But, I just have never been able to get past the fact that Mars Mission is just rather boring and uncreative when it comes to it's overall theme. I may disagree about the supposedly "controversial" storyline, but that doesn't mean it was interesting or original, and the marketing campaign wasn't nearly as cool as the one for SP3. Plus, the color scheme was rather boring, the figures were even more so, and the first wave focused way too much on silly gimmicks like foam shooters and the vacuum tubes - not to mention the stupid trans-orange holding capsules. Well, that's my two cents. Make no mistake - I like both SP3 and Mars Mission, but overal I'd say that SP3 is far more interesting and well achieved, and I hope it gets a second wave next year. Edited September 1, 200915 yr by Grevious
September 5, 200915 yr Well I Really like the few SP3 sets i bought the other day and I think space is getting better. The change from bad to decent started with the second wave of mars mission with the more creative and a little more peaceful sets like mobile mining unit for example. The themes are getting better but the backstorys it seems are getting kinda racist and evil in their own way. The backstory for mars misiion was especially strange with the humans going to mars and capturing the native inhabitants so they could throw them in trans orange tubes while they mine there planets resources. SP3 isn't as bad but it still makes you wonder why it's only aliens that are the bad guys. The one thing i wonder is why everyone hates Life on mars? The theme still had an exploration feel to it with most of the human sets especially the solar explorer
September 5, 200915 yr Well I Really like the few SP3 sets i bought the other day and I think space is getting better. The change from bad to decent started with the second wave of mars mission with the more creative and a little more peaceful sets like mobile mining unit for example.The themes are getting better but the backstorys it seems are getting kinda racist and evil in their own way. The backstory for mars misiion was especially strange with the humans going to mars and capturing the native inhabitants so they could throw them in trans orange tubes while they mine there planets resources. SP3 isn't as bad but it still makes you wonder why it's only aliens that are the bad guys. The one thing i wonder is why everyone hates Life on mars? The theme still had an exploration feel to it with most of the human sets especially the solar explorer The fact that the aliens are the bad dudes has bothered me, as well. I think, though, that I'll simply switch out a few outfits and have some alien Police members. That aside, the minifigs are OUTSTANDING this year. Frenzy and the fellow that comes with Max Security transport are my personal faves.
September 5, 200915 yr I would say space is heading in the right direction, but not neccesarily getting a lot better, just marginally. I reckon MM was the "stepping-stone" for SP3, MM Wasn't that great but it was a turn in the right direction I like to think of SP3 as a step or two in the right direction but could still use improvement but they're getting the idea. Where's the "Yes, but needs improvement" Option? Edited September 5, 200915 yr by Darth_Legois
September 5, 200915 yr g... i've been away for two years or so but the community is still dealing with the same old issues... Space has evolved... just as generations have evolved... and Lego policy too. If i were 7 years old right now, i'd probably love the space theme. (Un)fortunately i'm not. Classic space was just as cool in the late 70's, especially with all that exciting news on tv about space shuttles, star wars, Voyager satelites, battlestar galactica, buck rogers,... but nowadays, when i look at the old models, very often i'd say: "hmmm... this sure looks primitive..." and eh... this small fighter thing... ok... this would be crushed by the community if it were a current set... still, i guess you can look at the entire line and be more or less objective. I'd say the mid 80s would be the high point of space for me: 1) many sets were available, far more than today 2) there was far more diversity at that time: you could still find galaxy explorers but also brand new futuron monorails... there was a supply of sets from a timeframe of almost 10 years. That's totaly gone nowadays. because of that, there was an unrivaled diversity of sets, set designs, themes, size, price... Lego Space was also still compatible with any other line, even Lego technic 3) Lego Space was top of the line, back then. It was highly creative and innovative, there were lots of small, printed and transparent parts, every year you got different/new key parts, like canopies, but everything remained compatible with the stuff from the year before. I'd truely would describe this timeframe as Lego's Golden Age. I don't think space, as we want it, will ever come back, unless you consider the last sw line to be space. after all, many of the current sets aren't part of the film, they're just models created by people in the Expanded University; You could easily take space models from the space community, put a stamp saying "sw" on it, and voilà : Space merges with SW. Who'd see the difference? who knows, maybe that's where Lego is evolving to... isn't sw going to end in a year or two?
September 5, 200915 yr I don't think space, as we want it, will ever come back, unless you consider the last sw line to be space. after all, many of the current sets aren't part of the film, they're just models created by people in the Expanded University; You could easily take space models from the space community, put a stamp saying "sw" on it, and voilà : Space merges with SW. Who'd see the difference? who knows, maybe that's where Lego is evolving to... isn't sw going to end in a year or two? snefroe!!! You're back!! Temporarily. I missed my space tag. Can I have one now? I really have to disagree with everyones thoughts of LEGO being racist. There aren't any aliens we know of right now aren't there? Yeah, they're all aliens but the plot is it is an Alien biker gang. They likely don't let humans in.
September 5, 200915 yr An interesting point was made in the beginning of the thread, that the really early space was an offshoot from lego city. Lego city is the most realistic of the themes, it's a model of your average industrialised city. A toy that let the kids play with elements from the real world. The first space sets were releasd in an era when people actually went to the moon, the last manned Apollo mission was in 1972. When lego space started, it was not a science-fiction theme. Now, the last moonlandings being 37 years ago, a 7-8 year old today hears about them from their grandparents, Space travel has become history. The only major space-project today is the InternationalSpace Station, but making a lego set of it makes no sense since very few kids would understand what the scientists there are doing. Having said that i think that the question of whether the older or younger sets are the better is simply a matter of whether you like space exploration or science-fiction. A similar shift has taken place in the castle theme where history is gradually being replaced by fiction.
September 5, 200915 yr I really have to disagree with everyones thoughts of LEGO being racist. There aren't any aliens we know of right now aren't there? Yeah, they're all aliens but the plot is it is an Alien biker gang. They likely don't let humans in. Why does the space police have no alien members ? A little off topic but wouldn't it be kinda cool for space police to have an old blacktron minifig as the biker gangs leader?
September 5, 200915 yr The only major space-project today is the InternationalSpace Station, but making a lego set of it makes no sense since very few kids would understand what the scientists there are doing. There was actually an ISS set, 7467, although it was microscale. That Discovery theme also had a minifig scale lunar lander though. I think the original space was definitely still sci-fi though. Realistic space was what the Town subthemes Launch Command and Space Port did.
September 6, 200915 yr Author An interesting point was made in the beginning of the thread, that the really early space was an offshoot from lego city. Lego city is the most realistic of the themes, it's a model of your average industrialised city. A toy that let the kids play with elements from the real world.The first space sets were releasd in an era when people actually went to the moon, the last manned Apollo mission was in 1972. When lego space started, it was not a science-fiction theme. Now, the last moonlandings being 37 years ago, a 7-8 year old today hears about them from their grandparents, Space travel has become history. The only major space-project today is the InternationalSpace Station, but making a lego set of it makes no sense since very few kids would understand what the scientists there are doing. Having said that i think that the question of whether the older or younger sets are the better is simply a matter of whether you like space exploration or science-fiction. A similar shift has taken place in the castle theme where history is gradually being replaced by fiction. Thanks for reminding me, I wanted to share something with everyone but the pics were too large for the first post Here is the link to the image There is some pretty interesting stuff in the book too, like look at those generic brick aliens If you are lazy click here to see what I mean Still better than the MM ones though (hehe) Edited September 6, 200915 yr by Macoco
September 6, 200915 yr I have to agree with CP5670, the last decent theme was Insectoids and it's getting better now. Though I don't really like SP3 compared to older themes but as an individual theme it's nice and successful. Can't really use it as it is with older themes.
September 9, 200915 yr I would prefer it if lego would go back to the old ways like M-tron and classic space because those sets were actualy intresting and fun to build, Space Police just hasnt grabbed me, but nothing has grabbed me since the millenium.
September 9, 200915 yr snefroe!!! You're back!! Temporarily. I missed my space tag. Can I have one now? ah... well as you can see, i'm a "honorary citizen" these days. I'm not quite sure what that means, but it sounds as if i'm this God which all these slaves mods are working for. Or maybe that's just yet another sign of me slowly losing my mind... In other words, not sure if i can still give tags. Don't we have a space mod for that?
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