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How do you rate this set? 175 members have voted

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Areally great review covering all you like to see to get the right feeling for a set.

Since I dont collect *cough, cough* UCS set in generall, and missed the deal of a lifetime for the RBR way back,

I´m now glad it made it into a system set. Definatley on my wanted list, and going to get list.

Thanks for the review!

Thank you very much for this great review, ben506! :thumbup:

I voted for

Below Average


- excellent exterior design :thumbup:

- at least one new great minifigure: Captain Antilles

- very nice transport vehicle :wub:

- cockpit better designed than I expected :thumbup:


- no Stormtrooper to attack the ship

- no black-suited Imperial Officer :cry_sad:

- no silvern 3PO (the one which was seen at the beginning of ep. 4) :thumbdown:

- only five minifigs :cry_sad:

- no exploding door

- no real chairs in Leia's office but only arm rests and back rests :thumbdown:

- no hallway (which is the most important place in the ship for ep. 4) :thumbdown:

To put it in a nutshell:

The exterior is designed excellently and there are even some nice additions like e. g. the small transport vehicle. But the interior is simply a shame. So all in all it's much less than TLG could have made out of it. The idea was great but the outcome is below average.

Since this shall not be an UCS model but a playset TLG should have cared more about the interior! :angry:

I personally would have prefered to pay 50 or even 100 Euros more but then get a bigger ship with a decent interior. :cry_sad:


Very nice review indeed!

The set is slightly mehhh, though... Not much more to it than could be seen in the first pictures. It's without any surpising play features, and with a minifig selection which could now be called boring (for me 7th pearl gold C-3PO, 11th R2D2, 11th Rebel Fleet trooper, 3rd white robed Leia!). The set looks good from the outside though, and I guess displaying sets is what counts most for me.

Still, being an OT collector, I did of course order it on day one, so if I'm lucky, it should be waiting on my doorstep tonight when I get back from work (EDIT: it was indeed!). After that, my biggest challenge will be finding the shelf space to display it...

Edited by Alldarker

Thank you for taking the time to review this great looking set and posting it on Eurobricks :thumbup:

Looks to me like a nice set from the outside, however the interior isn't over the top, and as has been mentioned before the minifig selection is a bit meh. I may still end up getting this set in time, but am happy to wait for now.

Welcome to EB too. Head on over to here to let us know a bit more about yourself too.

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Wow! Never expected for the review go this well. Thank you for all the comments about the ship. And tanks Svelte for helping fix my review. Completely missed that I'd put the wrong number in the title!

Thank you very much for this great review, ben506! :thumbup:

I voted for

Below Average


- excellent exterior design :thumbup:

- at least one new great minifigure: Captain Antilles

- very nice transport vehicle :wub:

- cockpit better designed than I expected :thumbup:


- no Stormtrooper to attack the ship

- no black-suited Imperial Officer :cry_sad:

- no silvern 3PO (the one which was seen at the beginning of ep. 4) :thumbdown:

- only five minifigs :cry_sad:

- no exploding door

- no real chairs in Leia's office but only arm rests and back rests :thumbdown:

- no hallway (which is the most important place in the ship for ep. 4) :thumbdown:

To put it in a nutshell:

The exterior is designed excellently and there are even some nice additions like e. g. the small transport vehicle. But the interior is simply a shame. So all in all it's much less than TLG could have made out of it. The idea was great but the outcome is below average.

Since this shall not be an UCS model but a playset TLG should have cared more about the interior! :angry:

I personally would have prefered to pay 50 or even 100 Euros more but then get a bigger ship with a decent interior. :cry_sad:


I have to agree with you, Klaus-Dieter, about a lot of the cons, though I can see why they didn't do the corridor scene. The part with Leia's office is too short to get figs to stand up in while the lid is down, and it's too short to fit a door in. It would have been nice, but I'm sure it won't take long for one of the amazing modders here to get to work on it.

Thanks for the in-depth review ben506 :thumbup: . To be honest I still don´t love the set at all. It is pretty good but I feel it doesn´t deserve to be THE anniversary set it should have been :hmpf_bad: . The last year Death Star 10188 was TOTALLY awesome but this one is a meh to be honest. Can I ask for something? Can you take some pics comparing this set to other sets like the Gunship or the Battle of Endor so we can really appreciate it´s size :thumbup: .

I'll see what I can do, darkrebellion. I've moved the Gunship and Endor bunker down to where I took the photos yesterday, but it's too bright in there till the afternoon, for some reason there are no curtains in there, and I can't find any sheets anywhere. If there are any other comparisons that people want, I can do most (though I'm afraid I don't have the Republic Cruiser or the UCS version, yellost). I'm going to photograph my three Leias that I have to hand, but I can already see the faces are slightly different.

Thanks for the review! :wub: I still love this set eventhough it lacks a nice interior. I can always get rid of the desk. I hope I don't get the mis-mould hair piece. I don't like how the white on the cockpits is duller then the rest of it. The same problem happened in Peril in Peru. :hmpf_bad: You're probably going to get frontpaged. Congrats if htat's been you're life long dream. :laugh: How do the whells rotate the ship? The lower cannon could be in the way and the whells have no rubber. Please explain. Thanks for the review. :sweet:


Looks like I am frontpaged, which is cool (thanks again Svelte!). The wheels work in that when you lift the front slightly, they let you rotate the ship much easier. They don't help in moving it forwards or backwards, and they grip purely by the weight of the Tantive alone pushing down. It's not that exciting a feature (no pushing it along a table to make it look like it's flying), but they do help positioning it on shelves to get the right angle.

Almost as long as my review, but I hope this answers some questions that were raised! :classic:

Edit: And just like that, I can take photos in the room again. Here are a few comparing with the Republic Gunship:


Too dark because of the light, but it gives a nice silhouette look to them:



Endor Bunker:




The four Leias from left to right are the newer X-Wing, Endor Bunker, Death Star and finally Tantive IV:


The Leia from the Death Star (left) and the Tantive IV Leia (right):


There is a slight difference, but not much. The eyes are slightly smaller, and the lips have been cut on the right hand side slightly, but not enough to contact TLG about though. Have put in a broken piece form for her hair, as that definitely is wrong.

Edited by ben506

Great review, Overpriced piece of crap though. :hmpf:

If it were greatly reduced (60% off I would probable get it for the parts. :laugh: )

The only thing I like about it is the Antilles minifig. :sceptic:

I was going to say the same exact same statement :tongue::tongue:

I cannot believe the size of the ship compared to the red republic ship

I believe the red ship is much better


what a waste of money

I will buy the wedge figure on bricklink before I buy this set ( maybeif it was 70% off I would consider it)

Nice review with beautiful pictures! Thanks for this.

I think it is a nice set but after reading the opinion of other members I also feel that the set offers to little. The thing that changed my mind the most (on whether to buy this set now or wait a year or two) is comparing it to the republic cruiser 7665. I do not own the republic cruiser, yet, but it is one that is on my wish list. So I think that 7665 will take priority over 10198.

But Antilles having two faces is a VERY nice touch.

just my 2 cents

Nice review. But this set is overpriced as some may have put it. Hmmm, maybe instead of comparing it with the Gunship, you can compare it with a similiar vessel? Say.... the 7665 Republic Cruiser?

They should have included a Vader fig to go with Capt's alt face and maybe a trooper or two and an Imp Officer. That would really balance things out.

Fantastic review! Especially the scale shots with Leia; really shows how big this set is.

I got to see a completed model of this set last Saturday during our meeting for the Dallas-area LUG. I was quite impressed with it and will begin saving my pennies to purchase this down the road.

As a lot of folks have already pointed out, it works better as a display set. The exterior is remarkable, the interior not so much. I would hope LEGO might make a small Tantive IV hallway set, similar to the Jedi Defense sets from Episode I, that can be displayed alongside this model.

I will buy the wedge figure on bricklink before I buy this set ( maybeif it was 70% off I would consider it)

<puts on nerd had>That's not Wedge Antilles. Wedge was a rebel pilot and survived all 3 original trilogy movies. This is Captain Raymus Antilles and he was dead 5 minutes into Episode IV.<takes off nerd hat>

Awesome review, I love all the pictures and clever pose with Leia behind the engines. I wish the pics would ahv been taken with white backgrounds but still, almost all of them are clear.

I had no idea the Leia's varied so much, so that was interesting to see.

The printed pieces are sweet, it's about time LEGO got away from stickers.

Welcome to EB and thanks for the smashing review right off the bat.

Nice review. But this set is overpriced as some may have put it. Hmmm, maybe instead of comparing it with the Gunship, you can compare it with a similiar vessel? Say.... the 7665 Republic Cruiser?

I found a comparison shot on flickr:


Thanks for the great review.

Glad the cockpit part is printed. I don't think there can ever be enough minifigs included in any set, but i'm content with the 5

I guess we'll just have to get used to what seems to be the new price point of the Lego sets :hmpf_bad:

I missed the republic cruiser, so this is definitely a must have for me... though i'll probably wait till Xmas :cry_happy:

Awesome Review. Loads of great Pics.

I love the pic of Leah having her hair "buns" blown off! :pir_laugh2:

I just voted.....Why have 3 people voted Poor??????


Thanks for your nice review.

But actually I won't buy this set. It doesn't look like it's worth to spend so much money. I'd like the old UCS Tantive IV. Unfortunately it's so expensive now I couldn't afford it at all... :cry_sad:

Is there any comparison between the new set and the old UCS Blockaderunner???

Great review and very useful for me. I have room in my budget this year for either this or the Fire Brigade and after reading your review I think I'm siding towards the Fire Brigade. Seem to me that my Lego collection can do without this for a while.

I like the comparision shot of the Republic Cruiser and Tantive IV. Didn't realise they r so similar in size ... but what a difference in price.

I found a comparison shot on flickr:


Thanks for the pics. ^^

Both look just as good. This is one hard choice to make.

Once again, Nice review :classic:

thats a really interesting comparison shot and thanks for finding it. In my opinion the Tantive IV looks better cause it has a lot more detail its a bit longer.

So sick of these kids who's pocket money cant cover this set and so cry about it

Its a great set - just because your too cheap dont sour the the mood for the rest of us

Its got a fairly token interior but its UCS quality from the outside - its a great display piece

They have learnt from the Republic Cruiser which was good but not awesome

Its an impresive size and has good minifigs - sure they could have included more, but there isnt room for them to fit inside

All told,

Edited by TheBrickHitHouse

I believe that Captain Antillies's face is the first sad Lego face actually.

I got the melted chocolate fondant Leia hair too - has anyone in the US received it or is this a Europe/ rest of world error?

It's a beautiful design and very satisfying to build. The Republic Cruiser does feel a little rough and unfinished in comparison - and I do think that was an amazing set. All the greebling on 10198 does not go to waste, and it's largely a brick-built design, not too much Technic for those who like System. Some of the detailing is a little delicate and it can be tricky to pick up - but it's still very impressive. However considering it's almost twice the price of the Republic Cruiser in Australia it is ludicrously overpriced (at current rates $AUD280 is about $US240 or GBP145) I would have been much happier if it was even $30 less - it would still be expensive, but not a slap in the face.

Quality issues persist - the 1x1 headlight bricks look like curdled cream and the printing on the trans-clear half cone is pretty rough looking.

Still, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it and if forced to choose between 10197 and this one, I think I'd go for the Tantive IV (and I'm usually more Town oriented).

Thanks for the review!

I can't wait to get this set next month when I have spending money again!

Awesome review Ben, thanks for investing so much time into it! Your shots are great and really provide a great picturte of the set and all it entails.

I think my feelings about this set are probably well known by now... it's right up there on my wanted list. It's an almost perfect mix of high detail with minifig capacity. I love it! It may not have The Corridor, it would have needed to be much bigger for that, but the interiors are nice enough - better than the Republic Cruisers which I ended up modifying.

Will this set come out in lego stores in northen Europe? Or is it a Lego.com exclusive?

Judging by the exclusive tag it has on Shop@home, I think it's an exclusive :wink:

Edited by pedro

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