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Oh my, is it just me or have the maids gone insane? These dreadful events must be too much for their simple minds... :oh:

Or perhaps they are new to their duties? They seem to lack the propriety and manners that should be expected of servants.

Do you have any eggos? I remember reading a book about exquisite breakfast foods.

I remember hearing a tale about eggos, too! It had coal powered dragons in it. Ridiculous, no?

Well we already ate, but I can make a quick batch of eggos. Really big egos. It's nice to see someone around here still appreciates my cooking. :sweet:

I suggest we wait until after lunch to draw any conclusions. I have a feeling more will be revealed then.

Hmm... It would seem like one of this castles orginal guards/staff, they have keys and acess to vertually everywhere

I am a guard nd let me tell you, NOTHING came in or out that night were I was.

And I can assure you that even though we have access to all the rooms, I was doing what I did every night.

I read a book next to a candle and then I went to bed until I was risen due to the awful fire. I can tell you that I did not let any of these murderous fiends inside the castle. However, you do have a point that it may have been a guard.

Or perhaps they are new to their duties? They seem to lack the propriety and manners that should be expected of servants.

I can assure you that I have been working for this castle since I was of an age to leave home.

I believe Ethel has, as well.

And for your information, I could get a better job just as easily.

But I like the people here. :wub:

I too can assure you all that NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING that could've harmed our new treaty gained entrance through where I was guarding.

I can assure you that I have been working for this castle since I was of an age to leave home.

And how long has that been? What? A total of five days?

I too can assure you all that NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING that could've harmed our new treaty gained entrance through where I was guarding.

And how long has that been? What? A total of five days?

Rude little guard, aren't you, Sal Richard?

*wakes up from karma nap* Uh-un, boyfriends! Sure, Agnes is totally, like, my bffl, but I am visibly bustier than her, you know? *head snap* Sorry girlfriend, but, like, when you use your badkarmacraft to steel all the guys, you are so going down! *catfight*
( :laugh: )

Un-uh, girlfriend. Oh, no, you didn't!

Like, let's totally go talk about girly stuff over in that corner and sort this out, m'kay? :sweet:

*giggle* Like, oooookaay! We'll totally portion out the guys between ourselves, okums? It's just, like, I don't mindeth dating older men, but not like older older raisins, y'know? Who wants to go out with, like, Ye Olde Olde Person? So totally no-oooooo! *butt smack*


I remember hearing a tale about eggos, too! It had coal powered dragons in it. Ridiculous, no?

Well we already ate, but I can make a quick batch of eggos. Really big egos. It's nice to see someone around here still appreciates my cooking. :sweet:

I suggest we wait until after lunch to draw any conclusions. I have a feeling more will be revealed then.

I appreciate your cooking, Just not the pop-tarts. :tongue:

I can assure you that I have been working for this castle since I was of an age to leave home.

I believe Ethel has, as well.

And for your information, I could get a better job just as easily.

But I like the people here. :wub:

People? Anyone specifically? :grin::wub:

I've been working here... as long as I can remember. :look: My father was a servant for the King too.

OK, Shouldn't we do something usefull? Like go and make sure all entrances are secure... :look:

Like, totally, Peter. :wub:

And yes, I agree with you, we should start collecting evidence. There will be time for antics and dinner later, but we must try to find someone to vote off. :sadnew:

And yes, I agree with you, we should start collecting evidence. There will be time for antics and dinner later, but we must try to find someone to vote off. :sadnew:

Collecting evidence is fine and I'm sure that the responsible members of this group will do that, but you seem a little eager to "vote" and bring someone to their death without anything to base it on. You're a bloodthirsty little wench, aren't you? :hmpf_bad:

Collecting evidence is fine and I'm sure that the responsible members of this group will do that, but you seem a little eager to "vote" and bring someone to their death without anything to base it on. You're a bloodthirsty little wench, aren't you? :hmpf_bad:

Wench? Like, that's so Agnes! Hey baby is totally waiting for that "lashin'," hun, it all depends on the trades of the tool, y'know? *giggle* :wink:

My karma is, like, totally way up with all of you hunky guards... guarding! :wink: :wink: :wink: Oh, cr@peth. :wacko: I so totally have, like, something in my eye. :wink: :wink:

Collecting evidence is fine and I'm sure that the responsible members of this group will do that, but you seem a little eager to "vote" and bring someone to their death without anything to base it on. You're a bloodthirsty little wench, aren't you? :hmpf_bad:

Mind calling my woman a blood thirsty wench? :hmpf: At Least she's trying to do something good. And the whole point of locking ourselves in here was to rid ourselves of these dragons not bicker among ourselves because that is exactly what the dragons want us to do, So I suggest we go and actually do something useful (look for evidence) so we can lynch someone once we have evidence because that is why we're here. :hmpf_bad:

Wench? Like, that's so Agnes! Hey baby is totally waiting for that "lashin'," hun, it all depends on the trades of the tool, y'know? *giggle* :wink:

My karma is, like, totally way up with all of you hunky guards... guarding! :wink::wink::wink: Oh, cr@peth. :wacko: I so totally have, like, something in my eye. :wink::wink:


Librarian, Would you perchance have any books on how to cure demon infest maids? :wacko:


Ethel, you wink too much. :grin:

Ambassador, I'll have you know I am a loyal employee of the King and his Queen. :hmpf_bad:

Is there anything I can get you, sir? :oh3:

Like, I can so totally be all, maidy and stuff! *Agnes high five*

Would you so totally... Like, do y'all... OhEmmJa-ay! Do you, like...

Like, at least I tried...

:wink: :wink: :wacko: :wacko: :wink: :wink:

...but we must try to find someone to vote off. :sadnew:

Why? Why do we have to vote someone off today? It's only the first day of our hunt, I see no reason to wait until tommorow when we will get more evidence.

At any rate, I think it is time for lunch. Walters, what do you have cooking right now?

Chef Walter, I admit, I over-reacted to your Pop-Tarts... Would you mind if me and dear Peter ate? We're starving, aren't we? :wub:

Chef Walter, I admit, I over-reacted to your Pop-Tarts... Would you mind if me and dear Peter ate? We're starving, aren't we? :wub:

Have some patience, Maid. Did you ever think about the King and Queen? Or are you just so important that you have to go before the King and Queen so that you can go on Ye Olde Facebook and Ye Olde IM :hmpf: . Seriously, I'm starting to feel that you are detrimental to our chances of defeating the Dragons....

Have some patience, Maid. Did you ever think about the King and Queen? Or are you just so important that you have to go before the King and Queen so that you can go on Ye Olde Facebook and Ye Olde IM :hmpf: . Seriously, I'm starting to feel that you are detrimental to our chances of defeating the Dragons....

I thought they ate already... :cry_sad:

Sorry! Ethel! I need a hug! :cry_sad:

Librarian, Would you perchance have any books on how to cure demon infest maids? :wacko:

A godly man after my own heart! I was just about to ask Simon if he had a copy of the Malleus Malleficarum, aka the Hammer of the Witches, which is an expert treatise on identifying witchy glamours and casting them out.

In the meantime, Corinthians is an invaluable source on the women. Shame these gals aren't married or we could get their husbands to silence them:

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church (1 Corinthians 14:34-35).

A godly man after my own heart! I was just about to ask Simon if he had a copy of the Malleus Malleficarum, aka the Hammer of the Witches, which is an expert treatise on identifying witchy glamours and casting them out.

In the meantime, Corinthians is an invaluable source on the women. Shame these gals aren't married or we could get their husbands to silence them:

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church (1 Corinthians 14:34-35).

That is sage advice, Friar. Perhaps one of the single lads can quickly marry Ethel in order to silence her. :classic:

That is sage advice, Friar. Perhaps one of the single lads can quickly marry Ethel in order to silence her. :classic:

Don't look at me, I'm a dashingly handsome playboy. As my father once said: "thou shouldst not buyeth the bovine when you may obtaineth the lactations without obligation." :wacko:

Perhaps one of the single lads can quickly marry Ethel in order to silence her. :classic:

I very much apprecaite you not mentioning my name, Sir, but we all know I'm being just as annoying as dearest Ethel.

That is sage advice, Friar. Perhaps one of the single lads can quickly marry Ethel in order to silence her. :classic:

Indeed. I already have Agnes though :tongue: (Maybe I should marry her? :grin::wub: ) Hugh I single though. :wink: *points in hugh's general direction while staring at Agnes* :wub:

I very much apprecaite you not mentioning my name, Sir, but we all know I'm being just as annoying as dearest Ethel.

Still not as much as Ethel. :tongue:

The reason I think we should vote someone off today is...

- Sudden Death rules, as outlined in your roles, will only apply on certain nights. You will be informed of this in the final post of the day. A day in which no conviction is reached will definitely result in a sudden death night.

I think there's a better chance of us figuring out who the dragons are instead of just randomly getting killed. :sceptic:

Indeed. I already have Agnes though :tongue: (Maybe I should marry her? :grin::wub: ) Hugh I single though. :wink: *points in hugh's general direction while staring at Agnes* :wub:

Still not as much as Ethel. :tongue:

The reason I think we should vote someone off today is...

I think there's a better chance of us figuring out who the dragons are instead of just randomly getting killed. :sceptic:

You make a good point. Honestly, if we need to force a vote to avoid a "Sudden Death" night, I'm leaning towards crazy Ethel with her demon-possessed mouth. That's all I have to go on: her grating personality. :sceptic: Apologies, madam.



Maybe after this whole epidemic... If I marry you, I can finally get out of this joint and get a real job... and so can you! :wub:

Are we still on for dinner tonight, Peter? :sweet:

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