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I remember hearing a tale about eggos, too! It had coal powered dragons in it. Ridiculous, no?

Well we already ate, but I can make a quick batch of eggos. Really big egos. It's nice to see someone around here still appreciates my cooking. :sweet:

I suggest we wait until after lunch to draw any conclusions. I have a feeling more will be revealed then.

I once read an excellent book on the virtues of a healthy breakfast.

Librarian, Would you perchance have any books on how to cure demon infest maids? :wacko:


See below my good man.

A godly man after my own heart! I was just about to ask Simon if he had a copy of the Malleus Malleficarum, aka the Hammer of the Witches, which is an expert treatise on identifying witchy glamours and casting them out.

Ah a fine read indeed, full of righteous souls and foul things.

You make a good point. Honestly, if we need to force a vote to avoid a "Sudden Death" night, I'm leaning towards crazy Ethel with her demon-possessed mouth. That's all I have to go on: her grating personality. :sceptic: Apologies, madam.

I chasten to move so quickly but the thought of "Russian Roulette" is indeed frightening....

If she doesn't scream then her gag reflex is shot to hell and she is probably, also, a demon.

If you wish we can investigate Fatima's third secret this may lead us to an answer on the demon infestation that seems to permeate these foul mouthed servants. Or it could just be the sausage.

Thank you, O wise Friar. You've made it quite clear what should be done. I remember a similar test our last Friar taught us, before he was found to be a demon. We stab Ethel through the heart with a sword and if she survives the attack she is a demon, but if she dies she was a heretic.

Hmmm let me see if I have a book on raising the dead somewhere out back. Perhaps your plan isn't as fool proof as you believe.

Hmmm. But the chef seems to think there will be lunch first. Lunch...then death.

Hmmmm Cake or Death, its a tough choice indeed.

These wenches do have me troubled, almost troubled enough to vote them off the island.

Thank you, O wise Friar. You've made it quite clear what should be done. I remember a similar test our last Friar taught us, before he was found to be a demon. We stab Ethel through the heart with a sword and if she survives the attack she is a demon, but if she dies she was a heretic.

Then we bury her in a shallow grave with an ugly tombstone with a hole in it?

Really? I've always preferred another timeless classic: "Fernando's Inquisitor's Guide to Witch-Spotting"

I've heard it's highly overrated and that the author ended up running like a scared little girl after the wise Friar of the town confronted him with the truth. :tongue:

But he did have a nice hat. :sweet:

So, now that we understand who we're killing, let's spend the rest of the day casually relaxing.

So, Chef Walters, what's for lunch? You never told us what you were cooking up.

I would vote for Ethel if we decided she had to go. Right now, I can't be bothered with cheery little girls acting like nothing even happened here. My husband is dead. Things are not all well and good and it is not a time for "ohmigod like um ohmigod". I don't think I can eat with this horrible tragedy still on my mind and heart.

This is confusing. :wacko:

Ethel, please just use proper grammar! :cry_sad: I don't want you to die!

And if you are a Dragon, you're drawing too much attention to yourself and making it rather obvious... What am I saying?! By BFF! Nooo! ...

Well, at least I still have Peter. :wub:

I totally don't think killing someone because of the grammar is very smart... *curtsies*

What am I saying?! By BFF! Nooo! ...

Like, never! :sing: *giggle*

Well, at least I still have Peter. :wub:


I totally don't think killing someone because of the grammar is very smart... *curtsies*

Like, never! :sing: *giggle*

It's more that... Most of what you've said has made no sense and is just rambling on and on ... *huh*

Lets hope the demon that possessed you has left? :sceptic:

It's more that... Most of what you've said has made no sense and is just rambling on and on ... *huh*

Lets hope the demon that possessed you has left? :sceptic:

I think she's possesed by an evil fork that has rendered her mouth useless, and it's making her talk in Stauderish, a foreign toastic language of which I don't even know of. :wub:

Wait, what?

Oh, I don't care. I'm just hungry. Chef Walter, what is on the menu today? :sweet:

  • Author

After a lovely 3 course Lunch of venison, pheasant, vegetable soup, and other castle delicacies, the people of the castle continued their discussions in the hall. Not much had come of the talks so far that day, and as it was beginning to get into the late afternoon, the Queen decided to say a few words.


"Dear people of Matidoer, and honored guests, might I say something? We only have a few hours before dinner, and then it will be night time, so if you are going to make a decision today it will need to be made soon. I'm sure you all know what is in the best interests of the castle and the Alliance, so I trust in your decisions. Choose wisely."

The gentle flow of conversation started up again...

Hmmm, lunch didn't bring any clues after all. Should we just kill Ethel? :sceptic:

Much as I have a special interest in seeing young. attractive women burn for the crime of being young, attractive women, I do not feel I can convict the witless damsel to an early grave just because of a little butt-slapping and slack-jawed verbal frippery. For the moment, I shall abstain.

I shall continue to pray that the Lord shall reveal the treacherous Alliance-haters through some convenient miracle, like a shapely Dragon tattoo on each of the conspirators left buttock, or a whiff of brimstone seeping out from under their robes.

Give us light, O Lord!

Mostly a joke anyway...mostly. :hmpf_bad:

I thought it would help (as it often does in these games...of life) to go over what little I've been able to observe. If we suspect the standard "at least one scum in each group" let's take a look at the groups, shall we?

Military & Guard

victor.jpg Lieutenant Victor played by Bob the construction man

thomas.jpg Admiral Thomas Mallory played by Sir Dillon

richard.jpg Richard (Guard) played by Ricecracker

nicholas.jpg Nicholas (Guard) played by professor flitwick

geoffrey.jpg Captain Geoffrey played by Escape the Fate

gilbert.jpg Gilbert (Guard) played by General Armendariz

Maids & Servants

hugh.jpg Hugh (Servant) played by WhiteFang

peter.jpg Peter (Servant) played by Darth_Legois

agnes.jpg Agnes (Maid) played by Striker

ethel.jpg Ethel (Maid) played by Adam

Lords and Nobles

ralf.jpg Ambassador Ralf Simnel played by Quarryman

juliana.jpg Duchess Juliana Dufay played by Alice

simon.jpg Simon (Librarian) played by I Scream Clone

sirion.jpg Ambassador Sirion Vipont played by ImperialShadows

margaret.jpg Countess Margaret Durville played by TinyPiesRUs

rohesia.jpg Lady Rohesia Papelion played by Sandy

beatrice.jpg Lady Beatrice Harcourt played by Zepher

william.jpg Lord William Harcourt played by Hinckley

francis.jpg Francis the Friar played by Svelte

edward.jpg Lord Edward Griffin played by Stash2sixx

walter.jpg Chef Walter played by JimButcher

Well, hmmm...this leads me to several questions:

  1. Is this "categorization" even helpful?
  2. Why is the Lords and Nobles list so large?
  3. Is it because they are from three different regions?
  4. Can we split everyone else up further by which region they were from before joining the Alliance?
  5. Are the Servants, Maids and Military all residents of Matidoer Castle?

I am from the region we reside in and live here in Matidoer Castle for anyone who is interested... :classic:

It makes lots of sense to have this divided into distinct categories. I do wonder why the Lords are in a bigger categories. In addition, I believe we can have another category known as the Castle Residents, as Simon, Francis the Friar, Chef Walter, Ambassador Ralf and Ambassador Simon.

If we could find some histroy text in the library, perhaps we could understand from past notations, whether any past happenings from the other factions ever rise against the alliance, or at least inclined to be involved in it at all.

Lord William, I believe all of us are staying in this castle... even at nights, when we are sleeping...

Milord, why did you list Simon the Librarian, the good Friar and the Chef amongst us noble-born? :look: They are merely workers of this castle, albeit of course the best in their business. So all in all, there are only eight lords and ladies present, barring His Majesty and Her Highness.

I myself don't believe that our dull-minded maids are the traditionalist masterminds some of you make them up to be. I am all for passing the vote today, for the lack of any clues whatsoever.

I have my own suspicions, but I will keep them to my person for the time being, lest they are proven wrong.

Lord William, I believe all of us are staying in this castle... even at nights, when we are sleeping...

I'm aware. My point is that some have traveled a long distance to be part of the Alliance and don't normally stay in this castle. :wink:

Milord, why did you list Simon the Librarian, the good Friar and the Chef amongst us noble-born? :look: They are merely workers of this castle, albeit of course the best in their business. So all in all, there are only eight lords and ladies present, barring His Majesty and Her Highness.

I myself don't believe that our dull-minded maids are the traditionalist masterminds some of you make them up to be. I am all for passing the vote today, for the lack of any clues whatsoever.

I have my own suspicions, but I will keep them to my person for the time being, lest they are proven wrong.

Yes, please do help me to organize the list better. My mind is weakened by the stress of these circumstances...

From what I see, I do believe there are only 3 people who come from outside of Matidoer - the 2 ambassadors and Nicholas the guard.

That's mainly based on their colour scheme and costume though.

Milord, why did you list Simon the Librarian, the good Friar and the Chef amongst us noble-born? :look: They are merely workers of this castle, albeit of course the best in their business. So all in all, there are only eight lords and ladies present, barring His Majesty and Her Highness.

I myself don't believe that our dull-minded maids are the traditionalist masterminds some of you make them up to be. I am all for passing the vote today, for the lack of any clues whatsoever.

I have my own suspicions, but I will keep them to my person for the time being, lest they are proven wrong.

I agree milady, there isn't yet the ways and means to convict someone at this point in time.

I look forward to any thoughts you may have or leads as to who these "Dragons" are.

Yes, please do help me to organize the list better. My mind is weakened by the stress of these circumstances...

Not a problem good sir, I don't mind being mistaken for a noble. You may reorder Francis, Chef Walter and myself into the "Devilishly Handsome" group, guilty as charged!

I shall continue to pray that the Lord shall reveal the treacherous Alliance-haters through some convenient miracle, like a shapely Dragon tattoo on each of the conspirators left buttock, or a whiff of brimstone seeping out from under their robes.

The Friar speaks with a truthful tongue, for it is clear that Our Lord would wish to aide us in discovering the source of this treachery and should provide a helpful clue. I would like to personally volunteer to serve as a tool of Our Lord in this investigation. If one of you would be so kind as to prepare a room, I will begin by inspecting the buttocks and other regions of the cheeky maids for evidence of devilry. I suspect that they might cry out during this process, or maybe just talk in that annoying way that they do, so I would ask that they be gagged first, just in case.

Anything to help. :wink:

Is this "categorization" even helpful?

It could be helpful. Historically, corruption comes at all levels, though I think it would be too much of an assumption to automatically believe that there are traitors evenly distributed throughout the ranks.

I am from the region we reside in and live here in Matidoer Castle for anyone who is interested... :classic:

I'm interested. As a rule, it seems clear that someone local, someone who normally lives in this castle, would need to be corrupted by the Dragons for them to obtain entry into what should have been a highly secure castle. This would require coordination of someone with authority over the guards, and at least one actual guard and potentially some of the lower staff to "look the other way" as the evil forces were allowed access to the castle.

I would like to think that my fellow Ambassador and I are above suspicion, as it is obvious that we each made the lengthy journey here to build an Alliance and have done so, thus have no interest in seeing it destroyed so quickly, but I realise that everyone should be thoroughly investigated and will certainly cooperate in any way possible.

I believe we can have another category known as the Castle Residents, as Simon, Francis the Friar, Chef Walter, Ambassador Ralf and Ambassador Simon.

Ambassador S I R I O N. Ambassador Ralf and I, while we are castle residents, aren't residents of this castle normally. We're visiting dignitaries.

You may reorder Francis, Chef Walter and myself into the "Devilishly Handsome" group, guilty as charged!

Whilst I appreciate your factual accuracy, the use of 'Devilishly' is deeply inappropriate in these dark times.

Might I suggest 'Cherubically Chulos' or 'Papally Pulchritudinous' instead?

This nonsense is getting us nowhere!

The Queen is right, if we are going to make a conviction tonight, we must do it now!

My vote for Victor still stands.

I don't know how useful such lists will be, but it won't hurt to have them for reference. I should point out that I am now retired, so I'm not sure which list I belong on. When I was part of the navy I served in the Royal Fleet, and then later in the Royal Matidoer Barracks.

So what do we do? Choose someone at random or let God do it for us?

We must do it ourselves.

What about outsiders? They could have brought this plague with them!

Any ideas? :sweet:

So what do we do? Choose someone at random or let God do it for us?

I for one am not comfortable with choosing someone at random, I believe that's far too risky. (I have during my long time in service of the People's Republic of Hamenweir at times made some hasty decisions without information that I later came to regret).

And in case someone is wondering about me keeping silent it's because I believe running around in circles shouting won't do anything to help us in this situation. Staying calm is what's needed.

We must do it ourselves.

What about outsiders? They could have brought this plague with them!

Any ideas? :sweet:

That sounds highly unlikely, this is an internal Matidoer matter, the Dragons are Matidoerian traditionalists, so if anything outsiders are the least likely to be part of that group.

That sounds highly unlikely, this is an internal Matidoer matter, the Dragons are Matidoerian traditionalists, so if anything outsiders are the least likely to be part of that group.

I wouldn't trust on such assumptions. Just like someone from Matidoer wouldn't want this alliance to happen, the same can apply to a citizen of Hamenweir or Dromindur. It would seem strange if an ambassador is against the alliance, but on the other hand, that's the perfect spot for sabotaging the contract, am I right?

So I wouldn't vow upon your innocence just yet, honored Ambassadors.

Excellent point Lady Rohesia, but this dribble spouting from our possessed maids may be reason to remove one, if not more, of them so our channels of thought are a bit more clear.

Unless of course these women of our troubled kingdom were to wake up, speak clearly, and act their part...

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