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My vote for Victor still stands.

So, you want to vote off a castle guard, therefore opening up the kingdom to more disaster and death? Despite the fact that there isn't any evidence towards me. Really, if I was a Dragon, would you think I would be so stupid to implicate myself?

I won't be voting for you, as I think you too are a loyalist, however I urge you to unvote me.

I would like to think that my fellow Ambassador and I are above suspicion, as it is obvious that we each made the lengthy journey here to build an Alliance and have done so, thus have no interest in seeing it destroyed so quickly, but I realise that everyone should be thoroughly investigated and will certainly cooperate in any way possible.

It would like to think that if you two are to be exempt, then so should I. After all, I have travelled a long distance and lost a close friend... :cry_sad:.

I also think killing one of the maids isn't wise, yet risking a sudden-death night? Risky business indeed...

Alright, I guess it's time I come out with it.

I had you all fooled for a time.

At least, I had you fooled until I decided to tell you the truth, which is kind of stupid of me.

I am the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, which means I'm one gene short of the big time! :sing:

Do you know how futile this is? Being a seventh daughter means nothing! You greasy, slimy, handso- I mean, disgusting men don't even hold the door open for us women! Common maids are treated like filth, and women of noble birth are only considered as mates. Women's rights, my fellow castle citizens! Equality, ye of noble birth! Some day, we shall rule the world, my female friends! :sing: Yet in the meantime, all we are to those dogs are little tramps to make love to, and after one night we'll be pushed aside for the next girl in the line. I refuse to be shoved around like a simple mule. I demand dignity, and respect!

But since I'm not getting either of those any time soon, would anyone like some tea? *sweet face*

I have to disagree, Ethel.

Peter doesn't treat me badly. :wub: And plus, if you quit the accent, which you have suddenly, maybe you'll be treated fairly, as well. :sweet:

I love my job, even if it does involve working with rude, stuck-up people, but I still think it pays off to be here. :wub:

And fine, Lt. Victor, for the sake of our King and Queen's security...

Unvote: Lt. Victor/Bob the construction man

I swear, you better keep them safe, or I will hit you with a mop, and shove it down your throat. :hmpf_bad:

I have to disagree, Ethel.

Peter doesn't treat me badly. :wub: And plus, if you quit the accent, which you have suddenly, maybe you'll be treated fairly, as well. :sweet:

He cares for you, does he? Well that's what I thought Geoff did.

And Frederic.

And Diego.

And Charles.

And Frank.

And Joseph.

He doesn't love you; you're young and you're a fool. You'll get a few nights out of him, then he'll move on, like all the rest of them.

No one else treats you well at all. To those men you're a slave, a commoner. I am your only friend in this entire castle, and don't you forget it!

Don't talk about Peter like that! :angry::cry_sad:

Just because everyone mistreats you and your stupid Sir Mops-a-lot 3000 mop, doesn't mean you have to take it out on me, Ethel! :cry_sad: Maybe if you were kinder you would have more than me as a friend. :cry_sad:

And I have plenty of friends! Let's see, there's... there's... um... what about Hugh? Do you count me as a friend, Hugh? :sweet:

And I have plenty of friends! Let's see, there's... there's... um... what about Hugh? Do you count me as a friend, Hugh? :sweet:

Men don't have female friends, they have wives and they have mistresses.

Please, stop it, Ethel. :cry_sad:

Why are you being so mean? :cry_sad: All I want is to have a nice friend that's in the same line of work as me... Is that too much to ask? But no, I have to have a friend that doubts me, and my life.

So be it. :sadnew:

Peter, I need to be comforted. :cry_sad:

Please, stop it, Ethel. :cry_sad:

Why are you being so mean? :cry_sad: All I want is to have a nice friend that's in the same line of work as me... Is that too much to ask? But no, I have to have a friend that doubts me, and my life.

So be it. :sadnew:

Peter, I need to be comforted. :cry_sad:

Mean? I am saving your life. If there is one friend you have, that you have ever had, it is me.

*Oscar Moment*

Go off, Agnes, be with Peter. If you must learn the hard way, then I'm not one to stop you.

Butt never, ever, tell me I am not your friend. Because if you're not my friend, I'm still yours; whether you like it or not, I will always be your friend.

Don't talk about Peter like that! :angry::cry_sad:

Just because everyone mistreats you and your stupid Sir Mops-a-lot 3000 mop, doesn't mean you have to take it out on me, Ethel! :cry_sad: Maybe if you were kinder you would have more than me as a friend. :cry_sad:

Men don't have female friends, they have wives and they have mistresses.
Please, stop it, Ethel. :cry_sad:

Why are you being so mean? :cry_sad: All I want is to have a nice friend that's in the same line of work as me... Is that too much to ask? But no, I have to have a friend that doubts me, and my life.

None of this is helping us find the Dragons.....

None of this is helping us find the Dragons.....

Yes, dimwit, for once you're right.

Nothing that has happened throughout this entire day will help us find the Dragons!

Pop Tarts line the kitchen walls, like the faceless enemies that set that wing ablaze, and all we do is stand and hate one another.

We have nothing to go on today! Unless some information suddenly reveals itself, it is pointless to make a vote, even if not doing so will result in sudden death.

Hmmm, lunch didn't bring any clues after all. Should we just kill Ethel? :sceptic:

Apologies, I was wrong. I don't know who to vote for. A strange accent isn't nearly enough to convict someone, but perhaps a plot to take over the world is...

Milord, why did you list Simon the Librarian, the good Friar and the Chef amongst us noble-born? :look: They are merely workers of this castle, albeit of course the best in their business. So all in all, there are only eight lords and ladies present, barring His Majesty and Her Highness.

That is strange. I have not a a drop of noble blood in me, although it matters little. I don't think grouping us like this is going to help, because the evildoers could be anyone, maybe not dispersed into these groups. *cough*

Not a problem good sir, I don't mind being mistaken for a noble. You may reorder Francis, Chef Walter and myself into the "Devilishly Handsome" group, guilty as charged!

I like you. Want to see the kitchen? :sweet: There might be a cookbook or two, although I usually take my recipes from memory.

What about outsiders? They could have brought this plague with them!

Good point. I don't want to accuse anyone, but these outsiders could be pretending to join in on the contract, and hit us where it hurts.

Personally, I think we should vote someone off before supper is over. I agree that Ethel seems pretty strange, but what about these outsiders?

Personally, I think we should vote someone off before supper is over. I agree that Ethel seems pretty strange, but what about these outsiders?

I'm also starting to worry about if we shold vote someone off. Without evidence it seems futile.

However... the idea that the foriegnors have brought this with them may not be without merit. There is at least one traitor within the castle, we know that, but there are most likely quite a fair number of traitors in the Ambassadors and Lords. If a maid turns rogue, she has little to gain from it, however, if a Lord turns rogue, he may stand to gain a lot.

I'm also starting to worry about if we shold vote someone off. Without evidence it seems futile.

However... the idea that the foriegnors have brought this with them may not be without merit. There is at least one traitor within the castle, we know that, but there are most likely quite a fair number of traitors in the Ambassadors and Lords. If a maid turns rogue, she has little to gain from it, however, if a Lord turns rogue, he may stand to gain a lot.

You bring up a good point, noble lady! I shall rush to the kitchen and prepare you some tea. Biscuts, perhaps?

For servents, and some knights, all that a shift in power means to them is a different boss - but the same duties and low pay.

At the moment, and I'm not just saying this because I'm a maid, I think we should inspect the noblemen first, who take up the majority of the occupants.

What about outsiders? They could have brought this plague with them!

Good point. I don't want to accuse anyone, but these outsiders could be pretending to join in on the contract, and hit us where it hurts.

We would of traveled along way, risk our lives and killed one of our own (Damien) if what you say is true. I can't vouch for Ambassador Simnel (though I'm sure he is innocent), but I assure you that Ambassador Vipont and I fully believe in this new order of piece, and wouldn't do a thing to hinder it!

I'm also starting to worry about if we shold vote someone off. Without evidence it seems futile.

Either we go out on a limb, or we risk losing an innocent in 'sudden death'. But with so few limbs avilable, the danger of losing an innocent sadly increases. Maybe we should take a vote on taking a vote?

Alright, I guess it's time I come out with it.

I had you all fooled for a time.

At least, I had you fooled until I decided to tell you the truth, which is kind of stupid of me.

I am the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, which means I'm one gene short of the big time! :sing:

Do you know how futile this is? Being a seventh daughter means nothing! You greasy, slimy, handso- I mean, disgusting men don't even hold the door open for us women! Common maids are treated like filth, and women of noble birth are only considered as mates. Women's rights, my fellow castle citizens! Equality, ye of noble birth! Some day, we shall rule the world, my female friends! :sing: Yet in the meantime, all we are to those dogs are little tramps to make love to, and after one night we'll be pushed aside for the next girl in the line. I refuse to be shoved around like a simple mule. I demand dignity, and respect!

But since I'm not getting either of those any time soon, would anyone like some tea? *sweet face*

*huh* uhhh... I think we should vote for her. :wacko:

I have to disagree, Ethel.

Peter doesn't treat me badly. :wub: And plus, if you quit the accent, which you have suddenly, maybe you'll be treated fairly, as well. :sweet:

I love my job, even if it does involve working with rude, stuck-up people, but I still think it pays off to be here. :wub:

Thank you :wub:

He cares for you, does he? Well that's what I thought Geoff did.

And Frederic.

And Diego.

And Charles.

And Frank.

And Joseph.

He doesn't love you; you're young and you're a fool. You'll get a few nights out of him, then he'll move on, like all the rest of them.

No one else treats you well at all. To those men you're a slave, a commoner. I am your only friend in this entire castle, and don't you forget it!

Someones just jealous because I turned you down for Agnes. :tongue::hmpf:

Don't talk about Peter like that! :angry::cry_sad:

Just because everyone mistreats you and your stupid Sir Mops-a-lot 3000 mop, doesn't mean you have to take it out on me, Ethel! :cry_sad: Maybe if you were kinder you would have more than me as a friend. :cry_sad:

And I have plenty of friends! Let's see, there's... there's... um... what about Hugh? Do you count me as a friend, Hugh? :sweet:

I'm your friend. :sweet: (Among other things... :wub: )

Men don't have female friends, they have wives and they have mistresses.

That's bullplop. :wacko:

Please, stop it, Ethel. :cry_sad:

Why are you being so mean? :cry_sad: All I want is to have a nice friend that's in the same line of work as me... Is that too much to ask? But no, I have to have a friend that doubts me, and my life.

So be it. :sadnew:

Peter, I need to be comforted. :cry_sad:

Hug? :wub: *reaches out arms*

Mean? I am saving your life. If there is one friend you have, that you have ever had, it is me.

*Oscar Moment*

Go off, Agnes, be with Peter. If you must learn the hard way, then I'm not one to stop you.

Butt never, ever, tell me I am not your friend. Because if you're not my friend, I'm still yours; whether you like it or not, I will always be your friend.


None of this is helping us find the Dragons.....

Its true, Ethel, shut your pie hole, I bet you're just trying to distract us... :hmpf_bad:

Yes, dimwit, for once you're right.

Nothing that has happened throughout this entire day will help us find the Dragons!

Pop Tarts line the kitchen walls, like the faceless enemies that set that wing ablaze, and all we do is stand and hate one another.

We have nothing to go on today! Unless some information suddenly reveals itself, it is pointless to make a vote, even if not doing so will result in sudden death.

I still think its better to vote now...

Personally, I think we should vote someone off before supper is over. I agree that Ethel seems pretty strange, but what about these outsiders?

I think its strange that the Ambassadors would all immediately claim none of them is a person of interest. Surely they cant see that they are probable the most suspicious. We hardly know them and for all we know they could be secretly apposing the alliance. And if Lord Harcourt is right then there should be atleast 1 bad guy within the ambassadors. :sceptic:

I'm also starting to worry about if we shold vote someone off. Without evidence it seems futile.

However... the idea that the foreigners have brought this with them may not be without merit. There is at least one traitor within the castle, we know that, but there are most likely quite a fair number of traitors in the Ambassadors and Lords. If a maid turns rogue, she has little to gain from it, however, if a Lord turns rogue, he may stand to gain a lot.

Truer words have never been spoken.

blah blah blah I'm a jerk blah blah blah

You wish to vote for me because I believe in women's rights? It only shows how disgusting you are.

These petty accusations are getting us nowhere. We have no evidence to back up any vote.

I seriously cannot concentrate anymore with your ramblings woman. I'll get this ball rolling if I must.

Vote: Ethel/Adam

Even if we are wrong, at least we can get some work done around here.

You reap what you sow Ethel.

You wish to vote for me because I believe in women's rights? It only shows how disgusting you are.

These petty accusations are getting us nowhere. We have no evidence to back up any vote.

No that's not why I want to vote you. Its because your so bloody distracting! :hmpf:

Vote: Ethel/Adam

I seriously cannot concentrate anymore with your ramblings woman. I'll get this ball rolling if I must.

Vote: Ethel/Adam

Even if we are wrong, at least we can get some work done around here.

You reap what you sow Ethel.

Will you do me a favor and desist in your pointless mutterings, m'lord? What does voting for me do other than silencing an advocate of women's rights? You have no reasonable evidence to back up your vote. And no, "being annoying" has nothing to do with being a Dragon.

Even if we are wrong, at least we can get some work done around here.

Yes. I was beginning to wonder whether we were here to discuss threats to the Alliance or the graphic sex lives of young maidens :sadnew:

Since carnal knowledge outside the confines of marriage is sinful, I must trust in the Lord's teachings and...

Vote: Ethel/ Adam

Yes. I was beginning to wonder whether we were here to discuss threats to the Alliance or the graphic sex lives of young maidens :sadnew:

Since carnal knowledge outside the confines of marriage is sinful, I must trust in the Lord's teachings and...

Vote: Ethel/ Adam

It seems that stupidity claims you all. Voting for me, as I said before, accomplishes nothing other than potentially giving the Dragons the majority.

I have a gut feeling that Ethel is innocent, but if it leads to answers... that's all we can hope for. Sorry, my dear, but unless something else comes up, I'm afraid you'll have to make a sacrifcie for the better of the castle. If you in fact, innocent, at least you will have died helping us.

Oh, I almost forgot... :sadnew:

Vote: Ethel/ Adam

Thanks, Peter. :wub: *hugs*

And, after all this time, I can' believe I'm doing this, but...

Vote: Ethel/Adam

I'm sorry. :cry_sad:

Hmmm.... I don't want to risk having a so-called "sudden death" night, so, unfortunately, I must


I'm sorry, but it seems we cannot make further progress against the dragons without doing this.

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