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Color me cynical... I've played the "battered wife" way too many times before (WizKids Games, US Republican Party, Wizards of the Coast) to be anything else.

I'm starting to ask myself if LEGO really wants my continued business as an "all-in", multi-thousand-dollar-per-year customer/revenue-stream... I'm sure I could put the money just as easily into my gun collection (have my eye on a couple really nice WWII Garands) or model railroading... or even that R/C model of Jake's A-6 from Flight of the Intruder.

Pity, they were doing some neat stuff too: this Pirates, the minifig Venator and Imperial star destroyers, the Flying Wing... unfortunately, no matter what the business, it seems almost all eventually take their longtime customers for granted.

Believe me, this is not easy to say, as someone who's spent three decades involved with LEGO... just thinking it hurts.

I have to say, a new PotC line wouldn't interest me at all. The movies were blase at best. It might do well initially, but I doubt it'll last. I'm not even terribly excited about the toy story line, though I might get a set here or there. Wasn't there something a few years back about TLG not doing so well partly because they had too many licensed themes, and lost their focus?

I foresee history repeating itself... Well...that just means I can save up a bit more next year and the year after I guess.

As for Steve's update, the fact that pirates isn't listed as one of the core lines says more than enough about the prospects of a real pirates line coming back. A backhanded compliment if I ever saw one.

Is this a permanent discontinuation or just an "on hold" thing?

With the rumblings of LEGO discontinuing Castle and Pirates, it's hard to foresee what new themes they can come up with to replace these seemingly well off franchises. It's a shame really, Pirates never really had a chance to flesh out their set list with new factions. :pir-cry_sad:

If they discontinued castle and pirates that would really suck. There is a very good chance I might just slip back into the dark ages.

How sad! :pir-sceptic: I must say that I really liked the new pirate line that was launched this year. The diversity in new minifigs, parts, colors, etc. appeared to be a nice addition to the old line. I guess we all know what we need to do: buy these sets as long as they are still available.

Will there be a couple new sets in January 2010 or are they not planning to create new sets?

I was really hoping for a bigger pirate ship, some houses (dock and harbour scenery such as a tavern or a merchant's house), a governor's mansion and a huge soldier's fortress.

I'm sure I could put the money just as easily into my gun collection (have my eye on a couple really nice WWII Garands) or model railroading... or even that R/C model of Jake's A-6 from Flight of the Intruder.

Conversation sidenote: I mess around with Garands virtually every day on the drill team at my base, none of ours are operational though :pir-sceptic: We work pretty closely with the Sheriff's Department Honor Guard and we rebuild/refinish their functional Garands as needed :pir-wub:

Model railroading is a great hobby, I got my start on it at 4 years old.

Flight of the Intruder? That's just old school, lol. That's probably one of the first science fiction movies I recall seeing.

Back on topic... It doesn't surprise me that Lego doesn't consider Pirates to be a core theme. It was gone for 13 years!!! They also did kind of miss the pirate's craze with PotC by 5 years. If Lego had reintroduced Pirates in 2003, even as an unlicensed series, they no doubt would've sold like hot cakes. A hell of a lot of people had pirate craze. Out here, we have a pirate craze every year... the Billy Bowleggs Pirate Festival, but it's kind of our small town carnival. I gotta admit, it's the most bad assssssprin small town celebration ever. :-p but even with that, I wouldn't say the Pirates sets sell particularly well down here, they're always on the shelves. I miiiiiight run up a credit card or two though, to buy up a ton of sets to sell at next years Bowleggs festival.


Goodbye Lego pirates. You will be sorely missed.

*raises a shot of rum*

Sad to see that pirates will end so soon. It had a fantastic start with some awesome sets with lots of gold, imperials, lady pirates and the enlarge shark. I hope TLG puts out a UCS double deck 10 gun ship before ending it.

But pirates line making way for POTS line have got me a little concern; will it cost more?

Simply put, imagine a US 150 pirate ship. How would it be?

It is a normal pirate theme maybe it has:-

Double deck

6 guns

10 Lego yellow minifigures

A LARGE shark


5 ship sections long

But it is a POTS ship for the same price range (assuming it is the black pearl):-

Single deck

3 guns

5 skin colored minifigures (Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth, Will Turner, Cpt. Barbossa, Gibbs)

No shark (well, they did not feed anyone to the sharks)

No mermaid

4 ship sections long

The reason the POTS ship has less features coz part of the price tag goes to Disney and to maintain the same price. That is why Star Wars sets are so expensive, part of the cost goes to George Lucas. If given the choice I would rather have the pirate ship without the POTS label and with classic Lego minifigures.


It was "only" gone for 12 years, the final sets were released in 1997 :pir-wink:.

I thought that LEGO has always stated that pirates was an "evergreen-theme" (just like Castle, Town/City and Space), then they just stopped making pirate sets for 12 years, finally they start it up again and now they're just dumping it again, kinda strange to do that to a such a popular theme.

What disturbs me is that just last year when Pirates were announced to return, as I recall, someone from LEGO said that it was an obvious thing to bring back, "as it is one of our evergreen themes" (as far as I remember). Now they scrap it, and say Space, City and Castle are the main themes...

Very frustrating indeed. But, let's keep CP alive and well while our favorite theme "takes a break". :pir-sweet:

This is indeed sad news.

I'm an AFOL (>30y :pir-tongue: ) who just discovered the theme last year.

I have all the new sets and I was waiting for a soldiers' boat and other sets for the collection.

This is a very good theme for the playability (unlike licences), the variety and uniquity of pieces, the few stickers, the colors,...

I was amazed with the Brickbeard's Bounty and I think this is the nicest piece of my collection ; even before Jabba's Sail Barge.

I really thought LEGO was going to bet more on this theme and I was really anxious to see new models.


I bet POTC will be crap. Except for some pieces but otherwise crap. :pir-hmpf_bad:

I hope they'll do Pirates again one day after POTC :pir-sceptic: (if they do POTC... Hope not, Is it confirmed?)

Based off what? Nothings been confirmed. Your judging a theme that hasn't even came out yet, nor seen any set designs. :imperialguard_commander1:

As an adult hobbyist, this is disappointing. as a child we we presented with a much different market and much different LEGO product. those themes that lasted years enabled me to dream of massive layouts, composed of small models collected over the years - it was a truly epic feeling! those 1990's catalog collage images inspired those thoughts, and looking at the magnificent displays at Brickworld, it is not hard to see how many of us child fans were impressed by them. we were quite impressionable - almost all displays are layouts!

You hit it on the mark with what i high lighted. Your thinking about this to much from an adult perspective and not that of a child. You said yourself, kids of yesterday represented a different market than kids of today.

I don't think that it is all that obvious (or necessarily true) that Power Miners are a bigger seller than Pirates.

I'm very curious as to how you determined that Power Miners is the bigger seller?

According to my local Lego store, don't sell nearly as well as Power Miners, or Agents. Also, i remember seeing on Lego's website about there top 10 selling sets, and a couple small pirate sets made the bottom of the list, with Power Miners making the top. I'll try and find it.

This is a very loaded response and quite the blow to Pirate fans.

The fact that LEGO doesn't consider Pirates to be a primary theme is disappointing.

Not to be negative, but his comment should tell you something about just how well Pirates sell compared to other themes. If they were in fact a good seller than TLC would consider the theme to be in with the rest of the primary theme's. But as you can see coming right from the horses mouth, they don't. That should tell everyone that there not as popular many would like to think they are.

Wow. TLG has really lost its way. What happened to Ole Kirk's motto of: "Only the best is good enough"? They keep SPIII and Power Miners but bump Pirates? Unbelievable.

"taking a break"??? "taking a break"??? NO ONE TAKES A BREAK THAT LONG "steve"!! Pirates deserves a spot in the "main themes". TLG doesnt count their fanbase often does it?

and what about starwars,indy, and bionicle.. theyre "main themes" too, aparently. theres ALWAYS new stuff for them.

You hit it on the mark with what i high lighted. Your thinking about this to much from an adult perspective and not that of a child. You said yourself, kids of yesterday represented a different market than kids of today.

5150, based on your quoted portion of my post and added reply, i think you might have missed my intention for posting here. it seems to me (though i can only assume) that you might have been imposing others ideas in this thread onto my personal train-of-thought. i posed a serious concern and problem that an adult hobbyist today (who grew up with LEGO in the 90s) is experiencing. why would anyone want discredit an honest perspective concerning the hobby - we could all benefit from adopting some perspectivist habits! also, it appears to me your comment is aggresive and that you are seeking an argument!?

sure i can take a position in an argument other than my own: i can imagine myself to be the LEGO marketer, i can be the child of today, i can be the female fan of LEGO, i can argue the position of anyone whose perspective i consider myself capable of comprehending - that is the 'blessing' of human conciousness! however, just because i am able to take this positions doesn't mean that i am obligated to.

in my initial post i took the position of myself - because i am (of many things) a fan of LEGO products. i had an honest personal experience to share with eurobricks, and quite possibly, any employee of LEGO who might stumble upon this thread. it seems to me that this the the reason internet forums have come in to such favorable opinion today - they are a tool that allows people to share personal experiences and find people who can relate to those experiences.

- Brick Miner

Based off what? Nothings been confirmed. Your judging a theme that hasn't even came out yet, nor seen any set designs. :imperialguard_commander1:

I just don't see it working out for LEGO the same way SW or other Licenced themes have worked. :imperialguard_commander1::pir-look:

Good to see around BM, you aren't a totally lost member yet :pir-tongue::pir-sweet:

I hope what Steve has said will be true but why does pirates need a break?

It doesn't make much sense? Star Wars never takes a break?

However I am glad that it will (hopefully) come back in a year or two, but no longer!

Edited by Macoco

This is CRAZY! I went back to Lego because of Pirates, and now there taking a "break". Wonder how long that's going to be......

5150, based on your quoted portion of my post and added reply, i think you might have missed my intention for posting here. it seems to me (though i can only assume) that you might have been imposing others ideas in this thread onto my personal train-of-thought. i posed a serious concern and problem that an adult hobbyist today (who grew up with LEGO in the 90s) is experiencing. why would anyone want discredit an honest perspective concerning the hobby - we could all benefit from adopting some perspectivist habits! also, it appears to me your comment is aggresive and that you are seeking an argument!?

Brick Miner,

First let me apologise (though to be honest, i really don't see how you came to this conclusion based off three sentences) if my reply post came off "aggressive" as you call it. That was not my intent, nor was attempting to start an argument with you, or anyone else.

Perhaps i did misinterpret your original post. Though while what i got out of it may not have been your original intent, I still feel there is alot of truth to it what i said.

I would not say I'm "Imposing" my thoughts onto yours, but merely adding to them. Many people have done the exact same in this very thread.

sure i can take a position in an argument other than my own: i can imagine myself to be the LEGO marketer, i can be the child of today, i can be the female fan of LEGO, i can argue the position of anyone whose perspective i consider myself capable of comprehending - that is the 'blessing' of human conciousness! however, just because i am able to take this positions doesn't mean that i am obligated to.

Hmm... It seems to me that your the one coming off a bit aggressive. I personally don't have a problem with that. Your passionate about your hobby which is great IMO. But i must ask that you don't take a misinterpretation of one of your posts as being aggressive towards you. That simply isn't the case.

I understand that you in no way shape or form are obligated to take someone else's position on any given matter, but at some point you must consider it.

in my initial post i took the position of myself - because i am (of many things) a fan of LEGO products. i had an honest personal experience to share with eurobricks, and quite possibly, any employee of LEGO who might stumble upon this thread. it seems to me that this the the reason internet forums have come in to such favorable opinion today - they are a tool that allows people to share personal experiences and find people who can relate to those experiences.

- Brick Miner

I understand your perspective, and know one is saying that it is wrong. I'm glad that you shared your experience, but please understand, that others have there own perspectives as well.

No one is knocking your experiences or saying that one if favorable than the other. But i do stand my original post that many think more in line of an AFOL than LEGO's primary target audience. Children.

I hear so much of "As an AFOL i wish they'd keep this line, going, or do this theme, or do this..."

Kids have, and always will the fore front of LEGO's marketing decisions. There are instances were certain sets reflect the AFOL more than kids (USC sets, and the recent modular city buildings for example), but when it comes to system sets, kids have, and always will who decides what themes stay and go. Not the AFOL. And to be honest, thats the way it should be.

Many have voiced how upset they are that Pirates are leaving and themes such as Power Miners and Agents hang around for yet another wave. How we get Fire and Police Stations every few years, but no Schools or Banks, or library sets. There's reasons for this. I don't believe it that TLC doesn't care about its AFOL, the age group is 8-13, not 21-50. There here to make money, and to do so they need to appease there primary audience. That's not to say that i don't disagree with the decisions TLC has made in the past, but i do seem to understand them.

Again, i'm not aurguing your point or experiances are invalid. Cause they are quite valid. Just that others will shares there's as well.

Edited by 5150 Lego

That sucks. I guess I'll have plenty of money to spend on those new golf clubs I've been eyeing. I wonder what lame movie/video game copy theme Lego will license next. I hope these stupid franchise sets they put out make them a lot of money...they sure don't feel the same as original Lego themes to me. Lego may claim to be an imigination based product but they sure have a lack of it when it comes to product development!

Eugh. I spent 500 bucks on Pirate stuff this year. At least I can say I've done my part in trying to keep it around. No new sets? No new sets. Pff! Vikings had a better run that this!

Another question to LEGO: Why should I ever get excited about any new theme, seeing as there's at best a 50/50 chance of it being supported beyond one release?

Another question to LEGO: Why should I ever get excited about any new theme, seeing as there's at best a 50/50 chance of it being supported beyond one release?

I honestly think that's a pretty valid criticism.

LEGO in the 80s and early 90s was pretty consistent with their themes which meant amassing town/space/castle figures and sets was relatively easy back then. Since the mid-90s, LEGO themes have had little or no longevity making it difficult to expect any theme to carry over into the next year. If you're going to collect LEGO today, it seems you need to be prepared for the line to vanish as suddenly as it appeared. I imagine that with videogames and other distractions, many kids just aren't prepared to invest the same kind of dedication to a single theme.

Even if Pirates should one day return (there's a big "if" in there), it would seem that holding out for a long-term Pirates theme isn't likely in the cards. One year was an awefully short run. As somebody who is primarily into Castle I can only hope that LEGO doesn't give us the short end of the stick as well.

[snark]Does the development team all have ADHD? Granted, a lot of consumers do, and a significant portion of the American public-education system's product couldn't focus if even just five minutes of it'd save their souls...


two minutes later...

"OMG! NewShinyThing!GottaHaveItGotaHaveItGOTTAHAVEIT!!!"

*shakes head* Never underestimate the power of SPILN... :pir-hmpf: [/snark]

fooling around with the classic themes is what brought lego close to bankrupcy back in 2003/2004 so i really wonder why they are doing it again

as for myself, i was about ready to switch from collecting city to collecting pirates, especially since i though there would be add ons for the modularized fortress, and i also wanted to buy a smaller empirial ship, but with this decission and the crappy new city sets i'm rather desillusioned as i was back in the nineties when the f***** up the city theme

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