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So, we are left with Sirion as the Wizard, and my husband as the sorcerer. It is your choice what you do with this information, but I strongly trust my husband.

You mean Sirion, the dashingly handsome Ambassador you spent the night in bed with? When do you honestly propose that I had time for anything else, and how could you have possibly heard anything over your screams of ecstasy? :laugh:

So, there we have it. Lord William Harcourt is the sorcerer. It makes sense that it would be a local with access to the guards and castle.

Let me remind all of you what a sorcerer does:

	* Main Entry: sor·cery
* Pronunciation: \-rē\
* Function: noun
* Etymology: Middle English sorcerie, from Anglo-French, from sorcer sorcerer, from Medieval Latin sortiarius, from Latin sort-, sors chance, lot — more at series
* Date: 14th century

the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining

On the other hand, a wizard uses magic, but it isn't automatically for good or evil, it all depends on the person. Clearly, the enemy of a sorcerer would be a good wizard.

I am not going to make any grand gestures intended to influence any of you, however. I know that I am loyal and stand by that. I now know that Lord Harcourt isn't. If we are to stop the evil, this is our first chance to do so.

Thank you, fair Lady, for making all of this abundantly clear. And for last night. :wink: Sorry your husband turned out to be a witch again scum.

Vote: Lord William Harcourt / Hinckley

Wait, what? Why should we believe you? Did anyone investigate either Ambassador Vipont or Lord Harcourt last night? What were the results? Please, share this with us.

I investigated Lady Harcourt's bed all night. :grin:

I investigated Lady Harcourt's bed all night. :grin:

I wasn't asking who you investigated, I was asking if anyone investigated you :hmpf:.

Did you find out any information, though? :grin:

I'm going to hold off on voting until some more evidence is brought up, personally.

Vote: Lord William Harcourt / Hinckley

If you're wrong Ambassador, then I'll be voting you. Based on the evidence that we have, I shall trust you with this.

Vote: Lord William Harcourt / Hinckley

Sorry about that...

I am going to follow the example of my fellow Dromindur citizen, and Vote: Lord William Harcourt/Hinckley.

I hope you realise Lady Harcourt, if you are wrong in your premanission, then I believe you'll be faced with a majorety of the votes tomorrow.

I'm not sure that the fate of a Lady needs to be made so suddenly just because she trusts her husband. I trusted someone once and was betrayed horribly. Having to live with the blood of the innocent that they killed on my hands was punishment enough. Lady Harcourt, I do not trust your husband. If what you say is true and he is the sorcerer and he was blocked, then he is lying to me and trying to get me to vote for the dashing Ambassador by stating that he investigated him last night. I believe he is lying. I am going to trust my own instincts as well as the dashing Ambassador on this one.

Vote: Hinckley/Lord Harcourt

I'm sorry, Sir, but I must join the medieval bandwagon.

Vote: Lord William Harcourt/Hinckley

Ethel's soul has gone to a better place... well, to be honest, it could hardly have gone to a worse one :sadnew:

Although the Church does believe in trial for demonology without evidence, procedure, or even letting the defendant know what the charges are before proceeding with an execution, I do find myself interested in what Harcourt has to say before casting my vote. Let us see if he illumes this matter in any way. At any rate, we should give him a good torturing - according to the doctrines of the Church, naturally - before seeing his head roll.

May the Lord bless us all.

This is quite the eventful day! I don't want to fall into stereotyping, but I cannot see a sorcerer being anything but evil, and will therefore trust Lady Harcourt's word and vote for her husband.

Vote: Lord Harcourt/Hinckley

Please listen to me people! I think you are making a grave error! I think that the word sorcerer was used only to distiguish between the two. Perhaps this is just a misunderstanding! I think you're making the wrong choice!

This is why I was afraid to release this to the masses. You are letting Sirion twist the situation to his advantage!

I also regret to inform you that Sirion is lying abnout his visit to me last night, though I'm not sure why :sceptic: I told you that i stayed home, and for that reason notcied my husband was not in bed. I did not investigate anyone, I just stayed home.

Please listen to me people! I think you are making a grave error! I think that the word sorcerer was used only to distiguish between the two. Perhaps this is just a misunderstanding!

I'm sure the word 'sorcerer' was used with full import of its demonic connotations. Still, that is why Harcourt should be given the opportunity to at least speak.

...I also regret to inform you that Sirion is lying abnout his visit to me last night, though I'm not sure why

It is well known that those who boast loudest and with most vigour about their lengthy, all-night, vigorous horizontal gymnastics are those who are, shall we say, those who the Lord has cursed with a small and withered dried chilli rather than a fleshy bell pepper. If you know what I mean.

I'm not really caring that much about what she's saying... I'm just noticing how desperate she's sounding.

I think they're in it together. :sceptic:

If you, Lady Harcourt, are correct about your husband being the sorcerer and the Dashing Ambassador is correct about your husband being the Sorcerer, then I'd like him to explain why he is lying to me... I don't believe there is a good explanation other than he wants to get the Dashing Ambassador, which Lady Harcourt states is the wizard, killed. If he were a citizen and helping with peace and the alliance, he would be able to tell the truth but he is lying! If you don't vote with us, I can only hope that you are scum too because you are going tomorrow when it is revealed that your husband is scum.

And rumor goes that there was talk of potatoes last night. Can you perhaps shed some light on that, Chef Walters? Since you hold reign over potatoes and other foodstuffs here in the castle.

Potatoes? Sounds like a good lunch to me, thanks very much for the idea.

But by all means, now that you've spilled the beans, why not spill the whole stew? Pray tell us your knowledge about these spellcasters, and leave the judging to the crowd.

And stew, of course! I shall put potatoes in the bean stew! You're a scholar, Miss! *sidles up*

Now, on this business of the sorcerer and the wizard. I'm going to believe the Ambassador here, although I now believe that you were right on one part, Beatrice- one's the sorcerer and one's the wizard- it has to be those two.

Please listen to me people! I think you are making a grave error! I think that the word sorcerer was used only to distiguish between the two. Perhaps this is just a misunderstanding! I think you're making the wrong choice!

This is why I was afraid to release this to the masses. You are letting Sirion twist the situation to his advantage!

I also regret to inform you that Sirion is lying abnout his visit to me last night, though I'm not sure why :sceptic: I told you that i stayed home, and for that reason notcied my husband was not in bed. I did not investigate anyone, I just stayed home.

Hmm, you know what I think? I think you're blinded by your love for your husband. If he dies, you couldn't bear to live alone. You would die, as well. Your survival depends on his, and vice-versa. However, if what you say is true, if Mister Harcourt here does end up dying, so do you and the Ambassador. A triple whammy. The only way to be sure is to kill your husband. If you're lying, and Sirion doesn't die with Mr. Harcourt... he should be next. One of them is scum.

Vote: William Harcourt/ Hinckley

I don't think he isn't Dragon simply becuase he isn't Dragon, I simply think you are jumping to too many conclusions.

What are the chances that the Dragon's killer knew that Sirion was the Wizard last night? Not high. It was chance that those two met. And at this point Sirion seems very keen on getting rid of Will, while Will just took a stab in the dark about Sirion. I just want more proof than what he was called, that's all. After all, he's my husband.

Vote: William Harcourt/ Hinckley

I also regret to inform you that Sirion is lying abnout his visit to me last night, though I'm not sure why :sceptic: I told you that i stayed home, and for that reason notcied my husband was not in bed. I did not investigate anyone, I just stayed home.

Really? I seem to remember the night clearly, but maybe the Friar is right and I left less of an impression on you than I imagined. So it goes, I'm not all that worried about impressing you at this point.

Oh, and why did you claim this?

I in fact contacted the sorcerer due to some information I gained last night, and they led me to the wizard, since they targeted them last night. And no, I'm not the investigator, but I am a light sleeper and can hear some events during the night if the King wills me to.

Clearly you are now saying that you did nothing last night. The truth is, we went at it like bunnies all night while your husband was being dragged around by another citizen who blocked him from performing his dirty deeds (done dirt cheap, I'm sure). Your lies are as transparent as those lovely cones on the chandeliers.

The sorcerer is my husband. He left last night, and I confronted him. He told me that he was an investigator, but after more talking he said that was a lie, and he was the loyal killer. He targeted Sirion. I believed him, though perhaps I should not have.

You had a busy night for not doing anything and the only way you could have known I was the wizard is if you realised that I was coming upstairs to your room when I ran into your evil husband.

You've ruined your chance of trying to cover your involvement in this. You're lying now to protect the sorcerer and we all know that he is evil. We all saw me on my way to your room upstairs. I leave it to the good citizens to decide whether or not to support a sorcerer and the liar who tries to defend him.

So from what I read its so that

I too will vote:

Vote: William Harcourt/Hinkley

Hopefully hes not a citezen. :sceptic:

(Curse my horrible spelling)

I do not understand why you lie like this. When you see my husband is innocent, you will not be able to save yourself. It seems so strange to me that you would go this far without seeing if he is innocent yet.

I have so far been promised death twice if I do not vote against my husband. I am telling you he is innocent. If he is guilty, kill me. I just advise you see if he is guilty or not before decideing to kill me. You may be wrong.

Vote: William Harcourt/Hinkley

Lets hope we're not being deceived. :sceptic:


I'm with the good friar on this one. We must wait to see what the accused has to say for himself before rendering a verdict.

Though I must say that if this doesn't turn out, I must revisit a simple "meat-shield" theory for the Ambassador.

I think that he's a Dragon because he's being Shawn all over again blaming something he couldn't have learned last night unless he has investigative powers on Lord Harcourt. :hmpf_bad:

At least, that's what I think is going on. I think I may have missed a key component here, though. :look:

It seems so strange to me that you would go this far without seeing if he is innocent yet.

You told us that he is the sorcerer and we all saw the sorcerer blocked from performing his night action. I don't doubt that he will eventually arrive trying to claim to have done something to excuse himself from being in your bed (sorry, but 3 to a bed is 1 too many, thank you), but it simply isn't true. Both of you have made mistakes that will cost him his life. If you are truly loyal, I hope you will see your mistake and correct it, but I don't think you are.

I just advise you see if he is guilty or not before decideing to kill me. You may be wrong.

One vote a day, so your silly plea for mercy is a bit premature. Now you're not so sure?

Though I must say that if this doesn't turn out, I must revisit a simple "meat-shield" theory for the Ambassador.

I think that he's a Dragon because he's being Shawn all over again blaming something he couldn't have learned last night unless he has investigative powers on Lord Harcourt. :hmpf_bad:

At least, that's what I think is going on. I think I may have missed a key component here, though. :look:

The difference is that in your theory, both the accuser and the accusee are bad. In this case, we saw the sorcerer and I preparing to do battle, thus proving that we are on opposite sides. If the Lord is the sorcerer as his wife claims, he is scum and I am loyal, as two scum would have no reason to be looking for each other to do battle. If she is lying, she is scum and was looking to force me out in the open. If that's the case, the real sorcerer will attack me again tonight as he is the only one who can.

Vastly different scenario, try not to let them distract you with it as they certainly may try.

You're lying again!

He is the loyal attacker. He randomly choose to attack you! Why is that so hard to believe!

If, however, he dies, and is loyal, than you are working hard to get rid of him! Making you scum. Your theory has two results, he dies and is scum, and I die and I'm scum, or, he dies and is loyal, and someone else is scum! You try to protect yourself, but you've gone and attacked the loyal attacker!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!

What is the matter with you people? Believing Shadows Sirion a visiting Ambassador once sworn against the Matidoer over me, a Lord of this castle?

How many times must you all be murdered by Sirion or his ancestors in game after game...of life before you realize he cannot be trusted? It is Sirion who is the Dragon Wizard, that is what my Night Actions have revealed to me. My wife speaks the truth. I could kill her for being so weak and I shouldn't have trusted her. I am the sorcerer. Investigate me. Whoever the Investigator is, investigate me and you will be more than satisfied that I am loyal. I went after Shadows knowing that he is a master of deceit last night, and as you see in the pictures, the person I went after is the Wizard. And he reveals that he is also difficult to kill. Again, Shadows Sirion wields power and will take all of you down again if you don't switch your votes to him instead.

There is an ancient rift between the two of us and he can't win this game...of life unless I die. He will pick each one of you off and win if you don't listen to me and to reason for once. Don't listen to Ambassador Sirion, he is the Dragon Master, I know this for certain!

Everyone unvote me and vote: ImperialShadows/Ambassador Sirion and for once live to win a game...of life!

Why don't we just kill them both? They've both admitted to being dangerous, so it'll benefit our treaty to get rid of them both. I'm going to Vote: Hinckley/Lord Harcourt

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