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The castle was silent, as the residents had all retired to their beds for the night, after the rather exciting events of the day before. Everyone, that was, except for Gilbert, who was still vainly wandering the halls looking for the Sorcerer, as his Captain had instructed.


"Where has that sneaky devil gone?", he pondered to himself. "I might just rest here on this balcony for a bit."


Gilbert isn't as vigilant as he would hope unfortunately, and doesn't see the black figure approaching from behind. In a quick movement, the person shoves Gilbert over the banister.


"GAAAAAHHHHH!!!!", he screamed.


A sickening crunch followed, as the body smacked against the floor.


Pleased with his work, the figure turned to go, when it heard a noise from below. Gilbert was getting up.


"It... it's alright, I'm... arghhhh... OK....", he groaned. This wasn't the result the figure was looking for, so more drastic measures were called for.




The heavy chair broke over Gilbert, killing him instantly and leaving a bloody mess on the floor.


Meanwhile, in the Grand Hall, the Sorcerer was planning his escape.


Marching over to the west doors, the Sorcerer prepared some magic, and blasted them open, breaking the seal on them.




Just as he was about to run through, someone called out from the other side of the hall. It was the wizard.


"Stop right there, Lord Harcourt!", exclaimed the wizard. "You're not getting away from me now!"


The wizard fired off a bolt of green fire at the Sorcerer...


But he managed to evade it, running through into the west foyer.


The wizard followed close behind, in hot pursuit...


...only to come racing back out again as the sorcerer fired on him.


The two magic masters faced off across the hall, each preparing a nasty spell for the other.


Just then, as they were about to unleash the fatal spells on each other, a hooded figure entered the room, momentarily distracting them.


"Er, appears I have come to the wrong place", he stammered. "Don't mind me, carry on."


As the figure fled the room, the wizard took the advantage of the distraction to strike out at the Sorcerer, who had no time to respond. His fate was sealed.

"Burn the witch Sorcerer!", cried the wizard.


"Dammit, I knew this would end badly", complained the sorcerer. "Curse you, you vile, foul-"


He was cut off as the flames consumed him.


"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" As the echoes of his last scream faded in the hall, all that was left of the mighty sorcerer was a small pile on the floor...


As the sun rose and light once more claimed the castle, the residents made their way down to the hall once again.


Unfortunately, many were confronted with the horrors of the previous night. Quickly, they made their way past the carnage in the foyer to the main hall.



There they were confronted by the grisly remains of the Sorcerer. The King addressed the people.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, after a thorough search of Lord Harcourt's rooms, my people are able to say with certainty that the Sorcerer was neither a loyal Citizen of the Alliance, nor was he a Dragon. Rather, he was a powerful Ankorian Sorcerer sent here by his Ankorian masters to sabotage our efforts to reunite as one stable land. He was most definitely a Neutral figure in this struggle.

I cannot say the same for poor Gilbert out there however. He was most definitely a loyal Citizen of Matidoer, and will be sorely missed."


As the King finished talking, the residents began their own discussions again, ever aware of the now open west doors which reveal the grisly sight of he slaughter not many nights past. Hopefully, they could deal with the threat, before it is too late...



Rules of Play

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "day", you will be given 4 real days in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 2 real days. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the two days, they will not be counted.

- There will be two main sides in the game. Your winning criteria will be included with your character PM.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- You may not edit your posts. Violation of this rule may result in a moderator kill.

- Please avoid posting out of character in the game thread.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a moderator kill. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the General Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I will try my best to stick to the schedule, and your cooperation will help this greatly, particularly getting night actions in promptly.

- Sudden Death rules, as outlined in your roles, will only apply on certain nights. You will be informed of this in the final post of the day. A day in which no conviction is reached will definitely result in a sudden death night.

Characters and Players

ralf.jpg Ambassador Ralf Simnel played by Quarryman

juliana.jpg Duchess Juliana Dufay played by Alice

hugh.jpg Hugh (Servant) played by WhiteFang

simon.jpg Simon (Librarian) played by I Scream Clone

sirion.jpg Ambassador Sirion Vipont played by ImperialShadows

margaret.jpg Countess Margaret Durville played by TinyPiesRUs

peter.jpg Peter (Servant) played by Darth_Legois

victor.jpg Lieutenant Victor played by Bob the construction man

rohesia.jpg Lady Rohesia Papelion played by Sandy

beatrice.jpg Lady Beatrice Harcourt played by Zepher

thomas.jpg Admiral Thomas Mallory played by Sir Dillon

richard.jpg Richard (Guard) played by Ricecracker

agnes.jpg Agnes (Maid) played by Striker

nicholas.jpg Nicholas (Guard) played by professor flitwick

francis.jpg Francis the Friar played by Svelte

geoffrey.jpg Captain Geoffrey played by Escape the Fate

edward.jpg Lord Edward Griffin played by Stash2sixx

walter.jpg Chef Walter played by JimButcher

The Deceased

ethel.jpg Ethel (Maid) played by Adam (Citizen): Convicted, Day 1

william.jpg Lord William Harcourt played by Hinckley (Neutral): Convicted, Day 2

gilbert.jpg Gilbert (Guard) played by General Armendariz (Citizen): Killed, Night 2

No! Gilbert! :cry_sad:

Why?! He was so nice! Why would anyone kill him?! :cry_sad:

But, hey, we got the sorcerer! :sweet: That's one less killer!

One step forward, one step back :sadnew: , But atleast we got rid of a night killer. Like yesterday, I think we should lay our cards on the tables, I got 'Ace of Spades' :tongue: . Sorry, so did anyone do/hear/see/think of anything last night?

Why?! He was so nice! Why would anyone kill him?!

It's not a matter of liking a person. These Dragons want to make sure no one ever leaves this place and live to tell the tale. Well, exept them ofcourse!

If the sorcerer was working against the alliance, he is just as bad a dragon, and therefore shall not be mourned by me.

However, though the sorcerer was working against us, I feel strongly that Ambassador Sirion Vipont could still be a dragon, and ask you all to consider voting him off.

One step forward, one step back :sadnew: , But atleast we got rid of a night killer. Like yesterday, I think we should lay our cards on the tables, I got 'Ace of Spades' :tongue: . Sorry, so did anyone do/hear/see/think of anything last night?

Nothing I'm afraid :sad:

I can say that I neither saw nor heard anything last night, sadly.

However, though the sorcerer was working against us, I feel strongly that Ambassador Sirion Vipont could still be a dragon, and ask you all to consider voting him off.

I am not convinced of the Ambassador's - or should I say the Wizard's - innocence, either, but I am also highly suspicious of Lady Beatrice, who defended her husband so vigorously. I do think we will have to choose between those two today, unless some new piece of evidence comes up.

I am not convinced of the Ambassador's - or should I say the Wizard's - innocence, either, but I am also highly suspicious of Lady Beatrice, who defended her husband so vigorously. I do think we will have to choose between those two today, unless some new piece of evidence comes up.

I'd say that the wizard is more dangerous. He could kill any one of us, and we don't truly know who's side he is on. He said that he knew for a fact that William was the head of the Dragons. He wasn't. That means he was lying. We don't know how many other lies he has said, and we just can't trust him. Therefore, I must, for our safety and the safety of this treaty,

Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows

However, though the sorcerer was working against us, I feel strongly that Ambassador Sirion Vipont could still be a dragon, and ask you all to consider voting him off.

I agree, Lord Sirion did seem to want to get the Wizard out of the way pretty badly. While he could be loyal, I still have a feeling that he was a dragon attempting to get a nuisance out of the way of his job.

Actually, can we even support that Sirion is in fact the wizard? In these paintings, the wizard was shadowed out. But he did sort of admit it by fighting back so vigorously yesterday, and never denying it. I'll hold my vote until I hear more.

I am not convinced of the Ambassador's - or should I say the Wizard's - innocence, either, but I am also highly suspicious of Lady Beatrice, who defended her husband so vigorously. I do think we will have to choose between those two today, unless some new piece of evidence comes up.

Hmm, I think that William was the only one who knew, unless he shared it with his wife. I don't think poor Beatrice can live herself for much longer... :sadnew:

I wonder who killed Gilbert? From the paintings from today and yesterday, I think that the hooded figure is the loyal vigilante, and the armored one is the Dragon killer.

Captain Geoffrey, can I ask why you sent out your knight last night? Surely, you must have known that a single soldier would never stand a chance against a powerful magic wielder, let alone two. And what is also curious is that you had the ability to order him, to kill, right? Usually this ability is available only to scum in these games... of life.

Hashbrowns all around! :sweet:

Poor Gilbert! He was a loyal and a good soldier. He will be missed. But his death scene does make me think...

Hmmm, judging by the paintings, Countess Durville is visibly frightened by the carnage of Gilberts death...However, Ambassador Simnel, you just walk right by them like it's nothing you haven't seen before. Why? Have you seen the body like that before?

I'm very suspicious of you Simnel, I'll reserve my vote until I hear what others think.

I'd say that the wizard is more dangerous. He could kill any one of us, and we don't truly know who's side he is on. He said that he knew for a fact that William was the head of the Dragons. He wasn't. That means he was lying. We don't know how many other lies he has said, and we just can't trust him.

I agree with you. From the fear of missing out on the voting again because of my "beauty sleep", I will cast my vote now (for the very first time).

Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows

Hmmm, judging by the paintings, Countess Durville is visibly frightened by the carnage of Gilberts death...However, Ambassador Simnel, you just walk right by them like it's nothing you haven't seen before. Why? Have you seen the body like that before?

I'm very suspicious of you Simnel, I'll reserve my vote until I hear what others think.

I can't condemn someone just for something like that. These paintings only show his backside, he might've had an expression of horror in his face as far as we know.

Another troubling night for us to work through again!

I must admit I slept like a rock after reading Igneous vs Sedimentary: A castle builders guide.

If the sorcerer was working against the alliance, he is just as bad a dragon, and therefore shall not be mourned by me.

However, though the sorcerer was working against us, I feel strongly that Ambassador Sirion Vipont could still be a dragon, and ask you all to consider voting him off.

I am confused, if you feel this strongly then why not cast the first stone? Seems a little suspicious to me. Let me lend you a book from the Library. Rummages around, producing a small novel Ah, Here we go, "How to Take Charge and Assert Yourself: A step by step guide."

I'd say that the wizard is more dangerous. He could kill any one of us, and we don't truly know who's side he is on. He said that he knew for a fact that William was the head of the Dragons. He wasn't. That means he was lying. We don't know how many other lies he has said, and we just can't trust him. Therefore, I must, for our safety and the safety of this treaty,

Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows

In light of just how hard Amb Vipont went after a player who wasn't a Dragon and lied to all of us at least once or twice, I feel its time to cast Amb Vipont out of here.

Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows

Poor Gilbert... :cry_sad:

As for the rest of you, I'm either surrounded by scum, revealing themselves early in the day to attempt to influence the vote quickly, or a group of fools who will later be defending their own lives when it is proven that I am loyal.

Let's look at them one by one.

I'd say that the wizard is more dangerous. He could kill any one of us, and we don't truly know who's side he is on.

I am on the side of the treaty and the alliance, as I stopped the sorcerer sent to sabotage it. How about you? Maybe you killed poor Gilbert. The one thing we know for certain is that I was a little busy stopping evil at that time and didn't do it. Who else can say that?

He said that he knew for a fact that William was the head of the Dragons. He wasn't. That means he was lying. We don't know how many other lies he has said, and we just can't trust him. Therefore, I must, for our safety and the safety of this treaty,

I was not lying. I was told that he was evil and a threat to the alliance, and that has been confirmed. I believed that meant that he was a Dragon and am surprised that he wasn't, but as you have just seen, he was specifically sent to stop the alliance and I prevented that. Further, I wasn't the one who chose to reveal all of this, it was his wife who later defended him and declared his innocence. While I don't know if she was deceived or scum, she's certainly a lot more suspicious than I am, yet you go after me. Consider that duly noted.

I agree, Lord Sirion did seem to want to get the Wizard out of the way pretty badly. While he could be loyal, I still have a feeling that he was a dragon attempting to get a nuisance out of the way of his job.

Except a review of day 1 shows very clearly that it was the sorcerer who attacked me. It was his wife who revealed his identity. At that point, I was duty bound to stop him and save the alliance as I was informed before this situation began. I was told that the sorcerer was evil and that has been confirmed. I did what needed to be done to stop him.

Actually, can we even support that Sirion is in fact the wizard? In these paintings, the wizard was shadowed out. But he did sort of admit it by fighting back so vigorously yesterday, and never denying it. I'll hold my vote until I hear more.

I have no reason to deny it, I am loyal and a wizard. I believe there may be another who uses magic, the hooded character who appeared and then left quickly last night. If I am right about that, you leave yourselves defenseless against him if you kill me. At this point, I have no way of knowing.

Hashbrowns all around! :sweet:

Yay! :sweet:

I agree with you. From the fear of missing out on the voting again because of my "beauty sleep", I will cast my vote now (for the very first time).

Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows

I can't condemn someone just for something like that. These paintings only show his backside, he might've had an expression of horror in his face as far as we know.

You can't condemn someone on speculation, but you can vote for someone who has stopped a real threat to the alliance. Fascinating.

In light of just how hard Amb Vipont went after a player who wasn't a Dragon and lied to all of us at least once or twice, I feel its time to cast Amb Vipont out of here.

Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows

As documented, I went after someone sent to destroy the alliance. I was told he was evil and he was, and he is dead now. I thought that evil meant he had to be a dragon, which was my only mistake.

Would you prefer that he was alive to destroy the alliance?

You should be rejoicing, yet you are attempting to kill me. As I said, scum or fools. Make note of these names, loyal citizens, some of them will come back to haunt you, either by intentionally destroying the alliance or by allowing it to happen through stupidity.

Hmmm, judging by the paintings, Countess Durville is visibly frightened by the carnage of Gilberts death...However, Ambassador Simnel, you just walk right by them like it's nothing you haven't seen before. Why? Have you seen the body like that before?

An interesting point, but at this stage I have seen nothing specific to make me doubt my fellow Ambassador. Still, it's worth bearing in mind.

To make one further point... if you're going to claim that I lied about things, at least spell it out, make a list, bring your claims to the table so they can be heard. Saying "he lied!" is a weak move and simply designed to plant a false idea in the heads of those who hear it.

Yesterday, I heard cries of "he's lying!" when I said I spent the night at Lady Harcourts, and that was shown to be true at the end of the day.

You call my believing that the evil sorcerer sent to stop the alliance was a dragon a lie, I call it an honest mistake that anyone in my position would make after being told that. Doesn't change what he was and what had to be done, but it shows that I want to save the alliance, and that makes me loyal.

I think it's insanity to consider someone sent to stop the alliance and murder everyone 'neutral' anyway. Don't you? :wacko:

Remind me again, Lord Vipont, but who was it that fed you the story of Lord Harcourt being a Dragon? You seemed so sure, but he turned out to be plain neutural, or was it just a mistake on your and/or your informers part?

I am confused, if you feel this strongly then why not cast the first stone? Seems a little suspicious to me. Let me lend you a book from the Library. Rummages around, producing a small novel Ah, Here we go, "How to Take Charge and Assert Yourself: A step by step guide."

You're right sir. I should have started the ball rolling considering my thoughts on the ambassador, but I wanted to see if anyone had something to add before voting, such as an investigator giving a clue or the like.

What I should have done from the start: Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows

I implore the rest of you to do the same. Don't let his smooth tongue confuse you.

Remind me again, Lord Vipont, but who was it that fed you the story of Lord Harcourt being a Dragon? You seemed so sure, but he turned out to be plain neutural, or was it just a mistake on your and/or your informers part?

I was informed by the voice in the sky that I should expect to encounter a Sorcerer who was working to destroy the Alliance. I made the natural assumption that he was a Dragon, since I believed (as I think we all did), that only the Dragons were trying to kill us. It seems that was wrong and I won't deny it, but I'm still pleased to see a threat to the Alliance stopped before it had a chance to kill any of the loyal Citizens and I am more than a bit surprised to see people so willing to try to kill me for it, but I guess they have their own allegiances to contend with.

I implore the rest of you to do the same. Don't let his smooth tongue confuse you.

It isn't my smooth tongue that is leading them to destruction.

Remember the names of those who were so quick to condemn me. I am absolutely loyal and that will be shown if they convince you to murder me. Don't let that death be wasted, learn from the mistake, see who led you down that path and avenge me.

It isn't my smooth tongue that is leading them to destruction.

Yeah, that's more a result of the whole fire and lightning thing.

I'm surprised you're taking the whole "avenge my death" angle so soon, but it's fine with me. I have no problem with loyal citizens remembering the names of every person who votes for you; perhaps we'll even set up a plaque.

Yeah, that's more a result of the whole fire and lightning thing.

Poor Sorcerer. Shall I remind you that he was "a powerful Ankorian Sorcerer sent here by his Ankorian masters to sabotage our efforts to reunite as one stable land." Same goal as the Dragons. If I was one, I would have worked with him, not against him.

I'm surprised you're taking the whole "avenge my death" angle so soon, but it's fine with me.

I knew that the scum would manipulate the loyal citizens to go after me as soon as it was declared that the evil sorcerer was 'neutral' (which is purely idiotic) and I am not going to spend day after day fighting the same lies and nonsense over and over. The scum want me dead and are doing a good job of it. I can offer nothing but what I know, and I will not cheat (quote the voice in the sky) to prove that.

I have no problem with loyal citizens remembering the names of every person who votes for you; perhaps we'll even set up a plaque.

I hope your name is at the top of that plaque. It should be amusing to see you try to scramble out of your guilt if I am murdered, for I will be found to be loyal and I will expect the loyal citizens to see you for what you and your supporters are and deal with you accordingly.

Save the voting record, loyal citizens, it reveals the scum and the stupid. Both are a threat to the peace we are trying to create here.

No! Gilbert! :cry_sad:

Why?! He was so nice! Why would anyone kill him?! :cry_sad:

But, hey, we got the sorcerer! :sweet: That's one less killer!

Nice? *huh*

If the sorcerer was working against the alliance, he is just as bad a dragon, and therefore shall not be mourned by me.

However, though the sorcerer was working against us, I feel strongly that Ambassador Sirion Vipont could still be a dragon, and ask you all to consider voting him off.

I agree. He could be a Dragon but I don't think theres enough evidence so far. :sceptic:

I can say that I neither saw nor heard anything last night, sadly.

I am not convinced of the Ambassador's - or should I say the Wizard's - innocence, either, but I am also highly suspicious of Lady Beatrice, who defended her husband so vigorously. I do think we will have to choose between those two today, unless some new piece of evidence comes up.

I also agree.

I too heard nothing last night well except Agnes....as I was in her room ...err reading a great book I got from the Library.. :look::grin:

I'd say that the wizard is more dangerous. He could kill any one of us, and we don't truly know who's side he is on. He said that he knew for a fact that William was the head of the Dragons. He wasn't. That means he was lying. We don't know how many other lies he has said, and we just can't trust him. Therefore, I must, for our safety and the safety of this treaty,

Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows

I dont think its enough to convict him yet. :sceptic:

I agree, Lord Sirion did seem to want to get the Wizard out of the way pretty badly. While he could be loyal, I still have a feeling that he was a dragon attempting to get a nuisance out of the way of his job.

Actually, can we even support that Sirion is in fact the wizard? In these paintings, the wizard was shadowed out. But he did sort of admit it by fighting back so vigorously yesterday, and never denying it. I'll hold my vote until I hear more.

Hmm, I think that William was the only one who knew, unless he shared it with his wife. I don't think poor Beatrice can live herself for much longer... :sadnew:

I wonder who killed Gilbert? From the paintings from today and yesterday, I think that the hooded figure is the loyal vigilante, and the armored one is the Dragon killer.

Captain Geoffrey, can I ask why you sent out your knight last night? Surely, you must have known that a single soldier would never stand a chance against a powerful magic wielder, let alone two. And what is also curious is that you had the ability to order him, to kill, right? Usually this ability is available only to scum in these games... of life.

Hashbrowns all around! :sweet:

Perhaps it was because he knew who the seriel killer was? :look:

I also wonder why the Captain sent out a lone solider against someone who he knew had magic powers pretty much condemning him to his death. :hmpf:

Remind me again, Lord Vipont, but who was it that fed you the story of Lord Harcourt being a Dragon? You seemed so sure, but he turned out to be plain neutural, or was it just a mistake on your and/or your informers part?

Neutral or Dragon we still got a bad guy!

I agree with the Lor Vipont for now. I'm wondering why everyone else is so quick to judge him with little evidence, perhaps they are scum...

This is a pretty pickle.

If Harcourt had been straightforwardly a Dragon, it would have been easier to assume Sirion's innocence. I also share the Ambassador's confusion about how one dedicated to the destruction of the Alliance could be classified as neutral, but I am a simple child of the Lord, not a politician. I assume Ankoria has its own, Dragon-unrelated reasons for wishing our states to fall.

The fact remains that Sirion could be either a Dragon, Alliance member or even Neutral like his nemesis. I would like to hear more about their joint history since Harcourt and Sirion did appear to know each other and recoil on sight? Could you perhaps tell us why this enmity exists?

Whatever the case - in the absence of any startling new evidence produced during the night - the Ambassador has clearly and by his own word confessed to being a magic-user and adulterer! If no further facts come to light which are of a more conclusive note, then I will be forced to vote for Sirion as he has committed at least three mortal sins (Pride in his prowess being the third :hmpf:)

Sure, Beatrice is a blabbermouth, but as Proverbs 11:22 tells us, As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. Her revealing tongue has served us well in smoking out one enemy of the alliance, so I would not be inclined to sizzle her bacon just yet.

Captain Geoffrey, can I ask why you sent out your knight last night? Surely, you must have known that a single soldier would never stand a chance against a powerful magic wielder, let alone two. And what is also curious is that you had the ability to order him, to kill, right? Usually this ability is available only to scum in these games... of life.

If you remember last evening when the Sorcerer escaped, I told my guards to go find him and catch him. I did not know they would split up, and at no point did I say kill. This greives me deeply that Gilbert had to die, and not only die but die in such a painful way :thumbdown:.

But not as nice as you, Peter. :wub:

Anyway, I, coming from a maid, believe that Ambassador Sirion is an innocent man trying to help us! We should give him a chance. As with all games... of life, we should see what happens, and if he doesn't do something innocent, we kill him the next day.

Why not give it a shot, although since he blabbed about being a Wizard, he now has a target on his back. Tonight will probably be his last night in this Castle, unless somebody protects him.

But not as nice as you, Peter. :wub:

It wasn't a innuendo. *huh*


Who said it was? :wink:

After thinking it over again, I am going to Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows, if he was such a threat to the Dragons, they would have killed him last night instead of killing poor Gilbert, since we figured out yesterday that he is the Wizard. So it seems logical to me that he wouldn't be killed by one of his own.

I think you're a dragon for trying to vote someone with no real evidence...

Vote: Richard/Ricecracker

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