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I'm agreeing with Peter, I'm sick of you treating me like I'm a filthy wench!

And you are rather suspicious.

Vote: Richard/Ricecracker

And I don't care if you're at a BBQ or not, I'm sick of this!

Oh my.

I was wrong. Very very wrong. I thought that he was innocent, and that Sirion was most certainly a Dragon. I'm afraid I was incorrect. Siron also apparently did visit me last night, though I can honestly say I didn't notice :hmpf:

Well, that leaves us at square one. I can't say that I think Sirion is evil, becuase he didn't kill a Citizen.


He may have thought that Will was a citizen. Is that possible?" Could he have thought he was destroying his enemy on the citizen's side? The likeliness that Sirion actually knew that Will was a evil character is low, since we as citizens don't know our enemies, but the chance that he thought that Will was a citizen is high, since he knew all his fellow Dragons.

It seems that he was very certain that we had to get rid of Will. I don't think it's enough to condeem yet, but I also don't think he can be trusted.

The likeliness that Sirion actually knew that Will was a evil character is low, since we as citizens don't know our enemies, but the chance that he thought that Will was a citizen is high, since he knew all his fellow Dragons.

He knew because YOU TOLD US! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Stop trying to pin your problems on him, he's a good man, and respectable. If you're a Dragon, then we kill you. It's simple. Sirion is not a Dragon, I know it! I trust him! And I seem to trust the right people, believe me. :wink:

If it comes out you're scummy, then believe me, I won't be suprised.

I think you're a dragon for trying to vote someone with no real evidence...

Vote: Richard/Ricecracker

So you assume I'm voting with no evidence, and because of that, you're voting for me? I'm quite sure how that works, hypocrite.

I'm agreeing with Peter, I'm sick of you treating me like I'm a filthy wench!

I was trying to help keep you in order in front of the King and his Majesty. :hmpf:

And you are rather suspicious.

How so?

Stop trying to pin your problems on him, he's a good man, and respectable. If you're a Dragon, then we kill you. It's simple. Sirion is not a Dragon, I know it!

How would you know this, unless you yourself are a Dragon? You'd have to be a Dragon to know who he truly is. You wouldn't call a Dragon a, "Good man, and respectable," if you weren't a Dragon.

I trust him! And I seem to trust the right people, believe me. :wink:

What? You trusted Will for a while yesterday, how is that trusting the right person. I think you, Peter, and Sirion are all Dragons. Sirion is the leader or whatever you call it, and you and Peter are his puppets. Sirion tells Peter what to do, and you just go along with it using your "relations" as an excuse. It's very unconvincing. Makes sense to me.

You misunderstand me. I don't think Sirion is actually a Dragon, I simply think that he is not cleared completely from the suspect list. He was very sure about charging Will with beingf a Dragon on very little information, such as a name. The fact that it paid off is great, I just find his rash acts strange. However, he was very recently an asset to us.

How would you know this, unless you yourself are a Dragon? You'd have to be a Dragon to know who he truly is. You wouldn't call a Dragon a, "Good man, and respectable," if you weren't a Dragon.

He's not a Dragon, fool! Don't you see? He's protecting us! He hasn't killed one person, nor an innocent! There is no proof he is innocent, or guilty. Take it easy on him until we find more evidence, okay? You could be killing our last hope for killing the Dragon's each night.

What? You trusted Will for a while yesterday, how is that trusting the right person. I think you, Peter, and Sirion are all Dragons. Sirion is the leader or whatever you call it, and you and Peter are his puppets. Sirion tells Peter what to do, and you just go along with it using your "relations" as an excuse. It's very unconvincing. Makes sense to me.

You're joking, right? :hmpf:

You think the maid and the servant are Dragons? Crazy lunatic... I have no night action, and I'm not sure Peter does, either. I can't prove that Sirion is innocent, but he's not done one thing wrong. He killed the Sorcerer last night, and you guys repay him by killing hm. How noble of you Nobles. :angry:

I for one, am letting my vote stay. Richard, you are completely crazy. In fact, how rude you've been is one sign of how untrustworthy you are. If you were a citizen, you'd be treating everyone kindly, because we are your friends, but no, you're being a complete jerk. It makes sense, too, that one of the King and Queen's guards would be a Dragon, to get inside information.

You think the maid and the servant are Dragons? Crazy lunatic... I have no night action, and I'm not sure Peter does, either. I can't prove that Sirion is innocent, but he's not done one thing wrong. He killed the Sorcerer last night, and you guys repay him by killing hm. How noble of you Nobles. :angry:

He is a guard. He has as little to gain from being a Dragon as you do, my dear. We must defend ourselves logically. And no, this does not mean I'm accusing you, I'm simply trying to help you prepare a better attack on him.

He is a guard. He has as little to gain from being a Dragon as you do, my dear. We must defend ourselves logically. And no, this does not mean I'm accusing you, I'm simply trying to help you prepare a better attack on him.

I'm sorry I got angry at you earlier, Lady Beatrice. I'm a maid, and maids shouldn't rebel like that fool Ethel. :sadnew:

I hope you and Richard can find it in your hearts to forgive me for accusing you. :cry_sad:

I'll just go talk with Peter for a while, I guess. :sweet:

It's a pretty sad day for the Dragons if their primary recruitment drive focussed on the castle cleaning staff and one not-particulary-efficient guard :laugh:

It's a pretty sad day for the Dragons if their primary recruitment drive focussed on the castle cleaning staff and one not-particulary-efficient guard :laugh:

My point exactly, Sir. :laugh:

Agnes I don't understand your thinking, Richard had not said anything for quite a while and then you suddenly attack him, totally changing the tone of the conversation, if anything you should be attacking me, since I have been just as harsh on Sirion Vipont as he has. In fact I had just criticized Vipont, and you totally ignore me, and go after Richard, why is that?

Vote: Agnes/Striker

I've had enough of your fast talking and speedy tones. And then you try to vote for one of my men. Unthinkable.

Vote: Agnes/Striker

I've had enough of your fast talking and speedy tones. And then you try to vote for one of my men. Unthinkable.

Actually, thank you. You just reminded me that I forgot to remove my vote off of Richard.

Unvote: Richard/Ricecracker

A late morning to everyone... It's unfortunate that our dear Gilbert has been murdered last night, by an unknown character. It seemed he wore a knight suit, while on the other fight between the Wizard and Sorcerer, there was a character wearing a hood, lurking around. We still remembered that the hood try to attempt to murder the wizard but seemed to fail to do so, due to some force field.

Looks like we had got rid of a very dangerous neutral character, but that doesn't mean we are safe. I need to follow on the current discussion first, before I comment any further.

Unvote: Agnes/Striker

For now...I've got my eye on you.

Poor Sorcerer. Shall I remind you that he was "a powerful Ankorian Sorcerer sent here by his Ankorian masters to sabotage our efforts to reunite as one stable land." Same goal as the Dragons. If I was one, I would have worked with him, not against him.

But he could've also been a threat to you. But, you have a good point, and so does Anges. You've done nothing wrong (that I can see), unless you're two night killers in one (the armored one who killed the knight, and a wizard). :wacko: I'm going to save my vote from you.

After thinking it over again, I am going to Vote: Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows, if he was such a threat to the Dragons, they would have killed him last night instead of killing poor Gilbert, since we figured out yesterday that he is the Wizard. So it seems logical to me that he wouldn't be killed by one of his own.

You never answered me. I'm getting quite suspicious of you, Geoffry. Perhaps you're turning away as Dragons kill every night, or maybe you're one yourself. :hmpf_bad: I ask again: Why and how did you order your knight to go looking to kill an all powerful sorcerer last knight? Were you sending him to death by magic, or did you send his killer, too?

So you assume I'm voting with no evidence, and because of that, you're voting for me? I'm quite sure how that works, hypocrite.

My evidence against you is you using no evidence to vote someone. :tongue:

So you assume I'm voting with no evidence, and because of that, you're voting for me? I'm quite sure how that works, hypocrite.

What? You trusted Will for a while yesterday, how is that trusting the right person. I think you, Peter, and Sirion are all Dragons. Sirion is the leader or whatever you call it, and you and Peter are his puppets. Sirion tells Peter what to do, and you just go along with it using your "relations" as an excuse. It's very unconvincing. Makes sense to me.

Please :hmpf: , That would be like deja vu... :grin::wacko:

And I don't think the pie in the sky god would do that...

He's not a Dragon, fool! Don't you see? He's protecting us! He hasn't killed one person, nor an innocent! There is no proof he is innocent, or guilty. Take it easy on him until we find more evidence, okay? You could be killing our last hope for killing the Dragon's each night.

You're joking, right? :hmpf:

You think the maid and the servant are Dragons? Crazy lunatic... I have no night action, and I'm not sure Peter does, either. I can't prove that Sirion is innocent, but he's not done one thing wrong. He killed the Sorcerer last night, and you guys repay him by killing hm. How noble of you Nobles. :angry:

I for one, am letting my vote stay. Richard, you are completely crazy. In fact, how rude you've been is one sign of how untrustworthy you are. If you were a citizen, you'd be treating everyone kindly, because we are your friends, but no, you're being a complete jerk. It makes sense, too, that one of the King and Queen's guards would be a Dragon, to get inside information.

How could I have a night action if I'm in your room every night? :grin::wub:

I'll just go talk with Peter for a while, I guess. :sweet:

In your room? :tongue::wub:

It's a pretty sad day for the Dragons if their primary recruitment drive focussed on the castle cleaning staff and one not-particulary-efficient guard :laugh:

Exactly. :grin:

Also I do think there is probable a Dragon in each group. But its not me and I dont think its Anges... But I dont want to point fingers at the remaining servants.

Agnes I don't understand your thinking, Richard had not said anything for quite a while and then you suddenly attack him, totally changing the tone of the conversation, if anything you should be attacking me, since I have been just as harsh on Sirion Vipont as he has. In fact I had just criticized Vipont, and you totally ignore me, and go after Richard, why is that?

Don't blame her, She followed me. I attacked Richard because he started the vote against Lord Vipont with no evidence. :hmpf:

But I dont think Richard is a Dragon, Just a innocent who's been caught up in a bandwagon. :hmpf_bad:

Unvote: Richard/Ricecracker

Unvote: Agnes/Striker

For now...I've got my eye on you.

So far you've got your eye on alot of people... How many eyes do you have? *huh*


But he could've also been a threat to you. But, you have a good point, and so does Anges. You've done nothing wrong (that I can see), unless you're two night killers in one (the armored one who killed the knight, and a wizard). :wacko: I'm going to save my vote from you.

You never answered me. I'm getting quite suspicious of you, Geoffry. Perhaps you're turning away as Dragons kill every night, or maybe you're one yourself. :hmpf_bad: I ask again: Why and how did you order your knight to go looking to kill an all powerful sorcerer last knight? Were you sending him to death by magic, or did you send his killer, too?

Actually I did answer you, in fact this is what I said earlier:

If you remember last evening when the Sorcerer escaped, I told my guards to go find him and catch him. I did not know they would split up, and at no point did I say kill. This greives me deeply that Gilbert had to die, and not only die but die in such a painful way :thumbdown:.

Now you are throwing accusations at me, even though I did answer your question, so pay attention more please :hmpf_bad: .

Friar? Simon? Can either of you help dear Agnes? Her mind seems to be jumping around all over. Reminds me of a previous maid who once resided within our walls. Dear king, I feel we need to raise the standards when hiring maids and servants.

The wizard did help us out the sorcerer, but let us not forget that he is also a magic wielder.

Does anyone have any info from the previous night? Anyone's informant tell them anything we should know?

Hashbrowns sound delicious, but if they are made from potatos, then I will be keeping my distance from the kitchen. Potatos frighten me! :cry_sad:

Friar? Simon? Can either of you help dear Agnes?

I am satisfied she is free from demons - at the moment. However let us not forget the words of Jeremiah 2:32: Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? Yet my people have forgotten me days without number.

My advice: less flirting, more Bible study.

I too would like to know if any revelations were had during the night.

Oh, poor Gilbert! You were a brave guradian of the castle, and will be sorely missed. :cry_sad:

I wonder who killed Gilbert? From the paintings from today and yesterday, I think that the hooded figure is the loyal vigilante, and the armored one is the Dragon killer.

I doubt that. On Day 1, we clearly saw that one hooded figure (called an intruder) cut poor Fergus to pieces. I don't think this would be something our vigilante would do.

I'm not going to be jumping on the Sirion bandwagon until I have some solid proof that he's a dragon. Especially since he could possibly be our loyal protector, and with all these killers running around, it's a very useful role indeed.

Speaking of which, why have you chosen to visit Beatrice on both nights, Sirion?

I doubt that. On Day 1, we clearly saw that one hooded figure (called an intruder) cut poor Fergus to pieces. I don't think this would be something our vigilante would do.

I'm glad you pointed that out, it does seem to fit.

I'm not going to be jumping on the Sirion bandwagon until I have some solid proof that he's a dragon. Especially since he could possibly be our loyal protector, and with all these killers running around, it's a very useful role indeed.

I appreciate that, I really do.

Speaking of which, why have you chosen to visit Beatrice on both nights, Sirion?

I didn't, actually, I chose another Lady but never reached her as I was blocked from leaving my quarters last night. I still don't really understand what happened, but ultimately I never saw anyone.

It may also be worth mentioning that Harcourt's magic flames were blue, the same colour of fire that was used to kill the two guards on Day 1, while Sirion's flames are green, which we haven't seen until now. Also, we see that now that the west wing seems to be safe now that Harcourt is gone, so Sirion must not have contributed to the evil magic going on down there.

It may also be worth mentioning that Harcourt's magic flames were blue, the same colour of fire that was used to kill the two guards on Day 1, while Sirion's flames are green, which we haven't seen until now. Also, we see that now that the west wing seems to be safe now that Harcourt is gone, so Sirion must not have contributed to the evil magic going on down there.

And yet people still hold their votes with no real evidence. :hmpf: I suspect some if not most of those holding a vote for Sirion are Dragons. :look:

I am glad that upon returning from my "nap", the discussion for the day still continues. :tongue:

Might I remind all of you of the speach our King gave before all these tragic events occured? Specifically this bit:

It is magic and the arcane arts that have driven us down to where we are now, and so for us to go on, we must banish magic, banish that which is unnatural and unneeded in our lives, and instead found our new world order on the strength and courage of men, men with the bravery to fight the enemy face to face.

I am utterly devoted to the King and this alliance, and I whole-heartedly agree with him. We must expel magic from our midst, and Ambassador Vipont is a renowned spellcaster. I believe the King when he says that nothing good can come out of magic-makers, and that is another proof against Vipont.

That is, if his lies and silver tongue aren't enough to sway you to vote him.

I do not claim to know the absolute truth, and if I am wrong about this I will gladly surrender myself under your judgment, but I don't believe we can afford to let Vipont go untrialed.

(And honestly, haven't we heard all of what he is saying too many times before? :tongue: )

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