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I can't condemn someone just for something like that. These paintings only show his backside, he might've had an expression of horror in his face as far as we know.

Thank you my dear lady, let me assure you all that I'm as shocked about Gilbert's grim fate as anyone else.

I am utterly devoted to the King and this alliance, and I whole-heartedly agree with him. We must expel magic from our midst, and Ambassador Vipont is a renowned spellcaster. I believe the King when he says that nothing good can come out of magic-makers, and that is another proof against Vipont.

Indeed we did, banishing the old and dangerous ways of arcane arts is one of the most important results of our newly forged alliance, let's not forget that.

That is, if his lies and silver tongue aren't enough to sway you to vote him.

I do not claim to know the absolute truth, and if I am wrong about this I will gladly surrender myself under your judgment, but I don't believe we can afford to let Vipont go untrialed.

(And honestly, haven't we heard all of what he is saying too many times before? :tongue: )

Yes yes, we've heard quite enough. And as we currently are stumbling around in the dark without any real facts I'm afraid we might have to make some hard, potentially bad decisions to get anywhere. So my dear ambassador, it's nothing personal but I have to vote: Ambassador Sirion Vipont / ImperialShadows.

I believe the King when he says that nothing good can come out of magic-makers, and that is another proof against Vipont.

Lady Rohesia raises a very valid point, and I am not afraid to tell you that the pernicious influence of these magic-makers weighs heavily on my mind. Let us ask ourselves some questions:

- What kind of baleful fire mysteriously tore through the Castle, destroying several innocent lives? Answer: MAGICAL fire

- What forces sealed the doors to the west wing so we could not investigate the events that had transpired there? Answer: MAGICAL forces!

- Who was it that first scurried around like rats in the dark on Night 1, while decent folk were in bed asleep, probably praying to the Lord or dreaming of fluffy bunnies? Answer: the rat scurriers were mainly MAGIC users

- Last night, the battle that ended the life of the convicted escapee Harcourt and which further added scorch marks to the beautiful marble floor was carried out, against all procedures of common and Biblical law, by.... and the lady wins a prize... MAGICIANS.

Call them Wizards if it wets your whistle. Call them Sorcerers if it sends a shiver up your spine. At the end of the day, they are both varieties of magic users, who feel compelled to hide and lie, and lurk and lair in the wee hours! A snake by any other name would slither as treacherously as any MAGIC USER.

It's obvious that the staff of this Castle enjoy a rich fantasty life in which they consider themselves to be movers and shakers in a realm of Lords with mop handles and Kings with plain chain armour. Can we afford to ignore the clear and present danger while indulging the soap operatic delusions of these commoners?

Let's focus on the real and proper threat at hand, as our good King has advised us, and exorcise ALL insinuating magic-practicing serpents from our midst, regardless of which way they squirm.

I'm going to say this very clearly for all to hear.

I am loyal to this Alliance.

It's really that simple. I want to see the Alliance succeed and I have worked towards that purpose. Yes, I am a magic user. Yes, the King is still misguided to believe that all magic users are evil, but it's understandable given the history of the kingdom. In time, you will become enlightened and get past this prejudice.

If I was an evil wizard, would I have been openly shown stopping the sorcerer? No, I would not. The voice in the sky chose to openly show me using magic for good purposes because he expected you to be wise enough to see that my intent was good. Have you see the face of the assassin? Of course not, because they are protected in a cloak of anonymity so as not to reveal their scummy nature. I am out in the open and doing what I do for the good of all.

Those who continue to ignore the truth are surely scum or dangerously stupid. Do not listen to them in the days to come for they will continue to mislead you, just as they try to accuse me of doing.

My loyalty, sadly, looks to be proven shortly, but at least you will know the truth. Use it to clean up the kingdom.

Do not let them succeed.

Pay close attention to those who tried to defend the sorcerer and those who attack me, either in votes or words. They are the evil in this castle, the evil you must stop before it overcomes you.

Using 'good' magic to repel 'dark' magic is like a whore deliberately contracting syphilis to try and ward off the clap :wacko: It just doesn't work!

The Ambassador has had ample chance to repent, and will not.

Vote: Vipont/ Shadows.

Yes, the King is still misguided to believe that all magic users are evil, but it's understandable given the history of the kingdom.

You dare to question the King?! That alone deserves a banishment from this kingdom, if not an axe through the neck!

If I was an evil wizard, would I have been openly shown stopping the sorcerer? No, I would not. The voice in the sky chose to openly show me using magic for good purposes because he expected you to be wise enough to see that my intent was good.

But you weren't openly shown stopping the Sorcerer! We can't see the face of the Wizard in the paintings. Yet I believe it is you. Nothing that the voice in the sky has said indicates that you are working for the kingdom and against the Dragons. On the contrary, it has been made very clear that magic equals evil, and that it must be shunned.

Those who continue to ignore the truth are surely scum or dangerously stupid. Do not listen to them in the days to come for they will continue to mislead you, just as they try to accuse me of doing.

I find it amusing how you refuse to say "Dragons" and instead use words like "scum". Surely those loyal to this alliance would be considered scum in the eyes of the Dragons. :wink:

Pay close attention to those who tried to defend the sorcerer and those who attack me, either in votes or words. They are the evil in this castle, the evil you must stop before it overcomes you.

I did not defend the Sorcerer, I am glad we got rid of him, but I am even more happier once we are rid of you. I had a hunch one of you ambassadors was rotten, and your words make it evident which one it is.

Might I remind all of you of the speach our King gave before all these tragic events occured? Specifically this bit:

I am utterly devoted to the King and this alliance, and I whole-heartedly agree with him. We must expel magic from our midst, and Ambassador Vipont is a renowned spellcaster. I believe the King when he says that nothing good can come out of magic-makers, and that is another proof against Vipont.

Now, you do have a good point there, thanks for reminding us of that. I'm still thrown by the fact that the west wing is now safe though, I would've assumed it would still be dangerous if there was still a black magic wielder alive.

Pay close attention to those who tried to defend the sorcerer and those who attack me, either in votes or words. They are the evil in this castle, the evil you must stop before it overcomes you.

Now that's an odd suggestion. The sorcerer was had no alignment, meaning that no one else was on their side. Thus, the people defending him aren't necessarily scum (in fact, it's unlikely that anyone defending him was scum, as any killer not sided with the Dragons would be very dangerous to the Dragons), and much more likely misled loyalists.

The Ambassador has had ample chance to repent, and will not.

You are correct, oh cloaked one, I will not repent for doing good works, and the voice in the sky showed that very clearly.

Do not allow this false religious harlot to distract you from the job that we have all sworn to do in creating this Alliance, a job I have done to the best of my abilities and hope to continue to perform.

Let us remember that scripture reveals many things, and even speaks to the religious leaders we think we can trust, but cannot.

Matthew 7:15 Jesus said to his disciples: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves."

In this case, the ravenous wolf hides under a cloak, like the killer in the night that the voice in the sky showed us, warned us against.

Will you be his next victim?

Vote: Francis the Friar / Svelte

I find it amusing how you refuse to say "Dragons" and instead use words like "scum". Surely those loyal to this alliance would be considered scum in the eyes of the Dragons. :wink:

The last time I connected evil and the dragons, I was wrong, so I am being cautious. I knew the sorcerer was evil, and he was, and I stopped him. I expected him to be a dragon and he wasn't. I've been attacked for that, despite the good that came of it. Go figure.

I did not defend the Sorcerer, I am glad we got rid of him, but I am even more happier once we are rid of you. I had a hunch one of you ambassadors was rotten, and your words make it evident which one it is.

And when I am proven loyal, will you kill him next? Promise?

Now that's an odd suggestion. The sorcerer was had no alignment, meaning that no one else was on their side. Thus, the people defending him aren't necessarily scum (in fact, it's unlikely that anyone defending him was scum, as any killer not sided with the Dragons would be very dangerous to the Dragons), and much more likely misled loyalists.

Of course they could be scum, it presented itself as the perfect opportunity to cause discord and conflict. Look how well it's worked and by the end of the day, if it kills me, it will have cost the loyal citizens a powerful part of their force.

By your logic, if I was a dragon and the sorcerer was against the alliance, we would have been working together, not against one another.

As for his defenders, I don't mean the ones who just seemed foolish, I mean the ones who blatantly ignore the very definition of sorcerer (using evil spirits) and tried to make it seem innocent, yet now oppose me for using magic. Big difference and one to be carefully considered.

You will note that I refrained from voting at the start of the day, and several times have asked if anyone has come forward with new evidence that would put anyone in a position more suspicious than the Ambassador. My position against magic has been entirely consistent throughout the days. I have certainly not cast any last-minute aspersions which are frankly more than a little desparate.

I have to ask, is this a serious hunt to eliminate Dragons from our midst or a peer critique of medieval cloak fashions? :tongue:

the Ambassador has clearly and by his own word confessed to being a magic-user and adulterer! If no further facts come to light which are of a more conclusive note, then I will be forced to vote for Sirion as he has committed at least three mortal sins (Pride in his prowess being the third :hmpf:)

As is the King's wishes to raise this new found alliance above and beyond the old Mystical ways so that we may strive to form our own better world order.

He's not a Dragon, fool! Don't you see? He's protecting us! He hasn't killed one person, nor an innocent! There is no proof he is innocent, or guilty. Take it easy on him until we find more evidence, okay? You could be killing our last hope for killing the Dragon's each night.

Umm he just killed Harcourt who wasn't loyal to our King and new Alliance. That does seem to satisfy the description of a murderer in my eyes. Sure he can harp on about self defense and such but the fact remains he is a murderer and a Wizard that's pretty much all the proof I need to cast my vote to condemn Vipont.

It's a pretty sad day for the Dragons if their primary recruitment drive focussed on the castle cleaning staff and one not-particulary-efficient guard :laugh:


And yet people still hold their votes with no real evidence. :hmpf: I suspect some if not most of those holding a vote for Sirion are Dragons. :look:

See above, if you feel a Murdering Magician is the kind of company we need to keep then perhaps your allegiance to this new alliance should be tested as well?

You are of course free to form your own opinion, but murdering is frowned upon in this new found Alliance as are Magicians as a threat to the King and others.

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Breakfast having finished, the residents of the castle were now into heavy discussion of who was to be voted off that day. Already, hot words were flying, and the votes were rolling in.

Vote Count

Ambassador Sirion Vipont (ImperialShadows) - 7 Votes (Ricecracker, Sandy, I Scream Clone, Sir Dillon, Escape the Fate, Quarryman, Svelte)

Francis, Friar (Svelte) - 1 Vote (ImperialShadows)

Non-Voters - 10 People (Stash2sixx, TinyPiesRUs, Alice, Zepher, professor flitwick, WhiteFang, Darth_Legois, JimButcher, Striker, Bob the Construction Man)

Umm he just killed Harcourt who wasn't loyal to our King and new Alliance. That does seem to satisfy the description of a murderer in my eyes.

Oh, then you'd better retract your votes everyone, since carrying out the agreed upon execution from yesterday has branded me a murderer. Which of you will be the next condemned by this idiotic 'logic'?

Sure he can harp on about self defense and such but the fact remains he is a murderer and a Wizard that's pretty much all the proof I need to cast my vote to condemn Vipont.

Self defense? I carried out the wishes of the citizens of this castle as agreed upon yesterday. Well, the loyal citizens. Some of you didn't want the sorcerer killed because you thought he could be used against those of us who are loyal, but you failed in your attempts to defend him, and once it is revealed that I am loyal, you will fail in your attempts to defeat these people and the Alliance they are working to create.

See the scum, kill the scum. Remember this, loyal citizens.

I wasn't aware that the King had appointed you as the executioner Amb Vipont! Strange as you seem to be quite good at it. Have you murdered anyone else lately?

Still the main point of my words is to again echo the sentiments of the King, magic has been outlawed under the new Alliance, and as such it appears to not only myself that you are indeed a threat to this new Alliance rather than a benefit. I feel that we will most likely find out that you are indeed a Dragon even if my book smarts can't yet divine your full allegiances.

I don't recall voting for either execution of the two non-dragon citizen/neutral people whilst many others did, does that make all the others more likely to be a Dragons then? (including yourself) Surely if we were all Dragons voting for you and Ethel, then the Dragons have already won, runs around crazily with arms in the air. Only time will tell, and if no conviction is reached I can only help but feel that more murders will occur like our poor Gilbert.

I guess I now have a target on my head now for speaking out, but so be it.

For now my vote holds, however if you aren't convicted then I pray for us all (and hope someone will investigate your allegiances in the night)

Good Friar I seek solace in your words and Chef Walter's delightful Hashbrowns as I do not rejoice in convicting a man to his doom.

I didn't, actually, I chose another Lady but never reached her as I was blocked from leaving my quarters last night. I still don't really understand what happened, but ultimately I never saw anyone.

You killed the sorcerer last night, but say you were blocked from leaving your quarters? I don't believe you could have done that without coming out of your room.

Thanks for reminding us of the King's words, Lady Papelion. To say his majesty would mislead us is foolishness, and it reaffirms Ambassador Vipont's guilt.

I don't understand... You really should stick to one story, Ambassador. Now I'm suspicious of you, as well.

But I won't vote until he explains himself further. :sadnew:

Agnes, I think he has explained himself fully.

I hate to accept it... but... you're all right. He must be scummy.

But if we're wrong and he's loyal, we just lost our killer.

Agnes, you just said that Sirion is a Dragon, but you don't vote for him, stop trying to protect him, this whole day you have been saying that Sirion is innocent which makes you look very suspicious, now is time to choose your either with Sirion, or you're with us.

Agnes, you just said that Sirion is a Dragon, but you don't vote for him, stop trying to protect him, this whole day you have been saying that Sirion is innocent which makes you look very suspicious, now is time to choose your either with Sirion, or you're with us.

I'm just the stupid, young, uneducated maid, okay?! :cry_sad: I finally accepted that you guys were right! I'm on your side! :cry_sad:

Peter! Hug! NOW!!!!! :cry_sad::cry_sad::cry_sad:

But if we're wrong and he's loyal, we just lost our killer.

I don't believe that Ambassador Vipont isn't the hooded nor the armored killer (he only got rid of the Wizard as per the votes from yesterday), but I do strongly believe that he isn't on the alliance's side either.

There are many players in this game... of life, and while Vipont is most likely one of the Dragons, there are others who we should be watching out for. So keep in mind that even if we convict the ambassador today, the Dragons are not defeated.

You killed the sorcerer last night, but say you were blocked from leaving your quarters? I don't believe you could have done that without coming out of your room.

I was unable to leave my rooms to perform my night action (protect). I have no control over what the voice in the sky does with me otherwise, including my use as the executioner for the vote of the people. You know how this works, playing dumb to try to sway votes is a pathetic ploy.

Thanks for reminding us of the King's words, Lady Papelion. To say his majesty would mislead us is foolishness, and it reaffirms Ambassador Vipont's guilt.

The King has an old prejudice that will eventually change. When I am shown to be loyal, the first step will be taken in proving that some magic is good, especially when it stops evil as it did last night.

Agnes, you just said that Sirion is a Dragon, but you don't vote for him, stop trying to protect him, this whole day you have been saying that Sirion is innocent which makes you look very suspicious, now is time to choose your either with Sirion, or you're with us.

And remember, tomorrow is the day to look back and remember who chose what side, for my loyalty will shine a blinding light on the scum who convicted me.

Which side will each of you be on?

but I do strongly believe that he isn't on the alliance's side either.

There are many players in this game... of life, and while Vipont is most likely one of the Dragons, there are others who we should be watching out for. So keep in mind that even if we convict the ambassador today, the Dragons are not defeated.

Why? What actual evidence is there? None. I have performed solely in the best interest of the Alliance by stopping an avowed enemy of all of us who are loyal. My death will not only NOT defeat the Dragons, it will strengthen them, and those of you who were a part of that will be remembered for causing it.

Notice that it's the same few voices attacking me over and over. The majority of you know better, but you stay silent. This is not the time for silence, loyal citizens, the Alliance needs you, and as a defender of the Alliance, I need you. Please have courage enough to step forward. If you don't believe me, take a stand, but if you are uncertain, or you know that I am loyal, please don't send me to my death, I don't want to die and the Alliance can't afford another loss.

Actually I did answer you, in fact this is what I said earlier:

Now you are throwing accusations at me, even though I did answer your question, so pay attention more please :hmpf_bad: .

Apologies for that, I must have overlooked it. But I'm still suspicious of all of you knights, it's not hard to stray from justice to abuse your power.

Hashbrowns sound delicious, but if they are made from potatos, then I will be keeping my distance from the kitchen. Potatos frighten me! :cry_sad:

Actually, that would be the intention of hashbrowns; fried potatoes. :wink:

I doubt that. On Day 1, we clearly saw that one hooded figure (called an intruder) cut poor Fergus to pieces. I don't think this would be something our vigilante would do.

But our vigilante never knows who's loyal and who's not. He/ she just takes their best guess based on events. It might have been an accidental team kill.

I am utterly devoted to the King and this alliance, and I whole-heartedly agree with him. We must expel magic from our midst, and Ambassador Vipont is a renowned spellcaster. I believe the King when he says that nothing good can come out of magic-makers, and that is another proof against Vipont.

Excellent point, thanks for pointing that out. I completely agree with you.

I'm going to say this very clearly for all to hear.

I am loyal to this Alliance.

It's really that simple.

No, not really. :wacko: Am I just supposed to take you're word for it?

Will you be his next victim?

Vote: Francis the Friar / Svelte

Trying to turn the blame on someone else now? Especially one that's waited to vote for you? Seems like desperation to me. :hmpf_bad:

With this new information provided by this young lady here (names are hard to remember in these hard times), and signs of your desperation, I'm going to vote you.

Vote: Vipont/ ImperialShadows

I admit, after my husband turned up wrongful, I thought that you were good. Though I thought it was weird you were so hell bent on defeating him on a whim of a name, you were right.

Now you have gone after the Friar for no reason. This shifts uspscion back onto you that was never fully gone. Not enough for me to vote for you, but enough that it's starting to get close.

Why is everyone after the ambassador? Geez. All the accusations flying. My husband died for the peace and now its nothing but chaos. I am disappointed in all of you and I think I might be the only person who actually wants peace and the alliance. The reason we are all bickering is because we want peace. I call that irony.

Finally I have catch up with the conversation with you guys, among so many points mentioned, I tend to agree with Lady Rohesia's quotes with regards to the King's raised point about magic. We are working hard together to overcome differences and forge a new alliance together and with other states.

We scored one yesterday last night, with Vipont eliminating the Sorcerer, that is a neutral character. So far, all of the commotions has been revolved around magical users. Then again, late last night, we have noted that a dark knight has appeared to kill one of our fine guards. Don't know what we should classify them.

One important thing to note, is there no investigators whom willing to share any findings that is made so far? Noone seemed to be affirm on Vipont's loyalty.

Oh Agnes, if you have decided to make a stand, just stick to it and believe in it. Don't go running around up and down, whining. It doesn't really make you look good. :hmpf_bad:

So far, what are the votes count? Perhaps, the oh mighty one that is residing above could give us a tally.

For now, I am unsure of my vote, and I fear that I might caused a wrongful vote. If I really have to make a choice to end the day, I will cast mine as well on our Ambassador along with the majority, but if we are truly wrong about this, we might have lose someone important.

Vote Count

Ambassador Sirion Vipont (ImperialShadows) - 7 Votes (Ricecracker, Sandy, I Scream Clone, Sir Dillon, Escape the Fate, Quarryman, Svelte)

Francis, Friar (Svelte) - 1 Vote (ImperialShadows)

Non-Voters - 10 People (Stash2sixx, TinyPiesRUs, Alice, Zepher, professor flitwick, WhiteFang, Darth_Legois, JimButcher, Striker, Bob the Construction Man)

Plus one vote fro mthe Chef is 8 votes for Sirion. I hope that helps good sir.

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