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If we don't convict anyone today, we'll be going into yet another Sudden Death night and the armored killer will claim another victim.

You people were quick to dispose both Ethel and Lord Harcourt, yet you hesitate now when faced with a conniving silver-tongue like Vipont? Does he really intimidate you that much?

We might not have concrete evidence against him (other than the King's wise words), but he has nothing to prove his innocence, either. No, Ambassador, your word for it doesn't count.

And the bottomline is, even if we turn out to be wrong about him, we will learn something new in any case. I will gladly surrender my life to your hands, I have nothing to hide or gain in this game of life. I am simply a lady who has devoted her life to her King and this alliance.

If we can vote off Vipont, once his identity is revealed we should be able to learn a lot about going by who voted and who didn't.

I assume you meant me. :hmpf_bad:

Prepare for all of you to feel stupid when it's revealed he's a citizen, filthy lizard-dropping dumpsters. :sadnew:

Prepare for all of you to feel stupid when it's revealed he's a citizen, filthy lizard-dropping dumpsters. :sadnew:

Excuse me, but how do you know that, Agnes?

And just a moment ago you were ready to get him executed too! So I think it's the pot calling the kettle black here, although you are more versed in kitchen wares than I am.

Excuse me, but how do you know that, Agnes?

I don't know, I've been twisting my mind around this one, and I think that we can trust him. He hasn't done anything wrong, and we're going after him because we're just naive. We're naive because he's been scummy in almost every game got magical powers, but he hasn't done anything wrong with them except destroy a threat.

And just a moment ago you were ready to get him executed too!

You're right, I was going to, but I then realized that I was making a bad choice. I refuse to waste my vote on someone we have no proof against, especially if he has the power to save us.

So I think it's the pot calling the kettle black here, although you are more versed in kitchen wares than I am.

Oh no you didn't! :angry: So just because I'm a maid means I cook, too, right? No, thats Chef Walters' job! Stop abusing my maidly powers! :cry_sad:

I refuse to waste my vote on someone we have no proof against...

Except you've done it three times today already. :wacko:

...especially if he has the power to save us.

And how do you know that, either? The King himself said that we can't trust magic anymore, and I'm not ready to get myself "saved" by Vipont's green flames.

Oh well, no use arguing with you, Agnes. It is best you leave the thinking to the more educated ones, anyway.

You know, you're right, Lady Papelion.

Nobody's going to listen to the maid anyway. :sadnew:

I'll just sit here and be quiet, I'm sorry if I have disturbed your wrongful accusations. :hmpf_bad:

I'll just sit here and be quiet, I'm sorry if I have disturbed your wrongful accusations. :hmpf_bad:

You are just going around in circles, dear maid. First you say you know nothing, then you say I am wrong, after which you again admit your ignorance, and now my accusations are wrong again. Yes, it probably would be best if you stayed quiet.

I am voting for Ambassador Vipont because he is the most suspicious to me. I have no way of knowing if he is quilty or innocent until he is trialed, so I am using the only "weapon" given to me for this game of life - voting.

As Sandy has brought up before, the King said, "Today, the Alliance of the Three Nations has been born. It has been founded on the need for a future, not a past. We must forget our past, forget our ancestors' dedication to the race of dragons, forget their blind worship of a divine species that has abandoned us, and instead focus on our futures, the future of mankind. It is magic and the arcane arts that have driven us down to where we are now, and so for us to go on, we must banish magic, banish that which is unnatural and unneeded in our lives, and instead found our new world order on the strength and courage of men, men with the bravery to fight the enemy face to face."

Striker since you refuse to adhere to what the King said, that is treason; in fact anyone who does not vote for Sirion is commiting treason, and is therefore a traitor. Come on people the Alliance can only survive with out magic, and Sirion agreed to this. So Sirion broke the treaty for the Alliance as well, this should be more than enough reason to vote for him.

If you put it that way sir, I shall:

Vote: Vipont / ImperialShadows

Captain Geoffrey's words are indeed wise.

You can see that while Virulentpants has not even yet been convicted, he has already contrived to cast a snide little charm about my unofficial 'title' :hmpf: So any who think he shall treat any of us with respect in the coming vital days, or that he will forgive & forget anyone who speaks out in disagreement with him, can see they are mistaken.

I have served nobly and honestly, and I am proud of that. Some of you have seen the truth and not given in to the mob. I applaud you and hope you will have the strength to continue the good fight without me.

I have resisted the mob. I have not voted though I thought that you were suspsious. And how am I reapid?

Moments ago, I was told by Sirion that I had to take back my vote, or die. He said that he saw what I was going. He said that I got rid of my husband, and then him, and that his last act in this game would be making everyone see the truth about me.

I have not voted. He used a threat against someone who had not yet voted for him. That, my friends, is desperate.

I'd like to remind a few of you that "silver tongued" and other such slurs are what is commonly called metagaming: an attempt to influence the vote in the current game ... of life ... based on a perception of events in former games ... of life. Basically, it's punishing good players for being good. People only do it when they are on opposite sides and have no legitimate argument against a player.

It is considered cheating in mafia games (of life), and I'm tired of it (and will eventually be adding a forum rule about it). It's one thing to think, "I'm not sure I believe him, he's a good player," it's quite another to announce it to brainwash people into using past events that are unrelated to the game to judge the present situation. Every game is different. Every character is different. You only cheat yourself when you close your mind to the current situation by being stuck in the past.

But, if you're going to play the metagaming card over and over, I'm going to take one shot at it before it's banned from the forum..

Loyal citizens! My 'team' never wins any game in which I die. NEVER. As a loyal citizen, if I die, the loyal citizens will lose. This has been the case in every game ... of life ... ever played. If you allow them to kill me, you will end up losing.

Now carry on with your silver tongued nonsense.

I am voting for Ambassador Vipont because he is the most suspicious to me. I have no way of knowing if he is quilty or innocent until he is trialed, so I am using the only "weapon" given to me for this game of life - voting.

You're doing exactly what you've griped about others doing, and you're doing it a great deal of energy. You want me dead. You don't care about justice or helping this Alliance, you simply want me dead. It shows in rambling post after rambling post. Talk about someone who should simply shut her mouth, it is you, for every time you open it, you show your true motives to all who can see.

As Sandy has brought up before, the King said, "Today, the Alliance of the Three Nations has been born. It has been founded on the need for a future, not a past. We must forget our past, forget our ancestors' dedication to the race of dragons, forget their blind worship of a divine species that has abandoned us, and instead focus on our futures, the future of mankind. It is magic and the arcane arts that have driven us down to where we are now, and so for us to go on, we must banish magic, banish that which is unnatural and unneeded in our lives, and instead found our new world order on the strength and courage of men, men with the bravery to fight the enemy face to face."

Read what the King said very carefully. He is talking about the people of Matadoer, not Dromindur. We were not founded by the dragons, you were. The evil sorcerer lived under your noses, not ours. We have not given up magic, and he knows that, or a wizard of my standing wouldn't have been invited to participate in this Alliance. You are twisting his words.

If you wish to use his words, however, notice that he says we should fight the enemy face to face. I did. I fought the sorcerer sent to destroy the Alliance and the kingdom face to face, and I am persecuted for it.

Did you fight the enemy? You're the captain who allowed his men to be slaughtered.

Come on people the Alliance can only survive with out magic, and Sirion agreed to this. So Sirion broke the treaty for the Alliance as well, this should be more than enough reason to vote for him.

You are lying. You are nothing more than an overstuffed guard, you know nothing of the politics of this Alliance. As an Ambassador, I do. In the future, I would suggest you mind your own job and keep your guards alive, while those of us who are qualified deal with treaties and Alliances.

You can see that while Virulentpants has not even yet been convicted, he has already contrived to cast a snide little charm about my unofficial 'title' :hmpf:

Obviously name calling goes both ways, doesn't it Friar?

So any who think he shall treat any of us with respect in the coming vital days, or that he will forgive & forget anyone who speaks out in disagreement with him, can see they are mistaken.

I hold no ill will against anyone who sees their mistake and corrects it, but I will not forgive those who knowingly and willingly attempt to destroy this kingdom and Alliance, and I wouldn't expect anyone to. I disagreed with Lady Harcourt for defending her evil husband, but despite the fact that she lied repeatedly, I have not gone after her as you have me, for I realise that she was deceived.

You aren't deceived, you know exactly what you're doing and why, and you will pay for it, whether you manage to have me murdered or not. The people will see the truth and bring justice to your door. Will you be ready to answer?

Ambassador, may I advise you publish a list of who you think are the Dragons, in case you do end up loyal. It is generally a smart idea to leave behind your ideas, which will be binto a different light once you are dead and gone and your alliance known.

No one is metagaming. We're accusing you because you're twisting everyone's words in this game... of life. The imagry, the desperation... you're even trying to turn the blame on people such as Simon and the Friar who are clearly innocent. :hmpf: and then there's the fact that you're trying to accuse all... ten was it? of us that voted for you. Oh, yes, every single one of us is a dragon, but if that were true, we so-called dragons would have the game won already.

Anges, my dear, choose who you wish, but I strongly encourage you to consider revoting Vipont. It's the only way to avoid a random death tonight, and that's the last thing we want.

Considering the long-winded farewell speech you made a while ago - something intricate about gardening (?) - I don't see how you could possibly complain about being called silver-tongued. Will we have to submit all our contributions to this discussion for censorship approval by the Ambassador in future?

Lady Rhodesia's logic seems sounds to me. On the absence of any compelling evidence against anyone else, Ambassador, your habit of wandering the halls at midnight using forbidden magic to kill people - which as Simon points out was nowhere approved by the King - makes you much more dangerous than anyone else at this point. Your aggressive speech manner in calling everyone who disagrees with you by nasty names doesn't engender much sympathy. As Rhodesia says, our strength in these wicked times is the democratic power of our vote. Innocent deaths are regrettable but unavoidable, but preferable to the indecisive extras who stand around saying 'Well, I'm not really sure about anything, so I'll just stand around posting random remarks until the Dragons come and slit my throat and eat my babies.' :hmpf:

It is not stupid to sit around and listen to both sides of the arguement, Friar. I'd personally like to wait for real eidence to show up, since currently you're accused becuase you have a hood, and he's accused becuase he killed the person who was running away who we killed off.

Every game is different. Every character is different. You only cheat yourself when you close your mind to the current situation by being stuck in the past.
Loyal citizens! My 'team' never wins any game in which I die. NEVER. As a loyal citizen, if I die, the loyal citizens will lose. This has been the case in every game ... of life ... ever played. If you allow them to kill me, you will end up losing.

You are quite clearly contradicting yourself here.

I agree that predetermining an opinion on someone simply because of past experiences can be bad in situations like this, but I don't think that is the case here. We have suspicions and clues, and are acting on them. From what you have said recently, it seems like you want the group to believe everyone who finds fault with you is an evil scumbag with a grudge.

I'd personally like to wait for real eidence to show up

We would all like more evidence, but at this point I don't think we'll be getting any. If an investigator wanted to speak up they would have done it by now, and even if they did we wouldn't know if they were telling the truth. I would think the King's word is about the best evidence we will get in this life.

It is not stupid to sit around and listen to both sides of the arguement, Friar.

I agree. My first contribution in this day was to say exactly that - and to call for anyone with new evidence to come forth. But I fear that if we do not come to consensus, another night of horror and murder awaits us all.

*clears throat* On that note, anyone who wants to make a private confession of their sins should do so this evening between 5pm-6pm, to aid your passage into heaven, just in case you are burned to death by magical fire in the night or beheaded by mysterious assassins. You may also wish to write a touching note for any loved ones you leave behind, which the King may allow us to pin on a noticeboard in the Castle foyer. See me for confession appointments. And praise be!

Very well Thomas. I can not say that I completely agree with you, but you are right, we lack evidence.

I will cast the last vote. But I am afraid. Sirion has stated anyone who casts the last vote for him is a Dragon. What if he is loyal? Will I have to come tumbling down tomorrow becuase of that! It seems so sad that to get rid of one I may lose myself.

But i will be brave. He is most likely trying to twist more words anyway, trying to take out another one of us.

Vote: Sirion/ImpShadows

Ambassador, may I advise you publish a list of who you think are the Dragons, in case you do end up loyal. It is generally a smart idea to leave behind your ideas, which will be binto a different light once you are dead and gone and your alliance known.

I've made two of them very clear. It will be obvious to all but the blind.

No one is metagaming. We're accusing you because you're twisting everyone's words in this game... of life.

If you go back to day 1, you'll see that isn't true, or you would if you were looking at it objectively.

you're even trying to turn the blame on people such as Simon and the Friar who are clearly innocent. :hmpf:

And that is where you expose yourself to scrutiny. At this stage, no one is clearly innocent, yet you defend those two specifically. Pay attention people, the scum thrive on hidden alliances, but they often fail to hide them well and feel compelled to defend their allies.

and then there's the fact that you're trying to accuse all... ten was it? of us that voted for you. Oh, yes, every single one of us is a dragon, but if that were true, we so-called dragons would have the game won already.

Now you're simply lying. I stated that those who instigated this vote and are so vehement in insisting on my death are dragons, and with good reason, only a dragon can be absolutely sure I'm loyal and would want me dead. A loyal citizen might wrongfully believe something, but they tend to have the good sense to at least doubt their suspicions. The dragons have no doubts, so they pound away at me, post after post, because they are certain.

Considering the long-winded farewell speech you made a while ago - something intricate about gardening (?) - I don't see how you could possibly complain about being called silver-tongued. Will we have to submit all our contributions to this discussion for censorship approval by the Ambassador in future?

The voice in the sky agrees that what I am saying has been occurring (though he doesn't know what to do about it), you were present at the discussion, so stop playing that game, it's silly. As for my farewell speech, as you call it, it was completely related to current events in this game ... of life, and in no way referred to anyone in any way based on past 'games', so your point doesn't even exist.

On the absence of any compelling evidence against anyone else, Ambassador, your habit of wandering the halls at midnight using forbidden magic to kill people - which as Simon points out was nowhere approved by the King - makes you much more dangerous than anyone else at this point.

Excuse me? I used the only possible weapon to stop the sorcerer that the citizens voted to kill. One night, one approved kill. You just lied yet again. See the lies, people, see the deception coming from the Friar and deal with him when I am found loyal.

Innocent deaths are regrettable but unavoidable

Is that what your bible tells you, Friar? Fascinating.

As for my farewell speech, as you call it, it was completely related to current events in this game

You misunderstand me; I meant only that it was admirably loquacious.

Is that what your bible tells you, Friar? Fascinating.

Yes; I'm an Old Testament kinda guy :tongue:

You are all fools! The Ambassador knew the Sorcerer (Lord Harcourt) was going to cause trouble for the Alliance and he told us about it. Now you all want to kill him. You are all horribly misled I am afraid. I believe the dragons have revealed themselves by their actions today in leading us astray. I shall cast my vote.

Vote: Friar Francis/Svelte

Yes; I'm an Old Testament kinda guy :tongue:


And on that note... dead Ambassador walking!

Day locked.

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Vote Count

Ambassador Sirion Vipont (ImperialShadows) - 10 Votes (Ricecracker, Sandy, I Scream Clone, Sir Dillon, Escape the Fate, Quarryman, Svelte, JimButcher, Bob the Construction Man, Zepher)

Francis, Friar (Svelte) - 3 Vote (ImperialShadows, Alice, Darth_Legois)

Non-Voters - 5 People (Stash2sixx, TinyPiesRUs, professor flitwick, WhiteFang, Striker)

A majority vote of 10 is needed to convict, Therefore, ImperialShadows has been convicted.

The afternoon sun was streaming into the hall, and after much debate, a conviction had been reached. The residents of the castle had chosen Sirion Vipont, the Ambassador for Dromindur in the Alliance of the Three Nations, a powerful Wizard who only the night before had defeated the dangerous Ankorian Sorcerer, and very shortly, a new initiate of the Kingdom of the Dead.


"Bring down the blasphemer!", someone cried.

"Kill the traitorous scum!" another agreed.

"Won't someone please just think of the children?", somebody else muttered.

The crowd was getting wild; surely soon all hell would break lose. The Ambassador desperately tried to appeal to the angry mob.


"People, please listen!", he shouted. "You can't kill me! I'm a representative of Dromindur, an important man, and your only hope in defeating the Dragon spell casters if they should return. I dealt with the Sorcerer like you wanted, didn't I? And besides, I'm dashingly handsome!"

The crowd were unmoved however, and began to close in.


"Guards!", the captain cried. "Take this evil doer to the dungeons, ready for the castle executioner to deal with tonight. We should not have to suffer his presence any longer."

Before the guards could move however, Sirion called forth his wizard's fire, forcing back the mob.


"That's it then!", he fumed. "If you no longer wish my participation in this search for evil doers, in this Alliance, then I shall be leaving, and you can't stop me. If any of you comes any closer, I will incinerate you like I did the Sorcerer here."


The crowd retreated, clearing a path to the doors for the Ambassador. Releasing his hold on the fire, he began walking towards the exit, holding himself with dignity in the face of the hateful stares from the crowd.


Stopping suddenly, the Ambassador turned back and addressed the King.


Your majesty, I take my leave of you and your castle. I am only sorry that your residents could not see the truth in this matter, but never the less, I still respect you and what you stand for, and hope that there will be a time in the future that our two lands can once again consider peace. I do not believe it will be soon however.


The King nodded his head in mute acceptance of the spoken words, and watched unmoving as the Ambassador made his way out of the castle. The rest of the residents closed in behind to watch him go, silently fuming at his escape from their clutches.


Calling forth his magic once again, Sirion strode confidently towards the heavy, locked front doors of the entrance foyer.


Outside, all was peaceful. Birds were chirping, and the sun was shining brightly, in contrast to the terrible things that had and were still yet to take place inside the castle.


Bursting open the doors, Sirion walked out into the sunshine, glad to be leaving the ungrateful residents of Matidoer.


Stopping on the path, he silently grieved for the deaths that were to come because of the narrow-mindedness of some people. Perhaps he could still do something for them.


Turning, he raised his arms and brought forth two great streams or magic, directing them at the doors.



With great dexterity, Sirion manipulated the flows of power and weaved a complex web of magic across the front of the castle. The doors slammed shut, and the Grand Hall and all the people standing there watching were cut of from his view. Quiet once more returned to the castle.


In the silence, the people inside the castle looked at the closed doors with mixed feelings. Had they made a terrible mistake, convicting the Ambassador, or had they managed to send off one of the biggest threats to their existence? They would not know for sure until the morning...



Day 3 has now ended. Tonight will not be a sudden death night. Please send in your night actions, if you have one, as soon as possible. If you do not wish to use it, please let me know anyway. The night will last 2 days, as outlined previously. The sooner you get your actions in, the sooner I can prepare Day 4. Thanks.

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