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The evening sun coloured the exterior of the mighty castle of Matidoer, as the residents returned to their beds for the night, wondering if they had made the correct decision to convict Ambassador Vipont.


Either way, the castle would still be standing in the morning, so they weren't too worried. At least they hadn't killed him if he did turn out to be innocent.


Meanwhile, outside, a rather flustered Ambassador was walking around the back of the castle, looking a little lost.


"I knew I should have brought a horse or something", he muttered. "I didn't even grab my staff. I'll have to go back for that at some point, I guess."

As Sirion walked past the stained glass window behind the grand hall, he looked up at it, and pondered on the fates of those residents locked inside.


"Those people deserve what they have coming to them if they are so blind that they can't see what is right before them", he growled. "Really, trying to kill me. The nerve of some people!"


The Ambassador walked on, when suddenly he was confronted by a robed figure with a wizard's staff.


"You!", exclaimed Sirion. "I should have known you were behind this. I haven't seen you in years!"

"Indeed, you should have known I was still around", the robed figure replied. "It was a mistake to try to go against me though."

"How could I not go against you?", fumed Sirion. "What you are fighting for are the outdated ideas of a past that will never be revived. The only thing we have is the future,and frankly, I'm all for that. Now take this!"

Sirion raised his arm and blasted a stream of wizard's fire at the robbed figure. Or at least he tried to.


The robbed figure shook his head.

"It is a pity I'm going to have to kill you now, you could have gone so far. I had high hopes for you when you were a boy. Once I have dealt with you, I'll go deal with those pesky people in the castle."

"You'll not be getting in any time soon", sneered Sirion. "I sealed the castle, so nobody is going in or out. If those residents are smart, they'll have taken care of your Dragons before you can get in."

"We shall see about that."

The robed figure raised his arm.


"So long Sirion, give my regards to the Keeper of the Dead."

With that, the robbed figure blasted Ambassador Sirion Vipont with a stream of his own wizard's fire.


"Dammit, you can't do this to me, I'm dashingly ha-", Sirion screamed, before being cut off by the blast. His body was ripped to shreds, leaving a trail of his remains strewn across the ground.



"Rest in peace, Sirion", the robbed figure softly spoke to himself. "I'm sorry you had to go in this struggle."


The figure stood over the remains of the once mighty Ambassador Sirion Vipont, Wizard of the Second Order, before turning to go, leaving just a bloody mess to show anyone had been there at all.


The sun set over the castle, plunging it into darkness.

Later that night, a dark figure made it's way down the stairs in the entrance foyer.


The figure looked around the hall, but nobody was in sight.


"After I was wrong last night, I don't think I'll try killing anyone tonight. Damn Gilbert, why did he have to look suspicious to me. This is all his fault."

The figure looked around again.


"Well, there is nobody about, and this helmet is horribly stuffy, so I might as well take it off."

Removing her helmet, Countess Margaret Durville looked around.


"Ah, that's better", she sighed. Just then, a cloaked figure jumped out from behind a pillar. The countess screamed.

"I've been looking for you", chuckled the figure.


"You won't get me, you filth!", she cried, and dashed down the hall.


The figure grunted and followed in quick pursuit. The pair raced towards the dining room.


Unfortunately for the Countess, she wasn't fast enough with her heavy breastplate, and the robed figure caught her from behind.


Crying out, she feel to the floor where she bled to death.


The last thing she saw in her life on earth was the ceiling of the grand hall, which had witnessed so much death already.

"If only I had chosen the right person...", she sighed, before passing away.


In the morning, the residents of the castle sleepily trickled into the Grand Hall to meet for another day and hopefully convict a Dragon. They were met with the grueling sight of the Countess left lying on the floor.


The people chatted amongst themselves as they entered, in no rush to start the voting all over again.


The stragglers eventually made their way in, until everyone was present.


Crowded around the body of the late Countess, the King addressed the residents.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been a sad night for the loyal citizens. The dear Countess here was murdered quite cruely, and has been left as a reminder that we are not yet rid of the Dragon scum that walk amongst us. Not only was she a loyal Citizen, but she was also out nightly vigilant. Despite her mistake over Gilbert, her lose may well be a hindrance to our plans."

"That is not the worst of it however. I have had the rooms of Ambassador Vipont searched thoroughly and, as I thought, he too was a loyal Citizen working for the good of the Alliance. Despite what you all thought, he used his magic only to protect one of you each night, not to kill. It looks like not all magic is as bad as we first believed. I would have thought after he claimed to have dealt with the Sorcerer and nobody disputed it, you would see him as a benefit to our cause, but apparently not. I hope, for your sakes, that you do a better job today. That will be all."

As the King finished speaking, surprised mutters spread through the assembled people. They had been so certain. Feeling slightly foolish, the people of the castle began their discussions anew...



Rules of Play

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "day", you will be given 4 real days in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 2 real days. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the two days, they will not be counted.

- There will be two main sides in the game. Your winning criteria will be included with your character PM.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- You may not edit your posts. Violation of this rule may result in a moderator kill.

- Please avoid posting out of character in the game thread.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a moderator kill. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the General Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I will try my best to stick to the schedule, and your cooperation will help this greatly, particularly getting night actions in promptly.

- Sudden Death rules, as outlined in your roles, will only apply on certain nights. You will be informed of this in the final post of the day. A day in which no conviction is reached will definitely result in a sudden death night.

Characters and Players

ralf.jpg Ambassador Ralf Simnel played by Quarryman

juliana.jpg Duchess Juliana Dufay played by Alice

hugh.jpg Hugh (Servant) played by WhiteFang

simon.jpg Simon (Librarian) played by I Scream Clone

peter.jpg Peter (Servant) played by Darth_Legois

victor.jpg Lieutenant Victor played by Bob the construction man

rohesia.jpg Lady Rohesia Papelion played by Sandy

beatrice.jpg Lady Beatrice Harcourt played by Zepher

thomas.jpg Admiral Thomas Mallory played by Sir Dillon

richard.jpg Richard (Guard) played by Ricecracker

agnes.jpg Agnes (Maid) played by Striker

nicholas.jpg Nicholas (Guard) played by professor flitwick

francis.jpg Francis the Friar played by Svelte

geoffrey.jpg Captain Geoffrey played by Escape the Fate

edward.jpg Lord Edward Griffin played by Stash2sixx

walter.jpg Chef Walter played by JimButcher

The Deceased

ethel.jpg Ethel (Maid) played by Adam (Citizen): Convicted, Day 1

william.jpg Lord William Harcourt played by Hinckley (Neutral): Convicted, Day 2

gilbert.jpg Gilbert (Guard) played by General Armendariz (Citizen): Killed, Night 2

sirion.jpg Ambassador Sirion Vipont played by ImperialShadows (Citizen): Convicted, Day 3

margaret.jpg Countess Margaret Durville played by TinyPiesRUs (Citizen): Killed, Night 3

I told you that you were all fools. I am going to cast my vote now because I think the Dragons made themselves obvious in the voting yesterday.

Vote: I Scream Clone/Simon

Day by day, we are being led by the dragons, and cost 2 of our most important characters to be sent to death... We got zero bodyguards and zero vigilant to act for the citizens...

Ambassador Siron is innocent and is our bodyguard, and he met his doom. I remembered many times ago, that there was another black magic caster lurking behind our backs. It's time to get our votes correct.

I have a few suspects in mind, and as a mere servant that has no power in this medieval hierarchy will not matters. It's our voices that is going to unite us all.... We have been scoring extremely poorly...

I too told you the truth. You made the wrong choice.

And for that, I must agree with Dutchess Juliana.

Vote: Simon the Librarian/I Scream Clone

You were all ridiculous yesterday, and, for once, the citizens of Matidoer should have listened to the maid. Sirion was innocent and for that we lost one of our vital protectors, and tonight we lost poor Countess Durville. I never suspected her. I'm going to miss you, ma'am. :cry_sad:

Please, you must get the votes right. I got a letter from Ambassador Sirion telling me that we must act upo who voted against him and how obvious the scum made themselves yesterday,

Please listen to me when I say that the ones who were sevierly persistent in voting him off are the most obvious Dragons.

I recall Simon being one of those people.

Who knows, we may score on voting off the Dragon leader. They're typically old men like him. :hmpf_bad:

Indeed, it shall be. I shall cast my very first vote, for the past 4 tragic days...

Duchess Juliana and Agnes has voted for one of the few suspects that I have in mind, and for the ones whom have ganged up against Ambassador Sirion...

Vote: Simon the Librarian/I Scream Clone

I am sorry, Simon.

Indeed, it shall be. I shall cast my very first vote, for the past 4 tragic days...

Duchess Juliana and Agnes has voted for one of the few suspects that I have in mind, and for the ones whom have ganged up against Ambassador Sirion...

Vote: Simon the Librarian/I Scream Clone

I am sorry, Simon.

Hugh, you are smarter than I thought.

Well done.

And don't be sorry, in these games... of life, the Dragons and vigilantes are always the people you'd least expect.

The librarian is one of these people, hopefully.

Trust the hysterical females to start voting immediately before anyone has a chance to reveal anything they may have learned. As the Lord teaches in Nahum 3:13: Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars.

I think we should wait to see if anyone learned anything during the night before we start throwing accusations around. Does anyone have evidence they wish to reveal?

I also wouldn't mind having an informal chat to Lord God above. We may be better served by a new King that doesn't change his policy on magic use every 2 days :hmpf: If he was more consistent, and there had been more evidence, perhaps a loyal Citizen would not have died last night :sadnew:

Trust the hysterical females to start voting immediately before anyone has a chance to reveal anything they may have learned. As the Lord teaches in Nahum 3:13: Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars.

I'm getting pretty sick of you treating us like filthy peasants, Friar. You talk about women as if they can't be royal or for that matter, trustworthy.

I think we should wait to see if anyone learned anything during the night before we start throwing accusations around. Does anyone have evidence they wish to reveal?

How about no, you crazy foreign extremist! :hmpf:

I also wouldn't mind having an informal chat to Lord God above. We may be better served by a new King that doesn't change his policy on magic use every 2 days :hmpf: If he was more consistent, and there had been more evidence, perhaps a loyal Citizen would not have died last night :sadnew:

How dare you talk about his Majesty like that! He is our King, and your king for that matter, and he should be treated with respect! You're on my suspects list, too, greasy frier. :hmpf_bad:

Dear Friar, do not mind for whom we have voted for, as this is what our hearts desired to vote for the dragons that doom us all...

Simon is indeed one of the few, that appeared to be highly probable to be part of the dragons. In fact, many few of them has chosen to reveal themself in the campaign yesterday.

As for yourself Friar, your hooded apperance has no co-relation with what has happened in Night 2. At least till this very moment, my informant and myself trusted that you are not out in the dark ploting us to death...

This is upsetting. I was sure he was guilty. :sceptic: The loss of our vigilante just makes everything more bitter.

If I recall correctly, the forerunners in Vipont's death campaign were Simon the Librarian, Lady Rohesia Papelion, Francis the Friar, and myself. I believe that Papelion is loyal, and I obviously won't accuse myself. Simon seems a fine candidate, but considering the way Vipont attacked the Friar yesterday, maybe Francis should be the prime suspect?

[quote name='Striker' date='Sep 28 2009, 12:27 AM' post='590085'

How about no, you crazy foreign extremist! :hmpf:

He's not foreign.... :hmpf:

You three are really too quick to vote this morning. Why don't we go over the evidence presented. I think the Dragons did make themselves clear, though I don't think Simon is the number one threat. Did we not agree that if we were wrong about the ambassador that we'd avenge his death? It was clear that he thought the Friar was a bigger threat, and more likely to be a Dragon. I will not place my vote yet, as I realize I was too quick to with too little evidence yesterday, and for that I'm sorry. I'd like to see what others have found out last night first.

As for yourself Friar, your hooded apperance has no co-relation with what has happened in Night 2. At least till this very moment, my informant and myself trusted that you are not out in the dark ploting us to death...

Sorry Hugh, I did not hear you until after I spoke. Are you in contact with an investigator?

This is upsetting. I was sure he was guilty. :sceptic: The loss of our vigilante just makes everything more bitter.

If I recall correctly, the forerunners in Vipont's death campaign were Simon the Librarian, Lady Rohesia Papelion, Francis the Friar, and myself. I believe that Papelion is loyal, and I obviously won't accuse myself. Simon seems a fine candidate, but considering the way Vipont attacked the Friar yesterday, maybe Francis should be the prime suspect?

You also forgot to put forth my name, I was quite sure that he was guilty as well, especially after Lady Rohesia brought up what the King said. So as for now I'm not going to vote and hold off until I can make some sort of sense of all this.

Sorry Hugh, I did not hear you until after I spoke. Are you in contact with an investigator?

It's alright, Admiral. Actually, I shared this information yesterday, claiming that the Friar was not the one for sure, that was moving around in the dark. He didn't leave the room at all...

Unfortunately, the person whom has left me with this information, didn't tell me where the Friar's loyalty lies.

Lastly, Admiral, may I know where did you go last night? You are out there in the hall, weren't you?

You can suspect me if you wish, but if you look back at the discussions, I was very firm and consistent in the explanation for my voting - to rid the Castle of magic users.

If there is anyone other evidence, I would like to hear it. What, for example, has Simon done apart from vote for the unfortunately deceased Ambassador? Are we not supposed to vote for people? :wacko: Isn't that the point of these daily council meetings, to identify the most likely traitor and cast them out so we avoid the curse of suddent death? You are all very quick to cast judgment, but then seem to find this intolerable behaviour in others? Honestly, it doesn't make any sense.

That is why I suggest waiting until all of us have spoken and revealed any important facts before we commence the vote. Praise be!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am a patient man, but I cannot deal with this anymore.

You are treated like a servant because that's what you are. This is how we are to treat servants. This is also how we treat women who are not Noble. Deal with it. Or better yet, let me assist you.

Vote: Agnes/Striker!

Honestly, wether you are loyal or scum, I really don't care at this point, but I am not looking forward to another day of your hijinx and attention getting! I really hope you are scum!

I have to give you all my most sincere apologizies. I was blinded by my trust in the King yesterday that I didn't see the options, and I voted utterly, horribly wrong. I now see Ambassador Sirion was working for our benefit.

For the fear of being wrong again, I will hold my vote for the moment to see who most of you who didn't vote yesterday go after, and vote for that person. If it is me, I will accept that, even though that will be another victory for the Dragons.

I am still devoted to this alliance, and yesterday I wasn't mislead by anyone, I was just a damned blind fool. :sad:

This is indeed troubling news on Ambassador Sirion Vipont and Countess Durville both being Citizens, and murdered :cry_sad: It is understandable that others feel the need to look for a scape goat at this point in time, and I can understand you wanting to choose someone who was one of the first to oppose the Wizard Sirion Vipont. I do not hold a grudge and can fully expect some strong words and decisions to be made today. I only ask that you hold you votes until someone can perhaps test my loyalty to the crown as I assure you I am not of the Dragon clothe so to speak. I have served the King here for many faithful years and wish only to see us rise above the days of reliance upon Wizards to determine our fates. Let us strive to build upon this chance to start this new alliance. I foolishly chose to try rid our kingdom of a would be threat who turned out to be our protector and for this I am not alone.

I don't understand... You really should stick to one story, Ambassador. Now I'm suspicious of you, as well.

But I won't vote until he explains himself further. :sadnew:

I hate to accept it... but... you're all right. He must be scummy.

But if we're wrong and he's loyal, we just lost our killer.

That's true... I don't want to risk being killed randomly tonight, so...

Sorry, Sirion, I like you, I really do, you're a nice man, but I don't want another guranteed innocent dying.

Vote: Ambassador Sirion Vipont/ImperialShadows

(Here's to prove that you can survive every game!) :tongue:

All of the above lead me to believe that you Agnes are the bigger threat in this game....of life. You flit and flap about with the wind and cause us all trouble. Indeed you voted for Sirion twice in two days and then are so quick to look for a new Citizen to kill now that you were successful in voting off Citizens already.

This is upsetting. I was sure he was guilty. :sceptic: The loss of our vigilante just makes everything more bitter.

If I recall correctly, the forerunners in Vipont's death campaign were Simon the Librarian, Lady Rohesia Papelion, Francis the Friar, and myself. I believe that Papelion is loyal, and I obviously won't accuse myself. Simon seems a fine candidate, but considering the way Vipont attacked the Friar yesterday, maybe Francis should be the prime suspect?

True, true, we were all too hasty, however it is our job to root out these Dragon scum, and we cannot do this unless we occasionally vote off the wrong innocent people.

You also forgot to put forth my name, I was quite sure that he was guilty as well, especially after Lady Rohesia brought up what the King said. So as for now I'm not going to vote and hold off until I can make some sort of sense of all this.

Its still too early to go pointing fingers at us, though it is understandable with the loss of two heroes amongst our ranks who could possibly have saved us from the Dragons.

You can suspect me if you wish, but if you look back at the discussions, I was very firm and consistent in the explanation for my voting - to rid the Castle of magic users.

If there is anyone other evidence, I would like to hear it. What, for example, has Simon done apart from vote for the unfortunately deceased Ambassador? Are we not supposed to vote for people? :wacko: Isn't that the point of these daily council meetings, to identify the most likely traitor and cast them out so we avoid the curse of suddent death? You are all very quick to cast judgment, but then seem to find this intolerable behaviour in others? Honestly, it doesn't make any sense.

That is why I suggest waiting until all of us have spoken and revealed any important facts before we commence the vote. Praise be!

It is true that we are supposed to vote for who we believe are traitors and not merely cast our votes thoughtlessly, and I for one felt strongly after discovering that Lord Harcourt was not a Dragon and felt that he was vilified by Ambassador Sirion Vipont because of what information the crazy Lady Harcourt shared with us all. This is all I am guilty of at this stage, if people refuse to see that then that is their choice.

I for now will not vote for anyone but feel that Agnes/Striker is perhaps playing us all for fools.....

BAH! You're all fools led by dragons! :hmpf_bad: I'm sure the Dragons revealed themselves yesterday by their voting. :hmpf:

I dont believe Simon is a Dragon. Although I can't be certain. Also I promised to go after Richard if the Ambassador was found innocent. :devil:

Vote: Richard/Ricecracker

I told you that you were all fools. I am going to cast my vote now because I think the Dragons made themselves obvious in the voting yesterday.

Vote: I Scream Clone/Simon

Abit fast in voting today?

Day by day, we are being led by the dragons, and cost 2 of our most important characters to be sent to death... We got zero bodyguards and zero vigilant to act for the citizens...

Ambassador Siron is innocent and is our bodyguard, and he met his doom. I remembered many times ago, that there was another black magic caster lurking behind our backs. It's time to get our votes correct.

I have a few suspects in mind, and as a mere servant that has no power in this medieval hierarchy will not matters. It's our voices that is going to unite us all.... We have been scoring extremely poorly...

We must look at the days that have passed and learn from them. Who were the ones that started the voting?, Who suggested the votings?, placed seeds of doubt?, And led us in the wrong direction? We must also look at those who have lead the voting! Although some of these people are probable just innocent fools caught up in all this but I am certain there are Dragons amoungst the fools. :hmpf:

We may be better served by a new King

Does your allegiance not lay with the King and this Alliance? :look:

Vote: Agnes/Striker

I agree with you. I would have kept this vote up yesterday, however I was pulled aside by my Captain, and he told me not to vote for Agnes, and to target Vipont. I shall not forget that sir.

This is upsetting. I was sure he was guilty. :sceptic: The loss of our vigilante just makes everything more bitter.

If I recall correctly, the forerunners in Vipont's death campaign were Simon the Librarian, Lady Rohesia Papelion, Francis the Friar, and myself. I believe that Papelion is loyal, and I obviously won't accuse myself. Simon seems a fine candidate, but considering the way Vipont attacked the Friar yesterday, maybe Francis should be the prime suspect?

Those all seem correct. I trust you completely, and Lady Rohesia seems to be on the right side, though she seemed to really want to get rid of Sirion it looked for good reasons!

Simon and the Friar are what we're left with. If only Sirion had left us more clues as to who we should get rid of! It seems he detested the Friar more, and actually voted for him, while Simon he simply thought had no evidence.

I personally think that the Friar is the worse of the two. He was quite clearly singled out by Shadows, while many people voted without real cause (Simon, Chef Walter, Captain Geoffrey, etc.).

I therefore think that the Frair is who Sirion would like us to destroy. What do you all think about that?

The friar is currently not a threat. Despite my vote for him, I believe he might be a loyal citizen, but am not completely sure of his loyalties. I think in the end, the ambassador also changed his opinion of him. I voted for him to show my support for Sirion because I was certain he was a loyal citizen. I am almost completely sure that Simon is a Dragon. I think voting hastily for Agnes is a bad idea. Sure she talks too much and is an easy target, but let's just tell her to shut up.. not kill her, like we so hastily did with Ethel. Agnes could be scum, but it's more likely she is loyal at this point.

Votes and accusations flying in 4 directions at once.. it's enough to make one go mad. :cry_sad: Completely at a loss here, so I'll abstain from voting for a while. Just hope this noisy confusion won't cause us to not get a conviction at all, only ones that have anything to gain from that would be the dragons.

The friar is currently not a threat. Despite my vote for him, I believe he might be a loyal citizen, but am not completely sure of his loyalties. I think in the end, the ambassador also changed his opinion of him. I voted for him to show my support for Sirion because I was certain he was a loyal citizen. I am almost completely sure that Simon is a Dragon. I think voting hastily for Agnes is a bad idea. Sure she talks too much and is an easy target, but let's just tell her to shut up.. not kill her, like we so hastily did with Ethel. Agnes could be scum, but it's more likely she is loyal at this point.

Where are you getting this information? When we last saw our wizard, he was dead set against the Friar, and now you say you think he changed his mind, that you are almost completely sure the Friar is innocent, and that Simon is a Dragon? How can we trust your conclusions? Are you perhaps twisting the Ambassador's final moments to your favor?

I don't suspect you, but I can't go on blind faith either.

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