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Also I promised to go after Richard if the Ambassador was found innocent. :devil:

No, you didn't. You specifically said that,

If the Ambassador is proven innocent tomorrow you'll be the first person I vote for.

to both Captain Geoffrey and Chef Walter, at the same time. You also said that

But I dont think Richard is a Dragon, Just a innocent who's been caught up in a bandwagon.
Vote: Richard/Ricecracker

Abit fast in voting today?

And you aren't :hmpf:

We must look at the days that have passed and learn from them. Who were the ones that started the voting?, Who suggested the votings?, placed seeds of doubt?, And led us in the wrong direction? We must also look at those who have lead the voting! Although some of these people are probable just innocent fools caught up in all this but I am certain there are Dragons amoungst the fools.

Indeed, you are correct. I may have started the vote yesterday, but that was an honest mistake on my part. I truly am sorry. Please see past that so we can root out the real Dragons.

People! People! Please don't vote for Agnes for the sake of shutting here up! We did that to Ethel and look how far that got us: One loyal servent down!

If we are going to vote for someone linked with a major part in the downfall of Lord Sirion, I suggest all voting for the same one, else we'll be getting no where and risk losing an innocent during the night. I'm going with the person with the most votes currently: Vote: Simon the Librarian/I Scream Clone, even though I believe the Friar was the most suspisious, it would just off been me voting for him :hmpf_bad: .

No, we must vote for who is the most suspcious, and today, that is the Friar. You may all vote for Simon, I for one will go after him tomorrow. Sirion made it clear he suspected the Friar, he voted for him, we can not dodge those facts.

Vote: Friar/Svelte

No, we must vote for who is the most suspcious, and today, that is the Friar. You may all vote for Simon, I for one will go after him tomorrow. Sirion made it clear he suspected the Friar, he voted for him, we can not dodge those facts.

very true Lady Harcourt, but we need a majoriety to lynch someone. As it is likely others shall sway from their votes, would you please, change to Simon? Unless the majoriety votes for the Friar, ofcourse.

I know it would be best for me to just shut up, but the way the votes are divided like this concerns me greatly, as it shows how disjointed our group is right now. I'm partly to blame for that, I know, but I hope we can somehow find a way to reunite our forces against the Dragons.

It is indeed troublesome that the Dragons made their first direct kill only last night, while the other deaths were done either by voting or by the late armored Countess Durville.

I think it is best if we look at the evidence we are given through these paintings. It clearly shows that myself, the Friar, Chef Walter, Lieutenant Victor, Captain Geoffrey and Ambassador Simnel were the first one in the main hall, indicating that we possess no night actions. The last ones to come in were Richard the guard and Lady Beatrice, showing that there's a reasonable chance they were active during the night.

Now the votes are split up between Francis the Friar, Simon the Librarian, Richard and Agnes the Maid. I am fairly confident that at least one of them is a true Dragon, since someone must have gathered some correct information by now. The problem is, which one do we choose? Eight votes are required to condemn someone, and that's really impossible the way things look now. :sceptic:

It seems we have a split vote.

Francis can wait till tomorrow, though I do think he is scum, and maybe even the night killer. But Simon acted wrong as well, and voted off the last person we had to most likely save us all. :sceptic:

Simon must be taken down today.

Who's with us?

My lady, that is true. If everyone else votes for Simon, I will in the end vote for him as well, nailing the final nail in his coffin. However, I am trying to follow the leads that Sirion gave us as best I can, and that seems that it really means voting for the Friar. I will change when the time requires it, but I sadly feel that Simon is not the right choice for today. It is very possible he is a Dragon, but I think Sirion was more against the Friar, and the Friar worked more actively to destroy him.

My lady, that is true. If everyone else votes for Simon, I will in the end vote for him as well, nailing the final nail in his coffin. However, I am trying to follow the leads that Sirion gave us as best I can, and that seems that it really means voting for the Friar. I will change when the time requires it, but I sadly feel that Simon is not the right choice for today. It is very possible he is a Dragon, but I think Sirion was more against the Friar, and the Friar worked more actively to destroy him.

You, ma'am, certainly know what you're talking about. Sirion shall not die in vain. Let us act upon him as he would've for us.

We must find these Dragons, and two have obviously revealed themselves. What if we do this; we change our votes to the greasy frier, and tomorrow, we lynch Simon. Two scum in two days, hopefully.

If the Fratboy really is the night killer, we no longer have to worry about anyone else being killed in the night, and we can take our time and calmly work through the days as we go along.

The Friar is not the night killer and Sirion reconsidered his decision to vote the Friar off before his death. Any other ideas on who the night killer might be? Simon was Sirion's first choice as a Dragon upon his death. Does anyone have any solid information? I feel certain that there is a loyal investigator out there who might have some valuable information, but they haven't come forward. The only information that I know for certain right now is that the Friar is not the night killer for the Dragons.

What did the Friar do to look suspicious anyway? He just quote the Bible like a good Friar. I'll repeat... I know for certain that the Friar is not the nigh killer for the Dragons. I do not believe he is a Dragon at all. I will not change my vote and advise the rest of you to consider yesterdays happenings a little more closely before you make your decision.

Agnes, you should shush because you continue to stick your foot in your mouth and if you get yourself killed and you are loyal... I will let the dogs eat your body.

M'am, I reviewed the whole last day twice before placing my vote, and I see no evidence that sirion backed down against the Friar, who he voted for. I also fail to see what makes you think Simon in the most dangerous, he was the third to vote. Again, if you need an 8th vote to end Simon, I will be that vote, but so far your claims that sirion changed his mind hold no proof.

Sirion VOTED for the Friar, not Simon. He in no way said that he retracted that vote. He did not say he reconsidered it. Back your evidence up, and I will join your vote. But right now the Friar, according to Sirion, is the biggest threat.

Whilst I agree with you in saying Francis maybe more dangerous then Simon, Lady Harcourt, I implore you, all of you; if you change your vote for Simon today, then I'm positive (unless more evidence crops up) we will convict Francis tomorrow. It's just as I've previously stated, if we all vote differently we'll get no where, execpt deeper and deeper in the bodies of the innocents!

It just hit me, I'm the only one left from Dromidur :look: . Is this a bad omen, or a good sign?

Again, if you need an 8th vote...

I apologize for my miscalculation. There's 16 of us left, so naturally a majority of 9 votes are required for a conviction.

It just hit me, I'm the only one left from Dromidur :look: . Is this a bad omen, or a good sign?

There were just three of you here to begin with...

I suppose it is my turn to place a list of suspicions that I have.

1) Ambassador Ralf Simnel

It has to be one of the ambassadors, and since it wasn't Sirion, it has to be you. You've been trying to be a stop to the alliance since it began.

2) Agnes

Between your wild flurry of voting to your wild accusations, you've been on my list since the beginning.

3) Captain Geoffrey

And last but not least, my superior officer. You have some of the most to gain from this whole fiasco.

Now, these might be wrong, they might be right, but I urge any investigator to please investigate these people, and find out what their loyalty is. I will be keeping my vote the same.

1) Ambassador Ralf Simnel

It has to be one of the ambassadors, and since it wasn't Sirion, it has to be you. You've been trying to be a stop to the alliance since it began.

He's barely said a word! :hmpf:

How is he putting a stop to the Alliance if he hasn't done anything?

Absolute fool...

I find it hilarious that many of you who voted against Viripont are now, after his death, his staunchest supporters who are willing to take his vague hints as fact.

We have already seen that there are Neutral players in this game... of life, so I don't see why it is so hard for you people to accept that others may have their own agendas. The purging of perfidious magic is a strong cause of mine, and my soul will not rest until is stamped from this fair kingdom! I have never in any day pretended to vote for anyone other than the annoying maid and magic users!

There is still not a shred of evidence that any of you have against me. Hugh the servant has said that I did not leave my room and thinks I am innocent - perhaps he could clarify since he seems to have some concrete evidence about my movements that the rest of you lack.

You will be committing a grave sin against the Lord if you vote for me. It seems that speaking my mind passionately has singled me out. I note that the Ambassador's own desperate tactics to save himself by casting hints and being melodramatic seem to have worked posthumously. Perhaps I should take heed of his tactics: "Keep a close eye, loyal Citizens, on those who seek to execute me! They will be after you next!"

3) Captain Geoffrey

And last but not least, my superior officer. You have some of the most to gain from this whole fiasco.

As a retired Admiral, I don't have any official say in the military, and am not your superior officer anymore.

He's barely said a word! :hmpf:

How is he putting a stop to the Alliance if he hasn't done anything?

Absolute fool...

But he has voted. In way, that he has been quiet draws suspicion towards him, because a Dragon would want to vote off innocents without bringing unwanted attention to their selves.

He's barely said a word! :hmpf:

How is he putting a stop to the Alliance if he hasn't done anything?

Absolute fool...

That's usually how most of the scum are. They rarely speak, therefore throwing off suspicion.

As a retired Admiral, I don't have any official say in the military, and am not your superior officer anymore.

Did I say you? I specifically said Geoffrey, not you Admiral.

My lady, that is true. If everyone else votes for Simon, I will in the end vote for him as well, nailing the final nail in his coffin. However, I am trying to follow the leads that Sirion gave us as best I can, and that seems that it really means voting for the Friar. I will change when the time requires it, but I sadly feel that Simon is not the right choice for today. It is very possible he is a Dragon, but I think Sirion was more against the Friar, and the Friar worked more actively to destroy him.

This is a very interesting quote. It leads me to believe that you would have to vote for yourself on the basis of who Viripont thought most suspicious, looking back at the evidence of Day 3. Let's see what you said yesterday:

I will cast the last vote. But I am afraid. Sirion has stated anyone who casts the last vote for him is a Dragon. What if he is loyal? Will I have to come tumbling down tomorrow becuase of that! It seems so sad that to get rid of one I may lose myself.

1) So by your own words, you say that Sirion thought you were a Dragon! Shouldn't you be voted off first then? :wacko: I think your moves today are a desperate ploy to cast suspicion on others is designed to distract only from your own bad behaviour in the hope that you will be forgotten.

Furthermore, you also claimed yesterday:

Moments ago, I was told by Sirion that I had to take back my vote, or die. He said that he saw what I was going. He said that I got rid of my husband, and then him, and that his last act in this game would be making everyone see the truth about me.

I have not voted. He used a threat against someone who had not yet voted for him. That, my friends, is desperate.

2) So, Lady Beatrice, the man who threatened to kill you yesterday if you didn't change your vote - even though you hadn't actually voted at that point in the day - is suddenly your hero the next day? I am beginning to suspect that this note was a lie, and not even a desperate ploy for attention, but part of your deliberate strategy to confuse and divide us Loyal citizens with your treachery. Why would the Ambassador threaten to kill you if he *was* a loyal citizen, as we discovered? Confess! You made the whole thing up to further distract us from your own deceit.

3) Let's look at the facts again - Lady Beatrice has managed to take out her own husband, a Neutral magician from another kingdom - damaging the alliance - and also cast the final and deciding vote against Viripont, a man who (she says) threatened to kill her and who she denied she was fooling around with.

At first I thought this was because of her loose tongue, but I think I believe now that this is an act (as the Ambassador must have suspected, and as Beatrice herself feared would come to light), that in fact Beatrice is a Dragon who has successfully gotten rid of TWO opponents to her cause and lied bald-faced to the rest of us. Don't trust her! Her snake-like tongue and lies are far more dangerous to the Alliance than any magician!

Vote: Lady Beatrice/ Zepher

You raise excellent points, friar. However, this will only divide votes even further, Lady Beatrice being the fifth person to get votes today. I'm afraid we will have another Sudden Death night ahead of us if this continues...

You raise excellent points, friar. However, this will only divide votes even further, Lady Beatrice being the fifth person to get votes today.

Then I implore you all to unvote whoever it is you have voted for, and get rid of the deceptive and lying Lady Beatrice!

Agnes the maid is easily led, but not as dangerous as Lady Beatrice.

Right from the start Beatrice has divided us and made up lies such as Viripont's supposed death threat yesterday. The evidence is damning.

Why is it that everyone I oppose is calling me suspicious? :wacko:

Oh, yeah, that's right, because they're desperately trying to get me voted off instead.

I think this is what you'd call "twisting my words". I oppose them, they vote me, and encourage everyone to vote me off.

This is what happens in every game.. of life, only the scum do this. That would mean the Friar, and Richard, and even that lunatic guard Victor. You guys are just making yourselves look more suspicious in front of the entire kingdom.

Yay! We have ourselves an argument filled day ahead of us! :sweet:

*Bangs head against the wall* Dammit, dammit, dammit! Now I know I should've have trusted Vipont, and I would take three fingers if I didn't need them to cook.

I told you that you were all fools. I am going to cast my vote now because I think the Dragons made themselves obvious in the voting yesterday.

Vote: I Scream Clone/Simon

Hmm... this is a very tough decision, since I have trusted Simon through and through this crisis. However, since Sirion has been proven innocent, I shall not betray him again.

I apologize for this, Simon, but following Sirion's lead is the best thing to do, I think. :sadnew:

Vote: Simon/ ISC

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am a patient man, but I cannot deal with this anymore.

You are treated like a servant because that's what you are. This is how we are to treat servants. This is also how we treat women who are not Noble. Deal with it. Or better yet, let me assist you.

Vote: Agnes/Striker!

Honestly, wether you are loyal or scum, I really don't care at this point, but I am not looking forward to another day of your hijinx and attention getting! I really hope you are scum!

I do not think Anges is disloyal. She may be a little dull, but... I don't think this is what Sirion would've done.

On a lighter note, a small breakfast of slightly fresh plums and grapes will be served today. Purple, to mourn the two deaths we've had the misfortune of having last night. :sadnew:

M'am, I reviewed the whole last day twice before placing my vote, and I see no evidence that sirion backed down against the Friar, who he voted for. I also fail to see what makes you think Simon in the most dangerous, he was the third to vote. Again, if you need an 8th vote to end Simon, I will be that vote, but so far your claims that sirion changed his mind hold no proof.

Sirion VOTED for the Friar, not Simon. He in no way said that he retracted that vote. He did not say he reconsidered it. Back your evidence up, and I will join your vote. But right now the Friar, according to Sirion, is the biggest threat.

Well, looking at that... You are the one who got your husband voted off and Sirion voted off. Good job sabotaging. Sirion trusted me and gave me information before his death. I am giving you that information and you are not listening. I have also given you factual information. THE FRIAR IS NOT THE NIGHT KILLER AND IS NOT A THREAT. I know this due to my own suspicians of him, but I checked them out further and found him to not be a threat currently. I do not know factually if he is a Dragon or not. Lady Harcourt, you are very close to getting more votes for you and I would not be opposed to voting for you. The reason you don't see more evidence about Sirion backing down against the Friar is because he didn't trust you!

I still say Lady Beatrice is the most dangerous amongst us. See my post on the previous page. But also:

FACT - It was Lady Beatrice's words on Day 1 that revealed the existence of a Sorcerer and Wizard. The Sorcerer proved to be Neutral and the Wizard a Citizen. I wonder which faction that puts Beatrice in? :look: At first we all thought Lady Beatrice was a blabbermouth, but in short order both the Sorcerer and the Wizard were voted off. She suddenly doesn't look so stupid now, does she?

FACT - Beatrice not only exposed her own husband, but was also cheating with him on his rival. Both men were subsequently killed in 2 days.

FACT - Two days in a row, Lady Beatrice has used the 'Oh noes, if everyone else is voting a certain way, I guess I'll cast the deciding vote!!11!!' tactic to distract attention that she is carefully gauging the mood of the crowd and then voting at the end to throw suspicion off herself.

FACT - Beatrice explicity said yesterday 'Sirion has stated anyone who casts the last vote for him is a Dragon. What if he is loyal? Will I have to come tumbling down tomorrow becuase of that! It seems so sad that to get rid of one I may lose myself'. Her tactic today is distraction to take away from her own admission that the person to cast the last vote is actually herself.

FACT - Beatrice also said this yesterday: 'Moments ago, I was told by Sirion that I had to take back my vote, or die. He said that he saw what I was going. He said that I got rid of my husband, and then him, and that his last act in this game would be making everyone see the truth about me.' Since Viripont was found to be innocent, Beatrice's statement was clearly a lie! I don't know how everyone is letting this point go! The next day, the man who supposedly tries to kill her is a martyr and she starts putting words in his mouth as to who is guilty. Remember that she explicitly asked Viripont to identify who he thought was suspicious and he refused.

I advise you all to read through the last pages of Day 3 once more and see how Beatrice has behaved.

I don't know why the Dragons think I'm such a threat, but I have done nothing wrong, and someone with information clearly knows I didn't leave my room last night. All along, I have repeatedly stated my position that I hate magic and wish to see it cast out of this kingdom, so my motives were voting have been transparent from the start. Unlike Lady Beatrice, I have not played the fool, lied, made up stories, slept around and put accusing words in dead men's mouths.

I have said my piece now and I shall say no more on these points. I know it is a difficult time for all of us, but I hope that reason and logic can lead us away from the chaos and mindless accusations that the Dragons would foster.

Indeed, you are correct. I may have started the vote yesterday, but that was an honest mistake on my part. I truly am sorry. Please see past that so we can root out the real Dragons.

Yep I knew you'd lay out all this apologetic crap once it was revealed the Ambassador was innocent. :hmpf:

People! People! Please don't vote for Agnes for the sake of shutting here up! We did that to Ethel and look how far that got us: One loyal servent down!

If we are going to vote for someone linked with a major part in the downfall of Lord Sirion, I suggest all voting for the same one, else we'll be getting no where and risk losing an innocent during the night. I'm going with the person with the most votes currently: Vote: Simon the Librarian/I Scream Clone, even though I believe the Friar was the most suspisious, it would just off been me voting for him :hmpf_bad: .

I agree, We made that mistake with the other maid... Who's name escapes me. :look::blush:

Although it is alot quieter. :sweet:

No, we must vote for who is the most suspcious, and today, that is the Friar. You may all vote for Simon, I for one will go after him tomorrow. Sirion made it clear he suspected the Friar, he voted for him, we can not dodge those facts.

Vote: Friar/Svelte

Great another vote for another person... :wacko:

I know it would be best for me to just shut up, but the way the votes are divided like this concerns me greatly, as it shows how disjointed our group is right now. I'm partly to blame for that, I know, but I hope we can somehow find a way to reunite our forces against the Dragons.

It is indeed troublesome that the Dragons made their first direct kill only last night, while the other deaths were done either by voting or by the late armored Countess Durville.

I think it is best if we look at the evidence we are given through these paintings. It clearly shows that myself, the Friar, Chef Walter, Lieutenant Victor, Captain Geoffrey and Ambassador Simnel were the first one in the main hall, indicating that we possess no night actions. The last ones to come in were Richard the guard and Lady Beatrice, showing that there's a reasonable chance they were active during the night.

Now the votes are split up between Francis the Friar, Simon the Librarian, Richard and Agnes the Maid. I am fairly confident that at least one of them is a true Dragon, since someone must have gathered some correct information by now. The problem is, which one do we choose? Eight votes are required to condemn someone, and that's really impossible the way things look now. :sceptic:

Just because you are early does not mean you cannot have a Night action :hmpf: , I've been reading up on Noir: A Tale of a Shiester & A Town full of idiots by TinyPius, The Scum who overtook the town had night actions some were the first to arrive in the morning and some weere late sometimes so just because you are early doesnt exclude you or anyone else.

The purging of perfidious magic is a strong cause of mine, and my soul will not rest until is stamped from this fair kingdom! I have never in any day pretended to vote for anyone other than the annoying maid and magic users!

Yet the Ambassador was a Magic user and Innocent. :hmpf: Proving that not all magic users are evil dragons like you suggest. :hmpf:

This is a very interesting quote. It leads me to believe that you would have to vote for yourself on the basis of who Viripont thought most suspicious, looking back at the evidence of Day 3. Let's see what you said yesterday:

1) So by your own words, you say that Sirion thought you were a Dragon! Shouldn't you be voted off first then? :wacko: I think your moves today are a desperate ploy to cast suspicion on others is designed to distract only from your own bad behaviour in the hope that you will be forgotten.

Furthermore, you also claimed yesterday:

2) So, Lady Beatrice, the man who threatened to kill you yesterday if you didn't change your vote - even though you hadn't actually voted at that point in the day - is suddenly your hero the next day? I am beginning to suspect that this note was a lie, and not even a desperate ploy for attention, but part of your deliberate strategy to confuse and divide us Loyal citizens with your treachery. Why would the Ambassador threaten to kill you if he *was* a loyal citizen, as we discovered? Confess! You made the whole thing up to further distract us from your own deceit.

3) Let's look at the facts again - Lady Beatrice has managed to take out her own husband, a Neutral magician from another kingdom - damaging the alliance - and also cast the final and deciding vote against Viripont, a man who (she says) threatened to kill her and who she denied she was fooling around with.

At first I thought this was because of her loose tongue, but I think I believe now that this is an act (as the Ambassador must have suspected, and as Beatrice herself feared would come to light), that in fact Beatrice is a Dragon who has successfully gotten rid of TWO opponents to her cause and lied bald-faced to the rest of us. Don't trust her! Her snake-like tongue and lies are far more dangerous to the Alliance than any magician!

Vote: Lady Beatrice/ Zepher

Although you are greasy, you make excellent points. :tongue: If others join in voting the Lady Beatrice I will too but for now I'll stay with my vote of Richard. Funny how she's never explained the fact of why she made up the lie that she was forced to vote. :hmpf:

You raise excellent points, friar. However, this will only divide votes even further, Lady Beatrice being the fifth person to get votes today. I'm afraid we will have another Sudden Death night ahead of us if this continues...

True, Unless we can choose who is the dragon then narrow it down to who's the worst but that's unlikely. :sceptic:

Then I implore you all to unvote whoever it is you have voted for, and get rid of the deceptive and lying Lady Beatrice!

Agnes the maid is easily led, but not as dangerous as Lady Beatrice.

Right from the start Beatrice has divided us and made up lies such as Viripont's supposed death threat yesterday. The evidence is damning.

Although I'd hate not to avenge the ambassadors death the evidence against Beatrice is more convincing....for the moment. Don't worry Richard I'll come back to you once we're done with Beatrice unless you somehow prove yourself innocent. :hmpf_bad:

Unvote: Richard/Ricecracker

Vote: Lady Beatrice/Zepher

I still say Lady Beatrice is the most dangerous amongst us. See my post on the previous page. But also:

FACT - It was Lady Beatrice's words on Day 1 that revealed the existence of a Sorcerer and Wizard. The Sorcerer proved to be Neutral and the Wizard a Citizen. I wonder which faction that puts Beatrice in? :look: At first we all thought Lady Beatrice was a blabbermouth, but in short order both the Sorcerer and the Wizard were voted off. She suddenly doesn't look so stupid now, does she?

FACT - Beatrice not only exposed her own husband, but was also cheating with him on his rival. Both men were subsequently killed in 2 days.

FACT - Two days in a row, Lady Beatrice has used the 'Oh noes, if everyone else is voting a certain way, I guess I'll cast the deciding vote!!11!!' tactic to distract attention that she is carefully gauging the mood of the crowd and then voting at the end to throw suspicion off herself.

FACT - Beatrice explicity said yesterday 'Sirion has stated anyone who casts the last vote for him is a Dragon. What if he is loyal? Will I have to come tumbling down tomorrow becuase of that! It seems so sad that to get rid of one I may lose myself'. Her tactic today is distraction to take away from her own admission that the person to cast the last vote is actually herself.

FACT - Beatrice also said this yesterday: 'Moments ago, I was told by Sirion that I had to take back my vote, or die. He said that he saw what I was going. He said that I got rid of my husband, and then him, and that his last act in this game would be making everyone see the truth about me.' Since Viripont was found to be innocent, Beatrice's statement was clearly a lie! I don't know how everyone is letting this point go! The next day, the man who supposedly tries to kill her is a martyr and she starts putting words in his mouth as to who is guilty. Remember that she explicitly asked Viripont to identify who he thought was suspicious and he refused.

I advise you all to read through the last pages of Day 3 once more and see how Beatrice has behaved.

I don't know why the Dragons think I'm such a threat, but I have done nothing wrong, and someone with information clearly knows I didn't leave my room last night. All along, I have repeatedly stated my position that I hate magic and wish to see it cast out of this kingdom, so my motives were voting have been transparent from the start. Unlike Lady Beatrice, I have not played the fool, lied, made up stories, slept around and put accusing words in dead men's mouths.

I have said my piece now and I shall say no more on these points. I know it is a difficult time for all of us, but I hope that reason and logic can lead us away from the chaos and mindless accusations that the Dragons would foster.

This is damning evidence Friar! I'm quite surprised people still hold their votes for Simon then vote for this crazy woman with more evidence! :hmpf:

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