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The castle was quiet. Nothing could be heard but the gentle moan of the wind over the high roof, and the scraping of trees outside. But then... a footstep. Someone was coming. A figure walked into the grand hall from the dining room. That figure was none other than Duchess Juliana Dufay.


Noticing another figure walking towards her from the other side of the room she waved jovially.


"Oh there you are!", she exclaimed. "I've been looking for you! I wanted to talk about-"

"You know that's funny", interrupted the robed figure. "I've been looking for you too."

"Err, really?", stammered the Duchess. "Crap."

The robed figure raised its sword and the Duchess screamed. Just then, another figure ran out from behind a pillar.


"Stop right there!", the figure cried, as it stood blocking the assassins' path to the Duchess. "You shall not have her!"


"And how exactly were you planning on stopping me, aye?", snickered the robed figure.

"Well, I was kind of hoping you might use some magic", said the figure nervously.

"I guess you're out of luck then, aren't you?", replied the robed figure, as it grabbed the figure by the shirt...


...and tossed the person down the hall.

"Hey, you can't throw- GAHH!!!", the figure cried, as it went tumbling across the floor.


"Now, where was I?", muttered the robed figure.

"You were about to kill me", informed the Duchess.

"Oh, right."

The robed figure raised its sword and the Duchess screamed.


With a quick swipe the robed figure slit the Duchess' throat. She desperately tried to hold in the blood, but to no avail.


Gurgling horridly, she feel to the floor and bled slowly to death, a pool of blood forming around her.


In the morning, the castle residents gathered once again in the grand hall. They were met by the body of the Duchess, an event they had come to expect and dread, finding who had died that night.


Gradually, everyone made their way down to the hall, coming sleepily from their rooms. Many were yawning hugely. It was apparent that nobody was getting much sleep, with all the horrors going on in the castle.


Eventually, all the surviving residents had gathered around the body of the late Duchess. Their numbers were definitely beginning to thin out.


The King, as usual, addressed the people.

"It appears that another terrible tragedy has occurred during the night. The poor Duchess only wanted revenge for her husbands' death, but we can be comforted in the fact that she is now reunited with him in death. I am saddened to inform you that we have indeed lost another Citizen. May her soul rest in peace. I have also been informed that she could block one of you from doing anything at night. Obviously she wasn't as successful last night, an unlucky turn of fate, I would say.

I do have some better news however, that may cheer your hearts. Lady Beatrice Harcourt was executed last night after your conviction of her, and after a thorough search of her rooms, my people are pleased to report that she was indeed a traitorous Dragon. Finally, we have got one of them. Keep up the excellent work my people, and very soon we shall be free of their evil presence once and for all."

A cheer wen up from the crowd, before discussions once again began for another day.


There are 14 residents left, therefore a majority vote of 8 is required to convict.


Rules of Play

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "day", you will be given 4 real days in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 2 real days. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the two days, they will not be counted.

- There will be two main sides in the game. Your winning criteria will be included with your character PM.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- You may not edit your posts. Violation of this rule may result in a moderator kill.

- Please avoid posting out of character in the game thread.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a moderator kill. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the General Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I will try my best to stick to the schedule, and your cooperation will help this greatly, particularly getting night actions in promptly.

- Sudden Death rules, as outlined in your roles, will only apply on certain nights. You will be informed of this in the final post of the day. A day in which no conviction is reached will definitely result in a sudden death night.

Characters and Players

ralf.jpg Ambassador Ralf Simnel played by Quarryman

hugh.jpg Hugh (Servant) played by WhiteFang

simon.jpg Simon (Librarian) played by I Scream Clone

peter.jpg Peter (Servant) played by Darth_Legois

victor.jpg Lieutenant Victor played by Bob the construction man

rohesia.jpg Lady Rohesia Papelion played by Sandy

thomas.jpg Admiral Thomas Mallory played by Sir Dillon

richard.jpg Richard (Guard) played by Ricecracker

agnes.jpg Agnes (Maid) played by Striker

nicholas.jpg Nicholas (Guard) played by professor flitwick

francis.jpg Francis the Friar played by Svelte

geoffrey.jpg Captain Geoffrey played by Escape the Fate

edward.jpg Lord Edward Griffin played by Stash2sixx

walter.jpg Chef Walter played by JimButcher

The Deceased

ethel.jpg Ethel (Maid) played by Adam (Citizen): Convicted, Day 1

william.jpg Lord William Harcourt played by Hinckley (Neutral): Convicted, Day 2

gilbert.jpg Gilbert (Guard) played by General Armendariz (Citizen): Killed, Night 2

sirion.jpg Ambassador Sirion Vipont played by ImperialShadows (Citizen): Convicted, Day 3

margaret.jpg Countess Margaret Durville played by TinyPiesRUs (Citizen): Killed, Night 3

beatrice.jpg Lady Beatrice Harcourt played by Zepher (Dragon): Convicted, Day 4

juliana.jpg Duchess Juliana Dufay played by Alice (Citizen): Killed, Night 4

Well, mixed news indeed, my children.

The loss of Duchess Juliana Dufay is indeed a tragedy :sadnew: She was a devout follower of the Lord, and a loyal citizen.

On the upside, as per my suspicions, our first vile Dragon is dead :thumbup: May Lady Harcourt's soul boil for her sins! You can hold your applause til the end of my sermon. Thankyou. I'm here all week!

Does anyone have any news they wish to share with us?

Losing the Duchess Juliana is a great loss to our citizens' cause. Pertaining of what the Duchess and I has first voted yesterday, I am very strongly inclined to vote for Simon again and someone else which I can't be ascertain at the moment...

Scoring our first dragon in Day 5, is not something that we shall celebrate. Instead, it shall serve us as a reminder to be much vigilant and alert.

Lady Beatrice, you shall burn in hell for the vile things that you have done to us. Looks like our triangular conflict between the three have been resolved.

Pertaining of what the Duchess and I has first voted yesterday, I am very strongly inclined to vote for Simon again and someone else which I can't be ascertain at the moment...

It is interesting that Lady Juliana was the first to vote for Simon, and she immediately became a target last night :look:

It is interesting that Lady Juliana was the first to vote for Simon, and she immediately became a target last night :look:

It would be to obvious in my opinion. :sceptic:

I'm sure the dragons are not as stuipid as to eliminate the first person to try to vote off one of their own, They probable set it up so it looks like Simon is a dragon. But I have no evidence and it is just a theory. :sceptic:

I'm gussing the useless gaurdian wont want to show his or her face today? :hmpf_bad:

Atleast we got that witchdragon beatrice :classic:

Also I once again heard nothing last night. :sceptic:

Dammit, Lady Dufay was one of our last hopes... :sadnew:

However, it is wonderful to see that we have finally slayed a dragon! Vipont's death was not all in vain after all. Lady Harcourt was lying through her teeth this whole time, and I'm ashamed to be one that believed her words. She got one of our most important loyalists and a neutral figure out of the dragons' way, by spilling both of their secrets. Unbelievable. :hmpf_bad:

Another point to note about last night's events is that the person who tried to protect Lady Dufay. A valiant attempt, but it looks to me as though they could only protect magic wielders, or perhaps against them, or both.

On a final note, before we eat breakfast, I'd like to propose an early vote. It is my understanding that I was one of the last to talk to Lady Dufay before we went to bed last night, and we discussed who to try to convict the next day. It was her dying request, that we continue our rise against Simon the Librarian. Don't forget that Ambassador Vipont suspected him as well.

So, I propose we all

Vote: Simon/ ISC

I agreed that Chef Walter has infer something about last night action with regards to our previous blocker. Looks to me this blocker can only block magical attacks. I believe there is no magical attacks scenes for the time being ever since Lord Willam and Ambassador Siron is gone.

To honour what Duchess Juliana has voted yesterday, I will vote for Simon the Librarian/I Scream Clone once more!

I agreed that Chef Walter has infer something about last night action with regards to our previous blocker. Looks to me this blocker can only block magical attacks. I believe there is no magical attacks scenes for the time being ever since Lord Willam and Ambassador Siron is gone.

But what about that magic wielder with the orange flames who killed Sirion? Is it an outsider, or one of us in here?

But what about that magic wielder with the orange flames who killed Sirion? Is it an outsider, or one of us in here?

I believe it is an outsider, since Sirion sealed the doors shut. As for last night, I'm glad that we finally got one of the Dragons. I for one am curious as to who tried blocking the assassin, since that person could reveal who they failed at blocking. We can then vote that person off.

It saddens me that we have lost another loyal citizen, even if Lady Dufay was after me suspecting me as a Dragon. I will join you all in celebrating the conviction of a Dragon however, Lady Harcourt indeed played us all for fools.

What I can't quite fathom is why people are still out for my blood? I see no evidence yet of my loyalties, and why as Peter mentions would the Dragons be so obvious to kill Lady Dufay, unless they are smart enough to realise that we were arguing in the last few days. Seems like a great way to frame another loyal citizen, myself, for my only crime of wrongly going after a magic wielder, Vipont.

Did anyone investigate my true allegiances last night? I realise it is risky to come forward with this information, but I assure you all I am a citizen.

Does anyone have any other suspects in mind?

Now that we finally got one of the Dragons, my suspicion is directed towards those that didn't vote for Lady Beatrice.

That includes Agnes and Chef Walters, who voted for Simon yesterday, and Admiral Mallory, Richard and Captain Geoffrey who did not vote at all.

I'm most suspicious of Richard the Guard, since he and Lady Beatrice were the last ones to arrive yesterday. Also, Agnes has been nothing short of suspicious during this whole process. But these are just hunches. If someone wants to provide me with the latest gossip about why they think someone is guilty, I'd be most happy to receive it.

To honour what Duchess Juliana has voted yesterday, I will vote for Simon the Librarian/I Scream Clone once more!

Except that the Duchess ended up voting for Beatrice, while it was Lady Beatrice who voted for Simon. I have to ask you, why would a Dragon choose to vote one of their own?

Did anyone investigate my true allegiances last night? I realise it is risky to come forward with this information, but I assure you all I am a citizen.

I am following what Duchess believed in, and I will stick to it unless someone is able to present some findings, which I am now expecting that someone to share the findings with us... But I must see whom is that person sharing it with us as well, to determine whether to fully trust this person or not. I trusted the Duchess which is why, I was the second person in this castle to vote for you, Simon.

Except that the Duchess ended up voting for Beatrice, while it was Lady Beatrice who voted for Simon. I have to ask you, why would a Dragon choose to vote one of their own?

Lady Rohesia, the only reason why the Duchess ended up voting for Beatrice is BECAUSE, that Lady Beatrice claimed that is the blocker of this Castle, pledge loyalty to the castle in private, but in actual fact, the Duchess was the true blocker that is protecting us... which is why myself and the Duchess changed our votes and eliminate the first immediate threat, Beatrice. That doesn't meant that our doubts against Simon are false in the first place.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for this announcement.

Now showing on Channel 3, "EB News Presents: Walrus Keeper ... Live from Mystical Castle!"

We now resume our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.

*looks around*


Vote: Dragonator / King of the Dragons!


Edited by Shadows
No editing!

Now that we finally got one of the Dragons, my suspicion is directed towards those that didn't vote for Lady Beatrice.

That includes Agnes and Chef Walters, who voted for Simon yesterday, and Admiral Mallory, Richard and Captain Geoffrey who did not vote at all.

I'm most suspicious of Richard the Guard, since he and Lady Beatrice were the last ones to arrive yesterday. Also, Agnes has been nothing short of suspicious during this whole process. But these are just hunches. If someone wants to provide me with the latest gossip about why they think someone is guilty, I'd be most happy to receive it.

As I believe too, I was one to vote for Lady Harcourt as well, whilst others were nowhere to be seen, perhaps their allegiances should be investigated too?

Except that the Duchess ended up voting for Beatrice, while it was Lady Beatrice who voted for Simon. I have to ask you, why would a Dragon choose to vote one of their own?

Exactly my point above.

I am following what Duchess believed in, and I will stick to it unless someone is able to present some findings, which I am now expecting that someone to share the findings with us... But I must see whom is that person sharing it with us as well, to determine whether to fully trust this person or not. I trusted the Duchess which is why, I was the second person in this castle to vote for you, Simon.

Lady Rohesia, the only reason why the Duchess ended up voting for Beatrice is BECAUSE, that Lady Beatrice claimed that is the blocker of this Castle, pledge loyalty to the castle in private, but in actual fact, the Duchess was the true blocker that is protecting us... which is why myself and the Duchess changed our votes and eliminate the first immediate threat, Beatrice. That doesn't meant that our doubts against Simon are false in the first place.

Now that is a sure sign of someone plotting in secret messages to me. I understand you still have suspicions about me brave sir, however surely you must begin to have doubts as well?

Poor Duchess Dufey. :cry_sad:

Vote: I Scream Clone/Simon the Librarian

Simply put, I return to my point yesterday. :sadnew:

Captain Geoffrey, anything you would like to comment on? You've been very quiet as of late, along with neglecting to vote yesterday? Yes, I know you were not the only one.

I hate to see us go after someone who had voted for a dragon. Agnes and Chef, you were two who decided not to vote for Lady Harcourt yesterday? Any reason why you decided to draw out the day and not vote Lady Harcourt.

We are at the point where we are starting to run out of loyal people in this castle, and we need to start basing our decisions on fact and not just speculation!

Hugh, you keep drawing more and more suspicion from me. Your ramblings on about information, and someone else may or may not say something....seriously? Either say something important or stop. Unless confusion is your plan? Which in that case...

Huzzah! Another Dragon down! But it's another case of one step forward, one step back. 'Tis a dear shame about the Duchess! :sad:

Good news Franics I am no longer suspisious of you! After all, no Dragon would go out of there way to vote of one of there own! Unless they were plan to take over their position? :oh3: Please, pay my speculation no mind. Just over-anylising!

Though, I am curious; why are you and Simon always next to eachother? Just good friends?

Yay, score one for the home team. :grin: And we're going to avenge the poor, brave duchess' death too, it shall not have been in vain I swear. I'll admit that after all this pointless bloodshed we've seen that I've had my doubts about whether it was a good move of my government to enter into a binding alliance with a nation so clearly bent on destruction (even its own :sad:) as Matidoer. But now we seem to be on the right track, we just have to make sure we don't try to run too fast now, then we'll surely stumble and fall.

Hugh, you keep drawing more and more suspicion from me. Your ramblings on about information, and someone else may or may not say something....seriously? Either say something important or stop. Unless confusion is your plan? Which in that case...

Because this particular someone claim to be an investigator by telling me in private... I don't know how true it is, but this person don't seem to be sharing his/her findings with us... And I am holding to my current vote, until further notice. I understand its not fair to Simon, but the Duchess has her reason for voting him.

Confusion is never part of my plan, and I have my reasons of what I should or should not shared at this point in time. Pardon me if I gaining more suspicion from you, but I do agreed on one point with you, on the ones whom are not voting for Beatrice, and more importantly, the ones whom are under the radar at this very moment.

The Duchess Dufay defended me as a loyal citizen, and she does seem to have had special inside knowledge. I also put my trust in her. May she blessed in Heaven above.

In the absence of anyone else with new and compelling evidence, and to expedite proceedings today, I also Vote: Simon/ ISC.

I agree with Hugh - there are many 'silent witnesses' amongst us, but I warn you: don't think you've gone unnoticed! :sceptic: Today's vote will indeed be revealing.

Uh, my head is hurting for thinking of all possible scenarios. :tongue:

So Hugh, you say a possible investigator has contacted you. Does anyone else have had the same experience? How reliable do you find this person, Hugh, because you know that s/he might be just leading you on...

I still don't understand why Simon would've been one of the first to vote out Beatrice if he was a Dragon as well. To our knowledge, Beatrice wasn't an important member of the secret organization. If she were their leader, then I could understand the others turning against her or something. But now it just doesn't make sense. :sceptic:

I would be much more comfortable voting out someone like Chef Walters or Agnes, who didn't vote for Beatrice yesterday.

Vote: Ambassador Ralf Simnel

You've been on my list since this whole thing started. You might claim that you're "for the alliance", but you're just another Dragon. It simply has to be one of the ambassador's and it wasn't Vipont. You've been in the shadows for most of the time, saying things like: "yay, another one for the hometeam!"

You could careless about our kingdom, or the thought of a unified kingdom. You're more interested in reverting back to the oldway's I'd bet. I wonder why just a few days ago, you were so glad about the alliance, and never letting it go, however today you are saying you are having second thoughts about joining up with us. You've been sent as a representative of your king, not your own selfish beliefs. Going through the previous day castle logs, let's see what you've said:

On Day Two:

Ah, at least we made it through the night without losing anyone, that gives me hope for the future. I'm confident we'll find and dispose of these "dragons" standing in the way of progress. Like fools they cling to their old and failing traditions, refusing to accept that cooperation and unity is the way of the future.

And I'm sad to hear that Ethel was loyal, but really, with all her noise she really wasn't helping us find anything at all, clouding our judgment and in general just being annoying. Let's all be a bit more calm today, okay?

As for learning anything during the night; afraid not, I've not been granted powers like that.

You for the alliance then, what's changed? Been converted to the side of the darkness? You speak of "disposing" the Dragons, yet you voted early for the innocent Ambassador, and later on Lady Harcourt, who ended up being a traitor. Realized that nothing could be done to save her?

Yay, score one for the home team. :grin: And we're going to avenge the poor, brave duchess' death too, it shall not have been in vain I swear. I'll admit that after all this pointless bloodshed we've seen that I've had my doubts about whether it was a good move of my government to enter into a binding alliance with a nation so clearly bent on destruction (even its own :sad:) as Matidoer. But now we seem to be on the right track, we just have to make sure we don't try to run too fast now, then we'll surely stumble and fall.

As I said earlier, it appears you are no longer for the alliance,

You are a silent speaker, you calculate everything. I wouldn't be surprised if that swordsman will come after me tonight because of you. My vote stands, and will stand.

And now on a different note about the paintings, when the figure that throws what we can assume is the "protector", he says, "Hey, you can't throw me!" Could this mean that the killer is one of low status in the castle, and the protector is one higher? It also couldn't mean anything, but you never know.

I still don't understand why Simon would've been one of the first to vote out Beatrice if he was a Dragon as well.

Um, because he wasn't?

He was seventh - right after you.

I think it's quite possible that a conniving Dragon could scent which way the wind was blowing and vote against their own to throw off suspicion. It was fairly obvious by that point Beatrice was on the way out.

To our knowledge, Beatrice wasn't an important member of the secret organization. If she were their leader, then I could understand the others turning against her or something. But now it just doesn't make sense. :sceptic:

With all due respect, that's just guesswork. Or do you have some special knowledge of the Dragon's power structure?

With all due respect, that's just guesswork. Or do you have some special knowledge of the Dragon's power structure?

Well, isn't most of this game of life just guesswork? :wink:

Anyway, I would imagine that the Voice in the Sky would have let us know if Beatrice really was the leader of the Dragons. But I wouldn't know that for sure. Somehow I just don't think that the Dragons are having issues with mutiny or stuff like that, they are too busy killing us.

So I'm still eager to convict one of those who didn't vote against Beatrice.

It is good to see we were finally able to catch one of the Dragons. I pray it is not the last.

I did not vote for the Lady Harcourt, and I realize that puts a bad light on me. I wasn't sure enough to vote early, and missed the day's end. I hope you can forgive my oversight.

I feel strongly that Ambassador Ralf Simnel is not a Dragon, but don't have much to say besides that. Simon seems like as good a choice as any, but I don't see anything that points to him in one particular way or another.

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