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That includes Agnes and Chef Walters, who voted for Simon yesterday, and Admiral Mallory, Richard and Captain Geoffrey who did not vote at all.
I hate to see us go after someone who had voted for a dragon. Agnes and Chef, you were two who decided not to vote for Lady Harcourt yesterday? Any reason why you decided to draw out the day and not vote Lady Harcourt.

Actually, I had every intention of changing my vote yesterday, but I didn't have a chance to speak up before the day was over. I placed my full trust in Lady Dufay after we talked, and it turns out that she was so very right about Lady Harcourt. So was Vipont. If they were both right once, why not twice? Both had suspicions about Simon, so I suggest you take them to mind.

Lady Papelion, you wanting to vote me off is quite strange. You vigorously attacked Vipont a few days ago, as did I. I made a huge mistake by believing that he was a Dragon, but did you make the same mistake? Were you attacking him purposefully, knowing that he was a loyal citizen?

I honestly have no guess on your allegiance, but I suggest we stop fighting each other and listen to Vipont's and Dufay's accusations.

Vote: Ambassador Ralf Simnel

You've been on my list since this whole thing started. You might claim that you're "for the alliance", but you're just another Dragon. It simply has to be one of the ambassador's and it wasn't Vipont. You've been in the shadows for most of the time, saying things like: "yay, another one for the hometeam!"

Yes, I've been a bit quiet and not participated in the noisy racket that some of the castle's residents seemed so fond of, a charade that gained us exactly nothing. But if it can somehow calm you down if I run around in circles and shout like so many others in this castle I'm more than happy to be of service.

However, "it has to be one of the ambassadors"; come on, that's possibly the most ridiculous claim I've heard so far. Then I could just as well say that there has to be one among the servants. Which makes exactly no sense, just like your claim. But by all means, if you really have some proper evidence against me please bring them to light, I'd love to see it.

You could careless about our kingdom, or the thought of a unified kingdom. You're more interested in reverting back to the oldway's I'd bet. I wonder why just a few days ago, you were so glad about the alliance, and never letting it go, however today you are saying you are having second thoughts about joining up with us. You've been sent as a representative of your king, not your own selfish beliefs.

If you knew a bit more about the world outside these walls you would know that I haven't been sent as a representative of my king, as the People's Republic of Hamenweir has no king, we have duly elected representatives of the people, for the people. And I'm no more noble than you, everyone in Hamenweir is equal with the same opportunities. It could have been anyone else that was here instead of me, I just happened to be picked. So, no, I don't particularly care about your archaic and outdated form of government, but I do care deeply about the alliance, which I know will succeed despite the actions of those who oppose it.

You for the alliance then, what's changed? Been converted to the side of the darkness? You speak of "disposing" the Dragons, yet you voted early for the innocent Ambassador, and later on Lady Harcourt, who ended up being a traitor. Realized that nothing could be done to save her?

Like several others the fact that my esteemed colleague was a magic user frightened me and I wanted him gone before his dangerous spells caused any harm. Unfortunately we were wrong, and I deeply regret voting for him. :cry_sad:

I'm sure you'll notice I'm not replying with a counter-vote for you, this is simply because I think you can be trusted, that you are as loyal as me. Let's work together and take down these dragons.

I would be much more comfortable voting out someone like Chef Walters or Agnes, who didn't vote for Beatrice yesterday.

Me too. :sceptic:

I'm still suspicous of Richard the most. Vote: Richard/Ricecracker

He so vigorously started the voting with so little evidence against the ambassador and one of those who didn't vote for Beatrice yesterday.

However, "it has to be one of the ambassadors"; come on, that's possibly the most ridiculous claim I've heard so far. Then I could just as well say that there has to be one among the servants. Which makes exactly no sense, just like your claim. But by all means, if you really have some proper evidence against me please bring them to light, I'd love to see it.

It makes sense to have atleast 1 Dragon infiltrate each of the groups, Probable more in the bigger groups though?

Also its not ridiculous, It makes perfect sense. :hmpf_bad: I don't know the allegiance of Agnes or Hugh but I for can say I'm innocent. :sceptic:

Simon seems like as good a choice as any, but I don't see anything that points to him in one particular way or another.

That's really the crux of the problem, isn't it? With so little to go on, we're all just obsessively watching each other's voting patterns, regardless of time zones nap breaks :sceptic::tongue:

But Duchess Dufay, did indicate that Simon was one to watch, and she did come to my side and support me before her unfortunatee end, so I am going to trust her on this, posthumously.

Lady Papelion, you wanting to vote me off is quite strange. You vigorously attacked Vipont a few days ago, as did I. I made a huge mistake by believing that he was a Dragon, but did you make the same mistake? Were you attacking him purposefully, knowing that he was a loyal citizen?

If I wanted to vigorously vote you, Chef, I would've done so already. :wink:

I merely stated that I would feel more comfortable voting for someone who didn't vote for Beatrice yesterday (like you, for an example) than Simon, who I feel I personally don't have any evidence against.

But there are a few people I trust among this group, so I will vote with them. But this is merely to move the game onwards and to see if these people are really trustworthy.

Thus, I vote for Simon the Librarian/I Scream Clone.

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Vote Count

Simon, Librarian (I Scream Clone) - 5 Votes (JimButcher, WhiteFang, Striker, Svelte, Sandy)

Ambassador Ralf Simnel (Quarryman) - 1 Vote (Bob the Construction Man)

Richard, Guard (Ricecracker) - 1 Vote (Darth_Legois)

Non-Voters - 7 People (Sir Dillon, Stash2Sixx, professor flitwick, Quarryman, I Scream Clone, Escape the Fate, Ricecracker)

A majority vote of 8 votes is required to convict.

Are my pleas really that useless, that people are still swayed by the opinions of long lost departed citizens who only had a "feeling" that I am somehow a Dragon. Lets not beat people up too much for not voting for the obviously corrupt Lady Harcourt, who caused her fair share of confusion and death. I for one was misled by her tricks and went after Vipont with too much vigour, and this still appears to be the reason everyone is against me. :cry_sad:

If you are all just going to vote because it "moves the day along" then that is hardly a valid reason, but don't let me stop you thinning the ranks of citizens out some more by killing me, thus making your jobs a lot harder in turn.

I have neglected to mention I was contacted by a certain Chef many times throughout this game, who has tried to lead me down certain paths with his observations, and has obviously gone quiet since deciding to vote for me, after he was also quick to vote for Vipont himself.

Perhaps I wont be sampling his delicious food anymore for fear of poisoning.....

The other people who have been "silent witnesses" are surely happy to sit by and watch another citizen be executed, so they have no real need to start voting then.

I still have no idea just yet on who is the most suspicious so will hold off on voting for now, and hope that others will see the errors in their ways in continuing to vote for me, a tired old Librarian. I mean what would a group of assassins need with an old fogey like me?

Hello, due to lack of evidence, I currently have no idea on who to vote for. As for yesterday, by the time I woke up from my nap, I found it was to late to cast my vote for the filthy dragon: Lady Harcourt.

Hello, due to lack of evidence, I currently have no idea on who to vote for. As for yesterday, by the time I woke up from my nap, I found it was to late to cast my vote for the filthy dragon: Lady Harcourt.

Great, so by the time you wake up again, you'll have 'missed' the vote again :hmpf:

If I wanted to vigorously vote you, Chef, I would've done so already. :wink:

I merely stated that I would feel more comfortable voting for someone who didn't vote for Beatrice yesterday (like you, for an example) than Simon, who I feel I personally don't have any evidence against.

But there are a few people I trust among this group, so I will vote with them. But this is merely to move the game onwards and to see if these people are really trustworthy.

Oh, I meant that we both vigorously attacked Vipont yesterday, and that I wasn't sure if you were just mistaken, too. I didn't mean that you were attacking me. :classic:

I have neglected to mention I was contacted by a certain Chef many times throughout this game, who has tried to lead me down certain paths with his observations, and has obviously gone quiet since deciding to vote for me, after he was also quick to vote for Vipont himself.

Perhaps I wont be sampling his delicious food anymore for fear of poisoning.....

I don't deny that I have talked with you before, and I don't deny that I believed you to be loyal, I really did. However, I also talked to Lady Dufay, and she wanted to take you down today. Oh, but, what a coincidence that she was killed last night. How convenient, wouldn't you say?

Simon, I am truly sorry if you are loyal. I suppose that wouldn't really make up for it, but I am.

Hello, due to lack of evidence, I currently have no idea on who to vote for. As for yesterday, by the time I woke up from my nap, I found it was to late to cast my vote for the filthy dragon: Lady Harcourt.

I agree with the Friar. :hmpf_bad: Are you avoiding voting to avoid detection? And what lack of evidence? There's plenty to around, if you've been paying attention.

So the Chef has been sending you strange messages eh?

The Chef also neglected to vote yesterday for Lady Harcourt?


And, the Chef has a little lackey also, who goes by the name of Agnes...

Interesting information.

Sending mixed messages to people is an act of confusion, or foolishness. Either way, I agree with LAdy Papilion, and one of our non-Harcourt voters should be looked into, and since we can't look into them right now, my vote goes to..

Vote: Chef Walter/JimButcher.

Prove to me you are loyal, and I will gladly retract my vote!

So the Chef has been sending you strange messages eh?

The Chef also neglected to vote yesterday for Lady Harcourt?


And, the Chef has a little lackey also, who goes by the name of Agnes...

Interesting information.

Twisting words, eh?

I had a completely honest conversation with Simon. I asked him who he thought was loyal, because at the time, I believed that he was loyal.

I already said I was going to change my vote, but I hadn't time to speak up before the day was over. :hmpf:

And no, I don't have any lackeys. I cook and serve the food to all of you, and this is the thanks I get?

I've had my eye on you for some time now, and it seems that your voting patterns suggest that you only changed your vote to Lady Harcourt after she was pretty much doomed. Maybe you voted for one of your own Dragons to throw suspicion off of yourself?

Interesting indeed.

Nope, with constant messages of spam, I mean babbling, I just decided to see what was really going on. I haven't twisted your words at all, that's not my intention. I was just hoping at this point, maybe, an investigator would come forth with proof on anyone. I know of two others who know that I am loyal. I have been contacted by them and am looking forward to ridding the castle of all non-loyal dragons.

At this point my good Chef, I just want a little proof so we don't make anymore mistakes. We all know how Duchess Dufay felt but what if, what if her judgement was clouded?

I don't deny that I have talked with you before, and I don't deny that I believed you to be loyal, I really did. However, I also talked to Lady Dufay, and she wanted to take you down today. Oh, but, what a coincidence that she was killed last night. How convenient, wouldn't you say?

Far too convenient for my liking, I think this is the perfect way for the Dragons to kill another citizen, what better way to frame me than to kill off Lady Dufay, and then naturally everyone will go after me because of it. It really is the perfect strategy on their part, talk about killing two birds with one murder!

Nope, with constant messages of spam, I mean babbling, I just decided to see what was really going on. I haven't twisted your words at all, that's not my intention. I was just hoping at this point, maybe, an investigator would come forth with proof on anyone. I know of two others who know that I am loyal. I have been contacted by them and am looking forward to ridding the castle of all non-loyal dragons.

Oh, but you have. And I see that you changed your mind and decided to vote for me after all. Here it goes:

So the Chef has been sending you strange messages, eh?

What's strange about them? Who ever said that they were strange? I was simply trying to find out loyalties. If I really was a dragon, I would've already known Simon's allegiance, and I wouldn't have risked getting involved with him.

The Chef also neglected to vote yesterday for Lady Harcourt?

Neglected? I clearly said, twice now, that I didn't get the chance to change my vote before the day was over. Lady Dufay told me that Beatrice had told her a flat out lie about her role, and that she was changing her vote. However, I didn't get to change mine in time.

And, the Chef has a little lackey also, who goes by the name of Agnes...

Where'd you get that idea from? I don't remember having any servants myself, in fact I cook and wait on you all hand and foot, every day. It's really ridiculous that you are making up a lie like this- does anyone else recall Anges being my servant?

You basically twisted every word Simon or myself has spoken. :sceptic:

At this point my good Chef, I just want a little proof so we don't make anymore mistakes. We all know how Duchess Dufay felt but what if, what if her judgement was clouded?

What if it was? It's possible, but the chances of both her and Vipont being wrong? Slim, I think. And what if your judgement is clouded? It looks like you're basing your vote on me with less evidence than myself and others have against Simon.

I have this feeling that if I'm not voted off today, I will be killed in the night. If I am, I hope you all know who to blame.

Wow people really are running scared of these Dragons at the moment! It isn't possible for all of us oyal citizens to be killed in one night, so don't feel to worried about speaking up.

Wont any contacts of investigators step forward to clear my name?

Gentlemen, you are dividing the votes too much again. Now a total four people have been voted, what good is that going to do to us besides getting us into another Sudden Death night?

I ask you to reconsider putting your votes on one person, if you wish to vote someone out. Right now it looks like Simon has the strongest suspicions upon him, although that might change if we were to get some more information from a possible investigator amongst us.

Again, Simon, you haven't done anything to personally offend me, so I'm sorry I have to vote for you. I just want to see if the few people I am trusting right now are speaking the truth. I sincerely hope their suspicions of you are right, but if they aren't, I apologize.

Vote: Ambassador Ralf Simnel

You've been on my list since this whole thing started. You might claim that you're "for the alliance", but you're just another Dragon. It simply has to be one of the ambassador's and it wasn't Vipont. You've been in the shadows for most of the time, saying things like: "yay, another one for the hometeam!"

I don't believe that Amabassador Simnel is a Dragon. Where did this preconcived notion that one of us from outside of castle want to destory the alliance come from? Let us not forget where your thinking that of the same for Lord Vipont got us!

I was just hoping at this point, maybe, an investigator would come forth with proof on anyone. I know of two others who know that I am loyal. I have been contacted by them and am looking forward to ridding the castle of all non-loyal dragons.

If you don't know who the investigator is, then how can these two be sure that you are innocent, if they lack the means to investigate you? Also, did these two contact you independently? Or did they contact you as part of a group?

Also, Francis or Simon, how is it that you are always seen together? Lucky coinsidence? Old Friends?

Also, Francis or Simon, how is it that you are always seen together? Lucky coinsidence? Old Friends?

It is a love we dare not speak of to others, but as I seem to be on the outer with Francis for the moment, I shall spill the beans. Its true we are Fellow Philatelists.

Its true we are Fellow Philatelists.

In that case you're going to have a first-class mail order to hell. Vote: Simon/I Scream Clone. I hope you realise that it is not for the back-chat, but you're avoidence at answering the question with a simple 'coiensidence' answer... what the hell! It's for the back chat, mostly :hmpf_bad: !

P.s I hope you enjoyed the stamp joke :tongue:

Its true we are Fellow Philatelists.

Stamps? I thought it was headlamps.

OK, so, yes I wasn't one to vote for Lady Beatrice, because, like I said at the beginning of the day yesterday, I just didn't know who to trust or distrust, after I had been proven so horribly wrong in voting Vipont. I still don't know who to trust, but am starting to get a feeling for who is who. Therefore, until some actual evidence comes forward against anyone, I will refrain from voting.

My vote stands unless someone can find someone can find any compelling evidence against someone else.

Unlike other days when we've been in a flurry of excitement and things have moved very fast, we have all had a chance now to vote, if we wanted to. No excuses.

Let's look at the last 2 days voting patterns and see if that reveals anything.

From yesterday:

Vote Count

Simon, Librarian (I Scream Clone) - 3 Votes (Striker, JimButcher, Zepher)

Lady Beatrice Harcourt (Zepher) - 10 Votes (Svelte, Darth_Legois, Bob the Construction Man, Alice, WhiteFang, Sandy, I Scream Clone, Quarryman, professor flitwick, Stash2sixx)

Non-Voters - 3 People (Sir Dillon, Escape the Fate, Ricecracker)

And today's vote (Counting the last vote by Flitwit which hasn't been added yet)

Vote Count

Simon, Librarian (I Scream Clone) - 6 Votes (JimButcher, WhiteFang, Striker, Svelte, Sandy, Flitwit)

Ambassador Ralf Simnel (Quarryman) - 1 Vote (Bob the Construction Man)

Richard, Guard (Ricecracker) - 1 Vote (Darth_Legois)

Non-Voters - 6 People (Sir Dillon, Stash2Sixx, Quarryman, I Scream Clone, Escape the Fate, Ricecracker)

What's the first obvious thing to notice?

1) Three of the non-voters are identical, 2 days in a row - Sir Dillon, Escape the Fate, Ricecracker. This doesn't look good, as all have had a chance to vote in the last 2 days. Their indecision imperils us all, considering the Sudden Death fate that awaits us. I suspect at least one of these to be Dragons since they are dragging their feet and holding up proceedings, without any particularly good reason except 'Oh noes! I don't know what to do! Hence, no vote!'

I consider these three at best dead weight, so if there are any investigators or protectors out there, don't bother looking after these 3. They are adding nothing to our daily council and are holding us up.

2) If you look at yesterday's vote, it was clear that Beatrice was on the way out. Since I believe Simon to be a Dragon, it looks to me as if the Dragons got together amongst themselves and agreed to sacrifice one of their number to throw suspicion off the rest of them. Looking at the suspect votes after ISC, we have Quarryman, professor flitwick and Stash2Sixx. If you look at today's vote, Quarryman and Stash2Sixx are again non-voters! Clearly they don't want to vote against one of their own again, ie ISC, and lose another Dragon. Stash2Sixx did the exact same thing yesterday, casting an early distracting vote for someone else and then changing it to Beatrice only late in the game. Today he has cast another useless vote which he knows won't get anywhere.

Thus, I conclude that ISC, Stash2Sixx and Quarryman are all Dragons. When it became clear Lady Harcourt was for the chop, they got together and voted her off late in the day. Today, with Librarian Simon under suspicion, they have repeated their tactic of casting useless votes (Stash) or refraining. I think we should convict Simon today, and go after the 2 next most dangerous Dragons after that!

Loyal citizens, I implore you to take what I say seriously! After revealing my theory, I probably won't live long enough to see it to fruition :tongue:Bob the Construction Man and Darth Legois, if you are truly loyal, I ask you to change your vote to Simon today so we can at least get rid of him tonight. If I am right, he will be proved to be a Dragon. If I am wrong, then I am happy to be judged by my peers. Thanks for your attention!

Perhaps the ambassador was wrong about you Friar...

Unvote: Richard/Ricecracker

Vote: Simon/ISC

Before your comment I saw no real evidence to vote off Simon, Now you've shown me the light.

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