Posted October 2, 200915 yr *Announcer Voice* Three days ago, the people of this castle made a critical mistake and sentenced a dashingly handsome Wizard to death. Now, he's back from the dead to bring you salvation an interview! Evening, all! I'm your host, Ambassador Vipont Shadows, and I'm here to bring you another exciting episode of EB News Presents! This will be a very special episode, full of excitement and magic! I know the good people of Matadoer are big magic fans, it practically brings them to a riotous uproar. Look here, it's a local. He looks to be the castle fool. Oh, it's Staudie. I knew that. Hey boss! And now, our very special guest, Walrus Keeper! Hi everyone! Let's get this interview started! Not yet, fool, I'd like to introduce our esteemed audience and perhaps start the festivities with a few little tricks. Ut oh. Aren't they a lovely looking bunch? I recognise the King and Queen, of course, as well as several other high ranked members of the court. Greetings, all! Hmmm? You seem familiar for some reason. No idea what you're talking about, I'm just a local dignitary who happens to dress like a dragon, but it doesn't mean anything. *cough* Right. Well, nice meeting you, but we do have a show to put on here. I should be going then. Yes, nice of you to stop in and all. Why does he look so familiar? Oh well, no matter. And now the part of the show that everyone has been waiting for! The interview? Noooooo... Magic time! Yay! *audience* Booooo! Tough crowd, let's see if I can soften them up a bit. *POOF!* *RIBBIT* And now for one of my popular tricks over the years ... I'll turn this sparkling water... ... into wine! Oh God, I can't take any more of this! That's not what she said last night, folks. Why, I never! She did say that... at first. And now for my next trick, I'll need a willing volunteer. I know who that will be if she doesn't want me sharing details of last night. I'll volunteer! Somehow, I knew that. Just step right in the box and we'll get started. What's that noise I hear? Just the tools of the trade. Ooooh, it tickles. Oops. Well, some people just fall to pieces so easily... Cleanup on aisle 3! I'll get that, sir. How do you manage to end up in every episode? Just popular, I guess. That's my cue to start the interview! Huh? Oh, I was falling asleep. Go ahead. Q. Your a Fish. *sizzle* Ow, it burns, it burns! I... Q. Mind explaining your name, and what your SF is doing to that poor walrus! Well, to be honest, it was one of those "it seemed like a good idea at the time" things. I'm seriously thinking of changing my name. Apart from highlighting my relationship with the walrus, there's no real reason behind it. As for what I'm doing to "that poor walrus", don't let his friendly tusked face fool you. He has to be kept in check at all times, or his full walrus powers will be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world, and I dare not let that happen again... Changing your name? What gives you the idea we let people change their names? Weren't you previously ImperialShadows? Who? Q. Do you collect Lego, or just play around with Sinner's. Sinner's Lego I mean. I have considered buying Lego sets for myself, but there's really no need. I see the burgeoning collection of Lego in Sieggo's room/office as our Lego, but luckily for sweetie I haven't gotten around to making anything. I'm sure he won't mind though when I do. It's funny, when Sieggo first came out of the closet about his Lego obsession, he had to fight hard and long to get me to agree to buy Lego sets (I was a bit slow to figure out what was going on ). But now I'm all like "aw wow, we've got to get this set sweetie, and wow, is that a conquistador helmet? We've got to get that!!", so he has a much easier time of it these days. Aw, he came out of the closet. Q. Would you call yourself a SheFol? Nah, AFOL's fine. It's a cool name, I dig it, and we're all one big happy family, right?? Q. What are your favourite sets? That's so hard to pick. I guess I have a soft spot for the classic space sets, as I saved up all my pocket money as a kid and bought Radar truck (889) and Shovel buggy (6821). Some of the Star Wars sets are very compelling, like Home One, Echo Base and Death Star, and the new Indy sets give me the warm and fuzzies too. Can't wait for Prince of Persia...hmm, ostriches... Q. What is your Favourite Theme? I am a sucker for cute mini-figs, and so get excited by any set that includes good figs. Okay, now I'll try to pick a particular theme...argh, no, it's too hard, they're all so good! Q. Why did you join EB? In between hearing about EB all the time, and glancing over the walrus' shoulder every now and again (any more than that, and he gets irritable ), I found more and more I wanted to join the EB community and share my views. Q. What do you think of EB as a whole? EB is a great community. I love the quirky humour and creativity of the site. I think the fact that people are being brought together by their mutual love of Lego creates a zany kind of positivity that gives me hope for the future. It even brings a tear to my eye on, excuse me a moment please...sniff... Q. Are there any Moc's you have made, or do you critizise Sinner's work and help him improve his Mocs? To my complete embarrassment, I haven't made anything yet. I see these great MOCs on the site, and I'm not contributing anything other than my admiration...sigh. Hopefully I'll find time soon to throw something together, but then I'll be all like, "oh, that's lame compared to a Siegfried MOC, a Hinckley MOC, or a Svelte MOC...argh, back to the drawing board!!". Maybe after we move... As for offering constructive criticism, Sieggo can be a bit sensitive about that (such an artist ), so I tread very cautiously whenever he asks for my opinion... Q. Can we see your lair? Please? Funny you should ask, we're actually in the process of moving, so the lair is steadily being organised and semi-packed. Sieggo has offered to take some photos when its at a better stage...stay tuned for that one... Will he be in a dress this time? Q. Who should we Interview Next? In light of his recent promotion to regulator, I volunteer Svelte! Frogboy? Yeah, maybe. So, there you have it everyone, a fascinating look at the keeper of everyone's favourite walrus, and one of our newest converts to AFOLdom. It's a wonderful thing, isn't it? So we're done now? Not quite! I have one more trick! Oh dear. That was pretty good, but why is the bunny so big? They refuse to make enough system scale animals. What does that mean? Nevermind. Ut oh, he's hungry! How can you tell? Just trust me! Save me! I'll save you, dear! Well, look at that, a walrus saving a damsel in distress from a bunny. Only on EB News. No no, that's... Exclusively on EB News!â„¢ Right. Let's get out of here, these people are weird. Us, she's married to a walrus! So now that we're done... Yeah? Why is that creepy guy staring at us like that? I'm not really sure, but I swear he looks familiar to me... *camera fades*
October 2, 200915 yr Simply hilarious! I see someone's still bitter that he got kicked out, but that's okay. It's healthy to just let it aaaaaall out... And it was nice to get to know more about Walrus Keeper as well, even though someone kinda stole the limelight from her.
October 2, 200915 yr Well done to the EB News team on a great interview! Nice photos and nice to get to know more behind Walrus Keeper. Good luck with moving closer to me
October 2, 200915 yr It's nice to see 'ole Silver-Tongue pull a rabbit out of a hat, since he so spectacularly failed to do so in the game itself A lovely interview. Yay for the Walrus Keeper! I hear rumours you're moving in less than a fortnight but 90% of the Lego is still unpacked! Crack that whip! But who is the keeper and who is the kept? You seem to have adapted remarkably well to the Lego addiction! I wish my partner was as understanding! The last present I got was a 7723 Police Pontoon Plane. If you don't already know, the Walrus can explain why that's not a great thing
October 2, 200915 yr It's nice to see you back in action with this very interesting new interview and all new settings. Thanks to Walrus Keeper for finding the time to answer your questions and share her views, even in the midst of a move. LuxorV
October 2, 200915 yr Very entertaining. Shadows your tag list is blowing up, Can anyone break the 3 rows? The interview was visually fun and easy to read. Great layout. I truly enjoy these.
October 2, 200915 yr Superb great interview once more, Shadows, and this time, it's truly fun and enjoyable storyline with lots of informative clues on Walrus Keeper! Great job to Draggy as well, by doing up this beautiful scenes for this very special and exclusive interview. The pictures are really top notch enjoyable scenes!
October 3, 200915 yr This is the first time I am seeing the whole thing with pictures, and I must say Draggy out-did himself. A round of applause for our Guest Walrus Keeper, and our Guest Photographer Dragonator! Stauder.
May 21, 201014 yr On that subject, what happened to the interview you did with my wife?[/b] Posted that last year mate. Click! Stauder. Well in my defense I was moving at the time it's not where I expected it... This is the first time I am seeing the whole thing with pictures, and I must say Draggy out-did himself. A round of applause for our Guest Walrus Keeper, and our Guest Photographer Dragonator! ...but all things considered it makes sense. Beautiful set and photography by the way! Reading this makes me feel like I understand my wife a lot more.... OK, that isn't true. But it's a good interview just the same. Funny you should ask, we're actually in the process of moving, so the lair is steadily being organised and semi-packed. Sieggo has offered to take some photos when its at a better stage...stay tuned for that one... Soon.... Save me! I'll save you, dear! ...and I call her "sweetie", not "dear".
May 21, 201014 yr Hahaha. The line, "Why is that creepy guy staring at us like that?" along with the picture made me laugh. Nicely done, nicely done. Good to see these interviews again, and good to get to know the other half of our resident Walrus! Great job everyone. ~Peace
May 21, 201014 yr I'm probably gonna sound like a compelte idiot, so bear with me... With is this topic in the Wargames and Mafia Games forum? other then that, it's incredible.
May 21, 201014 yr I'm probably gonna sound like a compelte idiot, so bear with me...With is this topic in the Wargames and Mafia Games forum? other then that, it's incredible. Because it was done during Mystery Castle 2, in the same setting (Matidoer castle) and the audience consists of characters from that game.
May 21, 201014 yr Because it was done during Mystery Castle 2, in the same setting (Matidoer castle) and the audience consists of characters from that game. Oh- Just noticed the dates. Sorry!
May 22, 201014 yr OmiGod, that's so funny. Sorry it took me/us so long to find this . Brilliant work Shadows, Dragonator and Stauder. I do feel rather sorry for the Queen, and the line about the rabbit not being made to Legosystem scale, that's hilarious. Thank you for letting me take part in EB News!
May 22, 201014 yr "The Dead Walk Again at Mystical Castle...." ...And again...And again.... This was a really long time ago, but it's still a great interview, with allot of funnyness. Now If only someone could superbump EBRP ~Insectoid Aristocrat