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A click was heard, and an outside door swung open, letting a small ray of moonlight into the dark corridors of the castle. Pocketing her key, Lady Rohesia Papelion stepped out into the crisp night air.


Drawing a deep breath, Rohesia sighed to herself. "How lovely the night air is", she exclaimed, looking around at the roses lining the path. "It is nice to get out of that stuffy castle for a while. I'm glad I found this key conveniently placed by the door there."

Just then, something unusual happened; a fish fell from the sky and landed on the path in front of Rohesia.


Confused, the Lady walked over and picked it up.


"I wonder where this came from", she mused. Just then, two potatoes bounced off her head. "Ouch!", she exclaimed. "What the hell was that!"


Throwing up her hands, Rohesia began to run from the falling food that seemed to be attacking her.


But she wasn't quite quick enough. A large turkey slammed into her, knocking her to the ground and severely fracturing her skull. Potatoes continued to rain down.


Up above the twitching body, a robed figure continued to poor food down onto the poor Lady.


"I may be new to this, but at least I make it more exciting than stabbing people every time", the figure muttered to itself.


Eventually, the body of the late Rohesia stopped twitching, and the night was once again still, the pile of food a strange disturbance in the rigid lines of the gardens.


In the morning, the people of the castle gathered once more in the grand hall to hear from their king the outcome of the previous nights' execution.


Speaking from his throne, the King delivered his news.

"Ladies and Gentlemen", he began, "thank you for coming down here once again. I am glad to inform you that your efforts yesterday payed off; after a through search of Simon's rooms, my people have concluded that he was indeed a Dragon. They also found a sword in his rooms, the one used by the assassin to kill so many innocent people over this past week. Clearly, Simon was not the nice, humble librarian we have always believed him to be.

"I am saddened to have to inform you though that the Dragons are still active in our castle. Last night, Lady Rohesia Papelion was murdered while out for a stroll in the castle grounds. My people have informed me that she was a loyal Citizen of the castle."

Mixed murmurs of happiness at being right about Simon and sadness and anger at the passing of Rohesia spread through the crowd. The people had another tough day ahead of them, but hopefully, they would keep up their good work, and find themselves another Dragon...


A majority vote of 7 votes is required to convict.


Rules of Play

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "day", you will be given 4 real days in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 2 real days. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the two days, they will not be counted.

- There will be two main sides in the game. Your winning criteria will be included with your character PM.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- You may not edit your posts. Violation of this rule may result in a moderator kill.

- Please avoid posting out of character in the game thread.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a moderator kill. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the General Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I will try my best to stick to the schedule, and your cooperation will help this greatly, particularly getting night actions in promptly.

- Sudden Death rules, as outlined in your roles, will only apply on certain nights. You will be informed of this in the final post of the day. A day in which no conviction is reached will definitely result in a sudden death night.

Characters and Players

ralf.jpg Ambassador Ralf Simnel played by Quarryman

hugh.jpg Hugh (Servant) played by WhiteFang

peter.jpg Peter (Servant) played by Darth_Legois

victor.jpg Lieutenant Victor played by Bob the construction man

thomas.jpg Admiral Thomas Mallory played by Sir Dillon

richard.jpg Richard (Guard) played by Ricecracker

agnes.jpg Agnes (Maid) played by Striker

nicholas.jpg Nicholas (Guard) played by professor flitwick

francis.jpg Francis the Friar played by Svelte

geoffrey.jpg Captain Geoffrey played by Escape the Fate

edward.jpg Lord Edward Griffin played by Stash2sixx

walter.jpg Chef Walter played by JimButcher

The Deceased

ethel.jpg Ethel (Maid) played by Adam (Citizen): Convicted, Day 1

william.jpg Lord William Harcourt played by Hinckley (Neutral): Convicted, Day 2

gilbert.jpg Gilbert (Guard) played by General Armendariz (Citizen): Killed, Night 2

sirion.jpg Ambassador Sirion Vipont played by ImperialShadows (Citizen): Convicted, Day 3

margaret.jpg Countess Margaret Durville played by TinyPiesRUs (Citizen): Killed, Night 3

beatrice.jpg Lady Beatrice Harcourt played by Zepher (Dragon): Convicted, Day 4

juliana.jpg Duchess Juliana Dufay played by Alice (Citizen): Killed, Night 4

simon.jpg Simon (Librarian) played by I Scream Clone (Dragon): Convicted, Day 5

rohesia.jpg Lady Rohesia Papelion played by Sandy (Citizen): Killed, Night 5

I've heard that carbohydrates can be a killer - but never in such a literal way. Starched to death! Pernicious potatoes! What a way to go for Lady Rhodesia :sadnew:

On the upside, we did smoke out a devilish Dragon :thumbup: Praise be!

Does anyone have any evidence or news they wish to reveal before breakfast?

I've heard that carbohydrates can be a killer - but never in such a literal way. Starched to death! Pernicious potatoes! What a way to go for Lady Rhodesia :sadnew:

On the upside, we did smoke out a devilish Dragon :thumbup: Praise be!

Does anyone have any evidence or news they wish to reveal before breakfast?

Ouch, too bad about lady Rohesia :cry_sad:, but indeed, praise be about getting one more dragon at least. :grin: And I'm very sorry that my timezonemidday nap yesterday came in the way of me voting for that pesky dragon. As for evidence, no, I've mentioned it earlier, but I'd just like to repeat that I don't have any abilities to gather information during the night, so here I'm open for suggestions.

Poor Lady Papelion. :cry_sad: She actually had a shred of common sense. We lost a valuable woman today, a moment of silence is needed.


Anyway, at least we got a Dragon.

But we would have gotten him two days ago had we listened to the Crazy Maid. :wink:

That 'crazy maid' may very well be onto something? Good job everyone. Dragons are starting to fall, which is a good thing.

As the Friar has asked, anyone got any info? Factual info would be very good right now.

Such a shame about Lady Papelion. To think I suspected her...

Now then, onto analyzing the pictures:

The dark figure says

"I may be new to this, but at least I make it more exciting than stabbing people every time"

This seems to suggest that they have recently been made a night killer for the dragons, or recently initiated into the Dragons, or that this is there first game… of life, in which they have been a night killer. Also, potatoes are mentioned again. This could just be simply repetition, or a clue. I hear tell that in previous years of this castle, a young man was crushed under a load of potatoes. Could mean anything, but could be worth looking into!

Also, it is likely to be one of the castles staff, as they'd need access to the kitchens to get all that food...

Does anyone have any evidence or news they wish to reveal before breakfast?

Alas I don't know, I didn't hear anything last night. It took me a while to get to sleep, but I'm a very deep sleeper!

And also it would appear that Captain Geoffrey, and Francis the Friar arrived late this morning. Any alibis?

The dark figure says

This seems to suggest that they have recently been made a night killer for the dragons, or recently initiated into the Dragons, or that this is there first game… of life, in which they have been a night killer. Also, potatoes are mentioned again. This could just be simply repetition, or a clue. I hear tell that in previous years of this castle, a young man was crushed under a load of potatoes. Could mean anything, but could be worth looking into!

I think that the killer means that it is the first time that he has crushed people with food. He mentioned afterwards that he stabs people everytime.

Anyway, I have no information to share. It is a shame about the Lady, however, someone inside here is a key to the outer doors. That could be a few people, including the guards, who have keys to most everywhere.

What!? Simon was a Dragon? Oh, God. How could this be? I thought I had it all figured out... Maybe it means I'm a paranoid investigator. Damn. And Sandy? Why are they killing so many who are helping our treaty? We must get the rest of the Dragons.....

I have made several notes over the last couple of days to help determine whose loyal, who’s a Dragon, and who has night actions. First of all, sorry if I seem over-analytical, repetitive, or point out the obvious. Just because I say you’re been late, or voted for an innocent doesn’t nessesarily mean I’m accusing you. There will be time to accuse later.

Who arrived late:

Day 1: Lady Papelion and Admiral Mallory both seemed to have arrived late that morning. Lady Papelion is unable to explain why, but what about you Admiral?

Day 2: It would appear that Peter and the Admiral (again) both arrived late that morning. This doesn’t necessarily mean they have night actions though, as both Lord Vipont and Lord Harcourt were up during the night, and they arrived on time.

Day 3: Countess Durville arrived late (likely slept in, after killing Gilbert most likely), along with Ambassador Simnel. Being as nothing drastic happened the night before, it could be safe to assume you may be a protector.

Day 4: It would appear (hard to tell, as it only shows the entrance on the left, sorry if I make any wrong accusations) that Lardy Harcourt, Simon, Admiral Mallory, Richard and Hugh were late. Note they are all standing together. Would the living please provide alibis?

Day 5: It seems Lady Papelion, Chef Walter and Captain Geoffrey were late arriving. Two people were up and about last night. It would that Lady Papelion didn’t have a night action, so it is likely one of you was the protector, and the other, a murderer.

Day 6: As stated above, Captain Geoffrey and Francis the Friar were late today. Any alibis?

Ambassador Simnel:

Times late: 1


Times late: 1


Times late: 1

Lieutenant Victor:

Times late: 0

Admiral Mallory:

Times late: 3


Times late: 1


Times late: 0


Times late: 0


Times late: 1 (note the same night as a new member of the Dragons may have been introduced. Not accusing, just stating)

Captain Geoffrey:

Times late: 2

Lord Griffin:

Times late: 0

Chef Walter:

Times late: 1

Analysing the votes:

Day 1: Ethel turned out to be a loyal maid

Ethel, Maid (Adam) - 12 Votes (Stash2sixx, Darth_Legois, Svelte, JimButcher, Striker, Ricecracker, Bob the Construction Man, Hinckley, General Armendariz, ImperialShadows, Alice Zepher)

Non-Voters - 9 People (Sir Dillon, TinyPiesRUs, professor flitwick, Quarryman, I Scream Clone, WhiteFang, Adam, Escape the Fate, Sandy)

Day 2: Lord Harcourt turned out to be Neutral

Lord William Harcourt (Hinckley) - 11 Votes (ImperialShadows, Alice, professor flitwick, Striker, Sir Dillon, JimButcher, General Armendariz, Darth_Legois, Ricecracker, Svelte, Quarryman)

Ambassador Sirion Vipont (ImperialShadows) - 2 Votes (Hinckley, Escape the Fate)

Day 3: Lord Vipont was convicted, turned out Loyal

Ambassador Sirion Vipont (ImperialShadows) - 10 Votes (Ricecracker, Sandy, I Scream Clone, Sir Dillon, Escape the Fate, Quarryman, Svelte, JimButcher, Bob the Construction Man, Zepher)

Francis, Friar (Svelte) - 3 Vote (ImperialShadows, Alice, Darth_Legois)

Non-Voters - 5 People (Stash2sixx, TinyPiesRUs, professor flitwick, WhiteFang, Striker)

Day 4: Lady Harcourt proved to be a dragon

Simon, Librarian (I Scream Clone) - 3 Votes (Striker, JimButcher, Zepher)

Lady Beatrice Harcourt (Zepher) - 10 Votes (Svelte, Darth_Legois, Bob the Construction Man, Alice, WhiteFang, Sandy, I Scream Clone, Quarryman, professor flitwick, Stash2sixx)

Non-Voters - 3 People (Sir Dillon, Escape the Fate, Ricecracker)

Day 5: Simon was convicted, later shown to be a dragon

Simon, Librarian (I Scream Clone) - 9 Votes (JimButcher, WhiteFang, Striker, Svelte, Sandy, professor flitwick, Darth_Legois, Bob the Construction Man, Escape the Fate)

Chef Walter (JimButcher) - 1 Vote (Stash2Sixx)

Lord Edward Griffin (Stash2Six) - 1 Vote (Sir Dillon)

Non-Voters - 3 People (Quarryman, I Scream Clone, Ricecracker)

Note: Sorry if I counted the votes wrong

Ambassador Simnel: Seems hard to places, results not consistent enough.

Votes for Loyal: 1

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 1

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 2

Hugh: Seems unlikely to be a Dragon, as he voted off two Dragons, and has yet to vote of a loyal.

Votes for Loyal: 0

Votes for Neutral: 0

Votes for Dragon: 2

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 3

Peter: Seems unlikely to be a Dragon, as he voted of two Dragons. Need more evidence to be sure.

Votes for Loyal: 1

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 2

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 1

None voting days: 1

Lieutenant Victor: Seems to vote for the ones with the biggest cases against them.

Votes for Loyal: 2

Votes for Neutral: 0

Votes for Dragon: 2

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 1

Admiral Mallory: Has yet to vote for a Dragon. Interesting…

Votes for Loyal: 1

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 0

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 1

None voting days: 2

Richard: Has yet to vote for a Dragon. Interesting…

Votes for Loyal: 2

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 0

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 2

Agnes: Seems unlikely to be a Dragon, though results sort of inconstant.

Votes for Loyal: 1

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 2

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 1

Myself: I can assure you, I’m not a Dragon, and as the evidence shows, have a clean record.

Votes for Loyal: 0

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 2

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 2

Francis: Has contributed to the deaths of two of us, but to two of the deaths of the Dragons. Evidence relatively inconclusive to make a conclusion now.

Votes for Loyal: 2

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 2

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 0

Captain Geoffrey: One of my main suspects, though he did help to bring down a Dragon…

Votes for Loyal: 3 (voted for Vipont over two days)

Votes for Neutral: 0

Votes for Dragon: 1

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 1

Lord Griffin: Results seem relatively inconclusive. Hard to tell which vote is the anomalous result.

Votes for Loyal: 1

Votes for Neutral: 0

Votes for Dragon: 1

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 1

None voting days: 2

Chef Walter: Once again we’re met with uncertainty, these types of results are faring to be common.

Votes for Loyal: 2

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 2

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 0

Sorry that was so long. Hope it's helpful!

Hoorah! I knew Simon was a Dragon, I knew it...

Do you still want to say that I am a dragon, Edward? :sceptic:

But, Lady Papelion... this is most disturbing. We are all falling one by one, and I fear our numbers have grown thin- so thin, that one wrong step could doom us all. We must be careful, very careful in voting today.

Now then, onto analyzing the pictures:

The dark figure says .

This seems to suggest that they have recently been made a night killer for the dragons, or recently initiated into the Dragons, or that this is there first game… of life, in which they have been a night killer. Also, potatoes are mentioned again. This could just be simply repetition, or a clue. I hear tell that in previous years of this castle, a young man was crushed under a load of potatoes. Could mean anything, but could be worth looking into!

That was my analysis as well, I'm thinking that that person is new to these games... of life. I don't think the Friar, though. He was one of the main attackers of Simon yesterday.

Also, it is likely to be one of the castles staff, as they'd need access to the kitchens to get all that food...

Don't get too cocky. :hmpf_bad: I can assure that it was neither I nor Francis.

I think that the killer means that it is the first time that he has crushed people with food. He mentioned afterwards that he stabs people everytime.

Could it have been Simon? He would have to had escaped from the dungeons before his execution, but why would he go back to be executed? I'd say that it definitely wasn't him. So, there might be two Dragon night killers. :look: Or maybe another unaligned person? I suggest we all look back at what the paintings from previous days have depicted.

What!? Simon was a Dragon? Oh, God. How could this be? I thought I had it all figured out... Maybe it means I'm a paranoid investigator. Damn. And Sandy? Why are they killing so many who are helping our treaty? We must get the rest of the Dragons.....

I was thinking that you were paranoid after you revealed yourself yesterday. It's a safe bet that you are.

It seems I was on the wrong side of the vote once again. Sorry everyone. :sceptic:

Thanks for taking the time to put all that information down Nicholas. As for the "alibis" you ask for, I don't think you can count day one. It looks to me like no one was late, and I doubt Dragonator called those with night actions to use them before the game started. On day two, it does look like I arrived late, and I don't have any explanation for that. On day four, I don't see anything that points to me coming late. You can see that I'm on the far left in the later pictures.

Not exactly great explanations, but it's the best I can give.

What!? Simon was a Dragon? Oh, God. How could this be? I thought I had it all figured out... Maybe it means I'm a paranoid investigator. Damn. And Sandy? Why are they killing so many who are helping our treaty? We must get the rest of the Dragons.....

Could you please post the results you've gotten? You may not have to post each person's name, but some more information might help us work what you're doing.

My feelings on Lord Edward Griffin still stand, but I won't vote for him unless some other people will as well. I know that sounds bad, but I don't want to keep being a dead weight, voting for irrelevant people.

Captain Geoffrey: One of my main suspects, though he did help to bring down a Dragon…

Votes for Loyal: 3 (voted for Vipont over two days)

Votes for Neutral: 0

Votes for Dragon: 1

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 1

First off I have only cast three votes, so when you say that I have casted votes for three loyals, you are in error. I voted for Vipont twice, thats my loyal votes. If I was a Dragon, I would have voted for Lord Harcourt, and every loyal person, so that rules me out. As for me showing up late, its somewhat obvious: I'm the executioner, since those are the first people I have actually been able to execute. So you could say that I have killed more Dragons then all of you combined :tongue:

So let me correct your evidence.

Captain Geoffrey: One of my main suspects, though he did help to bring down a Dragon…

Votes for Loyal: 2 (voted for Vipont over two days, so its more like 1 vote)

Votes for Neutral: 0

Votes for Dragon: 1

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 2

Thanks for taking the time to put all that information down Nicholas. As for the "alibis" you ask for, I don't think you can count day one. It looks to me like no one was late, and I doubt Dragonator called those with night actions to use them before the game started. On day two, it does look like I arrived late, and I don't have any explanation for that. On day four, I don't see anything that points to me coming late. You can see that I'm on the far left in the later pictures.

Not exactly great explanations, but it's the best I can give.

Don't worry Admiral, it's a pleasure to help route out the Dragons. Hm... you are probly right about day 1. Know I think about it, I wonder why I bothered including it! I understand about day 2, as Lord Harcourt and Lord Vipont were both out and about during the night and they manged to arrive in the morning, so you being late may not mean anything. Sorry about day 4, but the picutres only provided one viewing point, so you could have easily arrived before the overhead pictures we're taken.

1) The killer from last night is obviously not Simon, but someone new.The King did say that they found the sword in Simon's rooms, I'm fairly sure he would have mentioned it if the prisoner escaped and went on a killing rampage before being recaptured. Let's not get confused by coming up with wild theories.

2) Guard Nicholas, thanks for your detailed analysis. However I don't know how much weight the voting patterns of the early days hold, since Day 1 was basically just to get rid of annoying Maid #1, and the 2 subsequent days were a hotbed of confusion with the Ambassador vs Ambassador action :tongue:

3) Since I was right about Simon being a Dragon, I am fairly sure my theory about the Dragons voting to get rid of Lady Harcourt to throw suspicion off themselves, but refusing to vote for co-conspirator Simon is correct.

This means Lord Edward Griffin, Ambassador Ralf Simnel, and Nicholas are all under suspicion.

Nicholas was an early voter for Simon, so I tend to think the people to watch are Lord Griffin and Ralf Simnel. Despite Simnel's earlier protestation about naps, the day was very long and he had plenty of time to vote if he had chosen to do so - it wasn't a rush day like earlier days.

Looking at the voting table, my suspicion is most firmly on Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx.

Day 1 - votes for someone unpopular but useless (the annoying maid), and is the first to vote, showing he can vote early when he wants to

Day 2 - doesn't vote at all - probably unsure of Lord Harcourt's (Neutral) alliance

Day 3 - non-voter

Day 4 - late voter for Lady Harcourt (in line with the theory that the Dragons turned against Lady Harcourt to protect the rest of them)

Day 5 - votes for someone useless who nobody else has voted for, ie Admiral Thomas Mallory

He has all previously voted/ unvoted Agnes, showing that his tactic is to cast useless votes and then unvote and vote someone else if he feels pressured, probably to distract from his erratic voting pattern.

On this evidence, I Vote: Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx.

There are obviously other Dragons amongst us, but I feel that he is the clearest and most present danger to this Alliance!

The three who didn't vote in the last 2 days will be watched very carefully indeed today, since at least one of them MUST be a Dragon *narrows eyes*

Praise be!

Vote: Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx

I'll take you up on that. I'm glad that I am not the only person who is suspicious of Simnel. If this turns out to be truthful, then I’ll trust the rest of the list that you have.

I also find it odd that the night killer is killing off all the women…

On this evidence, I Vote: Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx.

Greasy frier, I suppose we got off on the wrong foot. Maybe you do know what you're doing. A little bit, anyway.

But I agree with you for once, Friar. Lord Griffin seems to know everything.

As if we're just oinking like his little piggies... :look:

Vote: Lord Edward Griffin/Stash2Sixx

My final word on the subject?

Well, he sure isn't doing a very good job if he's scum. If he's a townie, he sure is making himself look suspicious. :sadnew:

I'm going to be quite the happy Crazy Maid if he's a dumpster. :sweet:

I have been investigated, and I have been found to be a loyal member of this castle, or does Admiral Mallory not want to back up those facts?

If you feel you might be paranoid Admiral, then please investigate me again tonight. I know from previous stories that the people who were believed to be paranoid investigators figured out their error after reinvestigating a person! I believe it was a story called Noir, and no, the book was not given to me by Simon. There was a police chief, whatever that is, and when he reinvestigated a member whom he thought to be innocent, it was found out that he was actually corrupt. I'm not corrupt, or scum, or a Dragon, but by investigating me tonight, you will see that I really am a loyal member of this castle, and you will have proved that you are not a paranoid investigator.

If I am lying, I will gladly vote for myself tomorrow morning. My word as a Lord. Then Friar, you will see that you aren't as smart as you think you are!

I voted for Agnes because of her early annoyingness, similar to that of Ethel.

Also, it is likely to be one of the castles staff, as they'd need access to the kitchens to get all that food..

I for one can say I didn't do it. Also it seems abit unfair to just point at us with no evidence besides food...

We're also short on staff at the moment so I apologise for any delays. :blush:

Day 2: It would appear that Peter and the Admiral (again) both arrived late that morning. This doesn’t necessarily mean they have night actions though, as both Lord Vipont and Lord Harcourt were up during the night, and they arrived on time.


Times late: 1

Peter: Seems unlikely to be a Dragon, as he voted of two Dragons. Need more evidence to be sure.

Votes for Loyal: 1

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 2

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 1

None voting days: 1

Possible late because I was at Agne's room all night and didn't know how long it would take to get from her room back to mine then out to the main room. :tongue:

Obviously by day 3 I figured I needed to leave slightly earlier to make it ontime. :hmpf_bad::tongue:

Also on my non-voting day I was taking a nap thus by the time I came out everyone else had already come to a conclusion.

1) The killer from last night is obviously not Simon, but someone new.The King did say that they found the sword in Simon's rooms, I'm fairly sure he would have mentioned it if the prisoner escaped and went on a killing rampage before being recaptured. Let's not get confused by coming up with wild theories.

2) Guard Nicholas, thanks for your detailed analysis. However I don't know how much weight the voting patterns of the early days hold, since Day 1 was basically just to get rid of annoying Maid #1, and the 2 subsequent days were a hotbed of confusion with the Ambassador vs Ambassador action :tongue:

3) Since I was right about Simon being a Dragon, I am fairly sure my theory about the Dragons voting to get rid of Lady Harcourt to throw suspicion off themselves, but refusing to vote for co-conspirator Simon is correct.

This means Lord Edward Griffin, Ambassador Ralf Simnel, and Nicholas are all under suspicion.

Nicholas was an early voter for Simon, so I tend to think the people to watch are Lord Griffin and Ralf Simnel. Despite Simnel's earlier protestation about naps, the day was very long and he had plenty of time to vote if he had chosen to do so - it wasn't a rush day like earlier days.

Looking at the voting table, my suspicion is most firmly on Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx.

Day 1 - votes for someone unpopular but useless (the annoying maid), and is the first to vote, showing he can vote early when he wants to

Day 2 - doesn't vote at all - probably unsure of Lord Harcourt's (Neutral) alliance

Day 3 - non-voter

Day 4 - late voter for Lady Harcourt (in line with the theory that the Dragons turned against Lady Harcourt to protect the rest of them)

Day 5 - votes for someone useless who nobody else has voted for, ie Admiral Thomas Mallory

He has all previously voted/ unvoted Agnes, showing that his tactic is to cast useless votes and then unvote and vote someone else if he feels pressured, probably to distract from his erratic voting pattern.

On this evidence, I Vote: Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx.

There are obviously other Dragons amongst us, but I feel that he is the clearest and most present danger to this Alliance!

The three who didn't vote in the last 2 days will be watched very carefully indeed today, since at least one of them MUST be a Dragon *narrows eyes*

Praise be!

One? I'm sure atleast 2 or all of them are dragons! :hmpf_bad: I still want to vote off richard but we keep voting off others.

Vote: Lord Griffin/Stash2Sixx

I voted for Agnes because of her early annoyingness, similar to that of Ethel.

You know, I figure you may have learned from your mistakes. I voted for Ethel to prevent a sudden death night. You voted for her just because she was annoying.

So you'd vote me off, just because I'm a bit eccentric? :cry_sad:

Absolute garbage. I've seen this before. :hmpf_bad: All that comes out of it is another innocent civilian dead.

Before you vote someone, you should really see whether or not the evidence is against them, or if there even is evidence against them. :hmpf:

Before you vote someone, you should really see whether or not the evidence is against them, or if there even is evidence against them. :hmpf:

You're one to talk :hmpf:

You're one to talk :hmpf:

So are you. :hmpf_bad:

I guess maybe, if for one second, we could listen to the Crazy Maid...

If we put a little more thought into our votes from now on, maybe we could really win this!

Sure, we'll lose a few people, and I'm betting that I'm next since most people hate me, but maybe we can get the Dragon leader next!


Amazing that there is no proof on me, yet many of you who voted speak of proof and evidence.

Here I am, trying to show you proof, but you choose not to listen? Investigate me tonight, you will see that I am an innocent, loyal member of this castle. Besides, the vigilante killer is gone right? We wouldn't have to worry about anyone dying tonight, except by the hands of the Dragon's killer.

I may have voted in the past with no proof, but if you vote me tonight, we will just lose another member of the castle, and the Dragons will be that much closer to winning. Take the chance and just investigate, you will be satisfied in the morning.

As for you Friar...

On morning 2, you are seen speaking with Lady Harcourt and Countess Maragaret.

On Morning 5, you are seen speaking with Simon.

This morning, you are the last one to arrive?

You continually tend to hide behind all others with your little story, but it makes me wonder how you got to that story? Could you have been converted by the Dragons? You seemed to vote for Simon with no problem, which tells me that you used him as a 'sacrificial shield' to protect yourself for the future. I am not accusing you, I am simply looking for proof. We have none, and I am trying to go about getting some.

I was under the impression that there was nothing factual to be drawn from the day's vignettes - didn't the voice in the sky say this at some point? I am just a mere noob...of life... so maybe he could clear it up. The same with inferences to be drawn from the 'so and so is late' issue.

Personally I haven't paid the pics such detailed attention that I notice every day who I am standing next to (not speaking with) :tongue: I'm more concerned to see whether I am still alive!

All the evidence we have against Lord Griffin right now is circumstantial. There's is nothing solid, there also is nothing more against him than anyone else!

He has all previously voted/ unvoted Agnes, showing that his tactic is to cast useless votes and then unvote and vote someone else if he feels pressured, probably to distract from his erratic voting pattern.

By your evidence, we should be voting Agnes off sooner. Just review the day that we (unfortunately) voted off the ambassador. She is throwing votes almost every 20 minutes.

I'm definitely more convinced by Lord Griffin's actual evidence. Therefore, I'm going to

Vote: Francis the Friar/Svelte

Well I have to say, it's nice to see you vote... for a change :hmpf: Since you story about whether you're insane or paranoid seems to change day-by-day (and you were wrong about Simon) and you used the story to excuse your lack of votes, I'm now inclined to think you're very probably a Dragon and have been misdirecting us. Congratulations! You've just made the list of top Dragon suspects!

If I hadn't presented my case against Lady Harcourt and Simon yesterday, we'd probably all still be squabbling. Unlike others here, I am not afraid to rely on my convictions and present them for judgment by my peers. I have been wrong in instances, sure, as many of use were at the start of this investigation, but as a group we've bagged 2 Dragons in 2 days, and that seems like pretty good work to me :thumbup: I doubt the loyal citizens here will forget my part in that success.

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