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I have been investigated, and I have been found to be a loyal member of this castle, or does Admiral Mallory not want to back up those facts?

What? :wacko: I have made no private contact with you, and am not sure where you're getting these ideas.

If I am lying, I will gladly vote for myself tomorrow morning. My word as a Lord. Then Friar, you will see that you aren't as smart as you think you are!

I don't what to make of this. The only way for us to find out if you're lying is for us to vote you off. If you are lying now, why would you then change your mind and vote for yourself in the morning?

I voted for Agnes because of her early annoyingness, similar to that of Ethel.

That, I can't find fault with you for.

I have been informed via a potato message from another member of this castle. I have been informed that I had already been investigated once and by you investigating me again, you will prove that you are not a paranoid investigator.

To the others, I mean that if I am investigated tonight and found to be a dragon, then I will vote myself off. BUT, I know that won't happen because when I am investgated, I will be found loyal!

The only investigator that has revealed any findings is that loon Richard the Guard.

Here's what he said yesterday (emphasis added):

To hell with it. I fear that after I say this, the Dragons will be all over me, but I think it's worth it. I am an investigator. Let's start a few days back. I investigated Vipont. I found him to be a Dragon. That is why I went after him so viciously. I was incorrect in my findings. Yesterday, I was trying to figure out what had happened. I came to the conclusion that I am an insane investigator. Last night, I investigated Simon, and my findings showed him to be guilty, meaning he is innocent. Simon is innocent. I'm telling you, voting Simon is a dire mistake. I just pray the Dragons don't go after me tonight. You must trust me.

At best, he's a paranoid investigator, meaning he finds everyone guilty, which is useless to the loyal cause. At worst, he is just a Dragon using smoke and mirrors to distract us from his previous reluctance to vote. He doesn't seem particularly repentant about imploring us NOT to vote for a confirmed Dragon yesterday. Not even an 'Oops, my bad - sorry folks!'

So I was looking at your notes again and as you would agree, this is most interesting:

Day 4: It would appear (hard to tell, as it only shows the entrance on the left, sorry if I make any wrong accusations) that Lardy Harcourt, Simon, Admiral Mallory, Richard and Hugh were late. Note they are all standing together. Would the living please provide alibis?


Times late: 1

Richard: Has yet to vote for a Dragon. Interesting…

Votes for Loyal: 2

Votes for Neutral: 1

Votes for Dragon: 0

Votes for those whose alliance is as of yet unknown: 0

None voting days: 2

On day three, Richard was the first to vote for Vipont, right after we voted Harcourt. Which partially started off the bandwagon. When you look at the data, he has only voted for enemies of the Dragons. So far this isn't looking to good, would you care to give us insight Richard as to why you were late on day 4, and the reasons, for the way you have voted? Also you say your an investigator, so can you tell us your results for who you investigated.

He doesn't seem particularly repentant about imploring us NOT to vote for a confirmed Dragon yesterday. Not even an 'Oops, my bad - sorry folks!'

You sure about that? Why don't you review what I've said earlier this morning before you go and say random stuff.

On day three, Richard was the first to vote for Vipont, right after we voted Harcourt.

And I've already told you why numerous times.

would you care to give us insight Richard as to why you were late on day 4, and the reasons, for the way you have voted?

I'm an investigator at night. The reasons I've voted how I have are because of my findings, which I now see are flawed.

Also you say your an investigator, so can you tell us your results for who you investigated.


Peter: Innocent

Vipont: Guilty - That is why I went so hard after him.

Countess Margaret: Guilty - I was contemplating what had happened the day before with Vipont, so I didn't follow up on it.

Simon: Guilty

Now I really have no clue how to analyze my results. And think about who you're listening to, and what evidence his put forward. He's just made a lot of long post speeches without presenting any real evidence.

1) The killer from last night is obviously not Simon, but someone new.The King did say that they found the sword in Simon's rooms, I'm fairly sure he would have mentioned it if the prisoner escaped and went on a killing rampage before being recaptured. Let's not get confused by coming up with wild theories.

2) Guard Nicholas, thanks for your detailed analysis. However I don't know how much weight the voting patterns of the early days hold, since Day 1 was basically just to get rid of annoying Maid #1, and the 2 subsequent days were a hotbed of confusion with the Ambassador vs Ambassador action :tongue:

3) Since I was right about Simon being a Dragon, I am fairly sure my theory about the Dragons voting to get rid of Lady Harcourt to throw suspicion off themselves, but refusing to vote for co-conspirator Simon is correct.

This means Lord Edward Griffin, Ambassador Ralf Simnel, and Nicholas are all under suspicion.

Nicholas was an early voter for Simon, so I tend to think the people to watch are Lord Griffin and Ralf Simnel. Despite Simnel's earlier protestation about naps, the day was very long and he had plenty of time to vote if he had chosen to do so - it wasn't a rush day like earlier days.

Looking at the voting table, my suspicion is most firmly on Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx.

Day 1 - votes for someone unpopular but useless (the annoying maid), and is the first to vote, showing he can vote early when he wants to

Day 2 - doesn't vote at all - probably unsure of Lord Harcourt's (Neutral) alliance

Day 3 - non-voter

Day 4 - late voter for Lady Harcourt (in line with the theory that the Dragons turned against Lady Harcourt to protect the rest of them)

Day 5 - votes for someone useless who nobody else has voted for, ie Admiral Thomas Mallory

He has all previously voted/ unvoted Agnes, showing that his tactic is to cast useless votes and then unvote and vote someone else if he feels pressured, probably to distract from his erratic voting pattern.

On this evidence, I Vote: Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx.

There are obviously other Dragons amongst us, but I feel that he is the clearest and most present danger to this Alliance!

The three who didn't vote in the last 2 days will be watched very carefully indeed today, since at least one of them MUST be a Dragon *narrows eyes*

Praise be!

1. Exactly what I said, it must be a newly initiated Dragon...

2. Your welcome Francis! Sorry if it's not the most helpful information, but it may yet help us to wriggle out a few Dragons!

3. Yes the people who didn't vote are suspicious, but why am I a suspect! I haven’t voted against a single Loyal, or ever been late! I realise I voted for Lady Harcourt later in the day then most, but what about Simon, and all the evidence I brought up today! I doubt a Dragon would bring it all up, and risk incriminating himself and his co-conspirators!

And just to show my dedication to the alliance, I Vote: Lord Griffin/Stach2Sixx.

P.s - To all staff, I wasn't accusing any of you earlier, it just seems like they'd deffinatly need a way into the kitchens, in order to get out so much food.

P.s - To all staff, I wasn't accusing any of you earlier, it just seems like they'd deffinatly need a way into the kitchens, in order to get out so much food.

They could have just broken in and stolen it.

Chef, is there any sign of a forced break in?

1. Exactly what I said, it must be a newly initiated Dragon...

2. Your welcome Francis! Sorry if it's not the most helpful information, but it may yet help us to wriggle out a few Dragons!

3. Yes the people who didn't vote are suspicious, but why am I a suspect! I haven’t voted against a single Loyal, or ever been late! I realise I voted for Lady Harcourt later in the day then most, but what about Simon, and all the evidence I brought up today! I doubt a Dragon would bring it all up, and risk incriminating himself and his co-conspirators!

And just to show my dedication to the alliance, I Vote: Lord Griffin/Stach2Sixx.

You haven't been wrong yet in your votes so I also Vote: Lord Griffin/Stach2Sixx.

Sure, I can clear this up...

Captain Geoffrey/Escape the Fate had spoken with me and said how he knew I was innocent because Admiral Mallory/Sir Dillon investigated me. He also found Ambassadoe Vipont/Shadows to be guilty, and was slightly confused. What I am saying is that if he is a paranoid investigator, then by reinvestigating me will fix that. He will find that I am innocent, twice, and then we will know who to go after from there.

Once again, I am trying to offer up proof for those of you that want it, but everyone still wants to go on speculation.

Reinvestigating you won't do anything, it'll just be a waste of a night action, because obviously it won't change.

Once again, let's take a look at what the Crazy Maid had to say a while back...

Never stuff a chicken in your pants.

... Whoops! Wrong one. :blush:

Here we go:

Well, he sure isn't doing a very good job if he's scum. If he's a townie, he sure is making himself look suspicious. :sadnew:

You just can't win. :tongue:

Sorry. :look:

You haven't been wrong yet in your votes so I also Vote: Lord Griffin/Stach2Sixx.

Well, it's nice to know people trust my opinion! With any luck we'll have seen another Dragon dead by the end of the day!

Well, it's nice to know people trust my opinion! With any luck we'll have seen another Dragon dead by the end of the day!

Wouldn't that be great :sweet: Not entirely convinced, but unless something better turns up I think I'll fall down with the rest of you, my choices so far certainly haven't been the best so I might just have to go with the rest of you here.

Umm, so are you voting or not?

Like Sir Thomas Mallory, you seem to express the intention to do so, without the actual follow through :hmpf:

Griffin, you attempted to twist my own words and defended Simon yesterday. If you're asking to be investigated, there's probably some catch that you know about.

Therefore, I am casting the final vote for you. Goodbye.

Vote: Lord Griffin/ Stash2Sixx

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Vote Count

Lord Edward Griffin (Stash2Sixx) - 7 Votes (Svelte, Bob the Construction Man, Striker, Darth_Legois, professor flitwick, Escape the Fate, JimButcher)

Francis, Friar (Svelte) - 1 Vote (Ricecracker)

Non-Voters - 4 People (WhiteFang, Stash2Sixx, Quarryman, Sir Dillon)

A majority vote of 7 votes is required to convict, therefore Stash2Sixx has been convicted.

After some quick discussion, another fast conviction had been made in the castle. Lord Edward Griffin had been condemned by vote, and was soon to be executed.


His lordship looked around haughtily at the assembled people. "You can't convict me", he sneered. "I'm not only innocent of your charges, which you have no evidence to back up, but I am a Lord, and should be above the law. You are all mostly just peasants and common guards. Anyway, I can prove I'm innocent, you will see."


Unfortunately for his lordship, the common people did not agree.

"Kill him now, before he can do any more harm!", someone shouted angrily.

"He is obviously evil, I mean, he is an aristocrat", another agreed.

"Won't someone please just think of the damn children!", somebody else sobbed passionately.

Captain Geoffrey swaggered forward and grabbed Lord Edward by the arm. "The people have decided; you are to be executed tonight, your lordship", he said jovially. "I will take you to the dungeons myself, just to make sure nothing untoward happens on the way. Lieutenant, come take Lord Griffins' other arm."

As Edward was taken hold of, his uncaring facade began to crack. "My King and Queen, would you truly allow these common folk to kill in cold blood one of your loyal and long serving lords?", he pleaded, looking up at the throne. "It is an outrage against the Kingdom!".


The King shook his head sadly. "What can I do?", he sighed. "I have given the power to the people. Your execution will go ahead. For the sake of the people, I do hope you are a Dragon."

With that, Lord Edward Griffin, a man of much power and reputation throughout the land, was led away to be killed in a dismal dungeon at the whim of the people.


The crowd looked on in satisfaction as the guards led his lordship out.


As the people of the castle went about their daily business once again, Lord Griffin glanced back at the grand hall for the last time. Had the residents made a mistake? Or had they finally got the right man? They would find out soon enough...



Day 6 has now ended. Tonight will not be a sudden death night. Please send in your night actions, if you have one, as soon as possible. If you do not wish to use it, please let me know anyway. The night will last 2 days. The sooner you get your actions in, the sooner I can prepare Day 7. Thanks.

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