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:laugh: Not to worry, it's nothing major. Just some extra sniper rifles, bloodfins, and a dwarf spider droid. :wink:

And yes, your army is huge. You are lucky that you changed sides, because otherwise you would have been the poor soul who gets paired with The Penguin. :laugh:

That's okay then. :tongue:

My goodness, you're right! *oh2* That was very lucky.

ADHO15 - I have three more bloodfins, and two more Buzz Droids from Ahsoka's SF. I will not be here tomorrow, because of my cousins birthday, an outing to get chicken feed and Halloween. :sceptic: Is that alright?

  • Author
ADHO15 - I have three more bloodfins, and two more Buzz Droids from Ahsoka's SF. I will not be here tomorrow, because of my cousins birthday, an outing to get chicken feed and Halloween. :sceptic: Is that alright?

Well, if you want to use them, I'll need pics this weekend, whenever you have a few minutes.

Have fun. :classic:

Updated my troop positions:

Count Dooku x1 (red lightsaber, “bent”)

Asajj Ventress x1 (red lightsabers x2)

General Grievous x1 (green lightsaber x1, blue lightsaber x2, pistol)

Darth Sidious/Palpatine x1 (red lightsaber)

MagnaGuard x2 (electrostaff [all of them])

Droid Commander x2 (blaster [one of them, the other unarmed])

Droid Pilot x2 (unarmed)

Droid Security x2 (blaster [all of them])

Super Battle Droid x12 (2 rocket arm, the rest regular)

Battle Droids x38 (blaster [all of them])


COM transport – Darth Sidious and Asajj Ventress

AAT – droid commander

MTT – droid pilot, and 16 battle droids in the racks, 2 security battle droids in the MTT as passengers (if possible)

Battlepack Carrier x2 – 1 for a commander, the other for a droid pilot, both of them 4 battle droid passengers and one SBD

Hailfire Droid (no driver needed)

Homing Spider Droid (no driver needed)

Dwarf Spider Droid (no driver needed)

Bloodfin – Count Dooku

~General Magma

  • Author

COM transport – Darth Sidious and Asajj Ventress

AAT – droid commander

MTT – droid pilot, and 16 battle droids in the racks, 2 security battle droids in the MTT as passengers (if possible)

Battlepack Carrier x2 – 1 for a commander, the other for a droid pilot, both of them 4 battle droid passengers and one SBD

Hailfire Droid (no driver needed)

Homing Spider Droid (no driver needed)

Dwarf Spider Droid (no driver needed)

Bloodfin – Count Dooku

You know the com transport needs two units in it to work. This means you won't be able to use it if you take the heroes out to fight.

The AAT still needs a pilot.

There is still space in the MTT, I think, or are you out of units?

To clarify my list...

3 x battle droid commanders

1 x battle droid pilot


Proof of Grievous... :wink:


Which led me to remember this beast...


Which of course will be piloted by Grievous himself!

  • Author
To clarify my list...

3 x battle droid commanders

1 x battle droid pilot

Proof of Grievous... :wink:

Which led me to remember this beast...

Which of course will be piloted by Grievous himself!

Yep. That's all good, thank you, pedro.

Can I have your troop positions today please?

Edited by ADHO15

Alright, first of all, here is my army update: 1 more dwarf spider droid, 3 new-style Bloodfins, and I exchanged the rifles of two BDs with snipers. To prove it, the following picture shows the total number of DSD1s, new-style Bloodfins, and units with snipers:


And these are my troop positions:

MTT: Commander BD, 15 BDs, 6 SBDs

AAT: Commander BD, 5 BDs

Transport 1: Pilot BD, 3 Rocket Droids, SBD, BD with sniper

Transport 2: Pilot BD, 4 BD, BD with sniper

Transport 3: Pilot BD, 4 BD, BD with sniper

Transport 4: Pilot BD, 4 BD, BD with sniper

Com. Transport: Pilot BD, Darth Sidious

Dooku's speederbike 1: Dooku

Dooku's speederbike 2: Grievous

Bloodfin 1: Gunray

Bloodfin 2: HSBD

Bloodfin 3: HSBD

Bloodfin 4: HSBD

Assassin Droid Bike: Assassin Droid Elite (pilot) and BD

STAP 1: Assassin Droid

STAP 2: Assassin Droid

STAP 3: Assassin Droid

STAP 4: Assassin Droid Elite

STAP 5: Assassin Droid Elite

And as always, here are some questions:

How often can you call in reinforcements?

If you have a com transport with two pilots, but no leaders, can you still call in reinforcements or air support?

On the stats sheet, droidekas are being counted as units. Does this mean they can use vehicles and have to be brought into the game on a vehicle? If so, you can exchange two of the SBDs on my MTT with them.

If the Assassin Droid Bike doesn't have a gunner, it can't attack at all?

Can BDs move in groups of 5 or up to 5?

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

  • Author
And as always, here are some questions:

How often can you call in reinforcements?

If you have a com transport with two pilots, but no leaders, can you still call in reinforcements or air support?

On the stats sheet, droidekas are being counted as units. Does this mean they can use vehicles and have to be brought into the game on a vehicle? If so, you can exchange two of the SBDs on my MTT with them.

If the Assassin Droid Bike doesn't have a gunner, it can't attack at all?

That's all perfect, Oky. Thanks.

I may be contradicting myself here as I can't remember, but I'll say it's one unit per turn, like Palpatine's/Sidious' special ability. If you think it's something different, please tell me.

Yes, of course. Palpatine and Sidious are the only units who have a special power in the com. transport. As long as it has two pilots, and both leaders are alive somewhere, it can be used for reinforcements and air strikes, but not bringing back dead units as only Palpatine/Sidious can do that.

I'm not sure how this affects people's plans, and I probably should have made this clear before that droidekas are the only units that cannot use vehicles and are sent into battle separately. Oops. :blush: Thanks for bringing that up.

The special ability of the assassin droid bike is that it can attack forwards and backwards at the same time. Without a gunner, the bike will lose this ability and will only be able to use the forward attack power.

Thanks for the questions. :classic:

All players should read every post in this thread. If you're not, you will probably miss out on vital information like the above which will confuse you in the game and put you at a disadvantage.

heres my legos for the republic (i have another v-wing but i modded it into a special darth vader v-wing)

my legos

1 phase 1 clone commander

1 phase 2 clone commander

1 shock trooper

2 phase 1 clone troopers

2 phase 2 clone troopers

2 phase 2 clone pilots

1 clone gunner


obi wan


Edited by sairen

  • Author
heres my legos for the republic (i have another v-wing but i modded it into a special darth vader v-wing)

my legos

1 phase 1 clone commander

1 phase 2 clone commander

1 shock trooper

2 phase 1 clone troopers

2 phase 2 clone troopers

2 phase 2 clone pilots

1 clone gunner


obi wan


Not bad, sairen, but I'm afraid air vehicles and turrets don't count. Plus, you need to begin the game by sending your units in on vehicles, which means you can only use four of them and your two vehicles.

You'll need a heck of a good strategy to beat the big CIS armies.

I wish you the best of luck! :thumbup::sweet:

Not bad, sairen, but I'm afraid air vehicles and turrets don't count. Plus, you need to begin the game by sending your units in on vehicles, which means you can only use four of them and your two vehicles.

You'll need a heck of a good strategy to beat the big CIS armies.

I wish you the best of luck! :thumbup::sweet:

so my speeder and walker are the only ones that work?


ill put both pilots on the speeder

and ill put the gunner and one of the plain troopers on the walker

hey can i use my ATST too?

if i can ill put two troops in there

My updated troop positions:

AAT 1 - 1 Pilot, 1 Commander (4 R.SBD Units)

AAT 2- 1 Pilot, 1 Commander (4 SBD Units)

AAT 3- 1 Pilot, 1 Commander (2 SBD Units, 2 Rocket Droids)

Droid Transport 1- 1 BD piloting, 4 BD units, 2 IG Droids

Droid Transport 2- 1 BD piloting, 5 SBD Units, Ventress

Droid Transport 3- 1 BD Piloting, 4 Geonosian Units, 2 BDs

Droid Transport 4- 1 BD Piloting, 2 MagnaGuards, 1 SBD, Grievous

MTT- 1 Commander, Gunray (20 BD Units)

COM Transport- Pilot Droid, Sidious

Dooku Speeder - Dooku

Dooku Speeder- BD

STAPs -BD (x17)

Bloodfin 1- Elite IG Droid

Bloodfin 2- Buzz Droid

Bloodfin 3- Buzz Droid

Assassin Bike- 1 IG Droid, 1 Elite IG droid

Wheelbike- BD

Wheelbike- BD

6 Droidekas

Leaves: 1 Commander, 2 R.SBDs, 6 Security BDs, 2 Geonosians, 7 SBDs, 39 BDs, 4 Geo BDs, 3 Droidekas and 1 Rocket Droid, 1 Buzz Droid

Edited by Jammiedodger714

  • Author
so my speeder and walker are the only ones that work?


ill put both pilots on the speeder

and ill put the gunner and one of the plain troopers on the walker

hey can i use my ATST too?

if i can ill put two troops in there

Sorry. If you want to use your droid forces, that's fine. I just gave you my preference.

You don't want to use your Jedi?

They can go on the vehicles.

You can't use your AT-ST. That's an Imperial vehicle.

Updated my troop positions again:

Count Dooku x1 (red lightsaber, “bent”)

Asajj Ventress x1 (red lightsabers x2)

General Grievous x1 (green lightsaber x1, blue lightsaber x2, pistol)

Darth Sidious/Palpatine x1 (red lightsaber)

MagnaGuard x2 (electrostaff [all of them])

Droid Commander x2 (blaster [one of them, the other unarmed])

Droid Pilot x2 (unarmed)

Droid Security x2 (blaster [all of them])

Super Battle Droid x12 (2 rocket arm, the rest regular)

Battle Droids x38 (blaster [all of them])


COM transport – 2 battle droids

AAT – droid pilot, 2 SBDs

MTT – droid pilot, 3 SBDs, and 16 battle droids in the racks, 2 security battle droids in the MTT as passengers (if possible)

Battlepack Carrier x2 – commanders as driver for each of them, both of them 4 battle droid passengers and one SBD

Hailfire Droid (no driver needed)

Homing Spider Droid (no driver needed)

Dwarf Spider Droid (no driver needed)

Bloodfin – Count Dooku

When will the game start?

~General Magma :classic:

  • Author

COM transport – 2 battle droids

AAT – droid pilot, 2 SBDs

MTT – droid pilot, 3 SBDs, and 16 battle droids in the racks, 2 security battle droids in the MTT as passengers (if possible)

Battlepack Carrier x2 – commanders as driver for each of them, both of them 4 battle droid passengers and one SBD

When will the game start?

Your AAT and MTT need a commander each.

The AAT has space for 2. Its RA can be lowered to allow 4 more spaces. Are you sure you want to do this for one unit?

Sometime next week depending on when it's convenient for the first pair.

My updated troop positions:

That's all fine. Thanks JD. :classic:

ill use my jedi, ill put anakin on the speeder instaed of one of the pilots

maybe one clone hangs on for his life onto the back of the walker :tongue:

Edited by sairen

  • Author
ill use my jedi, ill put anakin on the speeder instaed of one of the pilots

maybe one clone hangs on for his life onto the back of the walker :tongue:

:tongue: I'm afraid not.

So you want a clone pilot as the speeder pilot and Anakin as the gunner (who'll need a gun on the back, btw) and a clone trooper and a clone gunner on the walker?

You've confused me there. In each missile walker, you want a clone pilot and a clone gunner in their respective postitions?

In the AT-AP you want a clone trooper as the pilot, a clone gunner as the gunner and Yoda as a passenger?


yes my friend, this is correct. sorry to confuse you. :hmpf_bad:


Count Dooku - 2 x lightsaber, Flitknot speeder

General Grievous - 3 x lightsaber, pistol, Tsmeu-9 wheelbike

AAT - BD commander - sniper rifle , BD pilot [Darth Sidious - lightsaber, 3 x magna droid - electrostaff]

Homing spider droid

Homing spider droid

Dwarf spider droid

Hailfire droid


STAP - magna droid - electrostaff

STAP - magna droid - electrostaff

STAP - magna droid - electrostaff

STAP - magna droid - electrostaff

STAP - elite assassin droid - sniper rifle

STAP - elite assassin droid - sniper rifle

STAP - elite assassin droid - sniper rifle


Assaj Ventress - 2 x lightsaber

Nute Gunray - 1 x pistol

2 x BD commander - 2 x sniper rifle

3 x heavy super battle droids

12 x super battle droids

25 x battle droids - rifle

1 x elite assassin droid - sniper rifle

6 x assassin droid - sniper rifle

Updated total from previous posts -

Darth Sidious

Count Dooku

Nute Gunray

General Grievous

Assaj Ventress

3 x droid comanders (1 x commanding AAT)

1 x droideka

7 x magna droids

3 x heavy super battle droids

12 x super battle droids

25 x battle droids

1 x droid pilot (pilot AAT)

4 x elite assassin droids

6 x assassin droids

1 x dwarf spider droid

1 x hailfire droid

2 x homing spider droids

7 x STAP

1 x AAT

1 x Flitknot speeder

1 x Tsmeu-9 wheelbike

  • Author

That all seems fine. Thanks, pedro. :classic:

  • Author

Hello all.

The demonstration game will be starting in a new thread sometime this morning.

If you wish to watch it, player or not, just hang around in that thread and keep refreshing the page to see it progress.

I don't want anyone posting in that thread except myself and The Penguin who will be accompanying my in the demo. It will definitely disrupt the game if you butt in with a question or a problem.

If you spot a mistake, let me know by PM.

If you have any questions about the game as it happens, post in the discussion thread or PM me. I'll try my best to answer it as quickly as possible.

Hope you enjoy it.

Edited by ADHO15

Huzzah! I'll keep watch after I complete some school work. :classic:

I forgot my MagnaGuards! *oh2*

AAT 1 - 1 Pilot, 1 Commander (4 R.SBD Units)

AAT 2- 1 Pilot, 1 Commander (4 SBD Units)

AAT 3- 1 Pilot, 1 Commander (2 SBD Units, 2 Rocket Droids)

Droid Transport 1- 1 BD piloting, 4 BD units, 2 IG Droids

Droid Transport 2- 1 BD piloting, 6 SBD Units

Droid Transport 3- 1 BD Piloting, 4 Geonosians, 2 BDs

Droid Transport 4- 1 BD Piloting, 3 MagnaGuards, Ventress

MTT- 1 Commander, Gunray (20 BD Units)

COM Transport- Pilot Droid, Sidious

Dooku Speeder - Dooku

Dooku Speeder- BD

STAPs -BD (x17)

Bloodfin 1- Elite IG Droid

Bloodfin 2- Buzz Droid

Bloodfin 3- Buzz Droid

Assassin Bike- 1 IG Droid, 1 Elite IG droid

Wheelbike- MagnaGuard

Wheelbike- Grievous

6 Droidekas

Leaves: 1 Commander, 2 R.SBDs, 6 Security BDs, 2 Geonosians, 7 SBDs, 41 BDs, 4 Geo BDs, 3 Droidekas and 1 Rocket Droid, 1 Buzz Droid

Thanks for this, ADHO and The Penguin, it'll really help. :thumbup: One question: would it be possible to number/ letter the spaces along the X/ Y Axis'? That way it would be easier to see where you're sending your troops. :classic:

  • Author
Huzzah! I'll keep watch after I complete some school work. :classic:

I forgot my MagnaGuards! *oh2*

Right, JD. :classic:

Thanks for this, ADHO and The Penguin, it'll really help. :thumbup: One question: would it be possible to number/ letter the spaces along the X/ Y Axis'? That way it would be easier to see where you're sending your troops. :classic:

No problem.

I know it's difficult. We've discussed the problem and I'll try to alter it before the real games start.


Wait - I thought you said vehicles cannot be turned? :wacko:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

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