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That is irrelevant, the thread asked what I wanted, that's what I want.


And these are mine in no particular order:

A: Yavin Playset (alá Cloud City)

B: Ewok Village with Luke torching Darth Vader.

C: UCS AT-AT (5000+ parts)

My top 3 of the moment, in no particular order are:

CIS C-9979 Landing Craft - Huge accurately detailed landing craft in CIS colours and cargo bay to hold MTT (new - also in CIS colours) or Defoliator. With Lok Durd, Aayla Secura, Bly, Rex, injured Anakin, Ahsoka, some Lurmen and a ridiculous amount of battle droids!

Yavin 4 Rebel Base playset - LEGO are halfway there already! Massassi Temple with interior holding operations, hangars, X-wing and Y-wing fighter (midi or otherwise) with many minifigs from the scene in the movie including Jan Dodonna and Celebration Leia.

Jabba's Palace playset - with exterior! A new Jabba with coloured features presiding over a much larger version of his original LEGO palace, the pit beneath the trap dood holds a brick-built Rancor! Would include many characters from the scene including Salicious Crumb, Oola, the Max Rebo Band, Ephant Mon and Boushh Leia.

Snap to it, LEGO!

Ewok Village with Luke torching Darth Vader.

And trans light blue Ghost Yoda, Obi, and Anakin minifigs!! :cry_happy:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Huzzah for trans-blue minifigures! :wub:

My little list:

1. Geonosis Arena

2. March on the Jedi Temple

3. Minifigure Scale AT-AT

I'd like to see an Expanded Star Wars Universe line. These may be too obscure but I like the look of 'em.

1.) Sun Crusher - about the size of 7680 The Twilight - featuring Kyp Durron, Han Solo & Chewbacca

2.) Bogga the Hutt's Enforcer One - 8039 Venator / 6211 Star Destroyer sized; featuring (of course) Bogga the Hutt, Captain Norufu & some other minions

3.) I'm drawing a blank here - something featuring an Admiral Daala minifig, Star Destroyer bridge (not a new idea, I know) maybe...

That is irrelevant, the thread asked what I wanted, that's what I want.

I knew that when I posted but I just wanted to make sure you know it will not happen any time soon. :wink:

And the name of this topic is The three SW sets you'd like TLG to release and if you want them to release that then they will get sued, go bankrupt and no more LEGO for you, me or mankind. :cry_sad::tongue:

My top 3 of the moment, in no particular order are:

CIS C-9979 Landing Craft - Huge accurately detailed landing craft in CIS colours and cargo bay to hold MTT (new - also in CIS colours) or Defoliator. With Lok Durd, Aayla Secura, Bly, Rex, injured Anakin, Ahsoka, some Lurmen and a ridiculous amount of battle droids!

And a droid gunner! :cry_happy: And do you mean it would hold your MTT or it would come with a blue and grey-white MTT? Lok Durd would be a great addition to my minifig collection. But how do you make a fat lego minifigure? :tongue:

And trans light blue Ghost Yoda, Obi, and Anakin minifigs!! :cry_happy:

Would probably be made like they did palp in the Star Destroyer. :sad: But I would die for trans blue REAL minifigures! :cry_happy:

Edited by Pie108

AAAHHHHHH! Not another MF. :tongue:

Hostage Crisis

Comes with 3 Airspeeder things, and for the figs Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, Robinio, 2 new color assassin droids, 2 commando droids, Robinino, the Weequay, 2 Senate Guards and Ziro. LEGO already has that old Hutt mold. And this would be a CW set I like. :classic: This set could be 25$. I might even spend 40$ because every fig is exclusive except the Senate Guards and I don't have that kind of money to spend on the Venator.

And a droid gunner! And do you mean it would hold your MTT or it would come with a blue and grey-white MTT?

A new MTT in those colours :sweet:

I guess it would kind of be a CIS equivalent to the Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker... but bigger!

A Geonosian droid foundry would be a good set, including a handful of sand red droids, a few blue SBD's, some geonosians, and a separatist leader

One of the KotOR sets I suggested in the Future sets thread

and a Kaminoan set including Jango, a few cloners, a few clones, Boba, and Obi Wan. Includes Slave 1 and landing pad.

A new MTT in those colours :sweet:

I guess it would kind of be a CIS equivalent to the Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker... but bigger!

Sounds Great! I would buy at least one of those babies! :wub: But not sure if 2 is in my price range. :cry_sad: Lok Durd is nice but how do you make a FAT LEGO minifig? :tongue::laugh:

PS Only 61 more posts untill you are a KNIGHT! :thumbup:

One of the KotOR sets I suggested in the Future sets thread

and a Kaminoan set including Jango, a few cloners, a few clones, Boba, and Obi Wan. Includes Slave 1 and landing pad.

What do you mean by KotOR sets? :sceptic:

Never thoght of the Kamino set. I would buy it though. :wub: You could also have Obi-Wans ETA-2 Jedi Starfighter. only 200 more pieces. Not that big a deal. :classic:

Edited by Pie108

An episode one Theed Palace with queen Amidala, Padme, Captain Panaka, handmaiden, Qui Gon, Obi wan, Darth Maul, 1 naboo guard, and 6 BDs, and 2 droikekas-rooms:throne room and room with the pit where Qui gon dies.

Queen Amidala is the same person as Padmé

C: UCS AT-AT (5000+ parts)[/b]

I am sorry...

but An AT-AT would not be able to be supported if it was that size

Queen Amidala is the same person as Padmé

No, because Padme is pretending to be a handmaiden and the queen is an imposter (but all of the Naboo people know). But we'll let it slide because you are new. :wink: Just don't let it happen again. :tongue: I was new not long ago.

I am sorry...

but An AT-AT would not be able to be supported if it was that size

Four strong evenly spread out technic supported legs and some large feet should do the trick just fine. :wink:

Edited by Pie108

What do you mean by KotOR sets? :sceptic:

KotOR stands for Knights of the Old Republic

it is a computer game

No, because Padme is pretending to be a handmaiden and the queen is an imposter (but all of the Naboo people know). But we'll let it slide because you are new. :wink: Just don't let it happen again. :tongue: I was new not long ago.

Qui Gon Jinn and Obi-wan also know that she is the Queen...

and please don't treat me like a four year old

I may be new to this website but I do know a lot about Star Wars.

Hey wait you are newer to this website than I am, so why don't you just go crawl in a ditch with your computer

Edited by Matiam92

KotOR stands for Knights of the Old Republic

it is a computer game

Qui Gon Jinn and Obi-wan also know that she is the Queen...

and please don't treat me like a four year old

I may be new to this website but I do know a lot about Star Wars.

Thank you about the KotOR thing. I do not believe Obi Wan and Qui-Gon know she is the queen. Lets wait for ADHO. He is the Star Wars spetialist. Or used to be. :tongue: I was just kidding abou the 4 year old stuff.


Am I the only one so far who wants a set with Cad Bane in it? Oh well I've seen some good ideas. I like Pie108 ideas alot. :wink:

Acclamator - I think the ball was kind of dropped on the Venator (it wasn't as good as it could have been). This could be more along the lines of the UCS Star Destroyer as far as size.

Invisible Hand - Okay, it's been discussed enough on here ;)

Rebel Frigate from the end of The Empire Strikes Back with mini -sized Millenium Falcon

3. TIE Fighter Hangar. Redesigned TIE Fighters, perhaps 2, with a spherical command pod, (new parts needed) that could be suspended by wing pylons. Perhaps a wall for aesthetic appearances. A lifter to position the fighters in their respective racks. 1 TIE Bomber/Shuttle. 3 pilots, 2 Imperial technicians, 1 deck officer and 4 Storm Troopers. $125.00

2. UCS Imperial Inspection. Lambda class Shuttle, UCS Minfig design. 1 pilot, 4 Royal Guards, 1 Emperor, Darth Vader, Moff Jerrjerod, Admiral Piett, General Veers, (basically any officer so we could rack up some Imps! :cry_happy: ) Ground equipment, 24 Stormtroopers with printed everything, $250

1. UCS Minifig Walking AT-AT. 5 speederbikes, 2 AT-AT drivers, General Veers, 20 Snowtroopers, and one that could actual house all that and still walk! Through snow even! $400

Long live the Empire!

3. TIE Fighter Hangar. Redesigned TIE Fighters, perhaps 2, with a spherical command pod, (new parts needed) that could be suspended by wing pylons. Perhaps a wall for aesthetic appearances. A lifter to position the fighters in their respective racks. 1 TIE Bomber/Shuttle. 3 pilots, 2 Imperial technicians, 1 deck officer and 4 Storm Troopers. $125.00

2. UCS Imperial Inspection. Lambda class Shuttle, UCS Minfig design. 1 pilot, 4 Royal Guards, 1 Emperor, Darth Vader, Moff Jerrjerod, Admiral Piett, General Veers, (basically any officer so we could rack up some Imps! :cry_happy: ) Ground equipment, 24 Stormtroopers with printed everything, $250

1. UCS Minifig Walking AT-AT. 5 speederbikes, 2 AT-AT drivers, General Veers, 20 Snowtroopers, and one that could actual house all that and still walk! Through snow even! $400

Long live the Empire!

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I see another imperial fan. :classic: I love the TIE hanger and AT-AT.

I'd like to see an Expanded Star Wars Universe line. These may be too obscure but I like the look of 'em.

1.) Sun Crusher - about the size of 7680 The Twilight - featuring Kyp Durron, Han Solo & Chewbacca

2.) Bogga the Hutt's Enforcer One - 8039 Venator / 6211 Star Destroyer sized; featuring (of course) Bogga the Hutt, Captain Norufu & some other minions

3.) I'm drawing a blank here - something featuring an Admiral Daala minifig, Star Destroyer bridge (not a new idea, I know) maybe...

In sticking with the EU theme, I think a Flurry model would be pretty sweet. A Z-95 Headhunter or a R-22 Spearhead would be awesome too.

The number one set that I'd still like to see though would be a Lucrehulk class Droid Control Ship. I realize it would be a pretty difficult set to create and it would likely have to be a UCS set, but it would be pretty incredible looking.

I'd like to see some sort of Cloud City set. Vader's funeral with ghost figs would be a must buy. As for the last one probably a Rebelion ship. I'm not talking about a playset like Home One but more of a Tantive IV. :thumbup: I really love the ships that are way underscaled and still look great! TLG can do alot. I could chose atleast ten more. :tongue:

I'd like to see some sort of Cloud City set. Vader's funeral with ghost figs would be a must buy. As for the last one probably a Rebelion ship. I'm not talking about a playset like Home One but more of a Tantive IV. :thumbup: I really love the ships that are way underscaled and still look great! TLG can do alot. I could chose atleast ten more. :tongue:

I would love to see a nice large Cloud City set, as mentioned by loads of other members already. JCC your idea about a Darth Vader funeral is probably a bit morbid for a kids set, however Ghost Jedi figures would be amazing. :thumbup:

Trans Clear or Trans Green Figures would be amazing! Probably brittle though.

I want an Acclamator with an interior that would be more useful for battles, not politics (yes, that's the Venator).

I don't know about the other three, though I would like to see a good Republic artillary cannon and maybe a special walker.

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