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Mos Eisley Cantina - on a similar scale to Battle of Endor. To contain Wuher, Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, Ponda Baba, Dr. Evazan, Luke, Obi-Wan, Han, Chewie, Greedo, a couple of Sand-troopers and a Dewback (maybe even a hammerhead). Would include some special parts to create that spherical Landspeeder from outside (don't know the name), a moisture vaporator and a decent version of Luke's Landspeeder with correct colours.

To complement the above; a redesigned Sandcrawler built using plates instead of bricks. Includes 3 x Jawas, R2-D2, C-3PO, Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru and a bunch of droids. Also throw in some random Tusken Raiders and a Bantha.

A Tie-fighter using said special parts to create a spherical cockpit.

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UCS Death Star Play Set @ 1/3-1/2 the price.

UCS MF Set @ 1/3-1/2 the price.

UCS Imp Shuttle @ 1/3-1/2 the price.


They are all sets with Minifigures that I couldn't afford. :cry_sad:

Posted (edited)


Yep, pretty much a given we all want this. Lots of new faces, lots bizarre aliens, and maybe even a few add-ons like the cantina band or the Imperial spy.


A new design, more true to the film and loaded with Ree-Yees and Niktos and Weequays, not to mention the first appearance of Leia in the Boushh disguise, and finally, yes, THE RANCOR (maybe even as a second set with the Keeper, Oola, and Luke?)

These last three are all a toss-up for me:


Again, no secret here that we're all looking to fill in the blanks to what's been offered before. New ewoks, the chair for C3P0 and the fire pit to cook Han on, the long-haired Leia, and as someone mentioned above, perhaps even going so far as the funeral pyre for Vader.


I'm sure many of you can rattle off the exact name and specifications of these ships, but I think you all know what I'm talking about-- the long, rounded white transports that the Rebels used to flee from Hoth. What would really be great is if they doubled the inside as a Hoth medical wing and threw in the Bacta tank, Luke, and the 2-1B droid.


The iconic structure, with Luke standing there staring off into the twin suns. Complete with Aunt Beru in her kitchen preparing some blue milk, the old family speeder, Uncle Owen with some moisture vaporators, maybe finally that weird white droid with the funny eyes and face, and (if my prayers came true) the epic BANTHA and SAND PEOPLE RIDERS I've been asking for for the past five years... now THAT would be a good-looking set.

Edited by Mr. Elijah Timms

1. BP with 91st Reconnaissance Trooper / Bogey Squad Clone / Cpt Rex Phase II / Clone Paratrooper (all non-CW)

2. Jedi Temple Exclusive Playset. E3 style with normal, non-CW figs. 10 Jedi, 2 kids, 4 troopers, mini RGS and JSF in small hangar (ships like Vaders Tie in DS)

3. ESB Falcon with 2000 pieces, interior


Endor battle pack- Includes 2 Endor commandos and two ewoks. An ewok glider and a rebel turret.

Battle of Geonosis- Includes a redesigned Geonosian fighter some jedi, droids, SBD's, droidika, clones, and all the people in the balcony.

Also includes balcony, polls, all three beasts, and the chariot thing that brought Anikan and Padme into the arena.

Kashyyyk order 66- Includes wookies, Yoda, Gree, AT-RT drivers, Kashyyyk troopers and droids. Also includes GOOD LOOKING AT-RT, the tree which yoda watches from (but smaller)with holograph table, snail droid and some barriers.

Posted (edited)

Kashyyyk BP- Includes Kashyyyk trooper on AT-RT, Swamp Trooper with true green camo armor, Kashyyyk Trooper on BARC, Kashyyyk Trooper manning barricade, and did I mention I like Kashyyyk Troopers?

Geonosis Arena Battle- Yes, it's been said before, but we do need an excuse for another Padme. One that's not CW-TV-show.

TIE Fighter- It would be the millionth reissue, but we need it in gray, for under $30, and as a cheaper way to get the new TIE pilot.

Edited by Brickdoctor

1. BP with 91st Reconnaissance Trooper / Bogey Squad Clone / Cpt Rex Phase II / Clone Paratrooper (all non-CW)

2. Jedi Temple Exclusive Playset. E3 style with normal, non-CW figs. 10 Jedi, 2 kids, 4 troopers, mini RGS and JSF in small hangar (ships like Vaders Tie in DS)

3. ESB Falcon with 2000 pieces, interior

Hey, that's what I wanted.


I would also die for a Geonosis wave. Maybe a less expensve RG, less expensive AT-TE, Geonosian Fighter, Geonosis Arena playset with Padme, Obi-wan, Anakin, maybe Jango, Dooku, Geonosians, etc. A Geonosis Meeting with the Separitists Council, Acclamator Assault Ship and/or a Techno Union Cruiser or a Core Ship. Not to forget a Hailfire Droid, maybe a Spider Walker, ect.

I would also die for a Geonosis wave. Maybe a less expensve RG, less expensive AT-TE, Geonosian Fighter, Geonosis Arena playset with Padme, Obi-wan, Anakin, maybe Jango, Dooku, Geonosians, etc. A Geonosis Meeting with the Separitists Council, Acclamator Assault Ship and/or a Techno Union Cruiser or a Core Ship. Not to forget a Hailfire Droid, maybe a Spider Walker, ect.

Ooops, that's more than three.

Posted (edited)

these are just my best ideas. i haven't decided on my 3 favourites yet.

Kashyyyk Beach Battle

Minifigs(12): Quinlan Vos, Luminara Unduli, Commander Gree, Yoda, Tarfful, Chewbacca, kashyyyk scout trooper x3 and wookiee warrior x3.

Minifig Accesories: metallic silver lightsaber hilt x3, green lightsaber blade x3, blaster rifle x1, bowcaster x2, sniper rifle x3, brown walking stick(bent) x1 and black spear x3.

Kaminoan Training Facility(Clone Wars)

Minifigs(13): Lama Su, 99(with ammo and weapons containers x3), Shaak Ti, El Les, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Bric, ARC Commander Colt and Domino Squad Cadets(Echo, Fives, Hevy, Droidbait and Cutup).

Minifig Accesories: metallic silver lightsaber hilt x1, blue lightsaber blade x1, commando pistols x2, blaster rifle x10, chain gun x2 and sniper rifle x2.

UCS Savage Opress(same as UCS Darth Maul, but for Savage Opress)

Minifigs(1): Savage Opress minifig(with horns on head).

Minifig Accesories: Savage Opress' staff x1.

Zabrak Collection

Minifigs(6): Maris Brood, Agen Kolar, Eeth Koth(clone wars), Darth Maul(with horns on head and a hood), Sugi and Savage Opress(with horns on head).

Minifig Accesories: metallic silver guard shoto lightsaber hilt x2, metallic silver lightsaber hilt x2, metallic silver dual bladed 'saber lightsaber hilt x1, red lightsaber blade x4, blue lightsaber blade x2, green lightsaber blade x1, blaster rifle x1 and Savage Opress' staff x1.

Skywalker Family

Minifigs(6): Shmii Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker(ep.3), Darth Vader, Padme Amidala(ep.3), Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia.

Minifig Accesories: metallic silver lightsaber hilt x3, blue lightsaber blade x1, red lightsaber blade x1, green lightsaber blade x1 and blaster rifle x1.

Sidious' Training

Minifigs(3): Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious(young) and Darth Maul(young without sith tatoos).

Minifig Accesories: metallic silver lightsaber hilt x2, metallic silver dual bladed 'saber lightsaber hilt and red lightsaber blade x4.

Edited by master windu 7495
Posted (edited)

Sandtroopers? they'd b pretty sik to have in a battlepack

That comment is a year old, so don't expect a response. :wink:

And Jawas could oppose Tuskens as well.

Edited by Brickdoctor

Geonosian sets (battle packs like 3 reddish BDs, 1 SBD, 1 Geonosian, a new G. fighter,etc), a newJango's Slave (the Design of the newest Boba's Slave, but with new Jango&new Boba, maybe even a Kamino guy :wub: ), and finally (the Geonosian stuff counts as one^^) the long overdue UCS at-at. After so many MoCs TLC has to understand that's what all the Hoth fans want.

Posted (edited)

out of my chosen 6, my 3 best are:

kaminoan training facility(clone wars), ucs savage opress, sidious' training the others are good, but fall behind.

4th best is kashyyyk beach battle

5th best is zabrak collection

6th best is skywalker family

Edited by master windu 7495

Here are some of my most wanted.

Battle of Geonosis

Re-enact the battle of geonsis with this set. Comes with Geonosian turret Ki-adi- Mundi, Jet, Flame trooper And 2 Geonosians

Padme amidala ship.

Travel on diplomatic Missions with senator Padme Amidala and her crew but the trade fedaration senator Lott Dod is around. Comes with Padme Jar-Jar Rush clovis Lott dod And Anakin(Naboo pilot gear)

Pantoran Cruiser.

Chase Bounty Hunter greedo who has kidnapped the daughters of Chairman Papanoida. Comes with Chairman Papanoida, Greedo Ion Papanoida And Che Amanwe Papanpoida.

Stun tank.

Stun the Zillo beast into collapsing with the stun tank. Comes with Zillo beast, Anakin, Ponds and Mace windu. :thumbup:

Posted (edited)

12345 UCS AT-AT

Partcount: As much as it needs

Figures: General Veers (new printed torso and head more faithfull to the movie, new goggle part made of rubber for his helmet),

??x Snowtrooper (with white kamas, plastic or preferably a cloth),

?x Scout Trooper (Hoth heating-suit)

Description: NO mingle-mangle of different grey colors like before, ONLY light bluish grey like in the movie (well at least at the hull). Again the exact size for minifigs like the "real" vehicle in the movie has.

Functions: mandatory poseable lasers and moveable legs. Legs should also go, if possible, to the side like in the scene where Veers shoots the generator. If the belly isn´t again completely made up of technic beams like UCS Shuttle and Falcon there could be a cabin for the troops with seats, a cargo hold for speederbikes (Hoth BP version) and appliance for the troops for roping.

Price: As much as it needs

54321 Cloud City

Partcount: at least 100, preferably over 9000

Figures: Luke Skywalker (Bespin)

Leia Organa (wwhite overall, new hairdo)

Leia Organa (Bespin, like 10123)

Han Solo (blue jaket, like in 8129 AT-AT)

Han Solo (white shirt, like in 8097 Slave One)

Han Solo Carbonitebloc (like in 8097)


C-3PO (if they are generous metallic or chrome gold)

Chewbacca (new head/torso mold. Normal Chewie head/torso part with molded at backpack with 3PO part)

Lando Calrissian (new curly hair mold)

Darth Vader

Boba Fett (new version with: grey torso/arms/hands/legs, darkgreen hips/helmet/jetpack, metallic silver antenna / clone trooper gear and sandgreen cape. Arms and legs (at least legs) with new detail printings like the former Cloud City version, torso stays 8097 design)

Imperial Lieutenant (two red and two blue marks)

2x Stormtroopers

Wildrow Hood / Ice Creme maker guy

E-3PO (metallic silver protocol droid)

2x Ugnaught

2x Bespin Guard

IG-88 (with printed 1x1 round part like in 7930 Halo)

Description and functions:

22 figures and a variety of rooms like the UCS Death Star playset had. Model has the form of Cloud City, like an UFO or a dish with two floors. Lower part has the dump, dining room, lower part of the freezing chamber, E-3POs closet and corridors connecting every room. The upper floor includes the upper part of the freezing chamber, Hans and Leias appartement, toturing room and an elevator to connect both floors as well as a landing platform for a cloud car. Cloud car can be a mini-model like Vaders TIE in the DS or a seperate set with proper size. On top of everything is a little tower with the catwalk of the famous Luke and Vader duel. The freezing chamber is very large and makes up most of the set. It has gaps like in the movie and troopers/Vader and Luke can fall down. A little crane should be build into the middle tower with the catwalk so that the freezing chamber is more faithful to the movie. The model is less high than the DS but wider.

Price: 299,99€ to 399,99€

23954 Celebration

Partcount: -

Figures: Luke (black prisoner clothes, no more jedi robes when he never wears them aboard the DS)

Leia (Ewok princess)

Han Solo (like in 8038 Battle of Endor)


Lando Calrissian (Rebel general)



Yoda (force ghost)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (force ghost)

Anakin Skywalker (force ghost) (the force ghosts all are trans light blue plastic with trand blue printings and maybe light blue capes. Force ghost Anakin utilizes TCW hair and 7256 Jedi Starfighter and Vulture Droid Anakin printings)

Wege Antilles (finally with a fitting head)

Ten Numb

Mon Calamari mechanic / officer / Admiral Ackbar

2x Endor rebels

Ewoks (among others a black one)

Description / fucntions: The Ewok village plazza with Stormtrooper helmet drums and other music instruments and several houses. A little sign that the model is supposed to be up in the trees like 3 bricks high tree parts as support stands.

Those should be the most important sets for the whole theme as the walker is the most iconic and popular ground vehicle, unfortunately never really faithfully realised before. Cloud City shows some of the most important scenes of TESB, it is very fitting with the Death star as the latter showed several memorable scenes of ANH and ROTJ, missing out TESB completely it would be nice to have a vignette-tastic set for this movie, too. The Ewok village representing the very last scene of the saga is a lso a must, I would like to see this set with the ROTJ anniversary in 2013 or if not then as the very last set of the theme.

Edited by Navy Trooper Fenson

I would like....

1. a large geonosis set, cw or canon

detailed, not like battle of endor :sick:

lots of jedi-ki-adi mundi, luminara, ect.

acklay-would be awesome

if it was cw, a supertank or geonosian cannon would be nice :classic:

2. the malevolence. I know you can make a midi scale with peices from 2009 sets if you can download the instructions file, but a minifigure scale one would be nice. We'd get another cw grevious, a bunch of droids, a cw padme, and repeats of various jedi. The ion cannon would probably feature a bunch of cool peices.

3. A little weird, but i think a battle of Orto Plutonia would be cool. Although I hate battle of endor, i would love it to be similar. Thee vehicles would be cool. Another couple of freeco speeders, maybe for obi-wan, quite a few barcs, built better than the new battle pack one :hmpf: . On the side of the talz, there could be some of those creatures they ride. A republic base would be a nice fit too. It would come with a bunch of talz, obi wan and anakin in gear, rex in cold assault armour, some cold assault troopers :wub: and a a few pantorans.

Some other ones could be....

zillo beast attack-although the beast would probably be a plastic nightmare

cloud city

medical base

attack on kamino-from cw, maybe some tridents. At the least we'd get some arc troopers


Ok my 3 are:

Order 66 battle pack with troopers from the 501st legion :wub: (opposing pack jedi)

Mos Eisley cantina with Han, Chewie, Luke, Obi-wan, 3-P0, R2, Greedo, dewback and some sand troopers!

and a geonosian arena with Windu, Obi-wan, Anakin, Padme, geonians, lots of droids, acklay, reek and a nexu.

well those are my 3. maybe TLG should considder the most demanded sets in this topic!



Order 66!

1)Speeder Chase - $25

Minifigs: Stass Allie, 91st recon corps trooper (x2)

Comes with 3 speeders and some scenery

2)UT-AT - $80

Minifigs: Ki-adi mundi, 21st nova corps trooper (x4), battle droid (x2), super battle droid (x2)

comes with UT-AT, snow forts, scenery

2.5)Octuptarra droid - $60

Minifigs: 21st nova corps trooper (x2), battle droid (x3), super battle droid (x3)

comes with octuptarra droid, snow forts, scenery

3)Jedi Temple attack $400-500

Minifigs: jedi (x4), youngling (x2), anakin (darth vader), 501st trooper (xLOTS!!)

comes with temple, stairs, hallways, yoda's meditation chamber, youngling training room, holocron library



Jabba's Palace WITH a Rancor. It's almost an insult that the old set doesn't have one.

Cloud City. It sells for so much online (thanks Boba Fett!) that a new one is needed just to be able to buy one.

Mos Eisley Cantina. Needs more then one table...I'd like the bar, the band, and at least two tables to sit at.

  • 1 month later...

I don't know if this counts as bumping an old topic, but I'd like to announce the 3 ideas that I have had.

Anyways, here they are:

Clone Cadet Training Challenge

Minifigs(14): Echo, Hevy, Fives, Cutup, Droidbait, 2 Training Battle Droids, 2 Training Super Battle Droids, 99, Shaak Ti, El-Les, Bric and ARC Commander Colt.

Weequay Pirate Spaceship(as seen in the episode Bounty Hunters of The Clone Wars)

Minifigs(6 if you count the Kowakian Monkey Lizard): Hondo Ohnaka, Turk Falso, Hondo's Kowakian Monkey Lizard, 2 Weequay Pirates and Anakin Skywalker.

Xanadu Blood

Minifigs(3): Cad Bane, Todo 360 and Quinlan Vos.

Lord Embo

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