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Wah. wah. wah.

Somebody better call a Wambulance. Oh. I just insulted myself... :blush:

After I saved you on Day Eight too. Oh well, I would have been voted off anyway for arguing against Geoffrey so vigorously. I was so sure it was him too.

Whew, great game! Thanks so much for including me, Draggy, and hosting it, of course. Having an all-star cast wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be, but days 2 and 3 definitely were. A few notes:

Svelte: You were magnificent, especially for your first game. You knew who all the Dragons were, and I'm glad I came to you after Zepher died. I'm really looking forward to seeing you in future games. :thumbup:

Shadows: You fought against all odds, and now I realize how annoying metagaming is. I apologize for that.

Sandy: You did great as well. Nice deduction on the queen, I considered that the King or Queen were evil (I kinda got that idea from Witch Hunt) early in the game, but I never had any solid conclusions or proof.

Ricecracker: I. Hate. You. :tongue: Before you died, you made me fell really bad for attacking you, although I was certain that you were a Dragon.

All others: Excellent game, I really enjoyed playing it with all of you. :thumbup: Being loyal for the first time really gave me a point of perspective from both sides, so now I know what it's like to be on either side (besides neutral).

instead of killing Bob, I should've gone for JimButcher.

You thought I could be easily turned, didn't you? :wink: Actually, you did yourself a favor by killing others instead of me. WhiteFang was also in on Svelte's plan, so he would have annihilated you if I ended up dead.

The only reason that I think I survived is because you didn't consider me much of a threat. True, I didn't have night action, but... well, I suppose it's a good thing. Hooray for low expectations!

Ricecracker: I. Hate. You. :tongue: Before you died, you made me fell really bad for attacking you, although I was certain that you were a Dragon.


The only reason that I think I survived is because you didn't consider me much of a threat. True, I didn't have night action, but... well, I suppose it's a good thing. Hooray for low expectations!

I wasn't the night killer until Simon died anyway, though we did work together on decisions.


"Agnes", muttered Walter.

"Yes Walter", replied Agnes.

"I... I just wanted to say..."


"I don't love you at all. Those times in the kitchen meant nothing to me. Sorry"

"Bastard", muttered Agnes, as the pair were blown apart by a blast of magic.

"Woe unto us", sobbed Hugh. "We are most surely doomed, may the Lord have mercy upon us."

"The Lord doesn't have mercy on the likes of us", replied Peter, winking at Hugh one last time.


"Awww, come here Peter", said Hugh affectionately.

"Oh my God, no!" screamed Peter in horror, as a loud snap was heard above them.


"That's not what you said last night", smiled Hugh, completely unaware until the last moment when the great chandelier crushed them both.


Winning Players

hugh.jpg Hugh (Servant) played by WhiteFang

peter.jpg Peter (Servant) played by Darth_Legois

agnes.jpg Agnes (Maid) played by Striker

nicholas.jpg Nicholas (Guard) played by professor flitwick

walter.jpg Chef Walter played by JimButcher

Funny how all of us Servants win and not a single lord or royaltie (well ambassador...)

Hugh and Peter and their Grim death: together forever ... under a chandelier! YAY!

Well thats what I get for hitting on striker ingame I guess... :laugh:

I need a hug fangy!! :wub:


Great job, Draggy, can't wait for MC3! :grin:

Ditto, Great game Draggy :sweet:

Also the Caslte and pictures were excellant! I love how you put so much more extra effort in to make it seem more realistic and fun. :sweet:

I had so much fun with this game, Draggy! It's nice being scum for a change, last time I was was back in Roman Mafia.

In hindsight, we could have done much better. Firstly, when we knew that Hinckley was a killer who wasn't loyal, then we probably should've blackmailed him into joining us. Then, we should've got rid of Svelte more quickly, and more recently, instead of killing Bob, I should've gone for JimButcher.

All in all I had a really good time, and it was fun escaping death for so many days.

Were you paranoid about me voting for you almost everyday? :grin:

I'm beginning to think that Dragonator has a problem with anyone winning but himself. :tongue:

Didn't we all already know that? :laugh:

Whitefang, I love how blissful you are when you hug Darth Legois, unaware of the chandelier about to fall on you and crush your bones to dust. What a lovely reference to the chandelier inspector.

DL, why couldn't you have just saved me? I thought you cared!

I'm never hitting on you ingame again. :wacko::laugh:

hugh.jpg Hugh? :wub::grin:

agnes.jpgI guess I didn't love you. :grin:

nicholas.jpgI was always alittle suspicous of you seeing as I was sure 1 of the ambassadors was a Dragon and I guess Quarry didn't talk much so it left you... :knight:

walter.jpgGoodgame, I was suspicous of you atfirst but near the end I realised you weren't a Dragon..

ethel.jpg It was nice and quiet after you left. :grin:

sirion.jpgPoor Shadows, Metagaming is harsh. :cry_sad: :tongue:

simon.jpgI thought he was innocent :look: Well played... :blush:

edward.jpgI was always suspicous of you but no proof, Well played.

francis.jpgI think you played really well Svelte! :sweet: Although at one point Shadows had me thinking you were a Dragon. :tongue:

victor.jpgYou didn't trust me since I betrayed you in Noir. :grin:

richard.jpgBurn in hell! I knew you were a Dragon. :tongue:

thomas.jpgI was always suspicous of you, Not sure why. :look:

ralf.jpgYou were quiet... too quiet :tongue:

agnes.jpgI guess I didn't love you. :grin:

:cry_sad: But... But... But, my Petey! WAAAAH! :cry_sad:

Ah, who cares. You got killed, anyway, you got what you deserved. :tongue:

Yes, Draggy, good game! Very beautiful set, too! :sweet:

Funny how all of us Servants win and not a single lord or royaltie (well ambassador...)

I prefer the name "Staff", it's less humiliating.

I'm actually starting to think Draggy gave me this role just so I can be treated like garbage, after what I did to him in Night 2 of Noir. :grin:

Edited by Striker

Thanks Draggy. This will be my last mafia game for a while. I was the loyal blocker! I blocked Hinckley on night one and Svelte on night 2 and night 3 (because I knew he had a night action but he wasn't using it). I blocked ISC on night 4 who ended up being my killer. When Zepher PM'd me claiming to be the loyal blocker, I knew he was lying because I was the loyal blocker. That wasn't really a good move regardless of any mistake since I knew it was highly unlikely that there were 2 loyal blockers.

Speaking of night actions, when you have the time, Dragonator, could you tell us what everyone's night actions were, and maybe the results of all the nights? Because there's always something happening that we never knew happened. :wacko:

Oh well, so it ends. Congratulations to the winners, well done.

Thanks for hosting this Draggy, though I really didn't have enough time or energy to focus on it. And I just suck as scum I guess :blush: Really loved my night action though, don't think I've seen that one used elsewhere, it was a great addition. :thumbup:

In hindsight, we could have done much better. Firstly, when we knew that Hinckley was a killer who wasn't loyal, then we probably should've blackmailed him into joining us. Then, we should've got rid of Svelte more quickly, and more recently, instead of killing Bob, I should've gone for JimButcher.

Indeed we could, we didn't exactly shine as a team.

So now I see why I got backwards results on Vipont, but what about Griffin? I guess I was a normal investigator after all, but getting two backwards results in a row was enough to make me useless. Good job to the Dragons for that.

Your backwards results on Griffin was because he had a Godfather role, they usually appear innocent to investigators.

I've been following this game since the beginning, and I loved it. Wish I could have been in it! When is the next competition? I'm in!
Quarryman's game "Infection" is up next, right?

Yes, the next game up is my game called Infection, I'll talk to Draggy next time I see him online to discuss a more exact starting time, he wants to introduce a couple of new rules first, which will probably lead to some discussion. But Infection is pretty much ready, I've received the last Bricklink orders I needed so I'm ready to go pretty soon. Look out for an intro&signup thread in the not to distant future. :alien:

Draggy, Shadows, or someone with this knowledge, did we actually win the game? Does that mean well be added to the list of people that survived two games, or is that not allowed because we all died in the end?

People always seem to die in the end in Draggy's games :tongue: (he killed everyone at the end of MC1 too)

ralf.jpgYou were quiet... too quiet :tongue:

Yes, yes I was. See above.

Thanks Draggy. This will be my last mafia game for a while.

Perfectly understandable. I hope you'll be back for "you know what" Mafia though, whenever that happens. :classic:

Speaking of night actions, when you have the time, Dragonator, could you tell us what everyone's night actions were, and maybe the results of all the nights? Because there's always something happening that we never knew happened. :wacko:

At least mine was to frame people so they appeared guilty if investigated that night. I'll dig up my night action PMs later on so you can see who I targeted each night.

nicholas.jpgI was always alittle suspicous of you seeing as I was sure 1 of the ambassadors was a Dragon and I guess Quarry didn't talk much so it left you... :knight:

Really? :laugh: I was hoping somebody was suspisious, just to make me seem more interesting. You should've said during the play through! I never suspected you though, or Quarryman. He just seemed the least innocent! :grin:

Thanks Draggy. This will be my last mafia game for a while.

Shame to see you retire. At least it was a great last game!

Thanks for a fun game, Dragonator!

I think I did quite well for a noob - I harassed 3 Dragons in a row, and was right about the remaining 2 - especially since Shadows didn't give me the hit-list he apparently gave everyone else :tongue:

I was the protector, although I didn't know I was a magical protector until I tried to protect Alice on Night 4, an attempt which failed since the killer didn't use magic! Previously I had not used my night action since the immense confusion over the Ambassadors alliances as caused by the sneaky Zepher meant I didn't know which way to turn and didn't want to risk helping the wrong person.

I look forward to MCXXXV: Mystical Castle 2020 - Attack of the Space Lizards :wink:

Svelte - For your first game ever, you were incredible. I'm so sad I attacked you, I could have survived if it wasn't for you. You basically found all the Dragons, and I have no idea how you did it, but it was fantastic!

Thanks Zepher! I only went after you so hard because I realised I had been too zealous in arguing against Vipont, so when you voted for me I quickly went back through the last day and assembled some evidence! :laugh: If you hadn't voted for me, it's doubtful I would have scrutinised you so much.

Poor Shadows, Metagaming is harsh.

It was not metagaming for all of us at least. I had gotten results saying he was guilty, and therefore went after him. It also made sense with what the king said about magic. Shadow's defense seemed poorer than usual too, which was probably because he was telling the truth. :tongue:

I was always suspicous of you, Not sure why.

I can't blame you, I played pretty terribly. I voted for Stash2Sixx on a day other than his conviction, and voted for Ricecracker, but up until then I was basically useless. I was also actively defending Quarryman... I was surprised that he was the one to kill me.

I can't blame you, I played pretty terribly. I voted for Stash2Sixx on a day other than his conviction, and voted for Ricecracker, but up until then I was basically useless. I was also actively defending Quarryman... I was surprised that he was the one to kill me.

I thought the first part of your PM to me, "If you are just lying about this, then I guess I'm screwed, but the odds of you claiming to be insane seem pretty slim, so I'm trusting you on this." was pretty funny :tongue:.

You didn't play badly at all, in my opinion, we just screwed with you and your results so much that it must've just got confusing.

I've followed the game the whole time, and I am very impressed! The architecture and details of the castle were amazing, and the actual game had lots of nice twists. I may try to play the next one, but I'll probably fail being a noob.

Awesome job, guys. :thumbup:

I want to thank Dragonator for hosting a great game, with lots of action. The Castle design was vast and impressive, with some great lighting and effects. Perhaps you would care to show us the creation in its entirety.

As for me, I was Simon the Dragon assasin, and had I not gone so hard on Shadows, perhaps I would have hung around a lot longer, though draggy was dropping hints about me being old and slow, when I murdered people. My team mates fought hard to keep me in the game, not realising that my ability would transfer down the line. This probably put us at a disadvantage, but boy it was fun having the ultimate power!

We had many a PM exchange trying to figure out who to target each night too.

Well played winners.

We had many a PM exchange trying to figure out who to target each night too.

Yeah, I have more than two pages worth...


I wasn't the night killer until Simon died anyway, though we did work together on decisions.

I know, but you're all scum to me. :wink::tongue:

Also the Caslte and pictures were excellant! I love how you put so much more extra effort in to make it seem more realistic and fun. :sweet:

Agreed! :sweet: I especially liked the intricate crown picture in the tiling and the "M" (or Dragon laying eggs) in the stained-glass window. Nice idea with the flower pots as well.

One question, where are those dark red vine pieces from?

This will be my last mafia game for a while.

Aw, sorry to hear that. Hopefully you'll find the time to play another sometime in the future.

Your backwards results on Griffin was because he had a Godfather role, they usually appear innocent to investigators.

Do'h! I should've analyzed these closer! I should've caught that, considering I was the boss in Noir.

In this game, I have a night action which allows me to observe others' hiding myself in the corridors, seeing if anyone has any movement. Practically, my night action is quite useless. It doesn't tell me exactly what they are doing or loyalty. Practically, I am only aware of players whom have night actions, will have to step out of their room.

As for my sudden death role, the one whom I am observing, is under the target by any other members that have night action, will have their identity reveal to me. Other than that, my role is pretty boring. However, through this role, I was able to identify whom are the players that have night actions and how they relate to me. For example, I reveal that Dillon has a night action, but he didn't know what I am trying to do. At the first 2 to 3 days, he was quite suspicious to me, but realising that he is an investigator with weird findings, as compared with Ricecracker. I feel his words are much trustworthy. Furthermore, we need to have the ones that he investigate to die first, to check whether his findings are correct or not.

On one of the nights which I have to find, I believe its Night 3 or 4. I know the Friar/Svelte is rather innocent, or at least seemed to me that he doesn't have any weird hobbies such as sleepwalking in the night. Therefore, when others are attacking him, I have to defend him. The Friar confided in the allies of his, including JimButcher, where both of us are communicating with each other by trying to take the Dragons down. Unfortunately, in the earlier start of the games, I had lose allies such as Alice and Sandy after the whole Shadows fiesta. I do wished we didn't take metagaming or hatred into consideration. It clouds our judgement.

Nicholas/professor flitwick has presented himself well in the last game, especially with the voting patterns, and I know two nights ago, you were out there doing something and for a slight moment, I thought you are the one whom killed the Admiral. Luckily, after reading the finding of mine many times, there is a probablity that you are not the killer. Simply because, Draggy wrote that findings much longer than the rest.

In this game, I didn't play a significant role, more of a supportive role, by voting out Dragons whenever it is necessary. On many occassions, I feel Quarryman is suspicious. He was kind of quiet, and comparing past votes that he didn't participate, I think we have indeed round up the last dragon by eliminating the right one.

It's nice to see my fellow collegue, Darth_Legois hugging together while been crushed by this very classical scene. In fact, it has been repeated in Noir Mafia too. :laugh:

I think Shadows and Hinck's roles are the coolest. It was a pity that you guys were convicted earlier. Blame that tongue twisted Zepher for revealing much about you guys. :grin:

Enjoyed this game very much. Hope I can add some more thoughts later. :wink:

Thanks Draggy. This will be my last mafia game for a while. I was the loyal blocker! I blocked Hinckley on night one and Svelte on night 2 and night 3 (because I knew he had a night action but he wasn't using it). I blocked ISC on night 4 who ended up being my killer. When Zepher PM'd me claiming to be the loyal blocker, I knew he was lying because I was the loyal blocker. That wasn't really a good move regardless of any mistake since I knew it was highly unlikely that there were 2 loyal blockers.

Thats a shame Alice you're a excellant player. :sadnew:

Really? :laugh: I was hoping somebody was suspisious, just to make me seem more interesting. You should've said during the play through! I never suspected you though, or Quarryman. He just seemed the least innocent! :grin:

I didn't want to be annoying. :wink: Also because I was suspicous of alot of people but mainly Ricecracker, I didn't think you were to suspicous but as for the "1 Ambassador must be a Dragon" thing I thought it was you untill the last day when I looked back and compared yours and quarrymans voting patterns.

I was the protector, although I didn't know I was a magical protector until I tried to protect Alice on Night 4, an attempt which failed since the killer didn't use magic! Previously I had not used my night action since the immense confusion over the Ambassadors alliances as caused by the sneaky Zepher meant I didn't know which way to turn and didn't want to risk helping the wrong person.

HAH! The irony. There you were preaching against magic when you didn't notice you were using it yourself! :laugh:

It was not metagaming for all of us at least. I had gotten results saying he was guilty, and therefore went after him. It also made sense with what the king said about magic. Shadow's defense seemed poorer than usual too, which was probably because he was telling the truth. :tongue:

hahahha true. :laugh:

I can't blame you, I played pretty terribly. I voted for Stash2Sixx on a day other than his conviction, and voted for Ricecracker, but up until then I was basically useless. I was also actively defending Quarryman... I was surprised that he was the one to kill me.

Untill the last day I thought Quarryman was innocent to.

Yeah, I have more than two pages worth...

I got ALOT of PM's from Noir. I still need to delete them. :blush:

It's nice to see my fellow collegue, Darth_Legois hugging together while been crushed by this very classical scene. In fact, it has been repeated in Noir Mafia too. :laugh:

What is it with EB Mafia/Mystery games and chandeliers!? :laugh:

It was not metagaming for all of us at least. I had gotten results saying he was guilty, and therefore went after him. It also made sense with what the king said about magic. Shadow's defense seemed poorer than usual too, which was probably because he was telling the truth. :tongue:

Every day I was alive I received a letter from the dragons thanking me for my help. I was thoroughly confused on the first day and even began to think that maybe I was some kind of insane character that didn't know my own alignment properly, then I realised what was happening on the second day and kept waiting for someone to use it against me, but it never came. Later, I figured out that it had probably confused the real investigator tremendously. It was a tough spot for you to be in.

As for me, honestly, it's a lot harder to come up with a good story when you're innocent! I just felt like it should be obvious that I was trying to stop the evil sorcerer and therefore loyal, then he ended up neutral and threw my whole defense down the drain. :wacko:

As for me, honestly, it's a lot harder to come up with a good story when you're innocent! I just felt like it should be obvious that I was trying to stop the evil sorcerer and therefore loyal, then he ended up neutral and threw my whole defense down the drain. :wacko:

I can't help it but to laugh all night when Dillon made that remark. :laugh:

Well, you did try "very hard" to prove your innocence to us. Perhaps, you are being too honest when you discover that you are actually a loyal citizen. :grin:

Nicholas/professor flitwick has presented himself well in the last game, especially with the voting patterns, and I know two nights ago, you were out there doing something and for a slight moment, I thought you are the one whom killed the Admiral. Luckily, after reading the finding of mine many times, there is a probablity that you are not the killer. Simply because, Draggy wrote that findings much longer than the rest.

Why thank you WhiteFang! The reason I was out was (as said in the conclusion) because I was the exicutioner after the Leuitenant died.

I didn't want to be annoying. Also because I was suspicous of alot of people but mainly Ricecracker, I didn't think you were to suspicous but as for the "1 Ambassador must be a Dragon" thing I thought it was you untill the last day when I looked back and compared yours and quarrymans voting patterns.

Hehehe... No one suspects the Ambassadors Guard :devil: HAHAHAHA! Burn Pigies Burn!!!

  • Author

Good job everyone for a very enjoyable game, it was a lot of fun to host, and I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I have here a record of the night actions.

Night Actions from Night 1

Hinckley – Kill ImperialShadows – Unsuccessful

WhiteFang – Watch ImperialShadows – Successful

TinyPiesRUs – Kill Nobody

Sir Dillon – Investigate Escape the Fate – Successful

Quarryman – Frame ImperialShadows – Successful

ImperialShadows – Protect Zepher – Successful

Svelte – Protect Nobody

Alice – Block Hinckley – Successful

Stash2sixx – Kill Hinckley – Unsuccessful

Zepher – Block Nobody

Night Actions from Night 2 (Sudden Death Night)

WhiteFang – Watch Svelte – Successful

TinyPiesRUs – Kill General Armendariz - Successful

Sir Dillon – Investigate ImperialShadows – Successful (flawed)

Quarryman – Frame ImperialShadows – Successful

ImperialShadows – Protect Alice – Unsuccessful

Svelte – Protect Nobody

Alice – Block Svelte – Successful

Stash2sixx – Kill TinyPiesRUs – Unsuccessful

Zepher – Block ImperialShadows - Successful

Night Actions from Night 3

WhiteFang – Watch Sir Dillon – Successful

TinyPiesRUs – Kill Nobody

Sir Dillon – Investigate Stash2Sixx – Successful (flawed)

Quarryman – Frame Escsape the Fate – Successful

Svelte – Protect Nobody

Alice – Block Svelte – Successful

Stash2sixx – Kill TinyPiesRUs – Successful

Zepher – Block Alice - Unsuccessful

Night Actions from Night 4

WhiteFang – Watch Quarryman – Successful

Sir Dillon – Investigate Quarryman - Successful

Quarryman – Frame Svelte – Successful

Svelte – Protect Alice - Unsuccessful

Alice – Block I Scream Clone – Unsuccessful (Coin toss)

Stash2sixx – Kill Alice – Successful (Coin toss)

Night Actions from Night 5

WhiteFang – Watch Ricecracker – Successful

Sir Dillon – Investigate Darth_Legois - Successful

Quarryman – Frame JimButcher – Successful

Svelte – Protect JimButcher - Successful

Stash2sixx – Kill Sandy – Successful

Night Actions from Night 6

WhiteFang – Watch Sir Dillon – Successful

Sir Dillon – Investigate Ricecracker - Successful

Quarryman – Frame Striker – Successful

Ricecracker – Kill Svelte – Successful

Night Actions from Night 7

WhiteFang – Watch Ricecracker – Successful

Sir Dillon – Investigate Quarryman - Successful

Quarryman – Frame Striker – Successful

Ricecracker – Kill Bob the Construction Man – Successful

Night Actions from Night 8

WhiteFang – Watch Sir Dillon – Successful

Sir Dillon – Investigate WhiteFang - Successful

Quarryman – Kill Sir Dillon – Successful

A couple of things worth noting are that the mafia assassin job was passed to Ricecracker on the death of I Scream Clone, who then became an independent assassin after the conviction of Stash2Sixx. Finally, on Ricecracker's death Quarryman's action was replaced by the assassin role. Stash2Sixx, as the First Dragon (Godfather Role), appeared as a loyal citizen to any investigation. Some roles had different limitations, for example Zepher could only block men (unless it was a sudden death night), TinyPiesRUs had a 50% success rate for night kills, Svelte could only protect against magic attacks etc.

There will be a quick update of a few rule additions in the main discussion thread sometime in the next few days. :classic:

Thanks for another fantastic game Dragonator. The sets and photos were very impressive, and you had a great set of roles in there too. I had a lot of fun before I was killed (damn you Stash2Sixx, it was because I made you a naive cop wasn't it? :tongue:) And sorry about killing you General Armendariz. I couldn't decide between you or Ricecracker, but I had a stronger gut feeling about you than him. I guess I made the wrong decision.

If you don't mind, what effects did Sudden Death have on the different roles?

  • Author
If you don't mind, what effects did Sudden Death have on the different roles?

The sudden death rules, as they were called, simply gave an extra advantage or disadvantage to different people during the night. For example, some people's actions were less likely to succeed, some more likely to succeed, some people were protected from being killed, others were protected from other actions. It depended. They didn't really apply that much in the game since there was only one sudden death night; it would have been interesting if there were a few more, but things just didn't pan out that way.

I think Shadows and Hinck's roles are the coolest. It was a pity that you guys were convicted earlier. Blame that tongue twisted Zepher for revealing much about you guys. :grin:

Whoops :devil:

for example Zepher could only block men (unless it was a sudden death night)

you actually told me in my orginal PM that I'd have a lesser chance blocking woman, which I thought meant 50/50. Oh well! Thanks for a fantastic game! The set looked wonderful, and it was tons of fun! I've also been told by both Hinck and Shadows that I'd never be allowed to live past Day 1 again!

Also... the Queen named Mary? Chance, or choice?

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