November 17, 200915 yr Author You're comparing two different colours, purple and dark purple. It's not the same colour in different shades. It's like showing dark red and red then saying look at the change. I have checked my dark purples and they are pretty consistent.
November 17, 200915 yr Did nobody see the new atlantis sets ? The translucent green used in the theme is an all new Lego colour.
November 17, 200915 yr Did nobody see the new atlantis sets ? The translucent green used in the theme is an all new Lego colour. Really? Thanks for pointing it out.
November 18, 200915 yr Thanks for pointing that out, Front. It just so happens that Flickr member cjedwards posted this picture comparing the two: I like it. Not too dark to see through (trans-green), and an alternative to trans-neon green. I wonder what it's going to be called (officially)? And is this the color that's replacing trans-black? On another note, I have compared dark red pieces from pre-2008 and post-2008. Svelte describes the difference well- the pre-'08 pieces are a brighter, somewhat more translucent shade than post-'08. You wouldn't notice the difference without someone telling you, but there is. I'll try to get a pic, but the difference is so small that you might not be able to see it in a picture.
November 18, 200915 yr On another note, I have compared dark red pieces from pre-2008 and post-2008. Svelte describes the difference well- the pre-'08 pieces are a brighter, somewhat more translucent shade than post-'08. If that's true, then I'd say that TLG thought the pre-08 dark reds weren't quite right, and changed them to be better for post-08 sets. Solid-colored (non-transparent) bricks shouldn't be even slightly translucent, unless by translucent you mean that they're a bit more glossy. Still, it's understandable that they'd find a "dark" color not dark enough and want it to be a bit darker and more muted.
November 18, 200915 yr If that's true, then I'd say that TLG thought the pre-08 dark reds weren't quite right, and changed them to be better for post-08 sets. Solid-colored (non-transparent) bricks shouldn't be even slightly translucent, unless by translucent you mean that they're a bit more glossy. Still, it's understandable that they'd find a "dark" color not dark enough and want it to be a bit darker and more muted. The old dark reds were variable, but I don't know if a production period of ten years isn't quite right I wouldn't say it was just a translucency issue. Yes, the new shade is more consistent but is a lot duller and has lost the vibrancy and richness which made dark red so attractive. Once you mix the new with the old you can see how dramatic the difference is - they don't really work together very well at all.
November 18, 200915 yr I like it. Not too dark to see through (trans-green), and an alternative to trans-neon green. I wonder what it's going to be called (officially)? And is this the color that's replacing trans-black? Not a big fan of the trans-neon colors, so I like the new one a lot better (at least it looks green instead of yellow-ish). This won't be replacing trans-black. For one, it's green, not black! And, TLG was only just contemplating changing trans-black and wouldn't hit the market until 2011.
November 18, 200915 yr If that's true, then I'd say that TLG thought the pre-08 dark reds weren't quite right, and changed them to be better for post-08 sets. Solid-colored (non-transparent) bricks shouldn't be even slightly translucent, unless by translucent you mean that they're a bit more glossy. Still, it's understandable that they'd find a "dark" color not dark enough and want it to be a bit darker and more muted. The old dark reds were variable, but I don't know if a production period of ten years isn't quite right I wouldn't say it was just a translucency issue. Yes, the new shade is more consistent but is a lot duller and has lost the vibrancy and richness which made dark red so attractive. Exactly, I couldn't have said it better. I like the old kind a bit better, but I don't mind the new. Then again, I haven't built anything with the two of them together. This won't be replacing trans-black. For one, it's green, not black! TLG never said what the replacement color was going to be- it doesn't have to be black, If you read the first post, it says that trans-black is being replaced, but exactly which color has not yet been decided. And, TLG was only just contemplating changing trans-black and wouldn't hit the market until 2011. True, thanks for pointing that out. I'd better stock up on trans-black before then.
November 18, 200915 yr I must say there is a (small)positive benefit to all this. I'm building a 'brick' house out of many, many 1x2 and 1x1 plates in dark red, and brown. The two shades of dark red look great, and there seems to be some variation in browns too, I have a few that are lighter than most.
November 18, 200915 yr Very hard for me to determine the difference between metallic silver and pearl light gray especially for this : - Dr. Inferno right hand ( mechanical arm / claw) - spear/ pike and lance weapons and the inconsistency of the colour : - dark blue flag, with the lighter one - metallic gold flag with the darker one for bricks? I just have experience with 4954 : model town house with tan colour bricks, 2 shades !!
November 19, 200915 yr The old dark reds were variable, but I don't know if a production period of ten years isn't quite right I wouldn't say it was just a translucency issue. Yes, the new shade is more consistent but is a lot duller and has lost the vibrancy and richness which made dark red so attractive. Once you mix the new with the old you can see how dramatic the difference is - they don't really work together very well at all. I think I know what you're talking about. For reference, I compared a dark red piece from the mini v-19 torrent to the dark red in skeleton ship attack. The old one is definitely a little lighter, and somewhat glossier. IMHO, Glossy doesn't exactly convey the "dark" part of dark red very well. I personally prefer a more muted dark red, as I like my dark colors darker and less eye-catching. Besides which, I find reflective things a little more painful to look at. It's personal preference, I'd say. I would agree that unless used tactfully, the two different colors probably won't go well together. It's just subtle enough for people to think they're the same color, and just glaring enough to let people realize they've been fooled when they look closer. As for why TLG made such a switch, I couldn't tell you. Maybe they were fed up with the inconsistency, and decided to switch paints. I did notice a while back that their bricks, especially the dark colors like black (I can practically see myself on the walls of vladek's fortress), have become glossier from 10 years ago, likely because the plastic they use is a little different. I haven't done a serious comparison of whether the plastic in today's sets are different from the ones from prior to '08, but it could be that they switched back to a duller plastic for the dark colors.
November 19, 200915 yr I must say there is a (small)positive benefit to all this. I'm building a 'brick' house out of many, many 1x2 and 1x1 plates in dark red, and brown. The two shades of dark red look great, and there seems to be some variation in browns too, I have a few that are lighter than most. There have been many color issues with brown in the past. There was also a change in browns, I think. The new shade is referred to as "frown" (fake brown). Very hard for me to determine the difference between metallic silver and pearl light gray especially for this :- Dr. Inferno right hand ( mechanical arm / claw) - spear/ pike and lance weapons It's easier to tell for pearl gold and metallic gold. I'd say that for both silver and gold elements, the pearl has a soft, bright shine to it, while metallic is darker, heavier, and reflects light better. and the inconsistency of the colour :- dark blue flag, with the lighter one - metallic gold flag with the darker one What do you mean? Dark blue and blue are two completely different Lego colors. I don't understand what you mean by meatllic gold and light gold. Could you explain that a little please?
September 15, 201014 yr I'm bumping this topic as a reminder, because as details of 2011 sets are now slowly trickling in we can keep an eye out for the possible disappearance from the colour palette of Trans Black (Smoke), and the introduction of a new colour in its place.
September 15, 201014 yr I'm bumping this topic as a reminder, because as details of 2011 sets are now slowly trickling in we can keep an eye out for the possible disappearance from the colour palette of Trans Black (Smoke), and the introduction of a new colour in its place. Wouldn't it almost be better to start a new topic if it turns out that Trans Black etc are missing. Now your bumping the topic before there even anything to add.
November 23, 201014 yr With 2011 sets now hitting the stores, it appears that Trans-Black (Transparent Brown in Lego parlance) is not about to disappear, as it is still abundantly used in the new sets (including City, Star Wars, Creator and Pharaoh's Quest). While the communique in the first post of this topic mentioned colour 111 would be eliminated in 2011 in order to make room in the palette for a new colour, I now believe that colour 311 was meant instead. Colour 311 is Transparent Bright Green introduced with the Atlantis sets last year, and it has obviously been replaced by Transparent Yellow in the 2011 Atlantis wave. As for what new colour would use 311's slot in the palette, I can't figure it out yet. It is probably an unrelated colour, as the point of removing one was only to limit the number of total colours in the palette. Aanchir did mention here some new colours present in LDD that haven't been released yet, including 323 Aqua and 326 Spring Yellowish Green, so these are likely candidates.
November 25, 201014 yr With 2011 sets now hitting the stores, it appears that Trans-Black (Transparent Brown in Lego parlance) is not about to disappear, as it is still abundantly used in the new sets (including City, Star Wars, Creator and Pharaoh's Quest). While the communique in the first post of this topic mentioned colour 111 would be eliminated in 2011 in order to make room in the palette for a new colour, I now believe that colour 311 was meant instead. Colour 311 is Transparent Bright Green introduced with the Atlantis sets last year, and it has obviously been replaced by Transparent Yellow in the 2011 Atlantis wave. Not even possible. Color 311 Transparent Bright Green didn't exist until 2010, as you mentioned, so there's no reason they'd announce its retirement before its first appearance in sets (remember that this topic was started in November 2009-- while Atlantis sets may have made a few appearances in stores, the "official" release date would not be for another month at least). Other parts Bricklink calls Transparent Bright Green are actually color 227 Transparent Bright Yellowish Green, an already-retired color. Furthermore, Transparent Bright Green will still exist in 2011-- it has been seen in at least one Hero Factory set. When LEGO announces that they're "replacing" a color, they mean they're adding a new color to fulfill the same aesthetic purpose. The only time when the retirement of an old color is connected with the addition of a new color is when, for instance, an older silver color is replaced with a newer silver color, or an older brown color is replaced with a newer brown color. If Transparent Bright Green were replaced, the color that would replace it would presumably be near-identical and only distinguishable with a side-by-side comparison. LEGO does try to keep their palette for each year small, especially in recent years, but they don't retire a color just to "free up" a spot-- after all, as far as I can tell no 2009 colors were eliminated to allow for the introduction of color 312 Medium Nougat. It's still unclear what will be replacing 111 Transparent Brown or when, but it will without question be another smoky-colored transparent color to serve the same purpose in sets. It may be a bit lighter, darker, grayer, bluer, or what-have-you, but it will not be a vastly different color. It's possible the replacement may already be appearing in 2011 sets, but since nobody's noticed any change I doubt it. But the change, when it comes, will probably be subtle. On a side note, for future people who post in this topic, here's the official changes we've seen so far from the front post: 131 Silver has been replaced with 315 Silver Metallic (the silver used in Kingdoms and Hero Factory sets). 148 Dark Grey Metallic has been replaced with color 316 Titanium Metallic (the dark silver color seen in Kingdoms sets). Hopefully LEGO is as nice next year as they were this year and they'll divulge their complete 2011 color palette. That should help ease some confusion. Edited November 28, 201014 yr by Aanchir
November 25, 201014 yr I've always thought trans black should be smokey grey not smokey brown. if Lego changed to smokey grey ould it really cause problems? To me it would present a much cleaner more realistic colour for windscreens. smokey brown always looks like a sun damaged old and faded colour to me.
November 26, 201014 yr Has anyone else noticed red-brown in new sets being more similar to old brown? Certainly it doesn't fit entirely with other red-brown bricks.
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