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Important: Do not post in the Day threads if you're not a player


Day 1


Satisfied after freeing his brethren and helping them find new hosts the alien infected Dr. Feynman were returning to the lab when he came upon Captain Hawkings who was doing his final inspection of the ship before retiring for the night.


Knowing that the captain was a dire threat the alien infected Feynman rushed at him, hoping to catch him unaware. But no, the captain heard him coming and exclaimed "But Feynman! What are you doing?!"


As fast as he could the captain pulled out his gun and shot the onrushing alien infected Feynman, hitting him, but not good enough, Feynman managed to hurt the captain badly.


With his life running out with every beat of his heart the captain knew he had to alert the rest of the crew, and crawled to the alarm system.


Upon hearing the alarm many of the crew came rushing from their quarters and looked upon a gruesome sight.


The captain and Feynman were both dead, and on the floor lay one of the aliens from Ver-Ziji 4, it was pretty clear to everyone what had happened.


Gathering everyone in the meeting room Lt. Cmdr Susan Antares took charge: There is no certain way for us to find those who have been infected, we must do this by vote, every day we must throw one of us out the airlock, surely the cold, hard vacuum of space will flush out whatever things are in some of us.


(borrowed from Dragonator :blush:)

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "Day", you will be given 96 real hours in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 48 real hours. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the 48 hours, they will not be counted.

- There are two main sides in the game, not-infected and infected. Your winning criteria is included with your character PM.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- There will be no voting in the first 24 hours of a game Day.

- No unvoting after a conviction has been reached. Do this more than once and you will be killed.

- You may not edit your posts. Do this more than three times and you will be killed.

- Out of character (OOC) posts should be kept in the Discussion thread.

- No metagaming.

- Do not post in the Day threads when dead. You're dead, act like it.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a moderator kill. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the General Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I will try my best to stick to the schedule, and your cooperation will help this greatly, particularly getting night actions in promptly.

Voting may start at 20:07 UTC Saturday, 7th of November.

On Day 1 it takes 11 votes to convict.



Lt. Cmdr. Susan Antares played by Shadows


Lt. Varax Fraa, navigator played by Inertia


2nd Lt. Eituze, pilot played by WhiteFang


Specialist Niwrad Selrac, communications played by Black Rabbit


Security chief Michael Sheridan played by Hinckley


Security guard Sarah Ohce played by Sir Dillon


Security guard Barney Vance played by Svelte


Leonard "Leo" Nyer, chief engineer played by Ricecracker


Fassin Trevlac, mechanic played by YG-49


La'h'Rok, reactor chief played by I Scream Clone


Jad Suur, maintenance guy played by Darkness Falls


Engofi Cheipo, hydroponics engineer played by Eskallon


Android S/N: 'AHY6CEF3' (aka DAVE) played by Mr. Mandalorian


Khrum, "the strong guy" played by stash2sixx


Wicwa, alien cook played by Sandy


Ivan "the terrible", human cook played by Darth_Legois


Florentzia Lizar, head of research staff played by jimbutcher


Ada Bergsndot, computer specialist played by Zepher


Ernev Seluj, language specialist played by Dragonator


Dr. Ben Elegnem, head of medical staff played by simonjedi


Nurse Edna Hylris played by pedro

Space worms, eh? Nasty business. You know what it means? Any one of us could have a wiener inside them right at this moment and we wouldn't even know it! :look:

Rest assured, the security staff on board will remain vigilant! :thumbup:

Perhaps one of the scientists may have some background for us on the behaviour, habits and moods of these spacy invaders?

Captain... oh, no... this is horrible! Good thing we have these high-quality security cameras. We must get rid of the infected at all costs, or we're all doomed.

Should we be picking up that alien? Perhaps it's contagious. I have not researched this type of specimen yet. :sceptic:

Where are the corpses of the captain and Feynman?

Where are the corpses of the captain and Feynman?

:wacko: *Points to floor*

NOOO!! Not Cap'n Fawking...? We must not let these sausage scum infect the whole crew! I hope they don't do any damage to the ship... :look:

Oh God. What a tragedy, we must rid ourselves of this alien.

Should we be picking up that alien? Perhaps it's contagious. I have not researched this type of specimen yet. :sceptic:

I would suggest not, as we know what happened to Dr. Feynman as he was trying to study it.

As a language specialist I feel completely helpless in our current situation. It is clear these strange "space wieners" have no intention of communicating with us, but rather just to wipe us out. Oh the horror!

May the soul of our dear captain rest in peace; he died alerting us to this problem, and we will remember him for all the good times. I do not know what will happen to our expedition now, but we definitely need to smoke out these aliens quickly before anything worse happens around here. We cannot let our mission be endangered.

I do not know what will happen to our expedition now, but we definitely need to smoke out these aliens quickly...

Smoked wieners? What an intriguing concept.

As a trained space security guard, I suggest we remain alert but not alarmed. Let's not split up when wandering the corridors, perform lonely searches for Jonesy the ship's cat, and if at breakfast you see a sausage wriggling amongst your bacon and eggs, shoot to kill and immediately summon a security officer!

I say we take the bodies to the medial bay to be studied, maybe a detection system can be made before we kill too many innocent people. The people who also found the bodies need to have a check up as well.

I would suggest not, as we know what happened to Dr. Feynman as he was trying to study it.

Well, should we just leave it here? What I'm wondering is how some of us are already infected. If no one else touched the wiener or Feynman, then we shouldn't be infected right? Unless it's in the air. Accoriding to my studies, infecdtions that travel through the air are more harmful than any other disease, and take effect quicker.


As a language specialist I feel completely helpless in our current situation. It is clear these strange "space wieners" have no intention of communicating with us, but rather just to wipe us out. Oh the horror!

Please remain calm. Fluent in many languages you may be, Mr. Seluj, but I'd be shocked if the were actually such things as talking wieners. Then again, I am talking to a pumpkin, so who knows...

*Hearing the alarm Edna rushes into the scene, checking the pulses of her departed shipmates...*

Oh no! Captain Hawkings... he was like... a father to me. And Dr. Feynman... it was only this morning he was in high spirits about our mission! What are these creatures?! What do they want? We must be sure about what we're proposing to do here. I feel so afraid... :sad:

Definitely not a nice way to start the day.

I say we carefully dispose of both the bodies and the alien sample before anyone can be infected by the corpses.

Well, should we just leave it here? What I'm wondering is how some of us are already infected. If no one else touched the wiener or Feynman, then we shouldn't be infected right? Unless it's in the air. Accoriding to my studies, infecdtions that travel through the air are more harmful than any other disease, and take effect quicker.


If this infection is carried through the air then we could all be doomed already. That's a scary thought. :look: It is my belief however that the exploring party took a number of other sausage samples, and these have been released by Dr. Feynman and are now roaming amongst us:

Satisfied after freeing his brethren and helping them find new hosts the alien infected Dr. Feynman...

I fear some of us have already been infected...

Please remain calm. Fluent in many languages you may be, Mr. Seluj, but I'd be shocked if the were actually such things as talking wieners. Then again, I am talking to a pumpkin, so who knows...

Thank you, you are right, this situation calls for calm discussion. It's just with the death of the Captain and the threat of rampaging sausages on the ship, I am feeling rather flustered.

Oh dear, not the pumpkin jokes again... *sigh*

*Hearing the alarm Edna rushes into the scene, checking the pulses of her departed shipmates...*

Edna, be careful, don't get too close! We don't know how this thing spreads yet, best to be cautious.

Definitely not a nice way to start the day.

I say we carefully dispose of both the bodies and the alien sample before anyone can be infected by the corpses.

I agree with this, these bodies have the potential to still be carrying the infection, and since we don't really know the nature of it yet, we should be as cautious as we can. It seems harsh to dispose of the body of our dear Captain in such a way, but I'm sure he would agree that it is for the best.

I agree with this, these bodies have the potential to still be carrying the infection, and since we don't really know the nature of it yet, we should be as cautious as we can. It seems harsh to dispose of the body of our dear Captain in such a way, but I'm sure he would agree that it is for the best.

We could send the bodies out the airlock to dispose of them safely.

I would not be too sure about airborne infection. But then again, I'm an android. I don't breathe anyway. What do I care?

We could send the bodies out the airlock to dispose of them safely.

It means having to handle the bodies, increasing the risk of infection. It would be better to incinerate the bodies using some of the mining equipment, then sending the remains out of the airlock.

I would still like to study the bodies though in the isolab.

I would still like to study the bodies though in the isolab.

That means handling the bodies, increasing the risk of infection. :hmpf::wacko:

The incineration does sound pretty good.

It is important that we remain calm and continue to perform in a professional and safe manner. We have no means of determining how widespread this problem is, we can only deal with the immediate and obvious effects. Clearly, if we are capable of doing some form of bioscan to identify this threat, we should make that effort before disposing of the bodies. Unfortunately, this situation does not give us the opportunity to perform a respectful and proper funeral, we're going to need to act quickly to contain any potential contaminants or alien lifeforms and remove them from the ship via airlock. I propose we suit up in protective gear and deal with that situation first, then we're going to need to put a serious effort into tracking down the source of this problem before it strikes again.

Be vigilant!

That means handling the bodies, increasing the risk of infection. :hmpf::wacko:

We have several biohazard suits in the lab, and DAVE seems to be the crew member least likely to catch the disease.

Yes. My lack of lungs mean I am most well suited to the task.

Oh my. This is terrible. Blah blah blah. We all say the same thing everytime.

I think we should looking at the facts right away, right? That android fellow can't be infected for a start, right, since he's not a flesh being? Actually, that's all I can think of right now...

I'm going back to my computer friends unless you folk are going to make us breakfast. That troll looking fellow and Angry Ivan the Wrestler can cook us up some grub, right?

I seriously doubt we have suits BIG enough for me or my lovely wife to fit in. I say we toss the bodies out into the abyss, give them a funeral. I read somewhere that on a planet named Earth, when they used sailing vessels on water, if a crewmate died during a voyage, he was given a quick ceremony and released into the ocean. This was safe for all members who remained on the ship in order to minimize the spread of disease.

Let's get the bodies off. Burke wanted to keep the bodies on the Sulaco, and Burke was bad!

Oh my. This is terrible. Blah blah blah. We all say the same thing everytime.

Insensitive. :hmpf:

That android fellow can't be infected for a start, right, since he's not a flesh being?

He does seem the safest to have remove the bodies.

That troll looking fellow and Angry Ivan the Wrestler can cook us up some grub, right?

Seeing the Captain killed by an unknown evil species makes you develop an appetite, eh? :hmpf_bad:

Let's get the bodies off. Burke wanted to keep the bodies on the Sulaco, and Burke was bad!

I remember that from the academy and agree that should be our first move, assuming we can't get any more information from them.

Oh dear, not the pumpkin jokes again... *sigh*

Nothing to be ashamed of, my friend, carving pumpkins is a highly celebrated tradition on some parts of the third planet from my sun (Earth, if you are familiar with it). My research has lead me to believe that pumpkins have actually descended from your planet and somehow ended up on Earth.

I would not be too sure about airborne infection. But then again, I'm an android. I don't breathe anyway. What do I care?
Yes. My lack of lungs mean I am most well suited to the task.

Are you saying that you are immune to infections? According to my research, robots... excuse me, androids can, in fact be affected by sickness or the will of nature. Rust, for example, is the mirror of flesh-eating diseases of humans.

I propose we suit up in protective gear

Well these official issue jumpsuits are pretty comfy. I think I'll stay inside.

I remember that from the academy and agree that should be our first move, assuming we can't get any more information from them.

We already know what these things are capable of, so researching the bodies would be pointless. Finding a cure would be a rather simple task, but as you can see we are in a predicament, and have to worry about ourselves at the moment. I agree that these bodies should be disposed of as quickly and carefully as possible.

I wonder... I have researched predicaments very much like this, where the good must eradicate the evil by methods of voting. Perhaps there is no "killer", per say, but instead of someone dying at night (is there such thing in space?), they become infected.

Oh, what? :blush: Just talking to myself.

Are these creatures capable of biting through the protective clothing or has that not been determined yet?

Edited by Black Rabbit

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