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While I agree that it would be good for them to know, there is still the possibility of them being infected themselves.

True, I suggest we all take quick body scans to see if there is any immediate differences between us, this could point out who may already be infected.

We will also have to give medical checks to Varax Fraa, Michael Sheridan and Engofi Cheipo.

Yes, of course Doctor. It appears they were all first on the scene.

I don't think we should be relying solely on medical checks since we know so little about these spacy wieners and their life cycle. For example, they may lay undetectable eggs in victims which later hatch, or their sausagey properties may resemble an extra few inches of lower intestine which don't show up on a scan. So while it's a good idea to check people, let's not rely on this completely.

We should ask ourselves: what is the mission of the space wieners? How will they accomplish it? By what actions will their goals be achieved?

Once we've identified what they're after, and by what means they will accomplish their task, it will help us identify the behaviour of the infected.

I don't think we should be relying solely on medical checks since we know so little about these spacy wieners and their life cycle. For example, they may lay undetectable eggs in victims which later hatch, or their sausagey properties may resemble an extra few inches of lower intestine which don't show up on a scan. So while it's a good idea to check people, let's not rely on this completely.

At this point in time, a comparison between infected and uninfected is our only reliable method of detection. Also i'm a medical professional of many years and i'll be able to tell the differance between a human intestine and a parasite.

We should ask ourselves: what is the mission of the space wieners? How will they accomplish it? By what actions will their goals be achieved?

Once we've identified what they're after, and by what means they will accomplish their task, it will help us identify the behaviour of the infected.

I don't think they have many goals other than to feed. Data recovered from the planet will help us to fill in some gaps.

Actually I mean't La'h'Rok the reactor chief, now that I think about it though, he could easily be infected by the parasite.

I would like to see these sausages just try! Though I have no idea if I am immune or just as susceptible. You will forgive me if I don't place myself in the position of infection.

True, I suggest we all take quick body scans to see if there is any immediate differences between us, this could point out who may already be infected.

Pulls out sausage detector, aka Ruffy!

I don't think we should be relying solely on medical checks since we know so little about these spacy wieners and their life cycle. For example, they may lay undetectable eggs in victims which later hatch, or their sausagey properties may resemble an extra few inches of lower intestine which don't show up on a scan. So while it's a good idea to check people, let's not rely on this completely.

We should ask ourselves: what is the mission of the space wieners? How will they accomplish it? By what actions will their goals be achieved?

Once we've identified what they're after, and by what means they will accomplish their task, it will help us identify the behaviour of the infected.

I thinks these wienies are merely looking to increase their numbers and this is the natural life cycle, however th e consequences for us appear quite dire! We don't know if we die once the wienies reach adulthood, and I hope not to find out.

I thinks these wienies are merely looking to increase their numbers and this is the natural life cycle, however the consequences for us appear quite dire! We don't know if we die once the wienies reach adulthood, and I hope not to find out.

I agree with this, it makes the most sense in my opinion. The main drive behind most primitive alien species is reproduction and their own life cycle, and so a likely reason for them attacking us would be because by infecting us we somehow help them in his. I'm no medical expert, but I have heard of cases like this over my years of service as a language specialist.

Hmph... I don't know much about the biological aspects of these things, but I do find something a bit odd... why would Feynman attack the Captain in a bloodlust? I mean, this seems to imply that Feynman, or whatever possessing him, saw the Captain as a threat and killed him without thought... which should say something about the nature of these creatures. If anything is considered a threat to their... *ugh... reproduction methods, they'll outright kill them. So why haven't we seen any more hostile activity on deck? Unless Feynman's alien wiener only did so because he was alone with the Captain...


True, I suggest we all take quick body scans to see if there is any immediate differences between us, this could point out who may already be infected.

*flashes the crew* Some of you seem to be more effected than others in the weiner department. :devil:

Now back to work! :blush:

We should ask ourselves: what is the mission of the space wieners? How will they accomplish it? By what actions will their goals be achieved?

We would be foolish to assume that they are any less advanced than we are. They may be simple as some of you have proposed, or they may be very advanced and incredibly dangerous. I wouldn't make the mistake of underestimating them, they are obviously capable of controlling our bodies, which to me indicates an intelligence at least equal to ours. That means trouble.

this seems to imply that Feynman, or whatever possessing him, saw the Captain as a threat and killed him without thought... which should say something about the nature of these creatures. If anything is considered a threat

I think this is reasonable thinking, though I wouldn't assume that reproduction is the key, for all we know there are a set number of these things and they just want new bodies to try to infiltrate and take over the ship for some other purpose. Going after the Captain could indicate a realisation that he was a threat because of his position, or simply because he was there at the time.

I would like to assign the appropriate crew member to guard me at night, as it seems likely that a takeover of this sort would be aimed at upper staff first, and at this point, that's me. I count on your protection and will do all I can to use my own abilities to see us through this dire situation.

I would like to assign the appropriate crew member to guard me at night, as it seems likely that a takeover of this sort would be aimed at upper staff first, and at this point, that's me. I count on your protection and will do all I can to use my own abilities to see us through this dire situation.

I actually think that's quite a bad idea, for if you assign the wrong person they could get you in your sleep.

I think this is reasonable thinking, though I wouldn't assume that reproduction is the key, for all we know there are a set number of these things and they just want new bodies to try to infiltrate and take over the ship for some other purpose. Going after the Captain could indicate a realisation that he was a threat because of his position, or simply because he was there at the time.

I would like to assign the appropriate crew member to guard me at night, as it seems likely that a takeover of this sort would be aimed at upper staff first, and at this point, that's me. I count on your protection and will do all I can to use my own abilities to see us through this dire situation.

You think they are intelligent enough to make a decision like that? Attacking because of rank? That would, again, imply more about their nature. Do they assimilate the personality and knowledge of those possessed? Moreover, are we assuming that these things have already infiltrated us or are there people on deck shuffling about with murderous intentions...? Then again, none of the crew seems to be acting out of the ordinary, so I suppose this must be the case.

I agree, we should definitely have someone stand guard. I'd volunteer myself, but my area of expertise isn't exactly suited for an alien attacker. Who does have the proper skills?

Yeech, this whole thing gives me the creeps! This certainly wasn't what I signed on for.

I actually think that's quite a bad idea, for if you assign the wrong person they could get you in your sleep.

Oh, jeez! That's true. Good point.

I actually think that's quite a bad idea

And you wonder why your last three reviews have all been stamped "unsuitable for further promotion at this time." :hmpf:

if you assign the wrong person they could get you in your sleep.

The wrong person can't be assigned, I am simply putting out the message that the right person needs to assume that position this evening, and I have no doubt that such a person exists. In the process, they are likely to gather information that may lead us to identifying anyone who may be infected and trying to further their evil plans by attacking me, the most likely next target if this is indeed an intelligent species.

I would also like to think that one us will devise a method to determine if a member of the crew is infected or not and would be happy to submit myself to the first examination (and even periodic reexaminations, if necessary).

Maybe we should only sleep in groups of three or more for now?

Don't put me with the Pumpkin guy though, I might get a bit peckish during the evening. Don't need an interpreter to tell if I am nibbling your face!

Well if anyone needs me I will be running some diagnostics on the reactor, perhaps the Evil killer bratwurst's don't like the radiation levels down there....

You think they are intelligent enough to make a decision like that? Attacking because of rank? That would, again, imply more about their nature. Do they assimilate the personality and knowledge of those possessed?

It seems likely. My grandmother the Admiral used to speak of the Great Bologna Wars and how the enemy would attempt to hide in sandwiches in order to trick their victims into ingesting them voluntarily. They were a crafty enemy that specifically targeted officers and it was only through the invocation of code 42a13 subsection D, paragraph 14, and I quote "All sandwiches served to ranking command officers will henceforth be grilled to the point of searing prior to serving" and the associated Sandwich Grilling Requirements of 2032 that they were finally defeated. You can ask the chefs, they know the rules well and have already taken measures removing all sausage like foods from the menu. For some reason, all of our most dangerous enemies have come in the form of meat, unbelievably intelligent and crafty meat.

I agree, we should definitely have someone stand guard. I'd volunteer myself, but my area of expertise isn't exactly suited for an alien attacker. Who does have the proper skills?

Flamethrower. I'm thinking that should do the trick. I guess a blaster set on nuke would do it as well. I wonder if they plump when you cook 'em?

Yeech, this whole thing gives me the creeps! This certainly wasn't what I signed on for.

I'm sorry this hasn't turned out to be the tea party you expected. Welcome to the real world of space exploration.

So, infection theories aside, what do we do now? Should we randomly convict someone, based off of almost no evidence at all, or should we wait until tomorrow? Thankfully, I don't believe that anyone will die suddenly in the night if we don't, so I think we should stick with the second option. What does everyone else think?

I don't know if we should convict or not. But why don't we try locking everyone up in in jail cells and give them there own key, so they can only get in and out. This would only be if we don't convict as it means no-one will die.

Err... I don't think it works that way. Besides, do we even have jail cells? I thought that this was a scouting vessel, not a battleship.

Was it not stated that, if no one was given a majority vote, there would be no ejection on that day? I say we wait for interesting evidence to appear, and simply delay the voting for a later date. I'm not too comfortable with the idea of taking a life on a whim right now.

Oh great, looks like the Captain's gone and got himself into a rather large spot of bother. This reminds me of the time he visited that brothel on Eroticon VI, except, of course there weren't any viral bratwursts or dead bodies that time.

Oh. Right! Varax Fraa here, reporting, Lt. Commander Antares. Sorry I got here late, we wouldn't want to go jetting ourselves off into a star or black hole now, would we?

I'd say this infection is from the last planet we visited, you should probably check what the hell that thing was doing on the ship, see if there's any records on that planet and it's Fauna, although I doubt it. Those blasted Space Agency twats never actually bothered to check anything out.

I would also like to think that one us will devise a method to determine if a member of the crew is infected or not and would be happy to submit myself to the first examination (and even periodic reexaminations, if necessary).

My xenobiologist experience will be most suited to this task. If any one wants me i'll be in the isolation lab most of the night.

I say we wait for interesting evidence to appear, and simply delay the voting for a later date. I'm not too comfortable with the idea of taking a life on a whim right now.

I agree, no need jumping to conclusions, lets wait until we get some substantial evidence.

My xenobiologist experience will be most suited to this task. If any one wants me i'll be in the isolation lab most of the night.

I agree, no need jumping to conclusions, lets wait until we get some substantial evidence.

I too agree, lets not remove anyone tonight unless some proper evidence comes up, right now I feel like a goldfish with this bowl on my head and all the heat of you guys around me. :tongue:

Fair enough. I agree, lets not get rid of anyone tonight!

I'm afraid we're going about this wrong. Who cares what the wienies motives are. Only one creature knows that, and that's the wienies, and the chances that they're going to tell us is slim. The thing we should be focusing on is STOPPING them. That means gathering as much information as we can. I've already started to formulate who the winie infested baddies are. Just look for little things. Motive won't help us find them, actions that they take will.

Taking a life, especially via airlock, seems really... disturbing to me. I think it's a little bit of a brash thing to do, especially so early in this crisis. Besides, I'm sure we all have something to contribute to routing out this infection, so let's take advantage of it... while we still can.

All this talk of infection and ejection makes me wanna... *reaches for barf bag*

Well if anyone needs me I will be running some diagnostics on the reactor, perhaps the Evil killer bratwurst's don't like the radiation levels down there....

I think you should take someone with you. Engofi or DAVE because of the radiation levels.

The reactor core is a dangerous target for the infected, there's a chance they can sabotage it.

I think you should take someone with you. Engofi or DAVE because of the radiation levels.

The reactor core is a dangerous target for the infected, there's a chance they can sabotage it.

I can go down, radiation does not affect my alien body and I have my goldfish bowl to keep me even more safe.

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