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Are these creatures capable of biting through the protective clothing or has that not been determined yet?

They're space wieners. They don't do much.

Nothing to be ashamed of, my friend, carving pumpkins is a highly celebrated tradition on some parts of the third planet from my sun (Earth, if you are familiar with it). My research has lead me to believe that pumpkins have actually descended from your planet and somehow ended up on Earth.

You carve his descendents! You monster! :oh:

I kid, I kid. I grew up on earth myself, I'm a halloween fan myself. I only stopped dressing up when the parents stopped giving my candy at the age of 22.

And forgive me if I seem unsensitive, but I'd rather that we seperate emotions from figuring this out. It seems that whenever there's a death that everyone is shocked, but really, it's not the dead we have to worry about, it's the living.

Are you saying that you are immune to infections? According to my research, robots... excuse me, androids can, in fact be affected by sickness or the will of nature. Rust, for example, is the mirror of flesh-eating diseases of humans.

I am made of advanced alloys. I do not 'rust', like your iron or steel of old. However, I do not do well being submerged in water.

Or a big electrical shock. These are not fun.

As a language specialist I feel completely helpless in our current situation. It is clear these strange "space wieners" have no intention of communicating with us, but rather just to wipe us out. Oh the horror!

May the soul of our dear captain rest in peace; he died alerting us to this problem, and we will remember him for all the good times. I do not know what will happen to our expedition now, but we definitely need to smoke out these aliens quickly before anything worse happens around here. We cannot let our mission be endangered.

Perhaps these 'Space Wieners' just want us to leave them alone?

But I've probable just watched to many horror movies.

Yes. My lack of lungs mean I am most well suited to the task.

But you could pass on the disease to us. Even if you yourself dont get infected since you dont have lungs.

I'm going back to my computer friends unless you folk are going to make us breakfast. That troll looking fellow and Angry Ivan the Wrestler can cook us up some grub, right?

And just what makes ya think i'm a wrestler aye? Well........ I am but thats beside the point. :tongue:

I'll whip somethin' up without wieners lads. Don't worry. :wink:

They're space wieners. They don't do much.

Are you blind, stuipid, Or both? :wacko:

Have you not seen what they have done? If they can take over a person then the host does whatever they want so it wont matter if you're in a suit or not if the guy next to you is infected! :hmpf:

I'm surrounded by bloody idiots!

But you could pass on the disease to us. Even if you yourself dont get infected since you dont have lungs.

But I can undergo far more rigorous disinfection precautions than your fragile body can.

Have you not seen what they have done? If they can take over a person then the host does whatever they want so it wont matter if you're in a suit or not if the guy next to you is infected! :hmpf:

May I pose a question?

Why are we so convinced that this is a 'infection' that you can catch like any other simple disease? Have we seen any evidence of this? If this was an infection given to you by the local fauna, why would it be found lying next to the body of the infected?

Post edited for 'flora' to 'fauna'

Ash, Bishop, now Dave.

You stay away from me Dave. You just stay away, ok?

Just kidding Dave. So far, you seem like a decent artificial life form. But if you refer to yourself once as Johnny 5, I'm going to demonstrate how strong I really am!

And I think that angry guy is right. We need to be infected/taken over/posessed by these xenomorphic sausages.

I am made of advanced alloys. I do not 'rust', like your iron or steel of old. However, I do not do well being submerged in water.

Or a big electrical shock. These are not fun.

But you still have a potential of becoming infected by this unknown disease, correct?

Why are we so convinced that this is a 'infection' that you can catch like any other simple disease? Have we seen any evidence of this? If this was an infection given to you by the local fauna, why would it be found lying next to the body of the infected?

Why? Because he was researching it, a very wise decision. It is unfortunate that he did not foresee the consequences. He was infected because the security cameras have told us so. One does not just charge at an ally for no reason. He was infected. A virus. A disease. The predicament that we are currently in requires us to get rid of anyone infected already before it spreads through the whole ship.

But you still have a potential of becoming infected by this unknown disease, correct?

Why? Because he was researching it, a very wise decision. It is unfortunate that he did not foresee the consequences. He was infected because the security cameras have told us so. One does not just charge at an ally for no reason. He was infected. A virus. A disease. The predicament that we are currently in requires us to get rid of anyone infected already before it spreads through the whole ship.

I don't think the situation we are dealing with is a disease, but rather these strange alien lifeforms are actually bonding with their victims, thus "infecting" them. This is the impression I am getting from the video footage, at least. We cannot, of course, rule out the possibility of a viral disease though, but unless we see more information I am inclined to think that this is a case of a parasite taking over a host, or something of that nature. Any other thoughts, people?

I am unable to see how a viral disease would cause Fenyman to attack the captain like he did. He could perhaps have been driven to madness by pain, but this seems unlikely.

We're asking the wrong questions. It doesn't matter why, or what the infection is, if you will, is, but how to eradicate it, so we can save ourselves.

And I think that angry guy is right. We need to be infected/taken over/posessed by these xenomorphic sausages.

Of course I am. :tongue:

But you still have a potential of becoming infected by this unknown disease, correct?

Why? Because he was researching it, a very wise decision. It is unfortunate that he did not foresee the consequences. He was infected because the security cameras have told us so. One does not just charge at an ally for no reason. He was infected. A virus. A disease. The predicament that we are currently in requires us to get rid of anyone infected already before it spreads through the whole ship.

Indeed, Or if you idiots prefer we could keep going around in circles untill we're all dead. :hmpf:

I don't think the situation we are dealing with is a disease, but rather these strange alien lifeforms are actually bonding with their victims, thus "infecting" them. This is the impression I am getting from the video footage, at least. We cannot, of course, rule out the possibility of a viral disease though, but unless we see more information I am inclined to think that this is a case of a parasite taking over a host, or something of that nature. Any other thoughts, people?

I doubt its viral, Not sure how the uninfected become infected? Unless the parasites are reproducing with themselves and then infecting the uninfected? :look:

I am unable to see how a viral disease would cause Fenyman to attack the captain like he did. He could perhaps have been driven to madness by pain, but this seems unlikely.

Agh! Its not a viral disease its a freakin' living, breathing, smart sausagealien that takes over the human body and uses it as a "host" :hmpf:

We're asking the wrong questions. It doesn't matter why, or what the infection is, if you will, is, but how to eradicate it, so we can save ourselves.

You're right. All we need to know is (for now) get rid of these things! Shoot first ask questions later! :tongue:

I think its pretty obvious the local fauna hitches a ride inside a person. Now we have two course of recruiting more infected people. One is that after a certain time incubating the evil sausages will burst out of an orifice somewhere and infect a new crewmate. Or there is a finite number of killer spacy sausages on board and we will have to pick them off one day at a time to decrease their numbers!

It is also obvious that the infected people are doing strange things that should make them a little easier to identify.

The best way to remove the bodies is to seal off the section of the ship and open it to the outer vacuum. Once everything has been sucked out we can use the area again.

Well Im sure these are parasites not a form of disease so it is possible the sausage things could climb into your circuit's android. However I am sure you would automatically kill the parasites. :thumbup:

It seem's the parasite's jump out of the body as it begins to shut down meaning if someone possibly had a heart attack the little sausage would escape from the body. :thumbup:

Well for one maybe we should close this section off till we decide what to do with the bodies.

I'll whip somethin' up without wieners lads. Don't worry. :wink:

Yes, from here-on out, all wieners, sausages and meaty sticks of any kind are off the menu.

So instead, have some crunchy moonbugs! Yummy! :grin:

Yes, from here-on out, all wieners, sausages and meaty sticks of any kind are off the menu.

Should keep some of the casanova's from bothering you ladies :grin:

So now what? I think it's safe to speculate that Dave is probably the only one of us who can't be infected traditionally, though we can't be certain that he isn't the mastermind behind the whole thing, setting the stage for an invasion of weiners for some bizarre reason... Well, you never know, but overall, I'm willing to trust him. The rest of you, who knows?

I do think it would be wise to pay careful attention to the activity level of the crew. Infected persons are probably going to try to maintain a low profile and try to do their dirty deeds when we aren't looking, like during rest periods.

Should keep some of the casanova's from bothering you ladies :grin:

That's right, there will be no fraternizing amongst the crew, aside from the married ones, of course. Matter of fact, the married ones should be engaging in additional fraternizing just to make up for the rest of us. Assuming they aren't infected. Oh, just carry on! :sceptic:

So now what? I think it's safe to speculate that Dave is probably the only one of us who can't be infected traditionally,

Nope, these sausages are weird so he could get infected, plus I think 1 more person on this ship can't get the parasite. I will let you figure who it is for yourself.

Nope, these sausages are weird so he could get infected, plus I think 1 more person on this ship can't get the parasite. I will let you figure who it is for yourself.

You realise they can probably get through helmets too? (Assuming you mean yourself. :wink: )

Nope, these sausages are weird so he could get infected, plus I think 1 more person on this ship can't get the parasite. I will let you figure who it is for yourself.

Are you talking about Mr. Pumpkin Head? It's totally possible, but somehow I don't think any one of us is immune to the parasites. :sceptic:

I do have to agree with Lt. Cmdr. Antares about keeping an eye on the silent ones. Those who don't speak often have the most to hide. Consider that an old Aprahanti wisdom. :wink:

Edna, be careful, don't get too close! We don't know how this thing spreads yet, best to be cautious.

Of course... I'd hoped there was some chance they could still be alive :sad:

If proximity is an issue I'd lik to begin some medical checks on those who were closest to the scene. Commander Antares, as senior officer I'd like to start with you if you'll allow me.

Also, I fear that Dave's synthetic, non-infectible nature makes him a target for these organisms. Maybe we should make sure there's a security detail attached to him?

If meats off the menu then maybe that's for the best... these aren't the of sausages I'd like inside me anyway!

Of course... I'd hoped there was some chance they could still be alive :sad:

If proximity is an issue I'd lik to begin some medical checks on those who were closest to the scene. Commander Antares, as senior officer I'd like to start with you if you'll allow me.

We will also have to give medical checks to Varax Fraa, Michael Sheridan and Engofi Cheipo.

Hey everyone, I have heard the alarm and came rushing over as soon as I can. I have placed our ship, autopliot for now, but I believed noone is able to mess around with the navigation controls easily.

Reading through some of your analysis, and it appears everyone of us has done a fair bit of analysis, and it doesn't matter whether we are facing what kind of reasoning, but we can safely assumed that this new parasite is very dangerous and capable of taking over the ship unknowingly.

I remember very clearly, there was a human movie known as "The Faculty", which recall the exact same scenes like what we are facing and I strongly believe this could be just being replayed at this very moment. Don't know if anyone has watched this before.

The infected ones are the ones that work in the dark and infect us, and probably they could be a few of us being infected right now. We don't know for sure "who" and "how many" but appartently their symptoms could be easily identified at night, but I couldn't want to take a risk to let all of us isolate from each other. Preferably, letting each other know or at least the Commander and Security Chief to log our whereabouts and movements. Since there is no firm way to determine whom is being infected, the rule of thumb could be throwing the possible infected ones being thrown into the airlock.

Since I can't edit my posts, I will reflect a meaningful quote from the movie,

The aliens who take over the school do so by injecting a parasitic organism into the ear, which takes over the brain and creates what appears to be a different version of the person - one that desires to spread the parasite as much as it can. The faculty sends the entire student body to the nurse one by one for ear inspections, where they are taken over.
You realise they can probably get through helmets too? (Assuming you mean yourself. :wink: )

Actually I mean't La'h'Rok the reactor chief, now that I think about it though, he could easily be infected by the parasite.

Maybe Dr. Feynman's research into the creature might help us learn more about its diet as well as methods of infection. I assume his lab is not under quarantine?

Preferably, letting each other know or at least the Commander and Security Chief to log our whereabouts and movements.

While I agree that it would be good for them to know, there is still the possibility of them being infected themselves.

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