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Was it not stated that, if no one was given a majority vote, there would be no ejection on that day?

Yes it was. But if we don't take a chance, we're giving the infected the upper hand.

But I suppose we don't have any evidence to do that today, so let's just wait until tomorrow for answers.

I'm afraid we're going about this wrong. Who cares what the wienies motives are. Only one creature knows that, and that's the wienies, and the chances that they're going to tell us is slim. The thing we should be focusing on is STOPPING them. That means gathering as much information as we can. I've already started to formulate who the winie infested baddies are. Just look for little things. Motive won't help us find them, actions that they take will.

There you go. Enough of of these theories, it doesn't matter what the infectious aliens are thinking, what matters is us stopping them.

So then what's our plan of action? Are we going to wait it out tonight, or is there anything we can accomplish before the first day ends?

Well let's all tell each other who and why people are suspicous of someone.

I for one am suspicous of Darkness Falls, he seems like he really dosn't want anyone to be convicted today, he said "we all have something to contribute to routing out this infection" and that to me seems like he is just trying to say it isn't his fault that he was infected by the weiners.

Edited by Eskallon

Well let's all tell each other who and why people are suspicous of someone.

I for one am suspicous of Darkness Falls, he seems like he really dosn't want anyone to be convicted today, he said "we all have something to contribute to routing out this infection" and that to me seems like he is just trying to say it isn't his fault that he was infected by the weiners.

Whoa, whoa! I didn't say I didn't want anyone convicted today- unless convicting someone means we need to shoot them out of the airlock without question. That's just a little harsh!

And to tell you the truth, I can't make heads or tails of what you're trying to say in your second statement. What I was saying is that we all have specific talents- though, I'll admit, I'm just a maintenance guy, I don't have much to contribute- that could help glean more into the nature of these weiners and possibly halt this infection for good.

Whoa, whoa! I didn't say I didn't want anyone convicted today- unless convicting someone means we need to shoot them out of the airlock without question. That's just a little harsh!

And to tell you the truth, I can't make heads or tails of what you're trying to say in your second statement. What I was saying is that we all have specific talents- though, I'll admit, I'm just a maintenance guy, I don't have much to contribute- that could help glean more into the nature of these weiners and possibly halt this infection for good.

Well, good explaining, I now feel You are not so bad. Maybe you arn't one of the infected.

Dont worry, I also suspect other's and you just seemed to stick out like a sore thumb.

Well let's all tell each other who and why people are suspicous of someone.

I for one am suspicous of Darkness Falls, he seems like he really dosn't want anyone to be convicted today, he said "we all have something to contribute to routing out this infection" and that to me seems like he is just trying to say it isn't his fault that he was infected by the weiners.

Not that I want to go defending someone I don't really know but I think he means he doesnt want to kill anyone without proof. :look:

I could be wrong though but thats just what I thought he said.

Id like to join the Non-infected if that is ok.

Wrong topic mate :wacko: , This is for players only. And everyone has already been chosen and if you had signed up and got chosen you can't decide what side you're on anyway. :wink:

Well, good explaining, I now feel You are not so bad. Maybe you arn't one of the infected.

Dont worry, I also suspect other's and you just seemed to stick out like a sore thumb.

Just because he talked his way out that means he's no longer on your "weenie list"? *huh*

Well that's certainly fool proof eh.

Pardon my late arrival everyone. I wish I had a better excuse, but I was just trashed last night and had to sleep off a pretty nasty hangover here...

:wacko: *Points to floor*

NOOO!! Not Cap'n Fawking...? We must not let these sausage scum infect the whole crew! I hope they don't do any damage to the ship... :look:

Oh crap. None of this is good. We do have another captain don't we?

As a language specialist I feel completely helpless in our current situation. It is clear these strange "space wieners" have no intention of communicating with us, but rather just to wipe us out. Oh the horror!

May the soul of our dear captain rest in peace; he died alerting us to this problem, and we will remember him for all the good times. I do not know what will happen to our expedition now, but we definitely need to smoke out these aliens quickly before anything worse happens around here. We cannot let our mission be endangered.

Space wieners? You mean nerds in plaid pants with pocket protectors? Let us turn their underpants into hoods! :devil:

Smoked wieners? What an intriguing concept.

As a trained space security guard, I suggest we remain alert but not alarmed. Let's not split up when wandering the corridors, perform lonely searches for Jonesy the ship's cat, and if at breakfast you see a sausage wriggling amongst your bacon and eggs, shoot to kill and immediately summon a security officer!

I am also oddly intrigued by the prospect of smoking wieners. Where is Jonesy anyway?

I would not be too sure about airborne infection. But then again, I'm an android. I don't breathe anyway. What do I care?

Hmmm...Airborne wieners seem highly unlikely to me.

Oh my. This is terrible. Blah blah blah. We all say the same thing everytime.

I think we should looking at the facts right away, right? That android fellow can't be infected for a start, right, since he's not a flesh being? Actually, that's all I can think of right now...

I'm going back to my computer friends unless you folk are going to make us breakfast. That troll looking fellow and Angry Ivan the Wrestler can cook us up some grub, right?

Callous about the deaths of two righteous dudes is not cool, lady. Perhaps you shouldn't put such a huge target on yourself. Perhaps alien-infected people don't show the same emotions we other life forms do. Perhaps the cool demeanor towards the death of our comrades is a clue that this little lady has a wiener stuck in her somewhere.

And what do you mean every time? How often do we find dead bodies around here? I don't remember it happening much...but I do drink a lot. :blush:

I think its pretty obvious the local fauna hitches a ride inside a person. Now we have two course of recruiting more infected people. One is that after a certain time incubating the evil sausages will burst out of an orifice somewhere and infect a new crewmate. Or there is a finite number of killer spacy sausages on board and we will have to pick them off one day at a time to decrease their numbers!

It is also obvious that the infected people are doing strange things that should make them a little easier to identify.

The best way to remove the bodies is to seal off the section of the ship and open it to the outer vacuum. Once everything has been sucked out we can use the area again.

But what behaviors shall we look for? The only odd behavior the camera shows is killing someone. And that's what we're discussing doing right now, voting someone to death... it'll be hard to find our wieners that way. I agree with your vacuum-sucking wiener idea. If there are any more little wieners in here, the vaccuum will suck them out to space, where they'll shrivel up and die from lack of oxygen, that is-if they breathe oxygen.

So now what? I think it's safe to speculate that Dave is probably the only one of us who can't be infected traditionally, though we can't be certain that he isn't the mastermind behind the whole thing, setting the stage for an invasion of weiners for some bizarre reason... Well, you never know, but overall, I'm willing to trust him. The rest of you, who knows?

That makes him the most likely to "go Ash" on us, spewing white gunk all over and freaking the freak out, you know? If one of our crew was to snap and go all serial killer, the android could be it. Unless he's a newer Bishop model...

I remember very clearly, there was a human movie known as "The Faculty", which recall the exact same scenes like what we are facing and I strongly believe this could be just being replayed at this very moment. Don't know if anyone has watched this before.

Why are you all so obsessed with Earth media? Why there's plenty of other great art in the galaxy to compare our situation to. Why there's a passion play on the moons of Xanthorbratan that portrays the origins of their religion when a space wiener infected the brain of a moon crater hermit and taught the starving people how to create moon-muffins from poisonous moon toad stools. In the end the wiener falls out and descends into the heavens while the hermit falls to the ground a lifeless husk of a Xanthorbratian host.

Hmph... I don't know much about the biological aspects of these things, but I do find something a bit odd... why would Feynman attack the Captain in a bloodlust? I mean, this seems to imply that Feynman, or whatever possessing him, saw the Captain as a threat and killed him without thought... which should say something about the nature of these creatures. If anything is considered a threat to their... *ugh... reproduction methods, they'll outright kill them. So why haven't we seen any more hostile activity on deck? Unless Feynman's alien wiener only did so because he was alone with the Captain...


Good point you guy there. Perhaps this transient wiener is so intelligent it absorbs the knowledge of the host and uses what it knows about our crew to sabotage our resources. Perhaps my hotty lady Shadows person, who I happen to be madly in love with, is right. The wieners may go after a security guard tonight. We should all keep our guns aimed for wieners.

You think they are intelligent enough to make a decision like that? Attacking because of rank? That would, again, imply more about their nature.

As I just said, yes. They did go after the captain first, right? They must be able to use the information in the brain of the host to decide who among us is important enough to kill. So while some wieners will infect others at night, other wieners might be out to kill us...

So, infection theories aside, what do we do now? Should we randomly convict someone, based off of almost no evidence at all, or should we wait until tomorrow? Thankfully, I don't believe that anyone will die suddenly in the night if we don't, so I think we should stick with the second option. What does everyone else think?

There does not seem to be enough evidence to convict anyone at this point, although Ada appears suspiciously crass towards the value of human life...

Err... I don't think it works that way. Besides, do we even have jail cells? I thought that this was a scouting vessel, not a battleship.

Well, every vessel has cells in case aggressive species are encountered or in case of space madness or a rebelling worker. Duh. :wacko: Everybody knows that.

Well let's all tell each other who and why people are suspicous of someone.

I for one am suspicous of Darkness Falls, he seems like he really dosn't want anyone to be convicted today, he said "we all have something to contribute to routing out this infection" and that to me seems like he is just trying to say it isn't his fault that he was infected by the weiners.

Perhaps he is hinting to us that he has some sort of special ability to help our journey that he can only use at night, some sort of night action perhaps. If this is what he's hinting at, perhaps it would be best to not kill him...

We do have another captain don't we?

I'm all we've got, and that usually seems to be enough for you, at least I don't recall any complaints.

Space wieners? You mean nerds in plaid pants with pocket protectors? Let us turn their underpants into hoods! :devil:

If only it was a matter of finding the one with the d96 in his pocket... *looks over at the pumpkin*

I am also oddly intrigued by the prospect of smoking wieners.

You've always been a little too interested in weiners for my liking. :sceptic:

Perhaps my hotty lady Shadows person, who I happen to be madly in love with, is right.

What was I ever thinking? :hmpf:

I'm all we've got, and that usually seems to be enough for you, at least I don't recall any complaints.

Well, my lady love doth over-estimate her own importance. There is a pilot left to fly the ship, yes and that's not you. That's all I was asking. I'm just happy wer're not drifting aimlessly through space.

It's a good thing I'm fascinated by wieners, honey. For your sake anyway...

It's a good thing I'm fascinated by wieners, honey. For your sake anyway...

Um, oh dear, not this again. :look: I would say we'd all be happy to leave you both alone together as per the usual, but this really isn't the time...

Well, my lady love doth over-estimate her own importance. There is a pilot left to fly the ship, yes and that's not you.

The Captain didn't fly the ship either. :hmpf:

That's all I was asking. I'm just happy wer're not drifting aimlessly through space.

I wish I could say the same thing about this relationship.

MEN! :angry:

Hey watch it, it's my job to navigate this tub across this blasted vacuum. But no one thanks the Navigator anyway. Hmmph.

As for the Wieners why don't we just take the good ol' ways of hunting witches... I mean... Mafia... No wait it's viral organisms this time? Wow, time flies, unlike this waste of metal. Why don't we just tie stones to their legs and throw them into water? No... Wait, there is no water. I just can't have any fun round here can I?

Well, seriously though, restricting crew movements is an alright idea, but no one goes alone, we don't want to leave an infected person in an important area of the ship. Everyone should be accompanied by at least 2 others, spreads out the odds good. Now I think the Security chief probably has better ideas than me, it's his job isn't it?

I think you should take someone with you. Engofi or DAVE because of the radiation levels.

The reactor core is a dangerous target for the infected, there's a chance they can sabotage it.

Those Snags will have to get through me before I allow the marshmallow reactor to fail! If you woul like to come for a tour sometimes I can show you how the toasting process give the ship enough power to jump to warp 7.

I can go down

Enough said, oh wait there appears to be more, sorry I occasionally have trouble understanding these commas

, radiation does not affect my alien body and I have my goldfish bowl to keep me even more safe.

You appear to have a very special ability indeed then, are you per chance growing any far out funky radiation gorgonzola flowers in your hydroponics garden? I am quite partial to those, though they tend to send humans into a form of Space Madness

I'm all we've got, and that usually seems to be enough for you, at least I don't recall any complaints.

Mam, your insignia appears to be pointing the wrong way.

Well, my lady love doth over-estimate her own importance. There is a pilot left to fly the ship, yes and that's not you. That's all I was asking. I'm just happy wer're not drifting aimlessly through space.

It's a good thing I'm fascinated by wieners, honey. For your sake anyway...

Shall I divert some of the reactor power to your suite so you may parade around pantsless?

MEN! :angry:

Speaking of Space Madness!

All non human species are invited to my reactor room for some chucken pot pie, boiled football leather, ice cream bars and gorganzolo flowers!

Every question, worry, comment, rant ect... comes back to the same thing. We (at the moment) have no way of figuring out whos infected and whos not-infected. I for one hate waiting around doing nothing while these wieners take over but I think by tomorrow we should have atleast some real evidence besides wild accusations of people being to quiet or saying crazy $%@#. :wacko::sceptic:

All non human species are invited to my reactor room for some chucken pot pie, boiled football leather, ice cream bars and gorganzolo flowers!

Yay! Chucken pot pie! :laugh::wink:

I can show you how the toasting process

Lets not..... Go in to that again.

Those Snags will have to get through me before I allow the marshmallow reactor to fail! If you woul like to come for a tour sometimes I can show you how the toasting process give the ship enough power to jump to warp 7.

Toasting Process? Not this again... Just please, watch what you're eating, if they get you, this ship is going nowhere. :look:

Shall I divert some of the reactor power to your suite so you may parade around pantsless?

Just don't think that the camera's won't be on. I'm sure Security will get a kick out of that. :laugh:

All non human species are invited to my reactor room for some chucken pot pie, boiled football leather, ice cream bars and gorganzolo flowers!

As long as theres no wieners. :hmpf_bad:

I'm up for some nice leather, how long has it aged for? :thumbup:

I've been in the Med Bay performing a ship-wide scan for wieners... and reapplying my make-up. The Med Bay scanners have come up with some crazy abnormalities... it appears many of our crew are already infected, but I couldn't get a fix on their exact fix on who. I wouldn't rule out that the equipment has been tampered with...

Pardon my late arrival everyone. I wish I had a better excuse, but I was just trashed last night and had to sleep off a pretty nasty hangover here...

Trashed? You're telling me... I think I left a piece of underwear in your room last night :blush:

Perhaps this transient wiener is so intelligent it absorbs the knowledge of the host and uses what it knows about our crew to sabotage our resources. Perhaps my hotty lady Shadows person, who I happen to be madly in love with, is right. The wieners may go after a security guard tonight.

I agree with you there, these wieners seem intelligent enough to have an agenda and are hostile enough to exerci- Wait!- you're in love with the Lt. now?! You are so fickle! You're just like one of my ex's, Darcy, back on Earth. Look's like I won't be going after a security guard tonight!

Perhaps he is hinting to us that he has some sort of special ability to help our journey that he can only use at night, some sort of night action perhaps. If this is what he's hinting at, perhaps it would be best to not kill him...

That reminds me of one of my ex's on Earth. Marco... now there was a man with real night action... I'd like to see what kind of night action Engofi is capable of, but I'm worried he might have been a little too quick in his accusations against our maintenance man Jad earlier on.

All non human species are invited to my reactor room for some chucken pot pie, boiled football leather, ice cream bars and gorganzolo flowers!

Gorgonzolo flowers? The last time I phnorfed a Gorgon with my ex, Nadia, I awoke three days later: naked, my skin had turned blue and I couldn't stop speaking swahili. I found Nadia in a corner eating some newspaper. She'd turned into a surly llama named Jose - at least that's what the name tag said. It took me ages to come down off that stuff... poor Nadia was never the same :cry_sad:

Mind if I crash your party La'h'Rok? I want to be amongst others when I get off duty... and with the way I feel right now a quick phnorf might sort me out.

Gorgonzolo flowers? The last time I phnorfed a Gorgon with my ex, Nadia, I awoke three days later: naked, my skin had turned blue and I couldn't stop speaking swahili. I found Nadia in a corner eating some newspaper. She'd turned into a surly llama named Jose - at least that's what the name tag said. It took me ages to come down off that stuff... poor Nadia was never the same :cry_sad:

Mind if I crash your party La'h'Rok? I want to be amongst others when I get off duty... and with the way I feel right now a quick phnorf might sort me out.

Whoa- and here I thought I was the only one...

Everybody phnorfs.

I want to be amongst others when I get off duty... and with the way I feel right now a quick phnorf might sort me out.

Given our luck with men, maybe we'd both be better off avoiding any potentially infected weiners. You could always stop by my quarters, though. :wink:

Maybe my accusation was much too quick and more of a misunderstanding.

Oh and I do grow some small plants in my little bedroom but they are the sort people from my planet would eat and most earthling's would puke open eating them. However I have been near to humans nearly all my life with me living with a human family so I don't mind normal earth food.

Given our luck with men, maybe we'd both be better off avoiding any potentially infected weiners. You could always stop by my quarters, though. :wink:

Why, Lieutenant Commander! :blush:

I'd love to... maybe we can talk over some of these strange feelings - oh! - I mean readings I've been getting...?

Well, they say it's always good to have someone to turn to in times of stress, I suppose.

Of course, I would certainly be dispassionate if I was trying to pretend to be a human. That make perfect sense. :hmpf:

I don't think we're going to get anything done today.

While I agree that it would be good for them to know, there is still the possibility of them being infected themselves.

I do agreed that there is a possibility of them being infected, but being them, as high ranking officers with great responsiblities, I really hope that the Lt. Commander and Security chief could do something on our safety.

True, I suggest we all take quick body scans to see if there is any immediate differences between us, this could point out who may already be infected.

I think we have this answer for this question below, from the lovely Nurse Edna.

I've been in the Med Bay performing a ship-wide scan for wieners... and reapplying my make-up. The Med Bay scanners have come up with some crazy abnormalities... it appears many of our crew are already infected, but I couldn't get a fix on their exact fix on who. I wouldn't rule out that the equipment has been tampered with...

This is going to be troublesome since those equipment are down, and we couldn't used it to identify those infected ones. Then again, I am supposed we will have to depend on the gifted ones to perhaps dropping us a hint or two, later in the course of our journey.

Why are you all so obsessed with Earth media? Why there's plenty of other great art in the galaxy to compare our situation to. Why there's a passion play on the moons of Xanthorbratan that portrays the origins of their religion when a space wiener infected the brain of a moon crater hermit and taught the starving people how to create moon-muffins from poisonous moon toad stools. In the end the wiener falls out and descends into the heavens while the hermit falls to the ground a lifeless husk of a Xanthorbratian host.

Michael I thought, as a human like yourself could be proud of something of your own origin, I meant those TV media and ongoing ads? I couldn't want to spend too much time on those media, but sometimes these Earth media movies come with good reference at times. Afterall, all of us are working under the leadership of humans.

Well, even though most of us come from diversify backgrounds and culture, I must suggest that we should overcome our differences and habits in order to co-exist together and blast those infected ones out of the ship.

Wicwa! Come to the kitchen, I need help burning our shipment of wieners. And help cooking the next wiener-free meal. :classic:

Anyone know how many more hours left today? I seem to have lost my watch. :look:

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