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Important: Do not post in the Day threads if you're not a player


Day 2


Late at night Fassin Trevlac woke up from someone requesting entry into his quarters.


Opening the door he was somewhat worried, but invited the stranger in nevertheless.


Except the stranger wasn't there to visit, he was there to kill.


And soon Fassin Trevlac lay dead on the floor.


Elsewhere in the ship 2nd Lt. Eituze was on his way back to his quarters to get some rest before the next voting cycle when he heard someone approaching from behind.


Turning around he saw the stranger had a gun pointed at him already, his quick reflexes wouldn't help him this time.

"Eituze! Prepare to die!"




Satisfied with a job well done the stranger made a quick getaway.

On the morning everyone gathered in the meeting room again, but this time Lt. Cmdr. Susan Antares did not lead. Instead the ship's main computer's avatar Ivanova spoke to them from the screen.


Good morning everyone. I have some bad news, some worse news, and some even worse news.

So let's start with the night's killings. Both of the victims were not-infected.

The worse news, I've discovered that our engine nacelles aren't responding, so we're drifting in space without any manouvering capabilities.

And the final problem we're stuck with: not too far from here lies a Black Hole. So if we don't deal with this Alien Infection soon and fix our engines we'll be sucked into in by it's gravity and die, every last one of us. According to my calculations we have about 1.1 Megaseconds until the black hole's gravitational pull will be too strong for our engines to achieve escape velocity.

This should give us time for just about 11 100 Kilosecond long cycles of voting and rest. (that is, 11 Days, if you don't understand the technobabble :tongue:)


(borrowed from Dragonator :blush:)

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "Day", you will be given 96 real hours in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 48 real hours. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the 48 hours, they will not be counted.

- There are two main sides in the game, not-infected and infected. Your winning criteria is included with your character PM.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- There will be no voting in the first 24 hours of a game Day.

- No unvoting after a conviction has been reached. Do this more than once and you will be killed.

- You may not edit your posts. Do this more than three times and you will be killed.

- Out of character (OOC) posts should be kept in the Discussion thread.

- No metagaming.

- There are no clues in the pictures, so don't look for them.

- Do not post in the Day threads when dead. You're dead, act like it.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a moderator kill. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the General Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I will try my best to stick to the schedule, and your cooperation will help this greatly, particularly getting night actions in promptly.

Voting may start at 18:20 UTC Sunday, 15th of November.

On Day 2 it takes 10 votes to convict.




Lt. Cmdr. Susan Antares played by Shadows


Lt. Varax Fraa, navigator played by Inertia


Specialist Niwrad Selrac, communications played by Black Rabbit


Security chief Michael Sheridan played by Hinckley


Security guard Sarah Ohce played by Sir Dillon


Security guard Barney Vance played by Svelte


Leonard "Leo" Nyer, chief engineer played by Ricecracker


La'h'Rok, reactor chief played by I Scream Clone


Jad Suur, maintenance guy played by Darkness Falls


Engofi Cheipo, hydroponics engineer played by Eskallon


Android S/N: 'AHY6CEF3' (aka DAVE) played by Mr. Mandalorian


Khrum, "the strong guy" played by stash2sixx


Wicwa, alien cook played by Sandy


Ivan "the terrible", human cook played by Darth_Legois


Florentzia Lizar, head of research staff played by jimbutcher


Ada Bergsndot, computer specialist played by Zepher


Ernev Seluj, language specialist played by Dragonator


Dr. Ben Elegnem, head of medical staff played by simonjedi


Nurse Edna Hylris played by pedro

The Dead


2nd Lt. Eituze, pilot played by WhiteFang (not-infected)


Fassin Trevlac, mechanic played by YG-49 (not-infected)

This unbelievable! We've lost all engine power, and our pilot? Not to mention another non-infected... :hmpf_bad:

The way I see it, one of the infected killed one of the victims with a meaning to do so last night, and a non-infected made a terrible mistake. Careful, whoever the non-infected killer is...

And now we only have 11 days to eradicate the infected. The problem is, who are they? Does anyone have any information gathered last night?

Oh, and there goes my theory of someone being infected instead of killed at night.

This unbelievable! We've lost all engine power, and our pilot? Not to mention another non-infected... :hmpf_bad:

The way I see it, one of the infected killed one of the victims with a meaning to do so last night, and a non-infected made a terrible mistake. Careful, whoever the non-infected killer is...

And now we only have 11 days to eradicate the infected. The problem is, who are they? Does anyone have any information gathered last night?

Oh, and there goes my theory of someone being infected instead of killed at night.

Two kills in the first night! I hope your theory is right about the two types of killers, perhaps we can hope to influence the non-infected killer to kill a few infected players. We are going to run out of non-infected personnel soon otherwise and these wiener scum will win!

First thing I note is the us of 'something' and 'someone' as the two killers. Does this mean the first killer isn't human, and the second is? Seems a valid point I think. The first 'something used a knife by the look of it, the second a blaster. Knives could belong to kitchen hands, blasters could belong to security if I am not mistaken.

Any thoughts on who to vote for people?

Oh, My. I was in my lab during the night so unfortunately I didn't hear anything.

I think our main objective is to get the engines working, it wouldn't matter who isn't infected when we are turned in to our component atoms.

Judging from the security cameras, i think the intended target was Fassin, I'm not sure why, although He was scheduled to repair those damaged machines in the medical bay

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First thing I note is the us of 'something' and 'someone' as the two killers.

Ouch, editorial note: That's a typo on my part, it should say "someone" about both killers, I've fixed it now.

Oh my, this is a great loss indeed. :sad:

and the news about the Black Hole makes this all even more terrible. We have to find those dastardly wieners, and fast!

Horrifying news! Two non-infected deaths? At this rate we'll all be dead before enough kilo-wotsits expire and we hit the black hole!

Let's hope the wieners don't possess enough sentience to steer themselves out of the way, so if at least we all die the curse ends here and we don't spread the infection.

*runs around in circles, crying like a little girl*

Ok, deep breath. I'm calm now!

As for the blasters, I'm not sure who has the authority to sign them out. Perhaps our chief of security can inform us of the exact protocols? It may be that someone had an illicit cache of weapons on board, anyhoo.

Oh no, not our dear Pilot! Losing him and the mechanic just as we are informed that the engines are down and there is a black hole approaching really doesn't bode well for our survival. :look: This is starting to sound more and more like one of those nightmare simulations they give us in Space Academy. You know, the ones nobody is ever expected to pass... :cry_sad:

Right, well we won't get out of this mess by crying about it I guess. I'm sure between the rest of us we have enough skills to fix up the engines in time, so our main worry is disposing of the rampaging wieners on board. In terms of the night events, I am tending to agree with Florentzia, it would make the most sense to me if one of the killers was an infected, and the other was either an uninfected who got it wrong, or else someone who is on a different agenda and just wants to kill us all for their own personal gain.

As for the blasters, I'm not sure who has the authority to sign them out. Perhaps our chief of security can inform us of the exact protocols? It may be that someone had an illicit cache of weapons on board, anyhoo.

There is a possiblility that he chief IS infected!

There is a possiblility that he chief IS infected!

There's a possibility that anyone is infected. Unless you want to call her out personally?

Any information would help.

The way I see it, one of the infected killed one of the victims with a meaning to do so last night, and a non-infected made a terrible mistake. Careful, whoever the non-infected killer is...

What a narrow view of the possibilities. There could also be a serial killer and perhaps a non-infected killer who decided not to use their night action. Perhaps you are trying to throw us off the trail of one of the killers? Could you be a serial killer yourself? :look:

What a narrow view of the possibilities. There could also be a serial killer and perhaps a non-infected killer who decided not to use their night action. Perhaps you are trying to throw us off the trail of one of the killers? Could you be a serial killer yourself? :look:

Er, no? I simply giving my point of view and a suggestion of what could have occurred here. I was not stating a fact, nor suggesting that anyone specifically was a night killer. Pointing fingers at me because of my deduction... perhaps you're the one trying to throw the trail off.

With the help of a few others, I will be more than pleased to get the engines online in time to escape the gravitational vortex of the black hole. At least the reactor is still online, don't need to point out what might happen if I was infected, bad times indeed!

Horrifying news! Two non-infected deaths? At this rate we'll all be dead before enough kilo-wotsits expire and we hit the black hole!

Let's hope the wieners don't possess enough sentience to steer themselves out of the way, so if at least we all die the curse ends here and we don't spread the infection.

*runs around in circles, crying like a little girl*

Ok, deep breath. I'm calm now!

As for the blasters, I'm not sure who has the authority to sign them out. Perhaps our chief of security can inform us of the exact protocols? It may be that someone had an illicit cache of weapons on board, anyhoo.

I feel that it is most likely that someone on the security detail for this mission is accountable for the use of blasters on the ship. As for who it is I am lacking in ideas at this stage, anyone wanna put there hand up for signing out blasters?

Right, well we won't get out of this mess by crying about it I guess. I'm sure between the rest of us we have enough skills to fix up the engines in time, so our main worry is disposing of the rampaging wieners on board. In terms of the night events, I am tending to agree with Florentzia, it would make the most sense to me if one of the killers was an infected, and the other was either an uninfected who got it wrong, or else someone who is on a different agenda and just wants to kill us all for their own personal gain.

I only cry gatorade, so that wont help bring these poor killed souls back.

What a narrow view of the possibilities. There could also be a serial killer and perhaps a non-infected killer who decided not to use their night action. Perhaps you are trying to throw us off the trail of one of the killers? Could you be a serial killer yourself? :look:

Damn, a serial killer on board, or worse, a Flying Pumpkin That Shoots Laser Beams Out Of Its megablocks. Looks like Lucy Ernev Seluj has some splainin to do.

Well I tend to get a bit hungry when faced with impending doom. I could sure go for some Chucken pot pie right about now, anyone else?

Damn, a serial killer on board, or worse, a Flying Pumpkin That Shoots Laser Beams Out Of Its megablocks. Looks like Lucy Ernev Seluj has some splainin to do.

For the last time, just because my skin tone makes me look remarkably like an earthly vegetable and my cradle occasionally lets out sparks is no reason for you all to keep calling me that, it's so demeaning. :cry_sad: I guess cracking jokes at the flying head is one way to relief the stress of the situation, but still...

Er, no? I simply giving my point of view and a suggestion of what could have occurred here. I was not stating a fact, nor suggesting that anyone specifically was a night killer. Pointing fingers at me because of my deduction... perhaps you're the one trying to throw the trail off.

Security's my job there, dude. Don't take offense.

Security's my job there, dude. Don't take offense.

I was being defensive. Tensions are high, and I don't appreciate you suggest that I am infected.

While it resulted in 2 losses, we did at least learn that there may be some hope for us in the form of a night killer, as I can't imagine the infected having 2. That said, I would ask that the crewmember who made the unfortunate mistake last night attempt to be more careful in the future, we can't afford to lose non-infected crew that way. Actually, I would appreciate having a private word with them before they do that again, if they feel secure enough to do so.

Did any of you learn anything in the night?

...I... I guess I should get to work on those engines. I'll try my best to help.

This is insane- I can't believe this is happening. And this crew, heck, this ship... you all seemed so nice during orientation day! The threat of murder OR death by black hole... yeech!

The stab wound, did it go deep through the victim? That would imply that it's something a little bigger than a kitchen knife.

Hey Im here what's happened. oh.

There are 2 dead and they were both un-infrcted, we need to convict today. Also I would think the chef has big knives that are able to cut up our alien foods.

Oh dear. It seems we've lost our pilot. I've spent ages trying to see if i can be any use piloting this crate and if there's any way we can possibly divert ourselves from the current course, but unfortunately, I was never trained as a pilot. :thumbdown::cry_sad:

I think that the Security Detail would need checking, but its more than likely some people have their own weapons on them, we do have regulation weapons, I thought? This is the exact reason WHY we have those blasters, unfortunately, I don't think those drill sergeants back at the Academy would have ever thought of a ship being attacked by Space Wieners! :hmpf_bad:

As for Knives, it could be the Medical Detail, they have scalpels and other such pointy objects. But I'm not sure we should go and play the blame game, lets look at this logically, if there was a break in at the Armory yesterday, aren't there Security cameras?

As for the machinery, I'm not really surprised at the Infected's actions here, they're crippling the ship! We have no pilot or chief mechanic. This is a grave situation indeed.

I'm out of ideas. Anyone like to add anything?

I'm afraid we're not being given any alternative but to play a bit of the blame game.

Clearly, these weiners came aboard in a way that allowed them to blend with their environment and lie in wait for the right time to attack us. That makes it seem like they were in the food. We have dead bodies and one clearly knifed. I'm looking very strongly at our chefs at this point.

If we are given no further information to go on, we have to take some form of action or we can expect more death in the night. Lack of action last night, while understandable given the circumstances, cost us considerably. We can't continue to lose crew like that without at least putting up a fight, and given the limited time we have, we aren't going to be able to just wait around.

Someone should have been able to do some investigating last night, we need to hear from you if we are to have any chance to defeat this meaty menace.

We need to formulate some course of action soon. Our only leads thus far are the murder weapons and the victims. The weapons we have discussed thus far. The victims on the other hand are presumably chosen for strategic value, and strategically speaking I am going to assume the person who killed Eituze was the Infected murderer as the Pilot make a lot of sense to kill. The death of the ships mechanic seems like a good target for murder but tactically speaking not as important as the pilot.

So I think we need to play the blame game on the second killer first to try and deduce who would have access to blasters on board the ship.

Suspects that have easy access to blasters are

Security chief Michael Sheridan

Security guard Sarah Ohce

and Security guard Barney Vance.

This indeed a tricky proposition and by no means a correct deduction.

Agh, What a terrible night! :hmpf_bad:

Also about me and my fellow chef Wicwa being accused of murdering someone just because we have access to knives if bullplop. :hmpf:

I need a nap... I will add further comments later.

As for Knives, it could be the Medical Detail, they have scalpels and other such pointy objects. But I'm not sure we should go and play the blame game, lets look at this logically, if there was a break in at the Armory yesterday, aren't there Security cameras?

I was in the lab all night and all medical equiptment was accounted for. Only Myself, Edna and Susan have access to the medical area.

Ohhh! Not again! And two non-infected shipmates too... I don't just don't know who to trust anymore! :cry_sad:

Suspects that have easy access to blasters are

Security chief Michael Sheridan

Security guard Sarah Ohce

and Security guard Barney Vance.

And let's not forget Lt. Cmdr. Antares. She has access to our blasters too and strangely wasn't present this morning. She was also closest to the scene when our Captain was murdered, could she have been infected? It puts us all in a dangerously prone position if she is! Add to that she was disappointingly absent from her quarters when I called by last night. Shame... I wore my beautiful new cocktail dress too.

I was in the lab all night and all medical equiptment was accounted for. Only Myself, Edna and Susan have access to the medical area.

Fassin's wounds are much larger than could be inflicted with our medical instruments - especially a scalpel. No, there's no doubt this was a long bladed weapon. I wouldn't rule out a kitchen knife either.

My ex-boyfriend, Jayce, was an expert with blades. There wasn't anything he couldn't do with his sword when the mood took him *sigh*... those times are far behind me now.

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