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It's annoying that we most assuredly have some form of investigator, yet they haven't stepped forward. It could indicate that they haven't discovered anything useful.

I don't understand why everyone expects the investigator to reveal themselves at the beginning of this whole escapade. The odds of them finding anything useful on the first night are slim, and if they do find something, there's no way to tell if it's conclusive or not. If they're somehow positive they found an infected on the first night, is it worth revealing it? We'd get one infected and then loose the investigator.

hopefully you'll learn that someone blamed me before I voted. The only difference is that he didn't specifically vote for me, but did present his suspicions before I did mine.

Can't you just openly tell us? I don't feel like trying to figure out what you're hinting at.

Can't you just openly tell us? I don't feel like trying to figure out what you're hinting at.

It's me. I accused him of being infected before he voted. And I did actually suspect the both of you together for voting for Jad Suur (or whatever) with little evidence. So, if ValenciaOrangenzia or whatever his/her name is. (Dude looks like a lady-reminds me of that song from the Kangdor system, Snarf Looks Like a Snorfblat.) I'm not saying I ever had a solid case. My vote for ValensheaLucrezia was just an inkling and could very well be wrong. I'm the first to admit it's a weak case. However, if he/she is guilty, I will be suspicious of you as well... If not, I'll just go duuuuuuh :wacko:

Where have you been, by the way, Barney? Haven't seen you around a lot today...

Oh, I've been around, doing space security stuff - patrolling the corridors, checking my security headlamp is in working order, spending hours locked in the janitor's cupboard rocking back and forth stuttering 'Don't let the space wieners get inside me, Mommy' the usual security stuff - you know how it is, chief.

Oh, I've been around, doing space security stuff - patrolling the corridors, checking my security headlamp is in working order, spending hours locked in the janitor's cupboard rocking back and forth stuttering 'Don't let the space wieners get inside me, Mommy' the usual security stuff - you know how it is, chief.

Chief? Where? Oh right. That's me. Still not used to that. Well let's get drunk and try on each other's headlamps in that closet... *huh* I mean...let's make sure the wienies don't get inside of us. That would suck.

I'll polish your headlamp if you polish mine :wink:

They say headlamps shine brighter when someone else is doing the polishing, anyhoo :thumbup:

Florentzia seems well within her rights to try to dissuade you all from voting for her, as no one seems to have any real evidence to her guilt or anyone elses. At this stage I will not jump on the band wagon. I do find Jad Suur a person of interest, but would prefer some evidence towards one subject or the other before condemning a possible innocent. I know I am being stubborn, and hope not to earn the wrath of serial killers etc.

I entirely agree here my friend. While I can agree that her attitude may be a bit off, I'm just not sure enough that she is infected to be the one to cast the condemning vote. I would hate to have that sort of blood on my hands. :cry_sad: Figuratively speaking, of course. I agree that we need to do something, otherwise the infected will get us, or we will all die in the blackhole, but it is just so frustrating being in a situation like this where we could very well be making a mistake. Florentzia seems fairly clean to me, if a little hasty in pointing the finger, but then, so does Jad Suud, despite some of his ramblings, so really I just don't have a clue. :wacko: Some evidence would be nice, but alas, we can never seem to find enough of that...

I do not wish to vote at this point, but I will not try and convince any of the rest of you either way, as I myself am as yet undecided as to my opinion of Florentzia.

I entirely agree here my friend. While I can agree that her attitude may be a bit off, I'm just not sure enough that she is infected to be the one to cast the condemning vote. I would hate to have that sort of blood on my hands. :cry_sad: Figuratively speaking, of course. I agree that we need to do something, otherwise the infected will get us, or we will all die in the blackhole, but it is just so frustrating being in a situation like this where we could very well be making a mistake. Florentzia seems fairly clean to me, if a little hasty in pointing the finger, but then, so does Jad Suud, despite some of his ramblings, so really I just don't have a clue. :wacko: Some evidence would be nice, but alas, we can never seem to find enough of that...

I do not wish to vote at this point, but I will not try and convince any of the rest of you either way, as I myself am as yet undecided as to my opinion of Florentzia.



Umm, err.... :look:

Somebody help!? :cry_sad:

You speak to me in private, asking for advice, and I told you to follow your own feelings. I didn't even try to get you to vote him off.

Excuse me, I have not been in contact with you in private at all yet. You are a lier and it proves to me that you are infected.

Edited by Eskallon

Umm, err.... :look:

Somebody help!? :cry_sad:

Ivan the terrible cook just showed me a great recipe for a pumpkin pie, so I don't know... :tongue:


Look, isnt that a Flurgan of Nargles over there?

Umm, err.... :look:

Somebody help!? :cry_sad:

Run you fool, run! He has the Space Madness!

Somebody help!?

Just stay well away from the kitchens and sharp implements from now on! People are under a lot of pressure and seem to be confusing you with an Earth vegetable you poor thing!

Poor Florentzia seems like the victim of a witch hunt to me. She hasn't given me any reason to believe she is infected at all, though her decision to vote Jad Suur was a little rash in my opinion. But it doesn't make her a bad person, just afraid, like the rest of us. If I'm wrong and she's infected then I'm a terrible judge of character.

At this time is presented the perfect opporunity for those evil wieners to anonymously vote non-infected shipmates out the airlock. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of voters are infected - especially if, as someone suggested, they might know who the non-infectied are.

Engofi - I'm sure her comments about your contact was just a mistake on her part. We don't know how much people have been talking behind the scenes and it's easy to get confused at a time like this.

I wish someone knew something more. What can we do with so little to go on?! We're playing with the lives of innocent shipmates here!

Someone... hold me. :cry_sad:

Umm, err.... :look:

Somebody help!? :cry_sad:

Come over to the kitchen my tasty friend... err....

If we're short on food and he gets voted off lets not waste him by throwing him out the airlock :devil::tongue:

Ivan the terrible cook just showed me a great recipe for a pumpkin pie, so I don't know... :tongue:

Oh yes! That one of my personal favourites from the "1001 Ways With Pumpkin" book. :thumbup:

Run you fool, run! He has the Space Madness!

Due to the fact we destroyed anything that looked like a wiener (A shame most of our meat was sausage sized...) he's probable lacking the needed nutrients that come from eating meat, Thus giving him the infamous "Space Madness". :look:

Excuse me, I have not been in contact with you in private at all yet. You are a lier and it proves to me that you are infected.

This is the second time you've contradicted yourself (edited posts). You also offered to 'guard' the reactor. Look what happened to it now, its offline which means we're going to fall into a black hole.

Vote: Engofi Cheipo (Eskallon)

Excuse me, I have not been in contact with you in private at all yet. You are a lier and it proves to me that you are infected.

This is very suspicious. According to the security tapes you keep saying things and then erasing our memories with your magic alien powers so we don't remember you've said them. Good thing your magic doesn't work on surveillance video.

However, if he/she is guilty, I will be suspicious of you as well.

Fair enough, but if we were both infected, do you think we would so openly group together? Not to mention being the first two to vote.

Was anyone able to catch what that Engofi Cheipo thing was saying before it edited its words? Was it just a minor rephrase or a important change? I also find it strange that it denies being in contact with Florentzia. My guess is Engofi is the one lying here, judging by the tone of the response. If enough people can't agree on Florentzia, maybe we can go for Engofi?

If enough people can't agree on Florentzia, maybe we can go for Engofi?

You seem a bit TOO eager to shove someone out of an airlock.

Ok yes it was incredibly stupid of me to edit my post and what it was was that It came out as doubled up so out of commen sense forgetting I was in a mafia game, I edited it so there was only one of the sentance and not 2. If you want to kill me off because of that then you are all just a little bit foolish.

You seem a bit TOO eager to shove someone out of an airlock.

Too eager compared to what? I believe that we need to at least try to convict someone today, due to our time limit. I could try to act like everyone else and say we need evidence, but at this point evidence is not going to simply fall in front of us, therefore we need to take action and make our own choices. Innocent people will die no matter what we do, so I believe it's worth the risk of convicting an innocent for the chance of finding an infected.

I agree that we need to save the ship but you constantly change your allegances.

First you vote for Jan Duur, then when everyone begins to turn on Florentzia you just shrug and say 'fine' and now that Cheipo's loyalty is being put into question you decide that he should vented if none evicts Florentzia.

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Day 2 has ended without a conviction

Final vote count:

Florentzia Lizar / JimButcher: 9 votes (Hinckley, Black Rabbit, Sandy, Eskallon, stash2sixx, Shadows, Inertia, Ricecracker, Darth_Legois)

Jad Suur / Darkness Falls: 2 votes (JimButcher, Sir Dillon)

Engofi Cheipo / Eskallon: 1 vote (simonjedi)

Non-voters: 7 (Darkness Falls, Dragonator, I Scream Clone, Mr. Mandalorian, pedro, Svelte, Zepher)

10 votes were needed to convict.

It is now Night. Those with night actions have 48 hours to send them to me in a PM, if I haven't received them within those 48 hours they won't be counted.

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