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Reading this thread is threatening to damage me. Like I said earlier, the minifigs are quite easy to get here, so logically I should stock up, but I literally have no money right now. Well, okay, not literally, I did find a one-cent coin on the seat of my car yesterday, but aside from that, I'm broke. I also don't want to see Lego as an investment, I started this hobby for fun, not profit. Nnggh! If I start to speculate there's no telling where it'll end. Maybe it's good that I'm broke right when I should be amassing little yellow packets. Water, water everywhere....

How is availability where you are at the moment? I'm wondering at this stage how long they will continue to stay around, I'm seriously tempted to pick up more duplicates. Both my local Argos and Art & Hobby have restocked (new boxes out) and the Smyths Toys website shows the minifigs as in-stock at both local branches. Argos stock checker shows over 5 in-stock at two of three local outlets. Surely it has to just be that the Irish retailers (plus Argos) must have requested plenty from Lego? They seem to be selling well enough! Of course maybe the difference too is that us AFOLs are a bit thinner on the ground in Ireland and it isn't that viable to make a business operation out of hoarding Lego here.

Despite high shipping costs from the Lego website, and some high prices for exclusives on S@H, it seems that Ireland is a bit of a mecca for Lego buying at present with so many options, good stock availability and good prices for certain items at certain stores. Especially when you include the option of ordering from UK or shopping in Northern Ireland to get their deals too.

A pity Tesco haven't stocked the minifigs too, as they would likely have sold them for €2.50 just like Smyths (who are a bit more difficult for me to get to, so I've had to pay €2.85 at Argos for many of the ones I bought). Have Toymaster or World of Wonder had the minifigs? There's only the latter near me mind you and it's a bit awkward to visit (not really any adjoining shops).

I think you'd have to be fairly desperate to buy them as investment - you probably in the long term wouldn't make much more than inflation, and the original cost here isn't the cheapest worldwide anyway (and shipping costs out of Ireland, plus any costs of running a Lego-selling enterprise, packaging/transport would be high here too).

Edited by brickzone

Luckily availability here is better than the US. I'll probaply buy a few boxes online of the second series to ensure having atleast a number of Spartans. If these figures really are as limited in production as stated, it's going to be one hell of a problem to find a number of the same figures.

I checked several stores with the barcode list and I also didn't find any cheerleaders in there...

I hope LEGO doesn't continue this way of distributing the minifigures. The demand is enormously larger than the offer, and I feel bad for the kids who can only get them at the stores and probaply won't be able to 'collect them all'.

That being said, aren't 16 different figures per wave a bit too much? I suppose they'd be easier to collect if there were 10 figures in each series.

So series two has already stopped production... I guess the hunt is on then.


How is availability where you are at the moment?

It's very good here in Galway, innitially three places had them but Art & Hobby sold out their single box in a day or two (city centre location probably helped), so it's just Smyths and Argos now. Their stock levels remain steady, the boxes Smyths have on display don't seem to move much (I'm pretty sure the same three boxes have been on display for almost two weeks now, depleting slowly) and the Argos in-store stock checker is always around the 100 mark. There is a World of Wonder in Galway but they're a bit crap, I'm surprised they're still there after Christmas. They no longer stock Lego, but have some clone brand sets. I hear other branches do better, but their location isn't great while Smyths is absolutely perfectly placed.

I was in Cork a couple of weeks ago and their smyths was well stocked too.

Well lets see there are only a handful of AFOLs in my area and so far none of them have bought a full box to my knowledge and yet I've seen several whole boxs vanish from stores, so they are most likely being bought by resellers, already the 4 boxs I saw at walmart other day are gone and so are the ones at Target and TRU is cleaned out, all stores that had them you would never know they had them at all since they go fast, meanwhile the secondary market is being glutted with them and you can still find reletively cheap boxs there.

I'm glad I have my complete set and once moved will build a display for them but i'm not even going to try to buy more or even army build with them since its cheaper for me to make my own.

Their stock levels remain steady, the boxes Smyths have on display don't seem to move much (I'm pretty sure the same three boxes have been on display for almost two weeks now, depleting slowly) and the Argos in-store stock checker is always around the 100 mark.

I was in Cork a couple of weeks ago and their smyths was well stocked too.

My local Smyths had 4 unopened boxes sitting beneath two opened boxes at two checkouts last Friday. I suppose if anyone is desperate enough to buy a complete box they'd sell them to you but at a price, 60 x €2.49 = €150. It seems Smyths is the place to go if anyone is visiting Ireland.

I stopped at my local Lego Store on Friday, and was told they'd sold out earlier in the day (grrr!!!). The sales clerk also said he's not expecting to get any more in stock. He said, and I quote, "Wave 1 is done."

Wow. I really thought that once the initial flurry of demand died down, these things would hang around on the shelves for a few months at least. Then again "artifical scarcity" is always part of any collectible product. Gotta drive up the demand!!

Well lets see there are only a handful of AFOLs in my area and so far none of them have bought a full box to my knowledge and yet I've seen several whole boxs vanish from stores, so they are most likely being bought by resellers, already the 4 boxs I saw at walmart other day are gone and so are the ones at Target and TRU is cleaned out, all stores that had them you would never know they had them at all since they go fast, meanwhile the secondary market is being glutted with them and you can still find reletively cheap boxs there.

I'm glad I have my complete set and once moved will build a display for them but i'm not even going to try to buy more or even army build with them since its cheaper for me to make my own.

How do you know the total number of AFOLs are actually in your area? While it is certainly reasonable to surmise that some of those boxes ended up in the hands of resellers/scalpers, it's certainly possible that other buyers were AFOLs that you simply do not know or know of.

How do you know the total number of AFOLs are actually in your area? While it is certainly reasonable to surmise that some of those boxes ended up in the hands of resellers/scalpers, it's certainly possible that other buyers were AFOLs that you simply do not know or know of.

After all, many of them might still be "in the closet" if you know what I mean. I do not personally know any AFOLs where I live but I'm pretty sure they're out there. How many? No idea. How many people in my city know that I'm one by looking at me? Not many. I might live in an entire street of AFOLs for all I know.

How do you know the total number of AFOLs are actually in your area? While it is certainly reasonable to surmise that some of those boxes ended up in the hands of resellers/scalpers, it's certainly possible that other buyers were AFOLs that you simply do not know or know of.

its simple 99% of us are in the same lug groups which consists of over a 100 mile swath around here i'm part of SacBB and Baylug and know whos all in this town I've met both AFOLs that live in this town and the couple that live relatively nearby, we have advertised looking for other AFOLs in area na dhave group gatherings and such but very few who partake, furthermore the amount of LEGO in the stores here is a bunch, I'm known as the LEGO guy at the local TRU and I don't buy a whole bunch of LEGO there, and they know me at target and Walmart and i'm still the big buyer in those stores, so I can safely assume not alot of AFOLs around here other then the few I know of.

Edited by Asterios

its simple 99% of us are in the same lug groups which consists of over a 100 mile swath around here i'm part of SacBB and Baylug and know whos all in this town I've met both AFOLs that live in this town and the couple that live relatively nearby, we have advertised looking for other AFOLs in area na dhave group gatherings and such but very few who partake, furthermore the amount of LEGO in the stores here is a bunch, I'm known as the LEGO guy at the local TRU and I don't buy a whole bunch of LEGO there, and they know me at target and Walmart and i'm still the big buyer in those stores, so I can safely assume not alot of AFOLs around here other then the few I know of.


Looking at my own experience I think you may be somewhat off in your assessment. I'm an AFOL yet I'm unknown as such to any Walmart or TRU clerks. With 3 different TRU and 5+ different Walmarts within a half an hour of my home I can't say that I would expect the clerks to recognize me. I don't belong to my local lug and outside of a few forums nobody knows of my existence. Not every AFOL is actively involved in a lug or openly seeking other AFOLs in the community at large. Just because you haven't bumped into somebody doesn't preclude them from being a dedicated LEGO fan. Judging by the LUGs you've mentioned it looks like you live in California near San Francisco, one of the most populated areas in the US. Surely you can't believe that you have bumped into every AFOL in an area that has a population of almost 1 million people in the city core alone. I live in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) and I'm sure that there are 100s of AFOLs who are neither a member of RTL or involved in any other lug. How can you be so sure that there aren't people like me in the San Francisco area?

Being an AFOL doesn't necessarily mean that you belong to a LUG or actively advertise your hobby to the world.


Here in Oregon, I've checked every store I can find and they don't have 'em! What should I do? Will they still come, even though production was stopped months ago? D:

its simple 99% of us are in the same lug groups which consists of over a 100 mile swath around here i'm part of SacBB and Baylug and know whos all in this town I've met both AFOLs that live in this town and the couple that live relatively nearby, we have advertised looking for other AFOLs in area na dhave group gatherings and such but very few who partake, furthermore the amount of LEGO in the stores here is a bunch, I'm known as the LEGO guy at the local TRU and I don't buy a whole bunch of LEGO there, and they know me at target and Walmart and i'm still the big buyer in those stores, so I can safely assume not alot of AFOLs around here other then the few I know of.

Im in AFOL in Sacramento so add 1 more to your count. :)

I am always at the Lego store, and Heather and the gang all know me by name.

Well lets see there are only a handful of AFOLs in my area and so far none of them have bought a full box to my knowledge and yet I've seen several whole boxs vanish from stores, so they are most likely being bought by resellers, already the 4 boxs I saw at walmart other day are gone and so are the ones at Target and TRU is cleaned out, all stores that had them you would never know they had them at all since they go fast, meanwhile the secondary market is being glutted with them and you can still find reletively cheap boxs there.

I'm glad I have my complete set and once moved will build a display for them but i'm not even going to try to buy more or even army build with them since its cheaper for me to make my own.

Where are they located in Walmart and Target? Because I've checked my 5 local Walmarts and 3 local Targets everyday for the past two weeks and have yet to find anything.

Im in AFOL in Sacramento so add 1 more to your count. :)

I am always at the Lego store, and Heather and the gang all know me by name.

cool but do you go down to Stockton to buy your LEGO?

Where are they located in Walmart and Target? Because I've checked my 5 local Walmarts and 3 local Targets everyday for the past two weeks and have yet to find anything.

well in Walmart here I saw them at the Self Checkout section by the collectible card games and such, same with Target, also the other target I saw them in the checkstands and such, have yet to see any in the toy aisle but heard someone saw them in the toy aisle in Livermore at a target there.

Where are they located in Walmart and Target? Because I've checked my 5 local Walmarts and 3 local Targets everyday for the past two weeks and have yet to find anything.

If you did not find things yourself, you might have wanted to ask people who are working there where they are located and if they actually did get them in. That is what I always do, get to know the shop owner or others that are responsible for the toys department just to find out about things I am looking for and Lego in general. Sometimes you even get extra "news" for free and they might tell you all they know about new things that are coming in, things ordered, things on back-order, etc. People simply know me in most of the places where I tend to buy my Lego and sometimes they have even kept things away from the store shelves if they think I have an interest in it. I must admit that I spend a lot of money on this stuff so most store owners are usually glad to see me walking around in their store dragging all those sets to the counter. :cry_happy:

well in Walmart here I saw them at the Self Checkout section by the collectible card games and such, same with Target, also the other target I saw them in the checkstands and such, have yet to see any in the toy aisle

How is it that you are the only person in the USA to report seeing these in a Target or Wal Mart? I work about a block away from a Target and a Wal Mart, and have been checking them almost daily, especially on the days I know they get toy shipments, since I first saw a partial case at a nearby Toys R Us in May. I've checked the toy aisle, the collectible card area, and the checkout stands. Nothing. I've asked employees at these stores who I've come to know from collecting GI Joe figures over the past few years, and nothing - never heard of Collectible Lego Mini-figs and certainly never stocked them. There is no place on the shelves for them, and no price tags out. I live with a few miles of two more Wal Marts and one more Target. Nothing at any of these stores.

The *ONLY* store within 50 miles of me that has gotten them in has been Toys R Us, and they don't last more than a few hours. Since I can't get there until after work, they are always sold out by the time I get there (my wife used to work there so I know the staff and managers and knew when they were getting shipments, but every time they sold out by 5pm).

As I said, back in 2007-2008 I was collecting 25th Anniversary GI Joe figures, and those were hard to find but there were almost always less desirable figures on the shelves and *always* empty peg hooks or shelf space when they sold out. For these, nothing. No sign they ever existed except empty shelf space at Toys R Us and the one time I saw them at a different Toys R Us 25 miles away. Had I known that was my only chance to get a few, I would have bought more than the 5 I did. Now I have two kids who want a wrestler and clown, with no chance of ever getting them one for a reasonable price.

If LEGO doesn't make a second production run on Series 1 and 2 they are going to have a lot of parents who might just reconsider putting LEGO under the tree come December. These were marketed to kids too, but with no chance of a kid ever seeing them in the USA there are a lot of kids who are upset. I posted something on my FaceBook Wall and heard from other parents who have never found these. Why market them like trading cards but then not produce enough for a kid to even find a double to trade?

How is it that you are the only person in the USA to report seeing these in a Target or Wal Mart? I work about a block away from a Target and a Wal Mart, and have been checking them almost daily, especially on the days I know they get toy shipments, since I first saw a partial case at a nearby Toys R Us in May. I've checked the toy aisle, the collectible card area, and the checkout stands. Nothing. I've asked employees at these stores who I've come to know from collecting GI Joe figures over the past few years, and nothing - never heard of Collectible Lego Mini-figs and certainly never stocked them. There is no place on the shelves for them, and no price tags out. I live with a few miles of two more Wal Marts and one more Target. Nothing at any of these stores.

The *ONLY* store within 50 miles of me that has gotten them in has been Toys R Us, and they don't last more than a few hours. Since I can't get there until after work, they are always sold out by the time I get there (my wife used to work there so I know the staff and managers and knew when they were getting shipments, but every time they sold out by 5pm).

As I said, back in 2007-2008 I was collecting 25th Anniversary GI Joe figures, and those were hard to find but there were almost always less desirable figures on the shelves and *always* empty peg hooks or shelf space when they sold out. For these, nothing. No sign they ever existed except empty shelf space at Toys R Us and the one time I saw them at a different Toys R Us 25 miles away. Had I known that was my only chance to get a few, I would have bought more than the 5 I did. Now I have two kids who want a wrestler and clown, with no chance of ever getting them one for a reasonable price.

If LEGO doesn't make a second production run on Series 1 and 2 they are going to have a lot of parents who might just reconsider putting LEGO under the tree come December. These were marketed to kids too, but with no chance of a kid ever seeing them in the USA there are a lot of kids who are upset. I posted something on my FaceBook Wall and heard from other parents who have never found these. Why market them like trading cards but then not produce enough for a kid to even find a double to trade?

If I know I can't get there in time and if I know the manager and other staff personally, I should have given them a call to reserve a good number of bags on my behalf with a promise to come over to check them out within say a day or 2 max.

TLG has certainly underestimated things but I also think that the retailers should probably have done more efforts to acquire at least 1 or 2 boxes. I happen to know a store owner who manages to get hold of things that are usually not available in Dutch stores. Basically, it is all a matter of having some good connections and getting to know Lego representatives and salesmen who are capable of arranging special things on request. If the store manager does not know about these figs, something went wrong in the marketing department as well. Get to know your customer and get to know your product.

its simple 99% of us are in the same lug groups which consists of over a 100 mile swath around here i'm part of SacBB and Baylug and know whos all in this town I've met both AFOLs that live in this town and the couple that live relatively nearby, we have advertised looking for other AFOLs in area na dhave group gatherings and such but very few who partake, furthermore the amount of LEGO in the stores here is a bunch, I'm known as the LEGO guy at the local TRU and I don't buy a whole bunch of LEGO there, and they know me at target and Walmart and i'm still the big buyer in those stores, so I can safely assume not alot of AFOLs around here other then the few I know of.

You sure do assume a lot, especially in this thread. I find it harder and harder to believe anything you say.

As for another USA update, still no target or Walmart and my toys r us told me they don't expect anymore shipments, but they told me it could happen. Boy thanks.

How is it that you are the only person in the USA to report seeing these in a Target or Wal Mart? I work about a block away from a Target and a Wal Mart, and have been checking them almost daily, especially on the days I know they get toy shipments, since I first saw a partial case at a nearby Toys R Us in May. I've checked the toy aisle, the collectible card area, and the checkout stands. Nothing. I've asked employees at these stores who I've come to know from collecting GI Joe figures over the past few years, and nothing - never heard of Collectible Lego Mini-figs and certainly never stocked them. There is no place on the shelves for them, and no price tags out. I live with a few miles of two more Wal Marts and one more Target. Nothing at any of these stores.

The *ONLY* store within 50 miles of me that has gotten them in has been Toys R Us, and they don't last more than a few hours. Since I can't get there until after work, they are always sold out by the time I get there (my wife used to work there so I know the staff and managers and knew when they were getting shipments, but every time they sold out by 5pm).

As I said, back in 2007-2008 I was collecting 25th Anniversary GI Joe figures, and those were hard to find but there were almost always less desirable figures on the shelves and *always* empty peg hooks or shelf space when they sold out. For these, nothing. No sign they ever existed except empty shelf space at Toys R Us and the one time I saw them at a different Toys R Us 25 miles away. Had I known that was my only chance to get a few, I would have bought more than the 5 I did. Now I have two kids who want a wrestler and clown, with no chance of ever getting them one for a reasonable price.

If LEGO doesn't make a second production run on Series 1 and 2 they are going to have a lot of parents who might just reconsider putting LEGO under the tree come December. These were marketed to kids too, but with no chance of a kid ever seeing them in the USA there are a lot of kids who are upset. I posted something on my FaceBook Wall and heard from other parents who have never found these. Why market them like trading cards but then not produce enough for a kid to even find a double to trade?

thing of it is, i'm not the only person, you think this is the only site people report on? heck on BL Canadians are also reporting finding them in Walmarts and you can bet if its in Canada its in the USA too since its the same group and so on, furthermore I didn't even know they were in targets till I heard of someone finding them there so I went and checked, also someone on these forums even said they were in the K-mart system, so just because alot of people aren't saying they are in Walmarts and targets does not make it so, go and look, and who knows your stores probably did have them but they sold out of them.

as to your 25th. anniversary G.I.Joes they flooded the market with those, still see some here and there on pegs around here.

now if you collect hotwheels there is a few dozen collectors who clear out the shelves here on those that are worth collecting, but as far as LEGO goes not many at all.

Edited by Asterios

If LEGO doesn't make a second production run on Series 1 and 2 they are going to have a lot of parents who might just reconsider putting LEGO under the tree come December. These were marketed to kids too, but with no chance of a kid ever seeing them in the USA there are a lot of kids who are upset.

It's an odd spot for TLC to be in. This is really their first attempt at this sort of thing. The Star Wars license brought in a lot of toy collectors, but you never had to deal with short production runs or blind packaging. If you want a TIE Fighter set, generally speaking, you should be able to get one, either via retail or online. And you know you're getting a TIE Fighter set!!

These mini-figs are a whole different animal. They seems to have really attracted the more unpleasant aspects of collectibles (artificial scarcity, hoarders, scalpers, etc.). That leaves the kids (ostensibly the market TLC was aiming for) to go without. Kind of a shame, I guess, but not all that surprising. Let's face it, these mini-figs really are pretty cool!!

thing of it is, i'm not the only person, you think this is the only site people report on? heck on BL Canadians are also reporting finding them in Walmarts and you can bet if its in Canada its in the USA too since its the same group and so on, furthermore I didn't even know they were in targets till I heard of someone finding them there so I went and checked, also someone on these forums even said they were in the K-mart system, so just because alot of people aren't saying they are in Walmarts and targets does not make it so, go and look, and who knows your stores probably did have them but they sold out of them.

It's quite hard to believe that your local Target and Walmart had these when no other person has seen them in another Target or Walmart within the U.S. border. Not only has no one seen them at one or the other, but your city had them in both stores? Canadians were reporting them in Walmarts right away and Australians have had them in Target. Just because they had them in their stores does not mean the U.S. will or does as well. Just because the product info. is in the system does not mean they carry the product. I have checked many Walmarts and Targets as have many others on this and other forums and no one in the U.S. has seen them. Sure, maybe every store in my area was sold out of them immediately, but it's highly unlikely that this was the case for every other person roaming the various LEGO forums. I'm really not quite sure what it is you hope to accomplish with your constant ridiculous claims.

err, how many kids are actually dissappointed and crying for not finding these? Everybody seems to like the idea of LEGO receiving tons of complains from angry parents whereas it seems that it is only AFOLs who really want them as hard as that. Speaking of which, how much is this LEGO's fault and how much is it to do with AFOLs and resellers buying whole boxes / clearing out the figs they want using their barcodes?

err, how many kids are actually dissappointed and crying for not finding these? Everybody seems to like the idea of LEGO receiving tons of complains from angry parents whereas it seems that it is only AFOLs who really want them as hard as that. Speaking of which, how much is this LEGO's fault and how much is it to do with AFOLs and resellers buying whole boxes / clearing out the figs they want using their barcodes?

I think this is a pretty fair observation. While we have certainly heard a number of AFOLs crying foul, I'm not convinced that the average parent or child cares one way or the other. If a parent can't buy these figures, I'm sure a Star Wars battle pack or a few impulse sets are every bit as good. In the same vein, I suspect that most children would prefer to have many of the mainline figures. I just don't see cheerleaders, forestmen and nurses being as exciting for kids when they could have Star Wars, Space Police and Atlantis mini figures instead.

As I see it, these collectables probably only really matter to us AFOLs and a smaller group of dedicated collectors. Those who were left out in the cold are understandably making noise. Series 2 should bring even more excitement as people desparately go for one figure: The Spartan. If you think that getting cheerleaders and zombies was hard, trying to get this guy will be all-out war! I managed to score 16 cheerleaders and forestmen from series 1. I don't expect to be so lucky when it comes to the Spartan in series 2.

I think this is a pretty fair observation. While we have certainly heard a number of AFOLs crying foul, I'm not convinced that the average parent or child cares one way or the other. If a parent can't buy these figures, I'm sure a Star Wars battle pack or a few impulse sets are every bit as good. In the same vein, I suspect that most children would prefer to have many of the mainline figures. I just don't see cheerleaders, forestmen and nurses being as exciting for kids when they could have Star Wars, Space Police and Atlantis mini figures instead.

As I see it, these collectables probably only really matter to us AFOLs and a smaller group of dedicated collectors. Those who were left out in the cold are understandably making noise. Series 2 should bring even more excitement as people desparately go for one figure: The Spartan. If you think that getting cheerleaders and zombies was hard, trying to get this guy will be all-out war! I managed to score 16 cheerleaders and forestmen from series 1. I don't expect to be so lucky when it comes to the Spartan in series 2.

I'll third that motion. Really, people are thinking of these as some sort of competition where everyone must have them all. But the fact is, I doubt any kids are under the misguided impression that they need these figs. Fact is, they did without nurses and zombies and luchadores before these figs came out, and they can continue to do without them just fine.

This is assuming that kids will still have time to learn to be reasonable about this sort of thing, based on the fact that so few AFOLs are being reasonable about it. People always assume that some mistake LEGO makes will somehow ruin their reputation forever, but the fact is that people are going to keep buying LEGO sets even if they can't get their hands on every one they want. It's only obsessed fans like us who consider any mistake LEGO makes to be some sort of betrayal on LEGO's part.

This applies whether you consider the figs as collectibles or as LEGO sets. Because honestly, nobody's grieving over not completing a full collection of Base Set Pokemon cards, and similarly nobody's in tears over missing some '90s set that they might have enjoyed the figs from. People will get over it. And who knows, maybe LEGO might one day create another zombie fig for some other theme-- it would be irrational for them to just up and say that because they tried it once, they're never allowed to consider that idea again. In the meantime, as I said, you've done without them until now, and you can certainly continue to do without them.

*hopes to get at least a few Series 1 figs*

Series 2 should bring even more excitement as people desparately go for one figure: The Spartan. If you think that getting cheerleaders and zombies was hard, trying to get this guy will be all-out war! I managed to score 16 cheerleaders and forestmen from series 1. I don't expect to be so lucky when it comes to the Spartan in series 2.

I feel like I'm in such a minority here, but... I'd like just one of those, to have a complete series 2. I really don't care for him that much compared to, say, the Mexican or the cop, which I like a lot more. In fact, I think the Mexican is gonna be my zombie of wave 2. Gotta get a bunch of 'em!

edit: The post above mine is very reasonable and well thought out.

Edited by Carbohydrates

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