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Important: Do not post in the Day threads if you're not a player


Day 3


Late at night Jad Suur lay awake thinking about his situation, when someone requested entrance.


As Jad knew he could have important visitors at any time during the Night he quickly got up to open the door.


Except his visitor was, though clearly deadly important, not the right kind of important.


Jad Suur was gutted like a fish on his own floor, dying a painful death.


And too late the alien Ast decided to leave its host body Jad Suur, it died on the floor of Jad's quarters.


Elsewhere Dr. Ben Elegnem woke up by someone requested entrance.


Vary after what had happened to Fassin Trevlac last night he still got up to check who it was.


And he was indeed correct in his varyness.


A quick cut across the stomach was satisfactory for the mysterious figure who cleaned up and left.


Behind lay Dr. Ben Elegnem in a pool of his own blood.

Next morning the crew was again met by Ivanova on the screen.


Good morning everyone. I have both good news and bad news. The good news is of course that as you've all seen on the video Jad Suur was infected

Dr. Ben Elegnem was however not-infected.

That's it, now get going with today's discussion. Remember, we are fast running out of time here.

10 Days remaining until black hole's gravitational pull will be too strong for our engines to achieve escape velocity.


(borrowed from Dragonator :blush:)

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "Day", you will be given 96 real hours in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 48 real hours. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the 48 hours, they will not be counted.

- There are two main sides in the game, not-infected and infected. Your winning criteria is included with your character PM.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- There will be no voting in the first 24 hours of a game Day.

- No unvoting after a conviction has been reached. Do this more than once and you will be killed.

- You may not edit your posts. Do this more than three times and you will be killed.

- Out of character (OOC) posts should be kept in the Discussion thread.

- No metagaming.

- There are no clues in the pictures, so don't look for them.

- Do not post in the Day threads when dead. You're dead, act like it.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a moderator kill. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the General Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I will try my best to stick to the schedule, and your cooperation will help this greatly, particularly getting night actions in promptly.

Voting may start at 21:51 UTC Monday, 23rd of November.

On Day 3 it takes 9 votes to convict.




Lt. Cmdr. Susan Antares played by Shadows


Lt. Varax Fraa, navigator played by Inertia


Specialist Niwrad Selrac, communications played by Black Rabbit


Security chief Michael Sheridan played by Hinckley


Security guard Sarah Ohce played by Sir Dillon


Security guard Barney Vance played by Svelte


Leonard "Leo" Nyer, chief engineer played by Ricecracker


La'h'Rok, reactor chief played by I Scream Clone


Engofi Cheipo, hydroponics engineer played by Eskallon


Android S/N: 'AHY6CEF3' (aka DAVE) played by Mr. Mandalorian


Khrum, "the strong guy" played by stash2sixx


Wicwa, alien cook played by Sandy


Ivan "the terrible", human cook played by Darth_Legois


Florentzia Lizar, head of research staff played by jimbutcher


Ada Bergsndot, computer specialist played by Zepher


Ernev Seluj, language specialist played by Dragonator


Nurse Edna Hylris played by pedro

The Dead


2nd Lt. Eituze, pilot played by WhiteFang (not-infected) (killed Night 1)


Fassin Trevlac, mechanic played by YG-49 (not-infected) (killed Night 1)


Jad Suur, maintenance guy played by Darkness Falls (infected) (killed Night 2)


Dr. Ben Elegnem, head of medical staff played by simonjedi (not-infected) (killed Night 2)

Hmmm. I was right. Perhaps Sarah Ohce is also infected then... :hmpf_bad:

Yeh win some, yeh lose some. That's just how it works. No useful insights from me today, except maybe we shouldn't jump down Lizar's throat today since she was correct, and also not the first to vote.

Not really surprised he was infected, he seemed awfully suspicous. But whats up with the killer (killers?) Having the same weapon or is it the same person? :look:

Well atleast we finally got one of those infected wieners! :thumbup: But 1 out of 4 is probable not the best infected/uninfected ratio if we want to survive. :look::sceptic:

Hmmm. I was right. Perhaps Sarah Ohce is also infected then... :hmpf_bad:

You were right? You were right?!?! No, my friend, you were terribly wrong. While I had nothing to do with his death, Jad Suur was, in fact, infected, just as I suspected. And then you went after me, and almost succeeded. I'm seeing a pattern here.

Did you go after me, trying to help a fellow infected, knowing that you could convince everyone else because of my early voting?

Think about this, people. Think, and realize, perhaps I am not infected. Why would I be one of the first to vote for my comrade? And why would pretty boy over here try to vote me off? I think the answer is simple.

Poor doctor...

With every victory comes a loss. It beats two loses, but dammit, going at this pace it isn't going to leave us much time to try to save the ship as well.

Night after night I am slowly beginning to get a grasp on at least one aspect of this situation and hope it eventually reveals something conclusive. I can say that I am still concerned with the quiet ones, the ones who seem to be trying to stay invisible, the ones who aren't maintaining their usual routines and are, instead, hiding in silence.

While I had nothing to do with his death, Jad Suur was, in fact, infected, just as I suspected. And then you went after me, and almost succeeded. I'm seeing a pattern here.

There could be a number of patterns here, including one where you are infected and trick us into trusting you by sacrificing one of your own, so don't get overly smug. Yes, this was a victory, but it doesn't prove anything unless you can follow it up by applying whatever knowledge you used to spot Jad Suur again with the same results.

I sincerely hope you're not infected. Ploy or not, this does make me reconsider my vote from yesterday. It seems that for now, I'm going to have to trust you to a point, but then you give me reasons to doubt again, just a little ...

And why would pretty boy over here try to vote me off? I think the answer is simple.

He isn't that pretty, but given that you are focusing on him instead of everyone who voted against you (provided you don't think that all 9 of us are infected :wacko:) makes me a little suspicious of your own motives.

Whatever the case, by now our investigator has to have achieved something, or are we truly supposed to fly blind, day after day, night after night, as we wonder who is next?

There could be a number of patterns here, including one where you are infected and trick us into trusting you by sacrificing one of your own, so don't get overly smug. Yes, this was a victory, but it doesn't prove anything unless you can follow it up by applying whatever knowledge you used to spot Jad Suur again with the same results.

Answer me this- would I have voted for him in the first place if he was on my side? No one was blaming me before I voted (except for Michael... but even that wouldn't call for killing a teammate), so I wasn't "saving" myself.

As for my vote, I was suspicious of him even before Sarah proposed a vote. His behavior, his words... they sounded off to me. It sounded like he was trying to distract us. Also, I wanted something to arise, and obviously it did. Michael revealed himself.

I sincerely hope you're not infected. Ploy or not, this does make me reconsider my vote from yesterday. It seems that for now, I'm going to have to trust you to a point, but then you give me reasons to doubt again, just a little ...

I appreciate you trusting me, but do you care to explain why you're becoming doubtful? Unless you have something better to go on, I think that voting off Michael would be a wise decision.

Notice how, at the end of the day yesterday, he said that if I was uninfected, it would be an accident, "oops". Maybe he realized that I might survive.

He isn't that pretty, but given that you are focusing on him instead of everyone who voted against you (provided you don't think that all 9 of us are infected :wacko:) makes me a little suspicious of your own motives.

No, I certainly do not think all of you who voted for me are infected. It just seems to me that Michael wanted me out bad, and he had the perfect opportunity to do so.

Antares, I think it makes perfect sense that Lizar would suspect Sheridan. He accused her on the basis that she accused Suur, whic turned out to be correct, and then claimed that he was the right one, and not she.

And you again leap to his defnse. The pair of you seems strange, my dear. Right now, if we were to pick sides, and not saying we are, I would sign with Lizar and not the two of you. But that would only be if we were picking sides, which again, we are not.

Whenever I close my eyes, all I see are horrible visions of engorged, angry-looking red wieners bursting out of people's bodies :cry_sad: I really don't know what to think, but Florentzia seems vindicated for the moment. Which means that those that were so keen to toss her out of the airlock better have a reasonable explanation about why they went after such an improbable target.

Think about this, people. Think, and realize, perhaps I am not infected.

Perhaps not. But perhaps you are.

Why would I be one of the first to vote for my comrade? And why would pretty boy over here try to vote me off?

Yeah, or you could have thought that no one would vote for you once you accused someone, or you could have been trying to hide your wiener so much that it has started sticking out. Now you are trying to stick it somewhere so that no one will know about it.

I think the answer is simple.

I hate to break it to you, but if it were simple, we wouldn't be in this situation.

Antares, I think it makes perfect sense that Lizar would suspect Sheridan. He accused her on the basis that she accused Suur, whic turned out to be correct, and then claimed that he was the right one, and not she.

And you again leap to his defnse. The pair of you seems strange, my dear. Right now, if we were to pick sides, and not saying we are, I would sign with Lizar and not the two of you. But that would only be if we were picking sides, which again, we are not.

Right. While I wouldn't trust either, Lizar does seems to actually have some transparency, rather than Antares. Antares seems very secretive, especially when she says stuff like, "Night after night I am slowly beginning to get a grasp on at least one aspect of this situation and hope it eventually reveals something conclusive," rather than doing anything proactive. Hoping that parts of this puzzle will come to her each night doesn't seem like the best plan to me.

Answer me this- would I have voted for him in the first place if he was on my side? No one was blaming me before I voted (except for Michael... but even that wouldn't call for killing a teammate), so I wasn't "saving" myself.

If he was your boss and you needed to make way to take over the team. I think we both know how this works, so don't play naive.

As for my vote, I was suspicious of him even before Sarah proposed a vote. His behavior, his words... they sounded off to me. It sounded like he was trying to distract us.

Fair enough, since we've had absolutely nothing useful to go on.

I appreciate you trusting me, but do you care to explain why you're becoming doubtful? Unless you have something better to go on, I think that voting off Michael would be a wise decision.

I know for a fact that he is uninfected, so going after him makes me suspicious. Simple as that.

And you again leap to his defnse. The pair of you seems strange, my dear.

When you find someone you know you can trust, you tend to get suspicious when others accuse them. It isn't unusual at all.

Whenever I close my eyes, all I see are horrible visions of engorged, angry-looking red wieners bursting out of people's bodies :cry_sad: I really don't know what to think, but Florentzia seems vindicated for the moment. Which means that those that were so keen to toss her out of the airlock better have a reasonable explanation about why they went after such an improbable target.

Maybe you'd like to share what it is you do at night when you're out in the halls, and then we'll learn something?

you could have been trying to hide your wiener so much that it has started sticking out. Now you are trying to stick it somewhere so that no one will know about it.

That was just creepy. :sceptic:

Right. While I wouldn't trust either, Lizar does seems to actually have some transparency, rather than Antares. Antares seems very secretive, especially when she says stuff like, "Night after night I am slowly beginning to get a grasp on at least one aspect of this situation and hope it eventually reveals something conclusive," rather than doing anything proactive. Hoping that parts of this puzzle will come to her each night doesn't seem like the best plan to me.

If I was to take the evidence I currently have and start pointing fingers, it would be square in the chest of Security Guard Barney Vance who has been markedly absent except when he needs to pop in to throw suspicion somewhere else or defend someone who shouldn't need defending. He has also behaved in traditional scum style by failing to appear at the private staff meetings that he used to attend regularly. Everyone present at them has noted this fact.

Combined with the fact that he has a night action he hasn't mentioned to anyone here, he's definitely at the top of my list. Is that transparent enough for you?

And this will be the vote that tells me, and anyone paying attention, who the infected are.

Vote: Svelte / Barney Vance

Hmmm. I was right. Perhaps Sarah Ohce is also infected then... :hmpf_bad:

Right about what? I voted for an infected and you didn't, which makes me guilty in your opinion?

I don't agree with those of you who are still so strongly against Florentzia. It's possible she was trying to avoid detection by voting for another infected, but I really doubt that. Instead I think we should look to those who voted for Florentzia without much reason, perhaps in an attempt to convict someone other than the infected Suur. Yesterday, Khrum/Stash2Sixx talked only one time, voting for Lizar. Niwrad Selrac/Black Rabbit spoke twice and voted, and Leo Nyer/Ricecracker said three things and voted. I know not everyone is the most talkative under any circumstances, but I think these three in particular deserve consideration.

He has also behaved in traditional scum style by failing to appear at the private staff meetings that he used to attend regularly. Everyone present at them has noted this fact.

Combined with the fact that he has a night action he hasn't mentioned to anyone here, he's definitely at the top of my list. Is that transparent enough for you?

Could you please explain more about these "meetings"? Since there has been no mention of these gatherings before, casually throwing that out there as evidence seems really odd to me.

How would you know if Barney has an action of not? You have hinted at having a night action yourself, but haven't given much more information. I realize you would want to hide a night action from the infected, so why mention it at all? It seems you've given enough information to put a target on your back, but not enough to actually be helpful. Plus, you wanting the investigator to reveal their self so early seems like an awful idea to me.

I find it deeply hypocritical that Cmr Susan Antares wants me to blab about my top secret security guard duties but has singularly failed to reveal anything herself, except that she has dark, dark suspicions about pretty much everyone - probably including Jonesy the ship's cat! - and herself has been pursuing people for no good reason except she doesn't really know anything and hates to be left out of the loop.

Under the present circumstances, I am only sharing any sparse tidbits of information I glean with those I trust. Which, to be honest, is not many of you. Florentzia is the only one who's made any sense so far, in my opinion. When I signed up to the SSS (Space Security Service), I took an oath to protect friendly sentient beings and damned if I'm going to let an hysterical and accusative commander, who to be honest is probably number 1 on the space wiener hitlist, harangue and belittle me.

Hello, this is only Day 3. Which means only 2 nights have passed, although it may seem longer. Sure, there's a black hole around the corner, but time slows down as we approach the singularity, which means that by the end each Day could end up lasting two or three years in our perceptions :thumbup: Let's not rush in where angels fear to dance on the head of a pin. By which I mean, it may be too soon for anything of vital importance to have been revealed.

Could you please explain more about these "meetings"? Since there has been no mention of these gatherings before, casually throwing that out there as evidence seems really odd to me.

I will contact you privately, and hope you're not infected.

Hello, this is only Day 3. Which means only 2 nights have passed, although it may seem longer. Sure, there's a black hole around the corner, but time slows down as we approach the singularity, which means that by the end each Day could end up lasting two or three years in our perceptions :thumbup: Let's not rush in where angels fear to dance on the head of a pin. By which I mean, it may be too soon for anything of vital importance to have been revealed.

A lot of blah blah followed by an attempt to trick people into complacency. Yeah, that's a good strategy when faced with a pair of deadly threats.

I stand by my feeling on this matter, even if the voting is only hypothetical at this point (less than 24 hours, you know).

I will contact you privately, and hope you're not infected.

Secret staff meetings as game evidence? How meta can you get? :wacko: I've been on a holiday... of life, you dolts.

Yeah, that's a good strategy when faced with a pair of deadly threats.

If that is some kind of reference to your bosomy goodness, Commander, I think that qualifies as sexual harrassment :sadnew:

You were right? You were right?!?! No, my friend, you were terribly wrong. While I had nothing to do with his death, Jad Suur was, in fact, infected, just as I suspected. And then you went after me, and almost succeeded. I'm seeing a pattern here.

Oh oops. :laugh: Well, all these weird names. I still think Sarah is infected. And this is why:

As head of security I am trusted impeccably by some of our staff. One of the ship's crew has come forward and informed me that they have the ability to scan people's bodies for wieners at night. Last night this crew member scanned Sarah and discovered that she has a wiener. :look:

Secret staff meetings as game evidence? How meta can you get? :wacko: I've been on a holiday... of life, you dolts.

So we're all fighting an uncertain future against wieners and black holes and you're our punting, and just happened to start exactly when this disaster struck the ship? Sure, we buy that. You didn't buy it during the last battle we all fought in, but whatever. Oh, and learn the meaning of meta, that isn't it, meta would be if I accused someone of killing someone else to cover their own guilt and used an inflammatory term like "meat shield", or perhaps "wiener shield" in this case. :hmpf:

If that is some kind of reference to your bosomy goodness, Commander, I think that qualifies as sexual harrassment :sadnew:

The only boobs I'm referring to are the ones who would be stupid enough to let us be stopped from dealing with the threats against this ship, and those boobs will end up in a black hole, or worse.

As for sexual harassment, you're the one that brought my body into the equation as an attempt to distract us from our crisis. Don't think we can't see through you.

All of that said, I still don't know what to think. You could be innocent and just acting foolishly, and that can't be enough to send you out an airlock.

Unvote: Svelte / Barney Vance (Yes, I know it didn't count anyway)

Oh oops. :laugh: Well, all these weird names. I still think Sarah is infected. And this is why:

As head of security I am trusted impeccably by some of our staff. One of the ship's crew has come forward and informed me that they have the ability to scan people's bodies for wieners at night. Last night this crew member scanned Sarah and discovered that she has a wiener. :look:

Well, that puts a new light on things, IF it's true.

So we're all fig... can't see through you.

Darling, I think it's against our own security regulations to vote for a fellow crew member until 24 hours has passed. Now, I no longer suspect Florentzia, but as I have stated I have solid reason to believe that Sarah has a wiener.

Furthermore, I take full responsibility for bearing the news of our investigator. If I've been lied to I'll give up the scanner's identity. If a killer comes after me in the night for relaying the information the scanner is giving me, I have told this particular crew member whom I trust most to act as a confidante in case I am murdered...

It's good to see our night killer took out one of the infected last night, god job whoever that is. :thumbup: It would be great if we could keep that up, particularly considering they are still killing the rest off us off slowly during the night... :look:

With Jad Suur turning out to be infected, it makes me a bit more confident in my decision not to cast the convicting vote for you yesterday Florentzia. While I still don't trust you entirely of course, I do not think we need worry about you too much unless something else comes up to point to you as a possible infected. :classic:

Lots of interesting things being said here, I don't really know what to think at the moment. Since we have a bit of time before actual voting begins, I think this issue with Barney and the Lieutenant Commander needs some discussion.

As head of security I am trusted impeccably by some of our staff. One of the ship's crew has come forward and informed me that they have the ability to scan people's bodies for wieners at night. Last night this crew member scanned Sarah and discovered that she has a wiener. :look:

Now that is certainly interesting, but can you be certain of the truth in what your contact has told you? If so, then we might have our first shred of evidence...

Well at least we're starting to get somewhere, in a round about way. :wacko:

Now that is certainly interesting, but can you be certain of the truth in what your contact has told you? If so, then we might have our first shred of evidence...

Well at least we're starting to get somewhere, in a round about way. :wacko:

I trust this crew member to be telling the truth... I would be very surprised if Sarah turned out to not actually have a wiener.

More people are dying, and the black hole is fast approaching. Oh my... :cry_sad: Khrum, hold me!

Again, I can only say that I know nothing of last night's events. I'm not sure if I regret voting for Florentzia yesterday, though, but I will be more cautious today.

Oh oops. :laugh: Well, all these weird names. I still think Sarah is infected. And this is why:

As head of security I am trusted impeccably by some of our staff. One of the ship's crew has come forward and informed me that they have the ability to scan people's bodies for wieners at night. Last night this crew member scanned Sarah and discovered that she has a wiener. :look:

If this is indeed true, then we have ourselves a real lead. Sarah do you have anything to say for yourself?

It is great to see a wiener killed last night, thanks to our gutsy murderer! Boo to the wieners for killing another loyal crew member :thumbdown:

I still have my doubts on who to trust, but at this stage I feel Florentzia has been somewhat vindicated in going after Jad Suur, it seems unlikely to have been a gambit as she was the first to vote for Jad.

We all know there is most likely an investigator or two out there, possibly even a wiener investigator. There may also be blockers and protectors as well as these obvious murderers. So the real question is who to trust and who to work with. I am still up in the air about most of this.

If this is indeed true, then we have ourselves a real lead. Sarah do you have anything to say for yourself?

Well, it's hard to say anything against such an outright accusal. I am not infected though. There is something inside me, but it is not a wiener, and I have the scars on my stomach to prove it. I don't know how the medical scanner works, but I'm assuming it sees whether something is there or not, but cannot tell you what it is exactly. Maybe Sheridan could confirm this?

I realize how lame that sounds, but it's the truth. Because of that, you may not want to be so quick to jump on the supposed investigator, as they could just be mislead.

Hello, sorry Im a bit late.

I am truly happy we have finally got 1 infected but we need more if we are too win the fight against these weiners. Florentzia was right and I admit maybe I was wrong to vote for him yesterday.

I trust this crew member to be telling the truth... I would be very surprised if Sarah turned out to not actually have a wiener.

I havent seen any change in Sarah recently and I don't trust an un-named person just accussing people. The person could be badly infected and maybe a night killer thats infected, however maybe if we voted for her on the terms that if you are wrong you are gotten rid of along with the un-named person. It is a harsh punishment but one which is well fitted to the crime.

There is something inside me, but it is not a wiener, and I have the scars on my stomach to prove it. I don't know how the medical scanner works, but I'm assuming it sees whether something is there or not, but cannot tell you what it is exactly. Maybe Sheridan could confirm this?

So you have something inside you, and scars! Hmmm, could it be a Salami? Bratwurst? or Baby (the other white meat)?

If its a bubby, then who is responsible for slipping one past the goalie? We have been on this vessel for a long time if I am not mistaken. Perhaps interspecies breeding is frowned upon?

Strange that you would have something else inside you in this here dilemma at this present time.

You were however the first to vote for Jad Suur, along with Florentzia, so it appears to me you are just misguided for now.

Enogfi on the other hand is really an interesting proposition.

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