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I'm still hoping for some sort of dragon knight theme :cry_happy::tongue:

I'm kind of torn on this. I am glad we will continue to have Castle sets as it is my favorite theme. I am also glad we will have more human factions. I enjoyed the multiple human factions we had in the 80s. On the other hand, I also like the various fantasy monsters we now have as well and I would honestly like to see more of them (mainly elves).

With the human factions, we get diversity amongst our human kingdoms. I am hoping we might see the return of smaller castles as well, since they were around when we had multiple human factions. Something in the range of the Black Falcon Fortress perhaps. That's probably a pipe dream though. I do hope that they don't have a human faction obviously allied with an existing evil faction. I also hope that this means we will see some villagers at some point.

With the non human factions, the only thing I would want out of them that we are likely to not get now is greater figure diversity. We started to get that with the trolls. Some other undead to go with the skeletons might have been nice. Maybe elves to round it out.

As for the "dragon or snake" issue, my preference is for a snake theme. We have one dragon theme and we have dragons. A snake theme would provide a little more diversity. Snake themed villains are also featured in many fantasy themes, such as Conan (the followers of Set) and D&D (the Yuan-Ti, likely not alone). I could definately use them as followers of a Thulsa Doom like figure. Also, we might get more snakes in larger sizes than the little basic ones. If they want to get real creative, snake themed buildings or seige engines could be interesting as well. I'll live with dragons, but I would prefer snakes.

As for the "dragon or snake" issue, my preference is for a snake theme. We have one dragon theme and we have dragons. A snake theme would provide a little more diversity. Snake themed villains are also featured in many fantasy themes, such as Conan (the followers of Set) and D&D (the Yuan-Ti, likely not alone). I could definately use them as followers of a Thulsa Doom like figure. Also, we might get more snakes in larger sizes than the little basic ones. If they want to get real creative, snake themed buildings or seige engines could be interesting as well. I'll live with dragons, but I would prefer snakes.

Maybe it's just me, but I find that Snakes are usually associated with evil. I'd like two human factions that could be treated as either good or evil. A snake as heraldry worries me as I can almost see KKI where we had Cedric and his evil Bulls against our heroic King (Leo I think). Then again, the black and green colour scheme that was rumoured really does lend itself to an evil stereotype given that the new lion knights apparently have red gold and white heraldry. I guess what it really comes down to at this point is waiting for new photos. Without them all we have is conjecture.

Edited by blueandwhite

Maybe it's just me, but I find that Snakes are usually associated with evil. I'd like two human factions that could be treated as either good or evil. A snake as heraldry worries me as I can almost see KKI where we had Cedric and his evil Bulls against our heroic King (Leo I think). Then again, the black and green colour scheme that was rumoured really does lend itself to an evil stereotype given that the new lion knights apparently have red gold and white heraldry. I guess what it really comes down to at this point is waiting for new photos. Without them all we have is conjecture.

I see what you're saying. However, I believe with the lions being one of the two factions, they are going to be viewed as the default good guys if the other (snake or dragon) are even slightly "evil" in appearance. That was why I said I would prefer they not have an obvious alliance with the current fantasy villains. Then at least some attempt can be made to rationalise them being good guys. My comments were my preferrence for snake themed characters. Were it up to me, the other faction wouldn't be lions. They really should look into other animals (if they are absolutely dead set on sticking with animals, which is an idea I am also not in love with) like eagles, horses (also a good excuse for them to have lots of mounted figures), etc. Lions don't have a monopoly on "good" (or majestic, noble, or whatever the idea is). As for dragons, I believe as often as not they are used as villains. Obviously there are exceptions. I do admit snakes are more widely viewed as a symbol of evil though. I just want something we don't already have.

I see what you're saying. However, I believe with the lions being one of the two factions, they are going to be viewed as the default good guys if the other (snake or dragon) are even slightly "evil" in appearance. That was why I said I would prefer they not have an obvious alliance with the current fantasy villains. Then at least some attempt can be made to rationalise them being good guys. My comments were my preferrence for snake themed characters. Were it up to me, the other faction wouldn't be lions. They really should look into other animals (if they are absolutely dead set on sticking with animals, which is an idea I am also not in love with) like eagles, horses (also a good excuse for them to have lots of mounted figures), etc. Lions don't have a monopoly on "good" (or majestic, noble, or whatever the idea is). As for dragons, I believe as often as not they are used as villains. Obviously there are exceptions. I do admit snakes are more widely viewed as a symbol of evil though. I just want something we don't already have.

I believe it's in peoples mindset, that lions are considered kings of the wild, so hence the good side will be called the Lion Knights. It does seem to simple an explaination, but it is logical one. If was based in another part of the globe, there would be Tiger Knights, but it appears Castle is mainly set in Europe many hundreds of years ago. Not Asia or the Middle East or even South America.

I believe it's in peoples mindset, that lions are considered kings of the wild, so hence the good side will be called the Lion Knights. It does seem to simple an explaination, but it is logical one. If was based in another part of the globe, there would be Tiger Knights, but it appears Castle is mainly set in Europe many hundreds of years ago. Not Asia or the Middle East or even South America.

Well, in fairness the line is one based (extremely loosely) on the middle ages of Europe. It's actually one of the reasons I'm not too big on Vladek's Scorpion design. It just doesn't fit well with that idea of medieval Europe.

I also find the lion kind of tiring. I liked the classic 1984 Lion Knights but I feel that the lion has been done to death. I also would like some new colour schemes (the rumoured one sounds suspiciously like an update on the Royal Knights). I'm sure that the new knights will look great, but it is a shame that we can't get some other heraldric devices.

Will save some money for 2010 then ;-)

I am glad that Lego is continuing the Castle theme into 2010 and I am also glad that they are starting over. I really hope that they go back to their roots with the multiple human factions of the 80's and 90's. I was getting a little tired of the fantasy aspect of the theme. Sets which are a bit more historically accurate would be great. The 2009 Castle sets were pretty lacking and limited, so I am not surprised they starting over. This year really seemed more like a transition year than anything.

Any more tidbits? Pics? Set list? I'm getting so excited, I am starting to bricklink accessories to MOC my future armies.


I too am excited to hear about new 2010 sets.

I understand that earlier posts were opinions and everyone is certainly entitled to have them. However, I could almost vom :tongue: reading the overt "glorification" of the classic sets. I am curious as to when was the last time you have rebuilt your old classic sets and compared them to the current ones?

Mentioning siege engines? Look at the old siege tower and battering ram from the 80's. They are absolutely horrible. The current siege machines are incredibly better. Did I hear that the old sets had interiors? A couple of tudor pieces and a post holding up a roof is not a house by any means. I admit... I thought the classics were awesome too until I pulled them out and rebuilt them. KCS has its flaws, like the gatehouse and the open tower. But even the classics had similar weaknesses.

I agree with many others. If KCS had a gatehouse it would have been a great set, in the top 2 or 3 castles ever. Last thing on this point. The dwarf mine, MMV, and the giant chess set are easily 3 of the best sets ever made in the castle lineup. All 3 come from the fantasy era. To TLG: I say don't ever go back to the shapeless, colorless, building techniques of the 80's. Keep giving us great designs like you have been but hopefully fix the little flaws.

I also feel that many of us AFOLs are being a bit short sighted about the whole human vs human thing. I do prefer more human factions as well. However, facts are that kids preferred the skeletons vs humans to humans vs humans by 90% to 10%. I was told this by a castle set designer at brickworld 2008. This is why they go with obvious bad guys in the current sets.

I will enjoy getting some new human factions very much (the crownies have run their course IMO.) However, If these new sets don't sell well and the castle line dies out for a while it is the AFOLs that I will blame. We are constantly begging for a return to classic castle. I would be fine with a new human faction vs skeles or trolls or whatever lego comes up with. It is more important to me to keep the line selling strong than to get 2 or more new human factions. If the line stops I figure I don't get anything for a few years...

I don't think I am going to enjoy the new lion faction. Just way too similar to the past lions and crusaders. (I hope AFOL pleading for classic castle didn't cause a repeat of old heraldry) I hope they look more different than I am imagining right now.

I would prefer more generic heraldry like a pair of crossed swords, a tree, a castle, or a mountain on the emblem. And a different color scheme would be great. I would love to see dark grey or silver with a splash of purple. Not a jelly bean amount of purple. A black and silver faction would be great and could look both good and evil.

The dragon or snake faction sounds interesting. I atleast like the color combos mentioned. The witch from the big chess set and advent calendar sounds like she is going to get an army to go with her. And maybe a new wizard boyfriend... She seemed woefully out of place with last years lineup. What a great minifig she is. I was surprised she was not used in something more last year. I bet she is included in one of the snake/dragon knights sets.

Last but not least... the release of new forestmen types (in the collectable figures) makes you wonder whether they are in the cards in the future?

Edited by DaleDVM

I don't know why everyone makes fun of the gatehouse in KCS, to me none of the LEGO Castle castles have had a good gatehouse, but maybe they did.

The weak part for me is that KCS is built horribly. You try to move the set and it falls apart. The one thing LEGO should use raised baseplated for are castles, but nah, they will use them on hospitals and police stations instead.

The weak part for me is that KCS is built horribly. You try to move the set and it falls apart. The one thing LEGO should use raised baseplated for are castles, but nah, they will use them on hospitals and police stations instead.

I guess it's because LEGO was going for a modular feeling in KCS. Granted, most other combinations of the modules look terrible, but it's a neat playability idea. Besides, even if you put a baseplate underneath-then what? For one, LEGO would either have to invest in a new baseplate, or limit KCS's size.

Well, here's hopin' for a good, human vs. human 2010!

I would prefer more generic heraldry like a pair of crossed swords, a tree, a castle, or a mountain on the emblem. And a different color scheme would be great. I would love to see dark grey or silver with a splash of purple. Not a jelly bean amount of purple. A black and silver faction would be great and could look both good and evil.

Last but not least... the release of new forestmen types (in the collectable figures) makes you wonder whether they are in the cards in the future?

I agree with you 100% about the heraldry. Personally, I would like heraldry containing crosses or shields, which is probably unlikely, so I can make Crusaders. Furthermore, a great helm would be greatly appreciated.


So we're finally getting out of the fantasy era eh?

Well I'll be sad to see it go for it was a good run especially the dwarves.

I'm still hoping for elves or something maybe an eragon line? :knight:

The other day, I stopped by my local lego store to pick up some soldiers impulses. I found this:


It's product name is "King's Shield". I haven't seen any factions with that color scheme, nor have I seen this accessory before. It leads me to believe that we might have a another human faction next year. What are your thoughts?

(My apologies if this has already been posted, searching "LEGO Kings Shield" comes up with just about every thread on the forum)

Is this a potential color scheme? And if these are the colors for the Lions, is the color for the Dragons cross-quartered in a similar way?

*Edit* my apologies, apparently it was already posted

Edited by Admiral M

I don't know why everyone makes fun of the gatehouse in KCS, to me none of the LEGO Castle castles have had a good gatehouse, but maybe they did.

KCS doesn't even have a gatehouse to make fun of if we wanted to, that's the problem. If KCS had a gatehouse on it then it would actually be a proper castle. No medieval architect in their right mind would make a castle with out a gate house to protect and defend the gate especially if it has a portcullis. I don't own the set myself but I don't even think there is a simple battlement above the gate that soldiers can stand on since the portcullis passes up vertically through the battlements which was simply unheard of until TLG invented it about 10 years ago starting with set 6091(King Leo's Castle). The same lacking gate design has carried through into the design of every large Lego castle since then including 8781(The Castle of Morcia), 10176(King's Castle) and most recently the one we speak of 7094(King's Castle Siege). There was only one exception over the past 10 years being set 8877(Vladek's Dark Fortress) in 2005 which did not need a gatehouse since it did not have a portcullis, instead having double doors and a drawbridge.

The sets in the past that had gatehouses were 6080(King's Castle), 6085(Black Monarch's Castle), 6086(Black Knight's Castle) and 6090(Royal Knights Castle). Any other large castle sets before the year 2000 that did not have gatehouses simply did not need them because thy did not have a portcullis and just had a drawbridge or a drawbridge and double doors.

Then again, the black and green colour scheme that was rumoured really does lend itself to an evil stereotype

Why is it that my favorite colors lend themselves to an evil stereotype? :tongue:

Of course you could always decide what faction you want to use as "good" or "bad" regardless of the "official storyline".

You know, an evil looking lion faction would be a nice change.


I want pictures........ :hmpf_bad:

Why do we have to have Lions...again?

Isn't this the 4th version of them.

Serpents or Dragons sound good but I would think Eagles or Falcons would be a better opposing side.

We have already had a falcons faction (Black Falcons)

Also this would be the fifth version of lion knights after Lion Knights, Royal Knights, KK1 and KK@

We have already had a falcons faction (Black Falcons)

Yes but they have only really been done once. They could return with a redesign although I don't think the old falcons crest design could be outdone. I also think that factions could use very simple symbols much like the first castle sets from the late 70s and early 80s. They don't always have to have an animals as the basis for a crest design.

Falcons (black or otherwise) would be great to see with a little update. Lions are cool, but we've already seen them plenty. If we have different heraldry, it would be nice if it was at least kind of authentic (unlike KK2's explosion of really strange ones, I mean monkeys? Had anyone in medieval europe ever even seen a monkey before?). Griffins, swords, or trees (like in LOTR) would be pretty nice. I wouldn't mind seeing dragons again with a different color scheme and appearance.

As much as I can't wait to see these new sets, I really will be sad to see the fantasy era pass. It really was a creative rebirth for the theme and had some great sets, parts, and especially figs. Hopefully the new line will be as good or better! And I know a lot of people here will disagree, but I hope for a few more fantasy creatures, too.

We have already had a falcons faction (Black Falcons)

Also this would be the fifth version of lion knights after Lion Knights, Royal Knights, KK1 and KK@

I know we have already had the Black falcons... or Eagle Crest as us Aussies knew them. i just figured if they were going to dig up old factions again ... like the lions we might as well have their old nemesis the eagles/falcons reinvented.


Although Bringing back the Black Dragon [black Knights] faction would be great.. not so keen on the green dragons returning...

I'm 27, and my first Lego set was the Black Falcons fortress (I recently rebuilt it). Now that I am older I've gotten back into Legos along with my wife. She prefers town while I prefer the Castle sets. I got back into things with the current fantasy line.

I do like the current fantasy line, though I will think of this newer line as a continuation with new factions.

Do I hope they redo the older sets like they did with the Pirates? YES! I would love some Falcons sets, some Black Knights, and even a few updated fright nights, especially with all the new spooky pieces that the skeletons provided.

If Lego were smart, they'd go back to modular design and include plans that if you have 2 or 3 models, you can combine them into bigger sets. I remember the older space Sets (M-Tron was one) used to do that, and as a kid I became obsessed with finding all of the sets to make the big model. Jester and Wizard impulses are rather obtuse, business-wise. The Star Wars amry packs have to be big sellers (I always see decent shelf space allocated for them), making army builders for this line would be prudent.

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