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I'm hoping that at least us neglected canadians actually get a chance to order it.

All Americans would like that.

It does look like it could be a female prisoner in the dragon's tower. It looks to me like the fig has a black cone hat on, but it's so blurry and dark it could be anything. I'm hoping its headpiece will end up being the queen's hair from Drawbridge Defense, but in a different color and with a different colored crown (silver?). It would be cool if the fig was some other prominent royal character, too, like a prince with a different crown mold or priest.

I've got to say, I am loving the look of these castle sets. The new Lion Knight Castle looks fantastic. The tower with the red roof actually has windows! :wub:

I love the look of the Dragon Knights as well.

I have a feeling the golden age of Castle is about to make a spectacular return! :thumbup:

The red pieces on the Unicorns(Lions) castle could be used to make some goood civilan homes. :classic:

Plus i loke the fact that theres enough shields and weapons to go around.

Edited by RocketClone

I impressed so far. I like the idea of "resurrecting" dragon and royal knights as they are my two favorite factions. What are your inputs on this guys? How many of you are disappointed we are not going to see elves this year? What are your favorite sets?

Well, we kinda "knew" since some months already, that next year there will be going on something different in the castle theme, with the name changing to kingdoms. I myself am very satisfied with what we have seen so far. I'm not disappointed we don't get elves, since i never really expected that. My favourite sets would be the big lion's(?) castle and the fortress of the "bad" guys.

Anyone else notice that the flag colors on the Kings Castle set are pretty much the same colors used on the Kings Castle back in 1984? The Dragons masters also used those colors in 1993. It's been a while since those colors were used. I welcome it. :classic:

Not bad... :classic:

Personally I think the small castle is the best of these sets. I don't know if I'll buy any of these, but I'll certainly keep an eye on them.

I personaly will miss the fantasy theme. :cry_sad: But the new sets do look very attractive. ive got to start saving

They seem interesting, but I'm going to withhold judgement until I can see some better pictures. (I need to stock up on trolls!)

Time to save up money, :cry_happy: Fantasy was fun and all, but these look fantastic!

AACK trucksareofftopic...

I for one am very excited about the Jester impulse... after I get that I'll just need to grab a Harley Quinn minifig, and I'll have all the Jester hats! I find it kind of funny that they are making an entirely new theme for something pretty similar to 2009 "Fantasy" Castle. Sure the new line doesn't have any fantasy creatures (we'll see how long THAT lasts... :sceptic: ), but on the 2009 sets it just says "Castle", which I think would match these new sets fine.

Just a thought.

I guess they changed the name cause they want it to seperate it totally from the current castle theme. Like, that this new theme would take place in a whole different "world" than the "old"one.

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This is not the place to discuss the new truck set or similarities it may have with creations. I've moved the off-topic posts into a new thread, where you can continue that discussion if desired.

Hm, the impulse sets don't seem like you would want to buy multiples of it. At least not like the good knight impulse set.

Although I guess multiple jesters (including the fantasy era one and I guess harley quinn) you can have a small entertainment group. I buy at least two of the wizard and jester. Probably more of the wizard than the jester.

First in general I like the new sets very much. I am going to go into depth on the pieces I see in the sets.

I am rather confused by the dragons color scheme. In some photos the dark green dragon almost looks black. The question would be is the color combo for the dragons more of a dark green with gold or yellow like on pictures of the shields which makes me think the color schemes are less good guy and bad guy than it first appears. . Or is it a dark green and black combo? I am getting mixed messages and I guess we will have to wait for final product photos. I hope it is not a combo of all of those colors.

the lion knights appear to be getting the metallic silver helms and armor and the dragons are getting bley and black armor and helmets. Obviously this can change but adds to my confusion on the above color concepts.

Kings Castle: I see 5 defenders one with a crossbow and 3 attackers also one with a crossbow. That could obviously be easily changed however. Notable parts are a bunch of torches with flames, a lot of red cheese wedge pieces. Possibly some double wide bley cheese wedge pieces on the battlements? the double clip hanging square flags are very nice. the inverse slopes holding up the battlements appear to be brown in color? If I'm not just mistaken this will make for an interesting inclusion of wood into the castle construction.

The inclusion of the double convex slope 3685.gif in red is a great as this piece goes for a dollar each on bricklink.

Hopefully the horse barding will be new and original. the Armor for the horses head is great. I love that the unicorn horn is removable. I can see a lot of modding possibilities here. That broad brimmed helmet looks almost black but I doubt it really is. If so that would be completely new. The new porticullis looks impressive and appears to have attachment areas so they can be modified. There are also a lot of slopes, arches, windows for us to work with. On a down note it appears a lot of POOPs: walls panels and corner panels are included with this castle. I do note even classic castles have many POOP pieces. Also stickers are a bit of a downer instead of printed panels IMHO.

Prison Tower Rescue: Definately a female fig imprisoned. I like the horses silver headgear. The barding looks pretty cool and original on this set. the great helms in different colors and the baby dragons are great. Porticullis included on this one as well. Not a lot of original parts in this one but it includes a lot of dark brown which is very useful. The overall color scheme is interesting on this building.

Outpost Attack: Silly dragon soldier attacking all by himself and outnumbered... Fig on top of the tower appears to be an archer. I like the cheese slopes on the wheels gold and dark green should be useful. Don't see much unique here but the figs should be nice. A decent little set.

Prison Carriage Rescue: It appears the horse barding for the head comes in 3 colors! Dark bley, silver, and gold. The unicorn type horns appear in silve and gold as well. I like this very much and hope these pieces come out with all of these colors. A nice little set with a good number of figs and a black horse.

Knights Showdown: Interesting figures but nothing very noteworthy other than the helms and plumes.

The impulse sets have already been touched on by others. the figs are unique and a few extra parts like the scroll and baby dragon.

Overall: I didn't note the new weapons that others have noted. all of the swords look sized similar to previously released ones. I also noted that the Dragon knights are outnumbered in about all of the sets. Hopefully we will get battle packs for each individual faction. TLG don't make the mistake you made with Pirates where you put unique figs and also both sides in the same package. It really limits purchasing of multiple copies of the battlepacks.

I am looking forward to some new factions for my Kingdom. I'm not sure the lion knights are going to be different enough from the royal knights to not combine them together at some point. we will see when the pics of the actual figures come out. I can't believe that the black and green witch wasn't included in any of the sets. She only came in the big chess set and the advent calendar. Not complaining cuz I have plenty of her but it still surprises me. Hmmm...

These sets do have a feeling of classic sets from the 80's and early 90's. They appear more detailed as all of the current sets seem to be compared to the older ones.

Like some others I enjoyed the fantasy era sets and even the figs and fantasy elements. I am also a fan of the classic castle era. However, I am worried. I'm not sure if these sets will do as well with kids as the fantasy sets did?! OK you AFOLs you got what you wanted now buy in quantity. I just don't want castle to struggle for sales as it will mean less sets in the future.

Edited by DaleDVM

Like some others I enjoyed the fantasy era sets and even the figs and fantasy elements. I am also a fan of the classic castle era. However, I am worried. I'm not sure if these sets will do as well with kids as the fantasy sets did?! OK you AFOLs you got what you wanted now buy in quantity. I just don't want castle to struggle for sales as it will mean less sets in the future.

That's my only real concern as well. It appears that TLG has listened to AFOLs when designing these sets. Or, Fantasy wasn't as big of a seller as they had hoped so they looked to the surveys for ideas on where to go. Either way, it appears that they have listened the fans. If it doesn't do well, I can only wonder at what will come next. This somewhat appears to be the case for Star Wars this year as well. The TIE Defender has been on wanted lists for a while along with more Hoth themed sets. I don't follow the other lines enough to know if this seems to be happening there or not. Overall, if they are listening more to the fans on what to make and that ends up failing, who knows what will come next. I know I will be buying multiples of the lower end sets (assuming the pricing hasn't taken a rather dramatic turn towards the expensive for some reason) and at least one of each of the larger two sets (more if a good sale comes along).

Edit to add: I meant to also say that if this is the result of listening to the fans, then if it does well we could see more fan desires down the road. If this sells, we might actually see a few peasants now and then or modular buildings, as a for instance.

Edited by Tyrant

Well I intend on purchasing at least one of each one. Probably multiples of the cheaper ones for more minifigs and horses. So no lack of sales coming from me.

That's my only real concern as well. It appears that TLG has listened to AFOLs when designing these sets. Or, Fantasy wasn't as big of a seller as they had hoped so they looked to the surveys for ideas on where to go. Either way, it appears that they have listened the fans. If it doesn't do well, I can only wonder at what will come next. This somewhat appears to be the case for Star Wars this year as well. The TIE Defender has been on wanted lists for a while along with more Hoth themed sets. I don't follow the other lines enough to know if this seems to be happening there or not. Overall, if they are listening more to the fans on what to make and that ends up failing, who knows what will come next. I know I will be buying multiples of the lower end sets (assuming the pricing hasn't taken a rather dramatic turn towards the expensive for some reason) and at least one of each of the larger two sets (more if a good sale comes along).

Edit to add: I meant to also say that if this is the result of listening to the fans, then if it does well we could see more fan desires down the road. If this sells, we might actually see a few peasants now and then or modular buildings, as a for instance.

I think the fantasy theme wasn't selling well. For a while I saw a bunch of woodland castle sets that had the same box art as the fantasy era sets and I think Lego was originally going to come out with those. They were listed among the new sets that were to come out in 2010. I also know that one of the few themes to not get cleared out of our local Lego store was the fantasy them. Almost all of the sets were still in stock. That tells me the the fantasy them is not selling too well. I think the the new theme they are coming out with will sell pretty well. The castles look awsome with the new colors and we are getting some new helmets and such.

I think the fantasy theme wasn't selling well. For a while I saw a bunch of woodland castle sets that had the same box art as the fantasy era sets and I think Lego was originally going to come out with those. They were listed among the new sets that were to come out in 2010. I also know that one of the few themes to not get cleared out of our local Lego store was the fantasy them. Almost all of the sets were still in stock. That tells me the the fantasy them is not selling too well. I think the the new theme they are coming out with will sell pretty well. The castles look awsome with the new colors and we are getting some new helmets and such.

I don't think you can make such claims based on one shop alone. At least in my country, the Fantasy castle sets practically vanished from the shelfs, leaving Power Miners and Racers to dust. :wink:

I think TLG just wanted to change the Castle theme to fit their overall strategies. There's Harry Potter sets coming up later this year, after all, and those will include plenty of magic and fantasy.

I don't think you can make such claims based on one shop alone. At least in my country, the Fantasy castle sets practically vanished from the shelfs, leaving Power Miners and Racers to dust. :wink:

I think TLG just wanted to change the Castle theme to fit their overall strategies. There's Harry Potter sets coming up later this year, after all, and those will include plenty of magic and fantasy.

Where have I been? There are new Harry Potter sets coming out?

I think the fantasy theme wasn't selling well. For a while I saw a bunch of woodland castle sets that had the same box art as the fantasy era sets and I think Lego was originally going to come out with those. They were listed among the new sets that were to come out in 2010.

I'd like to know where you got your info from. but I think I might know. There is no way that we got a real list of 2010 sets and then LEGO in a few months came up with new sets, not a chance. More so when we have known for months that LEGO was going to rename Castle to Kingdoms because of the poll. If they were going to continue the fantasy theme they wouldn't bother renaming them.

Also I think Castle sold really well, they were normally sold out at most stores I went to, there were only 1-2 sets (like that stupid huge wheel) that didn't sell well.

Between the new Castle line and the return of Harry Potter, this year looks to be a great one for Castle fans.

Speculating on the actual sales figures for the Fantasy line seems rather pointless. I doubt the change was spurred on solely by sales (or lack thereof). Still, with Harry Potter's return we should see a lot of great sets for Castle fans; fantasy or not. I appreciate that there is a TFOL and AFOL contingent that wanted elves, but I'm still not convinced that kids would be any more interested in Elves than they would in the castle line we're getting. Moreover, as a fan of non-fantasy castle I'm pleased with the direction LEGO is taking.

Between the new Castle line and the return of Harry Potter, this year looks to be a great one for Castle fans.

Speculating on the actual sales figures for the Fantasy line seems rather pointless. I doubt the change was spurred on solely by sales (or lack thereof). Still, with Harry Potter's return we should see a lot of great sets for Castle fans; fantasy or not. I appreciate that there is a TFOL and AFOL contingent that wanted elves, but I'm still not convinced that kids would be any more interested in Elves than they would in the castle line we're getting. Moreover, as a fan of non-fantasy castle I'm pleased with the direction LEGO is taking.

Yeah, I guess your right. I am also not very fond of the fantasy themes and so I am looking forward to the new sets. Unfortunately it might be a year or so before I will be able to get them due to some other projects I am working on right now.

Edited by bengun

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