March 16, 201014 yr From experience in dealing/trading with Chinese Manufacturers. The plastic issue may have been resolved soon as Lego looks the other way they will start making the nasty stuff again. The worst idea Lego ever had was to manufacture anything in China. That said; The Lion figures remind me abit of Royal Knights. They look nice.. The Dragon Knights look good too ..Are these two apposing factions?I think it has been a while since we have seen two human factions. It is kind of like the good old days with Black Falcons and Crusaders. Anyone know if the Elves are coming or was that just a rumour?
March 16, 201014 yr These new Kingdoms battle packs are really very good. I am looking forward to see them in the market, and hopefully these battlepacks will be affordable. Thanks Hun for sharing this with us.
March 16, 201014 yr Based on the current minifig pack (the one with the ladies) only printing seems to be an issue. The plastic is much better than prior battle packs/tictactoe packs. I will buy at least one of each of these! I kindof wished they would have come out like the Star Wars battle packs (four figs and a small construct rather than five minifigs) but I like both packs. Hopefully the printing art is improved.
March 16, 201014 yr Another reason I am guessing they are prelims is because the checkered lion knight had white arms in all of the Toy Fair pics and these have red. Good to see a close up of the knight's torso. Am I the only one that won't buy these if the black neck square printing is missing?
March 16, 201014 yr I wish they would bring back dark grey weaponry. Upon re-looking at the Dragons, their weapons seem out of place given their otherwise dark disposition.
March 16, 201014 yr Anyone know if the Elves are coming or was that just a rumour? It's just a rumour.
March 16, 201014 yr nice picture !! Thanks for sharing Hun... I love both, and definitely will buy all ..
March 16, 201014 yr It's just a rumour. No, not exactly "just a rumor." There was a picture in a LEGO Magazine from a while back that sort of hinted that elves could be part of the Fantasy theme at some point in the future. Could still be, but given that we're about to see a new human vs. human line, I'd say don't count on seeing them any time soon, if at all. Edited March 16, 201014 yr by Draykov
March 16, 201014 yr No, not exactly "just a rumor." There was a picture in a LEGO Magazine from a while back that sort of hinted that elves could be part of the Fantasy theme at some point in the future. Could still be, but given that we're about to see a new human vs. human line, I'd say don't count on seeing them any time soon, if at all. Especially given the Dwarves and Trolls/Orcs show up on this and made it to the real theme.
March 16, 201014 yr Yes, last years Battlepacks were crap but until one of us has these new ones in our hot little hands, let's keep the discussion focussed on what we can see Thanks! And it looks like crap to me. heaven forbid I don't agree with everyone else.
March 16, 201014 yr I'm glad to see we are getting battlepacks. This will make it easier to balance out for me to build up a large number of Dragon Knights. From what I have seen so far I prefer them to the Lions. The assortment in the Dragon pack (or lack of one as the case may be) is fine with me. I want lots of the generic guys to make up the bulk of the army. If these are meant to be army builder sets, that works just fine. Then the regular sets have a greater variety to give us figures to act as commanders, champions, whatever. In the Lion pack I really like the 2 more generic looking guys and the "leader" knight has a nice looking chest print. I'll likely be picking up several of the Dragon sets and maybe a couple of Lion sets.
March 16, 201014 yr Thanks Hun! How come I feel Katie's talking to me? I'm probably going to have a hard time resisting the temptation to get more than 2 each. I'm really looking forward to this line. My childhood dreams of Lego and having knights will both happen at once.
March 16, 201014 yr And it looks like crap to me.heaven forbid I don't agree with everyone else. What's the point of this post? If you are saying the figs are badly designed or unappealing, nobody is stopping you. If you are saying the figs look of bad quality, then you're speculating about things that can't even be seen from this early pic.
March 16, 201014 yr Especially given the Dwarves and Trolls/Orcs show up on this and made it to the real theme. I thought for sure lego would extend the fantasy castle theme one more year to introduce the elves, but I think the reason they didn't continue with it is because, well, say the elves would are the good guys, right, well then, who would be their opposing faction. Godforbid we tip the scales into the good guys favor, we wouldn't want it to be an unfair fight. But now there is no other fantasy antagonist that I can think of who would rise to challenge the elven might. And so we part, without elves, but with what? With good old Human vs. Human medieval time fighting.
March 16, 201014 yr I quite like the small differences between the two battle packs. The fact that the middle dragon knight comes with a breat plate for example while the lion knights get an extra shield appeals to me as it makes the two sets a bit distinct. Hopefully the prices will be reasonable as I wouldn't mind picking up a few of each variety so long as they aren't too expensive.
March 16, 201014 yr The battlepacks are very nice: - The dragons one seems to be helmet heaven - The Lions one seem to be shield heaven Two minor downsides: - Whats with the flags? - The dragons have a lance-carrying knight in it... so that will cost me a horse again :P Edited March 16, 201014 yr by Lockt
March 16, 201014 yr Thanks for those pics Hun!They look OK to me, just about what I expected. I hope they won't just be S@H exclusives as the previous ones From what I've heard these battle packs might be available a little bit earlier than the rest of the sets, maybe sometime in the summer. Wait, those were exclusives? Ah, that explains it! I really wanted those battle packs, but I didn't realise... Anyway, I honestly doubt these won't be exclusives. I don't think I've seen battle packs like these recently in stores (i.e. five figures, no other pieces).
March 16, 201014 yr I changed my mind a bit about bucket-helmets, they look a little better in close-up shots. As for the battle packs, they could be great IF (and they all are huge IFs): - they were available everywhere and not on S@H only - they came for a fair price (and 13 Euros is far from fair) - they were made of quality materials. They could even be outstanding if the pieces came loose in a cardboard box instead of "already ready" in those ugly plastic shells.
March 16, 201014 yr I am really happy that they are doing battle packs. Sadly, I won't be able to get the new castle sets for a while. I will be too busy acquiring the sands of time so that I can make a super troll army. :skull:
March 16, 201014 yr Yay, so much goodness! I doubt however TLC would get rid of those plastic packaging. And a more widespread release in regular stores would be nice, but I fear we won't see that too soon. And again I'd LOVE to be proven wrong. (Hurray for cardboard packaged, non-preassembled battle packs!) Greetings, Cutty
March 16, 201014 yr Erm... thanks for the many thanks! I had no idea this would be frontpaged, or I'd have added that the pictures were originally found and published on his Brickshelf by my fellow MALUG member Bezo. Myself, I kinda like these Battle Packs, provided that the quality's right this time. The two principal things I miss have already been mentioned many times: the new barrel helmet for the Lions and the ovoid shield for the Dragons. Otherwise, quite a nice selection. I especially like it that these appear in the beginning of the theme - I couldn't wait and bought all my Crown men BEFORE the Crown BP was released.
March 16, 201014 yr I'm guessing the price to be around the same as last time... us addicts will still buy these, so why would they reduce the price? Company wants to make profit in the first place. (Luckily, this usually correlates with satisfied customers. )
March 16, 201014 yr Interesting. It just occured to me that Dragon Knights do not have a leader. I mean the Lions have a king, but dragons don't. However to my taste they'd better have a queen! ) Good day, ladies and gentlemen! )
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