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I don't know what the old one looks like. In the Lego store though, they have Pirates now in the build-a-fig area. The hats have the printing too. If anyone has a comparason picture of the old verse new, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Here is a picture of the old one. It looks much better in my opinon and I would love the switch out the new with the old. Thankfully they kept the new jolly roger design out of the Imperial Flagship. :pir-classic:

Edited by bengun

Nice review! How did you get it so early? Esp being in Australia!

Can you please do me a favor and measure the W x H x D of the ship? As Id like to make a perspex box for it to be stored once it's made.


Nice review! How did you get it so early? Esp being in Australia!

Can you please do me a favor and measure the W x H x D of the ship? As Id like to make a perspex box for it to be stored once it's made.


It gives the deminsions of the set at Lego.com and the width I am guessing is about 10 inches with the yards but, just to be safe I would make the box about a foot. Hope this helps. :pir-classic:


Great review, and thanks a lot for putting all the time and effort into the writeup and the pictures.

I'm not really all that into Pirates, but this ship looks like a must have!

I hope this will show up in "normal" stores aswell at some point, though i doubt it. Probably i'll have to get it off ebay then or something, since i also don't ahve a credit card anymore, which is required for S@H...

Having had a few hours to really drink this set in i feel i can comment

First of all - best pirate-line ship? Better than even the BSB? Simply put - yes, if nothing else its twice the bricks!!

Cant imagine any serious pirate collection without this - the jewel in the crown, and I now have all the pirate ships

I will get a few gripes off my chest

Captain's door's cant open more than 3/4 of the way....looks like Lego missed that design floor

No crane - boo!

No ladder to lower desk

Blandest poop deck i can imagine - guess lego blew their brick budget

absurdly large brig - are they expecting to round up an army

just 4 cannons per side - c'mon, go for 5 lego just to give it that edge over the Schoonar!

regardless, this is a 9.5/10 set and surely in the top 5 (3?) lego sets ever made

This is a fantastic set! Svelte’s review is of the same caliber! After building the ship, I feel like adding a few comments of my own, may I be so bold.

In almost every way, the model is better in person than I expected from the outstanding pictures and box art. From pictures, I was skeptical of the aesthetics of the prow SNOT. In person, it works wonderfully, however. After Svelte’s review, I was expecting the prow to be quite flimsy. While not robust, I have found it sufficiently sturdy and have yet to experience any unexpected detachments. I had doubts about the color scheme (mostly with the blue accents), but again it looks great in person. I am a big fan of the soft tubing on the prow. The slightly different bend of the upper and lower “rigging” is well executed. If this area were filled in with bricks, it would look overly bulky.

I also had doubts that a single tap would provide an adequate forestay. To my surprise, it holds the jib much better than expected. Who would have thought? Lances are used to create a masthead for the jib…it functions well, but doesn’t look quite right to me. It’s a petty complaint, really.

My other petty complaint is using a single 2 x 1 slope to cap off the inverted arches that swing up to the poop deck. It looks a little unfinished. I will mod this as soon as I am done drooling over the majesty of this gargantuan vessel (which may take a while). Oh, and a ship this size may be slightly undermanned by the crew provided…a few cannon battles will solve that dilemma!

Over all, a must have set, even though it’s a shock to the pocket book. We all know this is one of those instantly classic sets that those who pass on will regret later. (Who needs another one of those in their brain’s inventory?!) :pir_laugh2:

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After Svelte’s review, I was expecting the prow to be quite flimsy. While not robust, I have found it sufficiently sturdy and have yet to experience any unexpected detachments.

The second time I built this section I did find it stronger - not perfect, but stronger - so I am willing to admit I may have been too harsh on this issue :wink:

Thanks for your comments!

The Flagship really is a beauty :sweet:

I didn't have any problems with the prow but, then I only use my ships for display. It is a beautiful piece but, I would like to swap out the organ for a dining table or something of the sort. :pir-classic:

Edited by bengun

I've had some trouble with the prow. It has fallen apart twice, once while I was rebuilding it, and now my husband is afraid to help me play with the ship, even though he thinks it is awesome. When we put it back together we looked carefully to see what the weak parts were and decided to just try not to touch it. Do you have any other suggestions? What about superglue? We thought a little about gluing just a few select bricks, so it doesn't fall apart... what are the dangers in that? And what if 5 years later I did decide to take it apart, would it be stuck? I don't even know how long superglue lasts. Or would you just be careful when handling it?

I thought this was great fun to build. I've only built older Lego sets, and the new Pirates sets. It took a long time to build, and it has so much detail!

Also, I didn't introduce myself. I read this forum, but I haven't posted until now. I'm smellsgood, nice to meet you.

Oh and I enjoyed the review, it was very thorough!

Edited by smellsgood

This is probably my most wanted set out of anything out right now in LEGO land.

It'll go fantastic side by side next to my Black Seas Barracuda.

I've had some trouble with the prow. It has fallen apart twice, once while I was rebuilding it, and now my husband is afraid to help me play with the ship, even though he thinks it is awesome. When we put it back together we looked carefully to see what the weak parts were and decided to just try not to touch it. Do you have any other suggestions? What about superglue? We thought a little about gluing just a few select bricks, so it doesn't fall apart... what are the dangers in that? And what if 5 years later I did decide to take it apart, would it be stuck? I don't even know how long superglue lasts. Or would you just be careful when handling it?

I thought this was great fun to build. I've only built older Lego sets, and the new Pirates sets. It took a long time to build, and it has so much detail!

Also, I didn't introduce myself. I read this forum, but I haven't posted until now. I'm smellsgood, nice to meet you.

Oh and I enjoyed the review, it was very thorough!

I absoluty would NOT put super glue on your Legos. It will ruin the set because you will want to take it apart in the future and then you won't be able to, and with a set this rare I would never do that. One way to strengthen it might be to change the design but, that is just my opinion. Hope you enjoy. P.S. Let your husband be afraid to play with it so that you can play with it more. :pir-classic:

Okay, thanks for the advice, I think I will not superglue it. It might get messy, too. Next time it falls apart, I'll look carefully to see what other kinds of pieces I can add to make it stronger. And if it doesn't fall apart again, no need to strengthen it!

Haha yes whenever he plays with something I just want to grab it from him haha

One easy mod that goes a good distance for reinforcing the prow (my kids are a little rougher than I am!):

Step #20 in the instructions (pg. 33), prow subassembly step 1; use a brown 2 x 3 brick instead of a 1 x 2 log brick. This will also displace one of the 2 x 2 round bricks on the following step, which is ok; just use a #4 axle instead of a #5 axle to anchor the bowsprit. It works just fine.

If you absolutely must glue LEGO, use household clear drying white glue (Elmer’s in the US) or warm-melt (not hot-melt) craft glue. Both will hold fast but aren’t permanent and can subsequently be cleaned off the bricks pretty easily.

The longer I have this set, the more impressive it becomes!

Same thing happen to my prow. It exploded just carrying it to take pictures. Thanks for the tip I"ll check that out. About gluing, I once did some research and found people saying that if you really really have to, use a crafting glue gun as it is not permanent. (as no-skill recommended) You only need a dot of glue. But better to try reinforcing first.

Here's some pictures of our Imperial Flagship. Yes I took the pics in out upstairs rarely used bathroom since it's well lit and white. Perfect for pict taking.

This is thee biggest. most expensive. Lego set I have ever built in my life! I love this ship so much! This and the Winter Toy Ship are my fav sets! The Troll Warship was my first Lego ship and this is my second but we also want BrickBeard's Bounty of course! I was surprised to see that my niece was asking to grab it off the shelf before I even told her I was at the Lego store to buy it!


^Here you can see the building being done.

I made this pic to send to my niece after the 1st day of building. We finally finished the build after 3 days of visits and 2 weeks.


^I love the girl's expression. Similar minifig as the Queen or Princess in 7079 Drawbridge Defense. Which I still need to get.


^The pipe organ, built by my 6 year old niece. She also put in the chest full of jewels and gold coins as well as the map. She also drew a version of the map on her big art easil! ;)


^Here is 4 panel pic with some close-ups. The jail area is holding BrickBeard. It has a bed too, which he is currently lying on. You can also see a rat is sharing the cell with him. :grin:

BONUS PIC: Captain Kylie working on the ship while Captain Uncle Jason Grimm supervises :pir-grin:

I' like to see other's pics of theres. I really liked the thread where people were sposed to post pics of their Winter Toy Shop. We should have one for this.

Edited by Grimmy

no_skill: Awesome, thanks for the advice. I'll try that mod if/when it next falls apart! What's the difference between a #4 axle and #5 axle? Is there a guide somewhere as to what the pieces are called?

When we were assembling this we mostly came up with our own names like "give me the brown pointy" or "pass me a 2x1 gray grabby" or "I need 10 eyeballs" ... being somewhat new to Lego (just got into Lego late last summer, we put together my old Lego sets from when I was a kid, actually still in really good shape).

Grimmy: Thanks for the suggestion on glue! I will remember that. I enjoyed your pictures, especially the partly-assembled one where you set up a scene. I took some pictures too... I took a LOT of pictures. I wasn't going to post them here because I was worried that it was too silly! But... here it is: http://www.videogamespaces.com/?p=604

I learned what the prow was called thanks to this thread, haha

I would also like to see other people's pictures.

Edited by smellsgood

What's the difference between a #4 axle and #5 axle? Is there a guide somewhere as to what the pieces are called?

Axles are described by how many studs long they are. 4 is shorter than 5, which is shorter than 6, etc.

Peeron and bricklink are resources to just about ALL lego elements.

Sounds like you are enjoying this fine vessel as much as I am!

Welcome back from your "dark ages!" There is no finer set to bring someone back!

One easy mod that goes a good distance for reinforcing the prow (my kids are a little rougher than I am!):

Step #20 in the instructions (pg. 33), prow subassembly step 1; use a brown 2 x 3 brick instead of a 1 x 2 log brick. This will also displace one of the 2 x 2 round bricks on the following step, which is ok; just use a #4 axle instead of a #5 axle to anchor the bowsprit. It works just fine.

I think I can see the bricks you're talking about in this picture, no_skill. It does look like the front could be built up more solidly, as you suggest. I'll have to remember that, whenever I do finally pick this set up. Has anyone had any luck shoring-up the SNOT parts or arch at the rear of the bow?

What's the difference between a #4 axle and #5 axle? Is there a guide somewhere as to what the pieces are called?

Bricklink.com has a mind-numbingly thorough list of parts, if you need to look up the name of something. Here is an a link to axel 4. The "4" or "5" refers to the length of the axel, in "studs". So, if you have a spare axels lying around, just find one that's the same length as a 4-stud brick:


EDIT: no_skill, you snuck in there ahead of me re: axels! I have a picture, though. :pir-tongue:

Edited by Pellaeon

Great review. I finished this set last week. The only things that bothered me were the lack of a crow's nest (what kind of ship wouldn't have a crow's nest?) and the missing cannons. 4 more cannon wouldn't have cost much to put in. I'll just have to get them off the net. :pir-tongue:

Awesome model and thorough review! Just fantastic.

Love all the details. Can have a lot of fun moding up the interiors too.

The only thing that bothers me is with such a wonderful, detailed set...why couldn't they just put in 4 more cannons (plus 2 more ammo boxes)? If you're gonna' go all out for a commercial kit...go all out.

Gotta' get this kit asap!

Question, are those cannons easy to find? I'm new to the Pirates line.

Question, are those cannons easy to find? I'm new to the Pirates line.

No, they aren't too hard to find. The cannons used on the Imperial Flagship are the same ones used on the brickbeards bounty and the really small cannon attack set. Only on the cannon attack set you will need to get some different wheels. Bricklink.com should have all of the parts you will need at an affordable price. Hope that his helps. :pir-classic:

Great review. I finished this set last week. The only things that bothered me were the lack of a crow's nest (what kind of ship wouldn't have a crow's nest?) and the missing cannons. 4 more cannon wouldn't have cost much to put in. I'll just have to get them off the net. :pir-tongue:

First thing I did :)

I've got the Flagship for my birthday next month, so I'm not allowed to open it until then, but I have the 4 extra cannons already.

What I don't have yet are the wheels - I can't see the *right* wheels and axles on Pick A Brick, so it'll be back to Bricklink for me.

In readiness for next month I've bought a BB, and have reassembled most of my old ships. I was lucky enough to pick up most of the big ones - RBR, SES, BSB, all at retail or less - and I'm now studying how to improve some of them (like the BB deck mod). I spent ages scrubbing all the parts to the SES last week, and they should be nice and dry now, so that's what I'm building on Saturday.

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