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While on the subject of the 'hide' command, an "undo hide" command will be REALLY useful. How many times have you gone to pick a few elements to hide and clicked a brick you didn't want hidden? I have. I want to be able to "hide: click click click click.. Doh, unhide that one, click click click..."

I "patch" the problem simply using selection tool to select bricks to hide (selection tool allows you to select/unselect easily), and then click on hide button to hide.

However an "unhide button" would be helpful in this situation too, if I want to unhide a group of bricks after I have used Hide tool.

Yes, but what if you update the one side, and then want to update the other. How shall you delete/replace?

If tou wan update, you have two ways:

- do it manually for both parts ("base" and mirrored)

- delete the mirrored part and then re-mirrored it after the "base" part has been update.

Obviously an automatic update could be useful in certain situation, but not necessary I think.

As I told before, I think a "simple" mirror tool would be surely better than no mirroring tool.

So... let's LDD team implement a simple mirroring tool, perhaps a better version will be created for next software releases. If not.. patience, a simple tool would be very useful anyhow.

Edited by Calabar

Linux version.

Cant remember if it was mentioned before. A feature in Labview I find useful is to be able to right click the icon and to select alternative function from the same palette group. For example if I place a logic element AND, I can right click it and select 'replace with...' and then get the element palette of 'AND, OR, NAND, NOT, XOR, ...'

How it could work: Place a 1x1 brick and right click, select 'replace with...' and get a list of 1x1, 1x1 headlight, 1x1 with 1 stud, 1x1 with 2 studs, 1x1 with 4 studs.

Consequences for LDD would be to split up their existing palettes into many more subgroups than now, but in LU mode it might not be a problem. However how to assign what is 'common'? In Labview it is based upon logical functionality - but hey the main functionality in LDD is to be a Lego brick.... :devil:

I thought about two other features for the interface although they may have been mention before: floating palettes (most especially the color palette) and customizable keys and shortcuts. For instance, I often use the thumb buttons of my mouse in other programs and such and it would be nice to be able to assign the turn keys on them (or any other function often used by someone). That way I wouldn't have to let go of my mouse to turn the pieces and then take it back to place them where I want. -> faster and more efficient (ok, AND a little lazier, but hey...)

Here's another suggestion: an function to "optimise" the pieces used in a design.

For example: if I have four 1 x 1 plates stacked on top of each other, and they are all the same colour, it would be useful to suggest replacing three of them with a 1 x 1 brick. I came across this issue when building the plan of St Horam West, where I'd used two 1 x 4 plates instead of a 2 x 4.

Not only would it potentially lower the cost of a model, but it might also encourage efficient building.

It can be more cost effective, but should only be an option (suggestion), not an automated operation when uploading.

Sometimes is done to create a line motive on the MOC.

Also it is not always possible to exchange the bricks. 2 1x4 plates have other connection options than a 2x4 plate.


Edited by private_lego

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It can be more cost effective, but should only be an option (suggestion), not an automated operation when uploading.

Sometimes is done to create a line motive on the MOC.

Exactly, agree completely - any substitution should pass at least five criteria

1) same color on all subtitutable plates/bricks

2) same basic shape (i.e. three 1x1 plates could be substituted by one 1x1 brick).

3) not be part of two separatable groups (i.e. two 1x2 bricks cannot be substituted by one 1x4 if the 1x2 brick are not part of the same rigid system, for example separated by a hinge).

4) Optional - all bricks being substituted to must exist in the same color as the ones being substituted from.

5) Optional - sometimes TLG designers intentionally use two 1x2 bricks instead of one 1x4 since it may reduce the number of type bricks used. If this is important, then this needs to be taken into concideration

And to this, we have to add your point, private_lego, about having same underside/top-side characteristics! Good point (but then you are also the Advanced Techniques Master :classic:)

I think this exists, but it's very buggy and difficult, as i got it to work sporadically on the excavator bucket, but to have it when you move a joint connected to another joint, they all move to accommodate you. this is especially frustrating when trying to re adjust minifigs.


Numeric rotation (and fractional to the thousanth decimal). and for universal ball joints, snap rotation for each axis. (which could be color coded, for children *and adults* to better comprehend)

Make sure that the arm always rotates from the shoulder, or even better, if you click closer to the hand, make it hinge from there and if you click towards the shoulder, rotate from the shoulder. The current setup pisses me off! :sceptic:

Great ideas, both of you. :classic: I also want these features for Knight's Kingdom/Exo-Force joints.

-Toa Of Justice

EDIT: I'd also like the ability to select one piece and create a connection by selecting a connection point on another piece. Connection points should be highlighted. Rotation upon connection should have the option of being manual or automatic.

Edited by Toa_Of_Justice

1) same color on all subtitutable plates/bricks

2) same basic shape (i.e. three 1x1 plates could be substituted by one 1x1 brick).

3) not be part of two separatable groups (i.e. two 1x2 bricks cannot be substituted by one 1x4 if the 1x2 brick are not part of the same rigid system, for example separated by a hinge).

4) Optional - all bricks being substituted to must exist in the same color as the ones being substituted from.

5) Optional - sometimes TLG designers intentionally use two 1x2 bricks instead of one 1x4 since it may reduce the number of type bricks used. If this is important, then this needs to be taken into concideration

I would agree with those points. I guess I didn't clarfy, but it would be an optional tool/function. Sometimes the builder knows better!

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I would agree with those points. I guess I didn't clarfy, but it would be an optional tool/function. Sometimes the builder knows better!


This one has probably been mentionned before, but it would be so much more practical to be able to open more than one model at a time. Either by opening multiple insatnces of the program or with some kind of tab windows within LDD. I often have to copy and paste one part of a model in another and it's kind of a drag to have to open a file, copy the pieces needed, hoping it doesn't lose them while closing the file and opening the other one and paste them... and repeat...

open more than one model at a time. [...]

I often have to copy and paste one part of a model in another and it's kind of a drag to have to open a file, copy the pieces needed, hoping it doesn't lose them while closing the file and opening the other one and paste them... and repeat...

Absolutely agree about a tabbed version of LDD!

However, about the use of parts of other LDD models, you can simply use the "Import" function: import the whole model aside, select and copy the part you need and delete the rest.

Edited by Calabar

Possibility to add complete LDD MOC's to another MOC.

I use this function all the time in LDraw to create large MOC's from a large archive.

This has the advantage that if you change the added MOC, it is also change in the other file.

You only add the link to the new MOC, not all the bricks

Now with LDD you can only paste into your new MOC.

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Possibility to add complete LDD MOC's to another MOC.

I use this function all the time in LDraw to create large MOC's from a large archive.

This has the advantage that if you change the added MOC, it is also change in the other file.

You only add the link to the new MOC, not all the bricks

Now with LDD you can only paste into your new MOC.

Interesting idea. At least you can create a group in LDD so keep track of what you pasted, but I agree it's not nearly as smart as in LDraw.

How 'bout a manipulation tool for certain elements (e.g. hoses, pneumatic tubing, flexable cables, shock absorbers, linear actuators, etc.)

We need more elements for more official set recreations!

I'm new to Lego Digital Designer and this forum, so hello to every one. I have skimmed this thread and found some very interesting ideas indeed.

Among them, I think one of the most useful to me (and quite simple to implement I think) would be to have parts inventories with the following features :

- model to parts : you should be able to produce an inventory file from any lxf file.

- human-readable version : you should be able to produce a nice human-readable of your inventory (a list with names, and pictures) that you could print

- machine-readable version : the inventory should be in a common machine-readable format (like an xml file, or any spreadsheet format), and if not, you should be able to export and import it to and from at least one of these formats. This would allow advanced users to use them in scripts, or build third party tools without adding complexity to LDD itself. For example, this could be used to filter only the parts you can buy through the Lego website, or only the part you don't already have...

- order : you should be able to order the parts from an inventory through the Lego website (if the part are indeed available for sale)

Also on a side note, it would also be nice to actually be able to flex those flexible parts (or may be it is already possible and I just don't know about it :blush: ).

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I'm new to Lego Digital Designer and this forum, so hello to every one. I have skimmed this thread and found some very interesting ideas indeed.

Among them, I think one of the most useful to me (and quite simple to implement I think) would be to have parts inventories with the following features :

Hi there

Welcome to the LDD forum.

Regarding inventory, one workaround is to use LDD Manager. You can import any LXF-file, and it will give you a inventory list that you can print, export to excel and whatever you want. Read more here.

Seeing all these ideas and new proposed features, i suggest that it would be great to be able to choose your interface (simple | advanced).

Simple is something like it is now, but with all colors nice spread out in a seperate pallette for ease of use and no hidden tools like (for instance the arrow submenu (select by color, select multiple etc.) but everything just visble in one view. All other functions go in the pull down menu. This way I think the program would be as accesible as possible for instance for my 6 year old son who really likes to use it but doesn't go into all the submenu's simply because he doesn't understand that they are there, and can't read the pull down menu's, but allready make s great things with the program.

Advanced is with a selfconfigurable screen setup, floating menu's use of multiple viewpoint windows, different shading modes (with or without edges, shadows, reflections?)Advanced layer structure with ability to hide by layer, lock layers, select by layer, give layernames, and work in active layer and the use of reference layers which contain links to models outside LDD.

It would be great to have an updating partlist (with thumbs), not only to keep count on what you made (because LDD manager does that job perfectly), but more to get your elements from. Because most of the time you use the same elements multiple times in the same drawing.

Of course there should be a proper way to work with flexible objects.

It would also be good to have the possibility to adjust the way LDD makes its instructions from your model. For instance the ability to select which step you want to use as first building step. It would prevent ldd from make instructions to build structures upside down.

Well thats about all I could come up with for now. (knowing that some of the things are allready mentioned)


Maybe LDD could include a mosaic generator, so that you could generate mosaics made with 1 stud bricks from small images!

But I think that images that are too big could overload and crash the program...

Hi there

Welcome to the LDD forum.

Regarding inventory, one workaround is to use LDD Manager. You can import any LXF-file, and it will give you a inventory list that you can print, export to excel and whatever you want. Read more here.

This looks seems to be just what I was looking for, I'm going to try it. Thanks!

  • 3 weeks later...

According to the preview video, the buttons on top have great advantages and may be capable of making gears mesh or manipulate certain parts!

just making a parts expanding tool to add parts

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just making a parts expanding tool to add parts

Can you explain some more?

I think he simply desire the chance to import external 3D models and decorations.

Can you explain some more?

I just mean that it would be great if there was a tool to allow you to add the parts list from Bricklink

I find myself getting rather impatient. I'd at least like them to give out a release date, then I could relax. =B

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