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I also would like to say that if Antres is found infected, I would like to seriously consider Micheal's side in this whole ordeal.

That makes sense to me. I would hope you would consider my side either way. Our lives do depend on us figuring out everyone's side...

Vote: Eskallon/Engofi Cheipo

I also would like to say that if Antres is found infected, I would like to seriously consider Micheal's side in this whole ordeal.

You mean the way Sarah was framed by the infected to appear to be one of them? I've been fairly certain about you for the last day and a half, you've shown no interest in helping, a "who cares" attitude about non-infected deaths and now your pathetic attempt here (and the PM you sent) confirms it in my mind.

If we do have a vigilante out there, consider this a good target and I'm betting you won't be disappointed. Given that fact, I suspect we're screwing up by voting for Engofi, but if it helps reveal the infected scum, it may be a necessary evil *waits for someone to misuse that phrase, you know they want to*

So at this stage of the game I feel its time to point out a few things to people. I am the uninfected night killer, I win when we kill off all infected wiener dudes and dudettes!

I feel that even if Antares/Shadows is found to be uninfected tonight, that I will probably be killed off by the infected killer as they now know who I am, and sadly I don't know who the infected killer is. This puts the uninfected crew at a real disadvantage. I suggest then that we perhaps brainstorm on the possible identity of the infected killer, because I would rather not kill any uninfected people.

Antares blocking me (if it is Antares who blocked me last night, and not an infected ally) will be a waste. I will not kill anyone with my knife tonight if it will make people happier. You don't have to believe me, but you will soon enough realize I was one of the best tools for victory the uninfected side has. I will PM my theories to a few people I have managed to chat with previously, one or two I even trust, should I fall it will be all the more difficult. Feel free to PM me anyone who would like to know my reasoning behind the targets I chose to go after.

Antares are you submitting to a scan from Barney? Or will someone now block Barney from the infected side, or even kill Barney, oh my!

So in closing, if there is a night protector, please protect me, as blocking from Antares wont stop me dying tonight! Then the job will be all the harder.

Ivan the terrible is the one who suggested Eskalon/Engofi was infected. He didn't offer much backup but I fwed the info to Barney. Ivan's source seems suspicious as he is throwing about a bunch of hearsay and claiming that his source was "right about (Fassin Trevlac)." The rest of Ivan's reasoning was based on the fact that Engofi wasn't voting for Sarah, which we now know was actually a good thing for Engofi to do. Ivan also told me that he though Sarah was infected so my source (meaning Barney) was most likely paranoid-which doesn't make sense because Ivan was going on the assumption that Sarah was infected. *huh* In conclusion, Ivan is not a good person to rely on or speak to behind the scenes as the info given is pretty weak...

Furthermore, I'm still perplexed by the information Sarah knew about the scars on her belly. What was it she said about that? Oh right...

Thanks for keeping me anonymous. :hmpf:

The only reason I even told you is because I thought I had credible information and because you were the head of security, I didn't think you'd believe me let alone pass it on to one of your fellow officers who would act on the information. Anyway I never said my investigator said Sarah was guilty I said it would make sense that Engofi would vote for her late if they were both infected, Also the fact that your investigators results also supported my theory made it seem likely that she was indeed infected along with Engofi. *huh*

And my investigator hasnt been proven wrong yet. he was right about Fassin he may as well be damn right about Engofi. :look:

OK, so here Sarah gives us the rest of the info she knows... She isn't dangerous as long as she's alive. That's important, we have to figure out what that means! How would she be dangerous if she died due to whatever was inside of her... Does anybody have a theory about that???

Perhaps she did have a wiener inside her which would've caused Barneys scanner to go off but rather had some sort of anti-dote in her blood, Perhaps she or some of descendants have encountered them before and been immune? Which would mean the cure would've been in her blood. But how could the wiener not control her? :look:

Then what happened to the wiener?

Just a theory...

This is nagging at me too much, I can't come up with enough justification to take a stab based on very little when we have so much more elsewhere.

Unvote: Eskallon/Engofi Cheipo

Now, here it is, all laid out. Last night...


"Hey, you, what are you up to?" "Stopping you from doing any mischief tonight."

I blocked La'h'Rok from his night action and no one died in the night.

Why not?

If he was the vigilante and uninfected, why wouldn't the infected killer have struck someone? They have plenty of open targets and we know from the security cameras that no other blocks occurred, so there is no excuse.

There is almost no doubt in my mind that La'h'Rok is the infected killer, it's the only scenario that makes sense and the only one that would make him desperate enough to start quietly announcing that he's the vigilante in an attempt to keep using Michael, or as I'm starting to think of him, Toolboy. Whether they are just stupid or intentionally misleading us, Barney and Michael directly led to our decision to kill Sarah who ended up uninfected, and it would be idiotic to follow them again in killing Engofi with no evidence while we have a much clearer indication of the potential guilt of La'h'Rok.

Vote: ISC / La'h'Rok

Unlike Barney and Michael who have managed to weasel out of their murderous mistake (or not) of Sarah, if I'm wrong, kill me tomorrow. Hell, if I'm wrong, the infected killer would still be alive and might do it for you. :laugh:

Very disingenuous, Big Suze.

You really don't want to be investigated, do you?

You've been laying the seeds all through today saying that no matter what happens, the result of the investigation is not to be trusted, when the whole point of voting of Engofi is to test whether the results are insane or not and provide a way to move forward. If Engofi is infected, it's pretty clear I'm insane. If he isn't, then Sarah was an anomaly which the AI - which you are now suggesting to be infected :hmpf: - has yet to explain.

Since everyone seems to want to test *you* next, you are finding ways to get out of that situation. Changing your mind and going after another player is a not very subtle way of trying to derail the vote so we can't test whether Engofi is infected or not and (hence my results) and so that even if I do investigate you tonight, there will be no benchmark or control to measure the results against. In other words, it will render the last 2 days discussion useless. I wonder why you find that prospect so appealing?

You've been laying the seeds all through today saying that no matter what happens, the result of the investigation is not to be trusted, when the whole point of voting of Engofi is to test whether the results are insane or not and provide a way to move forward. If Engofi is infected, it's pretty clear I'm insane. If he isn't, then Sarah was an anomaly which the AI - which you are now suggesting to be infected :hmpf: - has yet to explain.

We already know you're insane or a liar, determining which isn't going to help enough to kill someone. Sarah is dead and was not infected. If we can't trust those results, how can we trust any from you?

Since everyone seems to want to test *you* next, you are finding ways to get out of that situation.

IF you're the investigator, investigate me. You could have done that last night, or the night before for that matter. Nothing I say or do will change that, but I sure as hell don't intend to end up like Sarah, innocent and dead over your mistake, illness, or deception.

Changing your mind and going after another player is a not very subtle way of trying to derail the vote so we can't test whether Engofi is infected or not and (hence my results) and so that even if I do investigate you tonight, there will be no benchmark or control to measure the results against. In other words, it will render the last 2 days discussion useless. I wonder why you find that prospect so appealing?

Because I don't think killing Engolfi based on anything to do with your word is a good idea. We tried that, it sucked hard, like the vacuum of space.

The last 2 days of discussion are already useless compared to the clear cut evidence that the infected killer was rendered ineffective last night and the only person blocked from their action was La'h'Rok.

So ultimately, it comes down to this, if we go by your plan and it's shown you were wrong, you'll just claim to be insane but not infected, and then we have to decide what to believe, just as we've done today after Sarah's needless death. If we go with the evidence as shown in the security footage and some actual logic, we very likely kill the infected night killer.

It's such a tough call, huh? What are you afraid of? You know I haven't trusted you since the beginning and if we had lived up to our word, Michael would be dead today and you tomorrow for your screwup, those would have been pretty effective tests as well. Oh no, instead, you decide to be daring and announce your supposed role in an attempt to save both of your lives. Who didn't find that suspicious all of a sudden after you tried to hide it the day before?

Now you want to kill someone as a pure test.

Everything you've done so far has helped the infected and hurt the rest of us. Whatever decision is made today, that isn't going to change, you're just going to have a new battle to fight to convince us that you're crazy and not infected. Either way, you're a danger and useless to saving this ship. Investigate me, offer your life to save another to help them back out of their responsibility, then team up with them to kill another random person, toss out idiotic accusations when there is actual evidence before us, it's all you've done so far. Sure doesn't sound like the actions of a loyal member of the crew to me.

Bottom line people, Barney and Michael are working together and have hurt us step by step. We have clear evidence that La'h'Rok is the infected night killer. If I'm wrong, not only will I expect you to kill me, I'll cast the first vote myself as opposed to acting like those two who hide behind each other to try to protect their little wienies. :hmpf:

This is nagging at me too much, I can't come up with enough justification to take a stab based on very little when we have so much more elsewhere.

Unvote: Eskallon/Engofi Cheipo

Now, here it is, all laid out. Last night...


"Hey, you, what are you up to?" "Stopping you from doing any mischief tonight."

I blocked La'h'Rok from his night action and no one died in the night.

Why not?

If he was the vigilante and uninfected, why wouldn't the infected killer have struck someone? They have plenty of open targets and we know from the security cameras that no other blocks occurred, so there is no excuse.

There is almost no doubt in my mind that La'h'Rok is the infected killer, it's the only scenario that makes sense and the only one that would make him desperate enough to start quietly announcing that he's the vigilante in an attempt to keep using Michael, or as I'm starting to think of him, Toolboy. Whether they are just stupid or intentionally misleading us, Barney and Michael directly led to our decision to kill Sarah who ended up uninfected, and it would be idiotic to follow them again in killing Engofi with no evidence while we have a much clearer indication of the potential guilt of La'h'Rok.

Vote: ISC / La'h'Rok

Unlike Barney and Michael who have managed to weasel out of their murderous mistake (or not) of Sarah, if I'm wrong, kill me tomorrow. Hell, if I'm wrong, the infected killer would still be alive and might do it for you. :laugh:

I already explained I am the uninfected killer, but sure go ahead, as you said your guilt will be obvious tomorrow.

I too am unhappy about the whole scenario, and feel the only reason you blocked me, if it was you, was because you took a stab at me being the uninfected killer, and it paid off! I have already admitted it to everyone, at great risk to myself. I would be happy to work with all loyal uninfected people, but I have great trouble trusting you and your alliance with Michael and Barney, at which you too seem to have regrets, yet do not vote for either instead going after an innocent, when it was these two that lead you up the garden path!

It seems you are my least trusted person onboard at the moment, so in light of this I unvote Engofi and Vote: Susan Antares/Shadows

Since in all likelihood I will die at the hands of the infected sausage killer person thingy.

Others can make their own minds up for themselves, but I feel the time has come to express my feelings towards you dear commander.

I have great trouble trusting you and your alliance with Michael and Barney, at which you too seem to have regrets, yet do not vote for either instead going after an innocent, when it was these two that lead you up the garden path!

When I learned of the results of last night, I immediately knew that we finally had a break. I outlined that before the 24 hours were up and said I planned to return to vote accordingly. Seizing the opportunity to confuse the matter, your little allies started us down the road to murder Engolfi with no real logic behind it at all. Testing sanity? Yeah, right, at the expense of another non-infected. I don't think so.

Still, you didn't mind siding with them when we were after Engolfi and taking the focus off you until I came to my senses and brought the original matter back up, turning the attention back to you. Only then did you decide to attack me, knowing that I am on to you. Talk about transparent loyalties...

You are right about one thing, the crew will decide. If they are wise, they can look at all that has gone on and will realise exactly what is going on. If they want to kill without evidence, they can always vote Engolfi, or even for me, but if they want to look at the fact that the night killer was unable to do his nasty business only because I stopped you and no other blocking occurred during the night, then you're not going to last the day.

OK you're gonna vote an innocent guy off to test if someone else has a night action that works properly. :sceptic: Go ahead but be ready for even more disappointment, weve already had so many innocents die. And:

1)You have no real proof against me

2)I am uninfected

3)Has good suspicions and can help you to all survive.

Ivan seems weird to me but most likely not to you guys as he somehow has a theory that I was making contact in any way with Sarah, I can swear down to the plants of the world that I have only had contact with Edna at night so far. He also has a theory that if you vote last then you are infected :hmpf: I was holding off my vote till later as I thought it would be better to wait for others to vote first so Im not getting it wrong and to be honest at the time I felt Michael was unsafe but know I trust him to not be infected.

Because I don't think killing Engolfi based on anything to do with your word is a good idea. We tried that, it sucked hard, like the vacuum of space.

It wasn't his idea. It was Ada Bergsnot.

The last 2 days of discussion are already useless compared to the clear cut evidence that the infected killer was rendered ineffective last night and the only person blocked from their action was La'h'Rok.

We only have your word for that. And only Barney's word for his investigations. I personally believe both of you and honestly think both theories will help us, but we have to choose one or the other. Kill Engofi or La'Rhok but splitting the votes only makes reaching a majority less likely making me more suspicious of the constant vote changing...

So ultimately, it comes down to this, if we go by your plan and it's shown you were wrong, you'll just claim to be insane but not infected, and then we have to decide what to believe, just as we've done today after Sarah's needless death. If we go with the evidence as shown in the security footage and some actual logic, we very likely kill the infected night killer.

I think I can trust you but you can't offer as proof your claim of who is who in the security video. It's not evidence, it's just your word which means as much as Barney's-don't forget that.

Oh no, instead, you decide to be daring and announce your supposed role in an attempt to save both of your lives. Who didn't find that suspicious all of a sudden after you tried to hide it the day before?

Of course the investigator wants to keep their identity hidden. Who do you suppose the killer was going after. Clearly someone with a night action-the third person in the security tape. Perhaps that was Barney off to scan someone else and you blocked La'Rhok from killing him. That's a possibility.

Now you want to kill someone as a pure test.

A test whose result could save our lives...

Everything you've done so far has helped the infected and hurt the rest of us. Whatever decision is made today, that isn't going to change, you're just going to have a new battle to fight to convince us that you're crazy and not infected. Either way, you're a danger and useless to saving this ship. Investigate me, offer your life to save another to help them back out of their responsibility, then team up with them to kill another random person, toss out idiotic accusations when there is actual evidence before us, it's all you've done so far. Sure doesn't sound like the actions of a loyal member of the crew to me.

It's not useless and we have no idea if he's hurt or helped us. Something was inside Sarah which she even admitted. She would've voted for herself if she wasn't herself-she even told us that. We all made a good decision in voting her to death because we knew there was something inside of her.

Bottom line people, Barney and Michael are working together and have hurt us step by step. We have clear evidence that La'h'Rok is the infected night killer. If I'm wrong, not only will I expect you to kill me, I'll cast the first vote myself as opposed to acting like those two who hide behind each other to try to protect their little wienies. :hmpf:

For trusting me explicitly, you certainly are blaming me for hurting everyone. Perhaps you are not as loyal as I first perceived. No, again, there isn't clear evidence, only your word, which so far is only as good as Barney's. We've heard this "I'll cast the first vote" nonsense before...in psychic premonition dreams and pastlife regressions trances which are common in space travel. It won't work this time. People shouldn't be scared or convinced by an offer to kill yourself if you're caught in a lie. It only means as much as your word-again. And I don't have a little wienie and I'm not afraid to prove it.

I am certainly now suspicous of La'h'Rok, he keeps changing who he only voted for Susan because she voted for him and that to me is a sign of a little weiner inside.

I also have a suspicion to why Sarah was not infected and why the scanner may have come up wrong. The security people may be wearing a special suit under there clothes which enables them to become immune to the scanner so it makes wrong information or:

1) There was a baby inside of her.

2) She prevented you from using your action properly.

3) Barney lied to us about it all.

She may have had scars on her chest due to a sizerian (however its spelt) birth, this is rather likely and she may have been expecting another baby soon. For all we know the father could be on the ship.

She may have had scars on her chest due to a sizerian (however its spelt) birth,

If she had scars on her chest because of a Caesarian birth, then she was 100% not human in any case :laugh:

I think I can trust you but you can't offer as proof your claim of who is who in the security video. It's not evidence, it's just your word which means as much as Barney's-don't forget that.

Actually, you can. I said it was me and La'h'Rok, and he confirmed that it is him, only the person who blocked him could know that. He confirmed it was his knife, even.

Of course the investigator wants to keep their identity hidden.

That's just my point, he wanted to hide it so badly he used you to put out his message, then blabbed it first thing the next day as an attempt to garner some kind of trust after mistakenly, crazily, or intentionally targeting an innocent crewmember.

A test whose result could save our lives...

It's an awfully big gamble when we have better evidence before us.

It's not useless and we have no idea if he's hurt or helped us. Something was inside Sarah which she even admitted. She would've voted for herself if she wasn't herself-she even told us that. We all made a good decision in voting her to death because we knew there was something inside of her.

Which still comes back to my framing theory. Someone did that to her to ruin any investigation. It's the one reason I don't just vote for Barney, he may have been legitimately deceived on that one, but it means it could happen again, rendering him mostly useless at best.

And I don't have a little wienie and I'm not afraid to prove it.

Don't overestimate yourself. :laugh:

Please, everyone! Get a hold of yourselves! I think voting for Engofi is a grave mistake! We talked before about his suspiscions of Jad Suur - who turned out to be infected. He also mentioned his suspicions of another...

Not only that, bear in mind what Barney has said:

I investigated Engofi, who I had been told was definitely infected. My results came up clear - the body scan showed him to be absolutely free of space wieners.

I always believed (and still do) that Florentzia was uninfected... Sarah too. Sadly I believe Sarah's baby may have been infected which led to so much confusion... and her ultimate demise... poor Sarah *sob*.

And the poor doctor... he was like an uncle to me... It seems to me that the main body of infected lie within those who have always been quick to vote and those who have orchestrated much of the voting. Michael, as chief of security it is your mandate to gain as much information from people as possible. I was suspiscious of you initially but think you have been misled... and may still be the victim of the most heinous deception... not just from our cook, Ivan... but from Lt. Cmdr. Antares.

It seems to me that the wieners were smart enough to destabalise our command structure by murdering the captain and infecting the Lt. Cmdr. Much lead has been given by your votes Susan, or should I call you... wiener queen! Only to happily to lead others into blindly voting for the uninfected... and now voting someone potentially championing the uninfected's cause.

Please people, wake up! Already it seems we have former crewmates who are clearly infected here.

As such, this earth-girl has to take action. Vote: Shadows/Lt. Cmdr. Antares

I have not been duplicitous in my nature or evasive like Antares. I have told everyone my role, never quick to vote etc. Antares blocked Barney's investigations on night 1, I have stated that I am happy to not attempt to murder anyone tonight as well, and submit to investigation freely. Even if I were infected, one nights grace wouldn't cost us much except the possibility of the infected killer either killing me or another non infected crew member.

Another point worth mentioning is that Antares was happy enough to block me again tonight as she probably has an infected assassin lined up to kill me, however now that I have asked for protection she needs to move now! Hence her desperation to vote for me. It is plain for many to see the direction this is heading in. Or maybe Antares realises that I could go after her. I will only attempt this if people would like me too in the event that Antares isn't airlocked! I am here to serve the non-infected.

If people wish to vote for me then this will show who the quick to vote are, and most likely lead to the infected losing. This is not a threat, merely an observation.

Good luck to us all.

Antares, there is absolutely no reason that we should trust that you are telling the truth more than any one else here. Sure, you were the one who said La'h'Rok was the killer, but there are numerous ways you could've obtained that information. I also have a feeling that you and Michael are lovers, and Michael is innocent. If that's the case, I can totally understand Michael's reasoning for pointing incriminating evidence at you, but not voting for you.

Vote: Shadows/Lt. Cmdr. Susan Antares

If he was the vigilante and uninfected, why wouldn't the infected killer have struck someone? They have plenty of open targets and we know from the security cameras that no other blocks occurred, so there is no excuse.

Here's an idea- perhaps you told the infected night killer not to so it would look like Rok is infected. It's a definite fact that there are two night killers. One of them didn't kill last night. Rok did attack last night. Why wouldn't the uninfected killer attack? Maybe you're not a roleblocker at all, and you got the information from one of your goons.

Yeah, that sounds reasonable.

Vote: Lt. Anderas/ Shadows

Antares, there is absolutely no reason that we should trust that you are telling the truth more than any one else here. Sure, you were the one who said La'h'Rok was the killer, but there are numerous ways you could've obtained that information. I also have a feeling that you and Michael are lovers, and Michael is innocent. If that's the case, I can totally understand Michael's reasoning for pointing incriminating evidence at you, but not voting for you.

Vote: Shadows/Lt. Cmdr. Susan Antares

I admit that if Susan was to die, I would kill myself. So, please understand my reluctance to vote for her.

I'm not sure if I would be relinquished from suicide if I were to vote for her myself, but maybe the AI could explain things further...like she did for Sarah. :hmpf:

Perhaps something was inside Sarah that would eventually become an infection. Not if she was killed, but was incubating and could spread the infection. Still makes no sense why she would think the scars on her stomach proved her innocence.

You are all voting on who you think is most dangerous and scary. Remember, if we lose her, we lose the blocker, possibly. My plan was fool-proof, but if we all vote off her, we could be losing a lot. Our killer and investigator are also both out in the open, we can't afford to lose anymore night actions. Don't vote on personality and who you're most scared off, vote on evidence and statistics. If we went on personality alone, I'm sure I'll be in the airlock tomorrow with about half the crew, since to be honest we're all being big scary a-holes right now.

Here's an idea- perhaps you told the infected night killer not to so it would look like Rok is infected. It's a definite fact that there are two night killers. One of them didn't kill last night. Rok did attack last night. Why wouldn't the uninfected killer attack? Maybe you're not a roleblocker at all, and you got the information from one of your goons.

How would I know that it would be shown? No, if I was infected, I know exactly what I'd do and there wouldn't be a single night where someone didn't die, there's no advantage to it, logically. Why pass up a chance to kill just to get another player suspected? Why not just kill him directly? What an idiotic theory, it's no wonder your ancestors die in all their games ... of life. :hmpf:

Further, if he isn't the infected killer, then who was La'h'Rok after? Who had he decided to be judge, jury, and executioner to? Anyone have a clue? I didn't exactly see us getting a lot of evidence yesterday, certainly not enough for him to decide to just kill someone. No, your logic is flawed, only the infected killer would act every night because only they would know who to safely kill, yet he didn't kill anyone last night ... because I stopped his sorry rock megablocks.

The fact that some of you want to ignore that tells a lot. You won't be able to ignore it forever.

As for my role, on night one I blocked Barney, who has said as much himself. On night two, I blocked, um, damn these names, Mr. Troll, who has no night action and spent the night at home. In the process I learned that his wife sneaks out, but have no way of saying what it is she does, but after accounting for most of the roles in this game ... of life ... I have a strong suspicion that she tampered with the scanning equipment to frame Sarah. The timing fits and we certainly know that Sarah was framed, either by someone else or by the investigator (who we don't even know IS an investigator).

Basically, it's your funeral if you lose me, I'm the last one that can slow them down. We've already lost an even more important role before me, you've basically got no defense left. Night after night it will be the same story, one more uninfected killed and everyone scratching their head as the infected laugh at you knowing you killed the only person who could at least temporarily stop them instead of killing their murderer and putting a stop to the losses.

Honestly, I'm disgusted with most of you. You're letting yourselves be fooled (again and again) and don't deserve my help. Kill me if you want, and when the truth is shown, will you then have the sense to listen to my words? I doubt it.

Lots of luck in your hopeless little lives, I'm going back to my cabin, there is nothing else to be done here, you can't make the blind see or the deaf hear.

I get the feeling that Michael would vote for Big Suze if he could, but finds himself unable to :sceptic:

That, coupled with the initiative Big Suze took in putting the kibosh on the Engofi gambit, makes me think that at least if we vote her out, we won't have to listen to her petulant biatching about how we're all a bunch of losers blah blah for the rest of the voyage :thumbup:

Unvote: Engofi/ Eskallon. Vote: Suze Antares/ Shadows.

I don't suppose we're voting for any of the right people at the moment. Enough confusion has been created to get the votes spread across the board. It's hard to pinpoint exactly who is causing confusion and who's trying to make sense out of this. Personally, I'd like to know more about Mrs. Troll/Wicwa and why she was out of bed. I hear she lied to her husband about it. That's just some gossip we pick up on security detail. I'd also like to point out that Susan's claim that a vigilante only can kill on certain nights isn't exactly true. I know in past games...of life the loyal killer can usually kill every night and it's the serial killer who has limitations. So, La-hrok could be a loyal killer, but I'd definitely like to know who he was out to kill last night. Susan blocked him from doing something.

Susan, darling, perhaps you'd make a better case for yourself if you weren't acting so pompous and smug and insulting people with your logic. I doubt that's helping to prove your point at all... :look: Sweety.

I admit that if Susan was to die, I would kill myself. So, please understand my reluctance to vote for her.

Ah, so that's what it is. It makes sense now, thank you. I have a very strong feeling that you're uninfected, and I hate to lose you... but is there any other way? Is there a way you can escape this fate?

How would I know that it would be shown? No, if I was infected, I know exactly what I'd do and there wouldn't be a single night where someone didn't die, there's no advantage to it, logically. Why pass up a chance to kill just to get another player suspected? Why not just kill him directly?

I can honestly say I don't know. You have a good point, but I still can't take your word over Rok's. If we lose you, and you are telling the truth, we lose the roleblocker, but if we lose Rok, and he's telling the truth, we lose the killer.

One of you is lying, and we will find out who in the morning. It all comes down to trust.

What an idiotic theory, it's no wonder your ancestors die in all their games ... of life. :hmpf:

What an idiotic statement, as I recall, these "ancestors"... only have two true to my blood. And one of them managed to help flush out scum like you in his land.

By the, insulting me is not helping you at all. :angry:

Further, if he isn't the infected killer, then who was La'h'Rok after? Who had he decided to be judge, jury, and executioner to? Anyone have a clue? I didn't exactly see us getting a lot of evidence yesterday, certainly not enough for him to decide to just kill someone. No, your logic is flawed, only the infected killer would act every night because only they would know who to safely kill, yet he didn't kill anyone last night ... because I stopped his sorry rock megablocks.

The fact that some of you want to ignore that tells a lot. You won't be able to ignore it forever.

As for my role, on night one I blocked Barney, who has said as much himself. On night two, I blocked, um, damn these names, Mr. Troll, who has no night action and spent the night at home. In the process I learned that his wife sneaks out, but have no way of saying what it is she does, but after accounting for most of the roles in this game ... of life ... I have a strong suspicion that she tampered with the scanning equipment to frame Sarah. The timing fits and we certainly know that Sarah was framed, either by someone else or by the investigator (who we don't even know IS an investigator).

Basically, it's your funeral if you lose me, I'm the last one that can slow them down. We've already lost an even more important role before me, you've basically got no defense left. Night after night it will be the same story, one more uninfected killed and everyone scratching their head as the infected laugh at you knowing you killed the only person who could at least temporarily stop them instead of killing their murderer and putting a stop to the losses.

Honestly, I'm disgusted with most of you. You're letting yourselves be fooled (again and again) and don't deserve my help. Kill me if you want, and when the truth is shown, will you then have the sense to listen to my words? I doubt it.

Lots of luck in your hopeless little lives, I'm going back to my cabin, there is nothing else to be done here, you can't make the blind see or the deaf hear.

Now who's the drama queen?

I get the feeling that Michael would vote for Big Suze if he could, but finds himself unable to :sceptic:

When he fell for your line of bull on day 2, I would have voted him off if I could. Michael is notoriously naive when it comes to trusting people. You're not the first person to play him for a fool, but in the end he always regrets it, usually as his virtual reality character lies dead in a pool of virtual blood and his game ends abruptly. He has a problem with keeping his mouth shut for one thing, he tells people things they shouldn't know, then they use him to get other innocents killed. Rinse. Repeat. :hmpf:

That, coupled with the initiative Big Suze took in putting the kibosh on the Engofi gambit, makes me think that at least if we vote her out, we won't have to listen to her petulant biatching about how we're all a bunch of losers blah blah for the rest of the voyage :thumbup:

It's an idiotic plan, you'll weasel out of the false results and get a free kill in the process. If this was a normal situation, I'd shoot you on the spot for disrespecting an officer, something you started before I commented on the stupidity of killing someone as a test when we have reasonable proof of the guilt of another.

Unvote: Engofi/ Eskallon. Vote: Suze Antares/ Shadows.

What a surprise. :laugh: You defended your infected friend La'h'Rok by attacking Engofi, and when that plan was exposed you came after me. So obvious.

I don't suppose we're voting for any of the right people at the moment. Enough confusion has been created to get the votes spread across the board. It's hard to pinpoint exactly who is causing confusion and who's trying to make sense out of this.

Actually, it's simple. Read my first comment of the day and you'll see where I laid the case out against La'h'Rok, then go ahead until you see who started voting to stop that from happening. Then watch La'h'Rok claim that you and Barney and I are allies so he could vote against me, then watch Barney follow him. Are you sure you don't want to vote next? You three are tied together at the wieners already, might as well take the full ride.

Barney and La'h'Rok are infected scum. Wicwa gives every indication of being one as well. Michael, you might be uninfected, but I can't trust you anymore. You've been deceived by Barney since the beginning or always working with him, I can't be sure, but it's already cost Sarah her life and now it's probably going to cost me mine. He's managed to trick you into killing yourself and you're still going along with it. I've made a perfectly reasonable case and it's being ignored by a crew of idiots. I refuse to be polite about that, and you're the worst of the lot, you're signing your own death certificate and you know it. See you in hell, baby. :wink:

Personally, I'd like to know more about Mrs. Troll/Wicwa and why she was out of bed. I hear she lied to her husband about it. That's just some gossip we pick up on security detail.

In other words you're confirming what I saw while blocking Mr. Troll, adding even more proof to my role. But please, ignore that and carry on. I'm sure she was just ... well, crap, I can't come up with any other likely uninfected roles to be had out there since our bodyguard is dead. Well, I'm sure her leader will give her a good cover story, just wait.

I'd also like to point out that Susan's claim that a vigilante only can kill on certain nights isn't exactly true. I know in past games...of life the loyal killer can usually kill every night and it's the serial killer who has limitations. So, La-hrok could be a loyal killer, but I'd definitely like to know who he was out to kill last night. Susan blocked him from doing something.

It varies from game of life to game of life, but you will admit that the scum killer can usually kill nightly if the loyal one can, yet neither struck. Logically speaking, the loyal killer may not have had a good suspect and resisted the urge, but the scum killer knows his allies and would have struck, EXCEPT HE COULDN'T BECAUSE I BLOCKED HIM. Did I make that clear enough? No? THERE IS NO REASON FOR THE SCUM TO AVOID KILLING US UNLESS THEY CAN'T BECAUSE SOMEONE STOPS THEM. Now let's see... there was one person blocked and no one died. OH MY GOD! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? Apparently nothing, according to you fools.

Susan, darling, perhaps you'd make a better case for yourself if you weren't acting so pompous and smug and insulting people with your logic. I doubt that's helping to prove your point at all... :look: Sweety.

When dealing with foolish children, sometimes you have to speak down to them. Why doesn't this ship have an isolation chamber? :angry:

But seriously, I hurt everone's widdle feewings and now they want to kill their big bad commander who is just trying to get them to come to their senses and make a smart choice instead of blindly following Barney, who managed to get uninfected Sarah killed. I'm sure the wieners will be much nicer to them, so carry on folks, and when you see the truth, you know where to shove the wieners. :hmpf:

What an idiotic statement, as I recall, these "ancestors"... only have two true to my blood. And one of them managed to help flush out scum like you in his land.

Actually, in those virtual games, you were scum once as was I, and in the other we were both loyal. My only real point was to make you remember the roles you played and the situations that occurred and see how they are being repeated here, and I believe, used against both of us.

By the, insulting me is not helping you at all. :angry:

Grow up. You can either get over it or you can end up with a wiener in you. At this point, I don't much care.

Now who's the drama queen?

I hope I am. It seems like people only listen to me when I get hysterical. When I'm being perfectly reasonable and laying out clear and obvious evidence, they just follow along with whoever opposes me like lambs to the slaughter. It's really amazing to watch. :laugh:

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