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blah blah blah

Will you shove your ego up your megablocks, be-yatch?

OK, if Wicwa messed with the scanner to give Sarah a false result, why did Sarah admit to something being inside her and the whole scars on her belly deal? Did someone else kill Jad Suur, I think they should step forward so we know for a fact that La'Rhok is the infected killer. If someone out there is the loyal killer, we can get rid of La'Rhok and nobody would be able to kill the loyal night killer with the infected killer voted out. I need to set my love aside and review the facts of the day.

I hope I am. It seems like people only listen to me when I get hysterical. When I'm being perfectly reasonable and laying out clear and obvious evidence, they just follow along with whoever opposes me like lambs to the slaughter. It's really amazing to watch. :laugh:

I say this with all of my love and respect for you; you truly are an idiot. :tongue:

As for some info I thought I had, I would like to investigate it a bit more before I reveal it, and I ask that the persons who know what I am talking about remain quiet for at least another day please. Thanks.

Well... It's been more than a day...

As far as you go, Barney Vance, it is really very brave of you to step forward as the ship's investigator. I admire your courage, but I also think it is very risky. An investigator is so valuable to us that I actually hope you're just the real investigator's decoy. Let's hope it turns out the best way.

Judging from the awfully misguided voting yesterday, and thinking who oh-so-subtly initiated it, I think we have a few clear suspects... Alas, 24 hours hasn't passed yet so I can't really vote anyone.

So Barney's brave but you are suspicious of the people who initiated yesterday's vote? How can you think both of those things and not realize they contradict?

I will not kill anyone with my knife tonight if it will make people happier.

So you will use your gun instead? We've seen two knives used in one night and a sword and a gun used on another. Perhaps our killers have access to more than one type of weapon...

Thanks for keeping me anonymous. :hmpf:

The only reason I even told you is because I thought I had credible information and because you were the head of security, I didn't think you'd believe me let alone pass it on to one of your fellow officers who would act on the information. Anyway I never said my investigator said Sarah was guilty I said it would make sense that Engofi would vote for her late if they were both infected, Also the fact that your investigators results also supported my theory made it seem likely that she was indeed infected along with Engofi. *huh*

And my investigator hasnt been proven wrong yet. he was right about Fassin he may as well be damn right about Engofi. :look:

OK, you are either a liar or just bad at assembling information and explaining it/spelling it correctly. The info you gave me via potato yesterday was all hearsay and you still don't identify your source.

Suze, darling, in reviewing the day's info your insults are really pissing me off. I think I mostly agree with your findings but I hate you right now so you may want to go megablocks yourself before opening your stupid mouth again. Perhaps I shall vote for you just to put an end to your sadistic brand of love.

Furthermore, La'H'rok has claimed to me that he was the one that killed Jad Suur. If someone else knows otherwise or was the actual killer of Jad, please come forward. I also know of La'H'Rok's intended target from last night. I'm looking over our security tapes to see if I agree if his suspicion in this person was justified.

OK, I've reviewed the previous days and the person who La'H'Rok claims to have targeted didn't even post yesterday and was a little confused by the rules the day before. I have also noticed that Engofi, Wicwa and whoever Black Rabbit is playing were all pretty quick to join me in voting for Florentzia. If they would've known she wasn't infected, and they are, it would have been very easy for them to see my vote as an opportunity to start a bandwagon and get some momentum going for voting off an uninfected person.

Judging by all the info we have I think La'H'Rok will end up with my vote before long... I think of all the suspicious stories, his seems the most unlikely. Suze, Barney and La'H'Rok certainly seem to be throwing a lot of accusations around to people they alternately trust and don't...

I have to wonder what makes anyone think I would have the skill or the chance to tinker with any technical equipment on board? :wacko:

These accusations thrown around are getting a bit too crazy for my tastes. What issues my husband and I have should be dealt between the two of us, and not be discussed in the public. I'm afraid I can't trust even Khrum in this situation, so of course I lied to him initially, when he started to threaten me. During our years of marriage, I've never seen him act like that before... :/

Seriously, this infection is getting to everyone's heads, so I would wish we could calm ourselves and find a sensible solution to this problem.

So Barney's brave but you are suspicious of the people who initiated yesterday's vote? How can you think both of those things and not realize they contradict?

I merely stated that it was brave of Barney to say that, I do not know if he speaks the truth or not. And of course I'm suspicious of people who voted out an innocent! But right now I'm too confused of who has been voted how many times, with people changing their votes constantly, that I'd like to see a rundown before I cast my vote.

  • Author

Vote count

Susan Antares / Shadows: 5 (I Scream Clone, pedro, Ricecracker, JimButcher, Svelte)

Engofi Cheipo / Eskallon: 2 (Hinckley, zepher)

La'h'rok / I Scream Clone: 1 (Shadows)

Non-voters: 8 (Black Rabbit, Darth_Legois, Dragonator, Eskallon, Inertia, Mr. Mandalorian, Sandy, Stash2Sixx)

9 votes are needed to convict, 35 hours remains of the Day.

OK, if Wicwa messed with the scanner to give Sarah a false result, why did Sarah admit to something being inside her and the whole scars on her belly deal?

To try to show us that we were wrong. From what we've seen, the wieners aren't surgically implanted, if we had considered that yesterday, she might be alive now. Of course we only had her word on it, but it certainly looks more obvious in hindsight.

Did someone else kill Jad Suur, I think they should step forward so we know for a fact that La'Rhok is the infected killer. If someone out there is the loyal killer, we can get rid of La'Rhok and nobody would be able to kill the loyal night killer with the infected killer voted out.

A reasonable request for once.

I say this with all of my love and respect for you; you truly are an idiot. :tongue:


Suze, darling, in reviewing the day's info your insults are really pissing me off. I think I mostly agree with your findings

So does that make both of us idiots, or are you finally seeing the light, moron? If you can't get past the insults, you're not focusing on the right problem. Plus you usually like being treated that way... :sceptic:

but I hate you right now so you may want to go megablocks yourself before opening your stupid mouth again. Perhaps I shall vote for you just to put an end to your sadistic brand of love.

Blah blah blah, you mostly agree with me, so maybe it is a stupid mouth, or maybe you should just swallow your pride and admit you've been played by Barney and La'h'Rok. Otherwise, let's Romeo and Juliet ourselves, that'll be a good ending for two starcrossed lovers who hate each other.

Judging by all the info we have I think La'H'Rok will end up with my vote before long... I think of all the suspicious stories, his seems the most unlikely. Suze, Barney and La'H'Rok certainly seem to be throwing a lot of accusations around to people they alternately trust and don't...

I didn't trust Barney from the beginning and only went with his information about Sarah because of you. I wanted to think that I had somehow been wrong. I wasn't. I've never had any reason to trust La'h'Rok and now have every reason to distrust him. I'm wavering on you, you gorgeously stupid hunk of gullible manmeat with an obvious mental disorder and bedroom eyes. :look:

I need to go throw up now, dear. :sick:

Blah blah blah, you mostly agree with me, so maybe it is a stupid mouth, or maybe you should just swallow your pride and admit you've been played by Barney and La'h'Rok.

Since when did I trust La'H'Rok you uppity bitch? And Barney came forward after the investigator results came up false to save my life, so give me some time to wrap my mind around his tactics and why he wouldn't just leave me to the dogs. And why is half the crew not participating in this life or death situation????

OK, I'll try to be calm. Here's what we know:

  1. Wicwa has a night action.
  2. Ivan is a bad liar.
  3. Barney claims to be able to scan people at night but the result he gave us that we acted on proved to be false.
  4. Suze is a bitch and a role blocker, but for which side we don't know yet.
  5. La'H'Rok is a night killer but for which side we are unclear.

If La'H'Rok was enough of Jad Suur's infection that he killed him on night 2, why did he not vote for him on day 2?

Hmmmmm... :look:

I would vote for him now if my lover hadn't been acting in that desperate, windy way she does when she's guilty...

Is it possible that Sarah was uninfectable? That she was given something before her mission started that made it impossible for her to be infected. Implanted with some sort of bacteria that kills wieners? It's not unheard of in past games...of life for their to be a player that isn't infectable. Perhaps there is a player out there whose job it is to infect other people at night and when they found Sarah to be uninfectable they told us to kill her! Maybe Barney is drugging people to infect them, not scan them! What if he infected Eskallon last night and is now telling us to kill him off because then we'll trust him as a n investigator. Then he will just offer up the person he infects each day until there are none of us left! :cry_sad: I want to go home!!!!

Wow! Very confusing people, very confusing! This issue with my wife...

First off, as you said, "Is that really a way to treat your wife? Threats and accusations?"

I never threatened you, and as for accusations, not really. I tried to understand what you were doing, and when I brought up an issue, I brought up both sides. I never accused you of being infected or un-infected. And yes, it should stay between us, but since you have fed the fire of discussion here, let me add some more! Let's not forget that as I said, when I woke up in the middle of the night, you were no where to be found. I also phrased that little note carefully, giving you an opportunity to say you were on the space couch or something, but you weren't. You were out, doing something, and then when your concerned husband tried to find out what's going on with his OWN WIFE you lie? Well, you lost most all of your trust right then and there. All I know is when we get out of this, you and I are done!

Of course I spread the word to two members of this ship, because if I died in my sleep, I wanted someone else to know what was going on. Both of them kept their mouths shut, just like I asked, and I thank you both.

As for Antares doing her job by blocking me, unfortunately she was incorrect in blocking me because I can't do anything at night. And that was discovered, along with the fact that my wife wasn't home. From what I know, Antares also learned that there was another person sneaking around the halls that night too! Is Antares un-infected? I have no proof, but right now, she's making sense in some of her explanations.

As for how Michael found out about you dear wife...no clue. He is part of the security on this ship so anything is possible. Is Michael un-infected? Again, no proof, but his views are also making sense.

Michael, I have no further information on my wife. She claims to be un-infected, but there is no proof of that as of yet. I can prove that she is a LIAR!

But then I say I am un-infected, and there is no proof of that either.

So we are at a crossroads. I ask this now, does anyone have any legitimate proof? Oh wait, someone might lie, and then we waste an un-infected member and have to deal with the liar tomorrow. That won't work!

Anyone notice that we haven't gotten any clues yet either? Maybe we really are a bunch of clowns and can't do anything right?

What about Niwrad Selrac (Black Rabbit)? Where has he been. I haven't heard a word out of him for a while. If that is who La'hrok was going after yesterday night, let's find out. There is no majority right now, maybe we can eliminate a silent member of this crew. He isn't doing anything to contribute anyway, and maybe we get lucky and get an infected?

Therefore, so we have another day to figure this out, I am going to take a random guess here and select an uninvolved member of this crew. He's in communications also, anyone notice that we can't get a hold of anyone to come help us out here?

Vote: Niwrad Selrac/Black Rabbit

What about Niwrad Selrac (Black Rabbit)? Where has he been. I haven't heard a word out of him for a while. If that is who La'hrok was going after yesterday night, let's find out. There is no majority right now, maybe we can eliminate a silent member of this crew. He isn't doing anything to contribute anyway, and maybe we get lucky and get an infected?

Therefore, so we have another day to figure this out, I am going to take a random guess here and select an uninvolved member of this crew. He's in communications also, anyone notice that we can't get a hold of anyone to come help us out here?

Vote: Niwrad Selrac/Black Rabbit

So you have been talking to La'H'Rok behind the scenes as well or did you guess that from what I said? I never said who La'H'Rok told me he went after. Maybe Suze said it in one of her ramblings. What's with this guy? Why do people want to vote him off. He has barely said anything and said nothing yesterday. I don't yet see how learning his allegiance would help us. And now the votes are split even further. You are right to trust me as I am uninfected, but I can't say yet that I trust you. Throwing out such a random vote near the end of the day seems like a confusion tactic to me.

Is it possible the infected don't know that they are infected... :look:

Nope, never mind. Not possible. :blush:

Maybe Barney is drugging people to infect them, not scan them! What if he infected Eskallon last night and is now telling us to kill him off because then we'll trust him as a n investigator. Then he will just offer up the person he infects each day until there are none of us left! :cry_sad: I want to go home!!!!

On a personal note, I'd just like to point out that if I was going to infect people, I'd prefer to do it the old-fashioned way - by putting a wiener inside them, not faffing about with body scans.

I agree, half the crew seem missing. Probably Big Suze has been biatching so much they've voluntarily stuck their heads out the airlock to avoid her diatribes.

On a personal note, I'd just like to point out that if I was going to infect people, I'd prefer to do it the old-fashioned way - by putting a wiener inside them, not faffing about with body scans.

However, we do only have your word that there even is a scanner. :sceptic:

I agree, half the crew seem missing. Probably Big Suze has been biatching so much they've voluntarily stuck their heads out the airlock to avoid her diatribes.

She certainly has that effect on people.

However, we do only have your word that there even is a scanner. :sceptic:

I agree. Which is why I thought it sensible to vote for Engofi. At least then you would have some way of verifying what I was saying. And if I was wrong (again) then you'd know I was either useless or lying, and at least could get rid of me with a clear conscience.

But in my opinion Big Suze created today's mess as a distraction - you can see right from the day's start she was sowing the seeds of disruption to avoid being investigated, as many of us wanted to do. We seemed to agree to a course of action, and then it was spectactularly derailed by Big Suze's sudden side-swipe pursuit of Lah'Rok. That was no accident. If she was that concerned about him, why couldn't she just block his action tonight and let us proceed according to the logical method outlined by the very rational-sounding Ada Bergsnodt? At least then we could verify if I was going to be of any use, or if I should be next on the hit-list.

No, yet again, night quickly approaches and the spanner thrown in the works has mired voting in confusion and indecision :sceptic:

Actually, it's simple. Read my first comment of the day and you'll see where I laid the case out against La'h'Rok, then go ahead until you see who started voting to stop that from happening. Then watch La'h'Rok claim that you and Barney and I are allies so he could vote against me, then watch Barney follow him. Are you sure you don't want to vote next? You three are tied together at the wieners already, might as well take the full ride.

Why would you even lay out your ability so early on Day 3, unless you and your cronies knew I was the loyal killer and wanted to get rid of me straight away. There is no reason for the infected killer to stop killing unless you all worked together to frame me as appearing as the infected killer! I have already stated quite simply what my ability is, have offered myself as investigation material(scanning) tonight and asked for protection. People can see by who I killed that I am trying my best to kill the infected. If you truly were uninfected you wouldn't have been so hostile towards so many so early in the game, I mean asking them all to contact you is pretty brazen.

Since when did I trust La'H'Rok you uppity female canine? And Barney came forward after the investigator results came up false to save my life, so give me some time to wrap my mind around his tactics and why he wouldn't just leave me to the dogs. And why is half the crew not participating in this life or death situation????

OK, I'll try to be calm. Here's what we know:

  1. Wicwa has a night action.
  2. Ivan is a bad liar.
  3. Barney claims to be able to scan people at night but the result he gave us that we acted on proved to be false.
  4. Suze is a female canine and a role blocker, but for which side we don't know yet.
  5. La'H'Rok is a night killer but for which side we are unclear.

If La'H'Rok was enough of Jad Suur's infection that he killed him on night 2, why did he not vote for him on day 2?

Hmmmmm... :look:

I would vote for him now if my lover hadn't been acting in that desperate, windy way she does when she's guilty...

Is it possible that Sarah was uninfectable? That she was given something before her mission started that made it impossible for her to be infected. Implanted with some sort of bacteria that kills wieners? It's not unheard of in past games...of life for their to be a player that isn't infectable. Perhaps there is a player out there whose job it is to infect other people at night and when they found Sarah to be uninfectable they told us to kill her! Maybe Barney is drugging people to infect them, not scan them! What if he infected Eskallon last night and is now telling us to kill him off because then we'll trust him as a n investigator. Then he will just offer up the person he infects each day until there are none of us left! :cry_sad: I want to go home!!!!

When you need a strategy to prove ones guilt it seemed most likely that in killing Jad Suur, I could effectively determine Florentzia's innocence as she would not go after one of her own infected teammates so early in the game! Florentzia is the only member I trust at this stage. I have proven to myself and hopefully others that we are both innocent by killing Jad Suur. The reason I didn't have time to vote on Day 2 is I had no idea who was guilty at that stage, so :tongue:

Scan me tonight, I promise not to kill anyone, unless you all want me to off Antares!!!

Khrum, I am surprised at you for attempting to divert/waste your vote. I don't mean to force you to vote for anyone, and you may of course pick who you want. However, I have no idea of Black Rabbits allegiances, it was just a hunch that guilty ones often slink around in the Shadows. That's all, I have no investigation ability.

Well its a moot point as we seem to have locked half the crew into cryogenics! Its gonna be tough to convict anyone today unless they all WAKE UP!

Ada Bergnsdot makes a good point, all of our key roles appear to be out in the open, which puts the infected at a large advantage.

Wicwa, what are you up to at night, you can PM me if you don't want to give roles away, or perhaps you are the infected killer?

Actually, it's simple. Read my first comment of the day and you'll see where I laid the case out against La'h'Rok, then go ahead until you see who started voting to stop that from happening. Then watch La'h'Rok claim that you and Barney and I are allies so he could vote against me, then watch Barney follow him. Are you sure you don't want to vote next? You three are tied together at the wieners already, might as well take the full ride.

You went along with the plan to vote out Engofi for quite a while and then abruptly switched to La'h'Rok which I don't really follow the logic of. I can't bring myself to vote off the role blocker though. If I believe she's loyal, I believe La'h'Rok is the infected night killer. If I believe La'h'Rok is the uninfected vigilante then my beloved Suze is actually the infected role blocker. *huh*

NuckFuts... :hmpf_bad:

Wicwa, what are you up to at night, you can PM me if you don't want to give roles away, or perhaps you are the infected killer?

No, sorry, I won't discuss this with you, not privately nor out in the open. I trust you even less than I trust my dear, worthless husband. For all I know, you both could be infected, trying to fool me. :sceptic:

I thank Ivanova for calculating the vote results, and since many of those who chose not to vote for the innocent Sarah yesterday now vote for the Lt. Commander, I'm going to follow them.

Vote: Susan Antares/Shadows

Sorry, I didn't make that vote to cause confusion, I just did it because with all the verbal diarrhea being flung about, this seemed to make the most sense to me. Someone is overly quiet, not saying much or even trying to help us resolve the situation. Maybe Niwrad's plan is to let us fight it out amongst ourselves if he is infected? Of course, maybe he is un-infected and just got lost in the ship somewhere? I don't know.

I apologize profusely my fellow space travelers. I meant no confusion. Right now though, two sides make sense and nothing really stands out more than the other. Therefore, I remove my vote. Again, sincerest apologies, I just wanted to try to bring us all together on something. Seems like that didn't work.

Unvote: Niwrad Selarc/Black Rabbit

And yes, La'hrok did send me a message telling me who his intended target was, and it was meant as an "open upon my death" letter.

HAHAHAHA, worthless husband? Listen you lying (removed due to graphic phrasing), for all I know, your gettin' weinered each night!. You started this, now you're trying to make me out to be a bad guy? You're just like your mother!

Too much crap to listen to, I'll have to replay these conversations...

What a surprise. :laugh: You defended your infected friend La'h'Rok by attacking Engofi, and when that plan was exposed you came after me. So obvious.

Actually, it's simple. Read my first comment of the day and you'll see where I laid the case out against La'h'Rok, then go ahead until you see who started voting to stop that from happening. Then watch La'h'Rok claim that you and Barney and I are allies so he could vote against me, then watch Barney follow him. Are you sure you don't want to vote next? You three are tied together at the wieners already, might as well take the full ride.

Barney and La'h'Rok are infected scum. Wicwa gives every indication of being one as well. Michael, you might be uninfected, but I can't trust you anymore. You've been deceived by Barney since the beginning or always working with him, I can't be sure, but it's already cost Sarah her life and now it's probably going to cost me mine. He's managed to trick you into killing yourself and you're still going along with it. I've made a perfectly reasonable case and it's being ignored by a crew of idiots. I refuse to be polite about that, and you're the worst of the lot, you're signing your own death certificate and you know it. See you in hell, baby. :wink:

So you're saying that Michael, Barney, Rok, and Wicwa are ALL infected? And you're not? :laugh:

But seriously, I hurt everone's widdle feewings and now they want to kill their big bad commander who is just trying to get them to come to their senses and make a smart choice instead of blindly following Barney, who managed to get uninfected Sarah killed. I'm sure the wieners will be much nicer to them, so carry on folks, and when you see the truth, you know where to shove the wieners. :hmpf:

Oh-h-h, I'm not following Barney. Rok's the only one with his head on straight here, so I'm going along with him.

Actually, in those virtual games, you were scum once as was I, and in the other we were both loyal. My only real point was to make you remember the roles you played and the situations that occurred and see how they are being repeated here, and I believe, used against both of us.

Alright, good point. But, what do I do? Let you live by unvoting? It's not too late to let you live, but it is too late to vote someone else off. And we have to vote someone off today. I'm almost convinced that you are telling the truth, but there's just nothing I can do that will make the situation better.

Grow up. You can either get over it or you can end up with a wiener in you. At this point, I don't much care.

A commander that doesn't care. That's real reassuring. See? These are the kinds of things that push people away from sympathy for you in these games... of life. You seem like a good gal, then all of a sudden you throw all this hatred and suspicion toward you. I'm not unvoting you because now you made it all the more confusing. I do think you present a good case, and I do have a doubt in my mind about your allegiance, but now it's almost like you want to be killed. :sceptic:

OK, if Wicwa messed with the scanner to give Sarah a false result, why did Sarah admit to something being inside her and the whole scars on her belly deal? Did someone else kill Jad Suur, I think they should step forward so we know for a fact that La'Rhok is the infected killer. If someone out there is the loyal killer, we can get rid of La'Rhok and nobody would be able to kill the loyal night killer with the infected killer voted out. I need to set my love aside and review the facts of the day.

Thank you! How dare Susan call you an idiot. This is the perfect proof for grounds on voting off Susan, and now I know you must be uninfected if you're willing to risk your own life just to kill Susan.

Furthermore, La'H'rok has claimed to me that he was the one that killed Jad Suur. If someone else knows otherwise or was the actual killer of Jad, please come forward. I also know of La'H'Rok's intended target from last night. I'm looking over our security tapes to see if I agree if his suspicion in this person was justified.

This is true- he killed Jad Suur on account of mine and Sarah's suspicions.

OK, I've reviewed the previous days and the person who La'H'Rok claims to have targeted didn't even post yesterday and was a little confused by the rules the day before. I have also noticed that Engofi, Wicwa and whoever Black Rabbit is playing were all pretty quick to join me in voting for Florentzia. If they would've known she wasn't infected, and they are, it would have been very easy for them to see my vote as an opportunity to start a bandwagon and get some momentum going for voting off an uninfected person.

I noticed that too, but I am unsure of their intentions... That guy that looks like a Rabbit didn't even know how to vote, so I'm thinking he just hopped on the bandwagon. The other two I don't know about...

This is true- he killed Jad Suur on account of mine and Sarah's suspicions.

That's good to know. You've been speaking behind the scenes with him and Sarah then? Did you have any further insight to Sarah's condition? I'm glad to hear from you. It sounds more and more like you are one to trust. Sorry about the whole "voting you out of the airlock" on the second day thing. :blush:

You know what though? It is possible that you guys sacrificed Jad Suur to make yourselves look innocent.

Two other things come to mind after reading your post.

1. If Suze blocked the vigilante, why did the infected night killer not strike? I know Suze has asked this a million times, but I'm re-iterating the question without insult or gloating. Which leads me to:

2. If the infected killer didn't kill perhaps he infected someone else. Perhaps the infected night killer has an option to kill or infect... :look:

That's good to know. You've been speaking behind the scenes with him and Sarah then? Did you have any further insight to Sarah's condition? I'm glad to hear from you. It sounds more and more like you are one to trust. Sorry about the whole "voting you out of the airlock" on the second day thing. :blush:

It's alright, I know you were trying to kill someone off for answers.

Yes, I've spoken to both of them. Even at her death, Sarah denied being pregnant. So I do think what she said is something to pay attention to. "I'm not dangerous as long as I'm alive". What do you make of that?

You know what though? It is possible that you guys sacrificed Jad Suur to make yourselves look innocent.

But it wouldn't be necessary. Like Rok said, there was never any pressure for anyone to do that. Sure, it may sound like something scum would do, but as good of a thought that it is, it seems to drastic. Or maybe they just wanted me to think that. Hm...

Two other things come to mind after reading your post.

1. If Suze blocked the vigilante, why did the infected night killer not strike? I know Suze has asked this a million times, but I'm re-iterating the question without insult or gloating. Which leads me to:

Like you said, they could have limitations. I remember playing the video game "Noir", in which the scum had many in numbers to start with, so limitations were added to them. But the question had been in my mind as well...

2. If the infected killer didn't kill perhaps he infected someone else. Perhaps the infected night killer has an option to kill or infect... :look:

Which brings my theory from day 1 back up. I suggested that maybe there wasn't a night killer on the infected side- instead, people were infected. Maybe you're right about them having they option of doing either...

But it wouldn't be necessary. Like Rok said, there was never any pressure for anyone to do that. Sure, it may sound like something scum would do, but as good of a thought that it is, it seems to drastic. Or maybe they just wanted me to think that. Hm...

But, if you run that gambit in the beginning when nobody is suspicious of it, you don't have to do it when you're desperate. So get one guilty player out of the way in the beginning and everybody trusts you...

As far as the killer goes, we know there are at least two. So, if the infected don't have a killer or their killer has the option to infect or kill, perhaps we have a deranged lunatic on our hands gone serial killer. It wouldn't be the first time we've seen a case of space madness. That's what the cells are for...

At least a few people are starting to think about the situation instead of blindly following like we were. If nothing else was gained today, we have that.

I'm not going to respond post by post because they're full of lies and misdirections designed to later be used to howl that I'm mean or try to further twist what I say, plus I'm tired of being accused to talking too much when I'm replying to a small group ganging up against me. All I will say on that matter is take the time to review their claims. When they say I did this or that because of something else, see which happened first, because they're lying about the order of events, a sure sign of guilt.

As my final summary: the security cameras show what happened last night and my first post was directed specifically at that. I laid out the case for La'h'Rok and at that time, no one had any other proposals out. There had been no stated desire to investigate me, and there was no reason to. It was only after it became obvious that La'h'Rok is infected that I was attacked and Engofi was targeted as a distraction. For all I know, he could be infected, but given the situation, I believe our supposed investigator is either infected, insane or deceived. His results with Sarah prove that much.

Despite that, I am not avoiding investigation, as a matter of fact, my idea leaves me wide open to it tonight, it just kills the likely infected killer first so I don't have to block him again and can try to find another infected to reveal. During that time, I can be investigated, I will not block the supposed investigator, even if I don't trust his results after the needless death of Sarah.

Carefully consider your decision, that's all I ask.

And yes, since it was directly asked and it might be my last chance to state it openly, I do believe that Barney, La'h'Rok and Wicwa are all infected. I believe that Michael was being tricked and is uninfected (and maybe starting to see the light, just a little). I don't honestly believe I would be in love with scum. I certainly hope not.

Well, to not go off the path, and I really am having a tough time deciding which path to go down...

A few of you didn't like my simplistic view earlier, and that's ok. Antares, no one has convinced me yet either way fully. La'hrok, same thing. So I'm gonna'

VOTE: Engofi Cheipo / Eskallon

Engofi, if you are innocent and un-infected, then I sincerely apologize. I am really confused here today.

Well, after my questions this morning, I must admit that your responses have more than overwhelmed me. :blush: This day has been one of many conflicting stories, but I think we are beginning to now find something amongst the madness. I must admit that earlier I was at a lose for words, a rare thing for a language specialist. :laugh: One thing is certain; the infected have been pumping very hard today with all this talk and all these opposing theories, the only question is, which of them are the work of the infected, and which are truth? Right now I don't have a definite idea either way, but I do see some validity in the arguments of our lieutenant commander. As has been asked by her and Michael already, why did the infected killer not strike last night if La'H'Rok is the uninfected vigilant? I think the answer to this question may well clear up a lot of the confusion we are under at the moment, but alas, I don't think we are going to get one. After being mislead in my voting yesterday, I am less inclined to vote today without thinking a bit more, because I really don't want to get this wrong, particularly when we are possibly risking some of our most useful crew members in this search to find the wieners. At the moment I am inclined to believe Antares, as despite her aggressive attitude she is speaking some sense, or at least is making more sense to me amongst all the madness today. I think I need to review the recording of the discussions so far before I make a final decision, as it is very difficult to get a clear picture of our current situation with all the insults flying everywhere...

1. If Suze blocked the vigilante, why did the infected night killer not strike? I know Suze has asked this a million times, but I'm re-iterating the question without insult or gloating. Which leads me to:

2. If the infected killer didn't kill perhaps he infected someone else. Perhaps the infected night killer has an option to kill or infect... :look:

This is indeed an option, one I had not thought of previously. It makes sense that you can't do both each night as this would create a two for one advantage, and we would all be doomed too quickly.

But it wouldn't be necessary. Like Rok said, there was never any pressure for anyone to do that. Sure, it may sound like something scum would do, but as good of a thought that it is, it seems to drastic. Or maybe they just wanted me to think that. Hm...

Exactly my point, I can only say it so many times. I am the loyal killer, you may or not believe me, but should I fall you will soon realize what is going on. Looking at the security cameras footage, I was blocked by Antares, based on her telling the world. The third figure for all we know could have been the infected night killer/infector coming after Antares or myself to either kill or infect and got scared off as they can only attack one person at a time. Seems plausible to me at least. What say you Antares, willing to comment on this theory?

And just because you blocked me doesn't prove I am the infected killer, it just proves I am a killer. That really was far to big a leap even for you to go on circumstantial evidence.

Seems plausible to me at least. What say you Antares, willing to comment on this theory?

I've considered it, but the 3rd could have also been the framer after me. How do I know there's a framer? I don't, but it makes sense based on information I've gathered, and if there is one, it's likely to be Wicwa.


And just because you blocked me doesn't prove I am the infected killer, it just proves I am a killer. That really was far to big a leap even for you to go on circumstantial evidence.

... Michael and I have both asked who it was you had decided to kill and I don't recall an answer. If you did answer, I missed it in all of the fighting back there. Given that I can't see where we had a good infected target last night, it keeps coming back to looking like you're infected and were after any of the rest of us.

Admittedly, this whole thing is far too confusing. Barney may or may not be an investigator at all, and if he is, his results have been incorrect so far, and if he isn't, he's infected. Michael seems uninfected to me since I can't understand why either of us would kill ourselves over the death of the other unless we were both uninfected.

We have a lot of silent crew who aren't helping the situation any.

We know that you're one of the killers and that should guarantee that you die tonight, since either side would be stupid to let you live. By the same logic, Michael or I should be targeted by the infected in hopes of taking us both out. Even if he's uninfected, they won't go after Barney, he's causing confusion with his bad results and that can only help them.

Given all of that, do you want to put out a theory while you still can? I've done it, figuring this could easily be the end for me and your future isn't looking much brighter realistically.

In the end, all I know is that I'm not infected and we're not getting anywhere except closer to a black hole.

Admittedly, this whole thing is far too confusing. Barney may or may not be an investigator at all, and if he is, his results have been incorrect so far, and if he isn't, he's infected.

The thing about the results, as I outlined at the start of the day, was that there hasn't really been time to work anything out conclusively. To reprise:

Night 1 - Investigate Antares, blocked

Night 2 - Sarah Ohce, anomalous but definitely infected

Night 3 - Engofi - not infected.

Hence the plan to vote Engofi off to see if I was insane or not. I understand that it might be a bit of a waste considering how useless I have otherwise been but being blocked on Night 1 has meant that we only have one day to judge from, and that day was disastrous :sceptic:

I get the feeling that I might not be insane and there was something special about Sarah Ohce that we are yet unaware of which led to her odd results. If that is the case, though, it could be true of any one of us so none of my results will ever be taken as reliable, which I completely understand.

Maybe I should just go stand in the corner with all the other silent crew.

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