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Clones Everywhere! 21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Clone Is Your Favourite?

    • Delta
    • Leopard
    • Cub
    • Tabbycat
    • Bloodhound
    • Soundwave
    • Sierra
    • Lefty
  2. 2. Should I Stop Marking Clones?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Are you crazy?! These are great!!
    • What the hell are you doing?! These Are Just Innocent Minifigures!!
  3. 3. Which of the second squad do you like best

    • Delta (forth generation)
    • Lefty
    • Slasher
    • Soundwave
    • Sierra
    • Cross

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Featured Replies


BOC - Black Ops Command

Black Op is a military operation that is meant to be covered up, mostly because they are usually illegal. It would be almost certain that the Republic would have some as well, because most nations already have done hundreds upon hundreds.

Delta - weapon of choice - MP5


CAMO BOC TROOPERS - The originals

(from left-to-right)

Leopard - weapon of choice - Barret Arms Manucfacturing M82 Barret

Cub - weapon of choice - unknown

Tabbycat - weapon of choice - M4

Bloodhound - weapon of choice - M4



(from left-to-right)

Soundwave - weapon of choice - M9

Sierra - weapon of choice - FIM-92 STINGER

Lefty - weapon of choice - FGM-148 JAVELIN







Edited by CloneCommanderDelta7

Great work! My favourite is Delta, his helmet markings look great.

Edited by Commander Laquiet

Well first let me say STOP Mutilating those innocent clones.

Now that I have that out of the way, I really like the red camo on the first 4 clones. Its spaced nicely like real camo. :thumbup:

I don't know how you can color you figs like that, I am too much of a collector to do that to any of my valuable figs.

I don't know how you can color you figs like that, I am too much of a collector to do that to any of my valuable figs.

Judging by the chrome-y coulor, I'd say a black marking pen.

I like them, but I feel scared that you have enough clones to destroy decorate these troops. :sadnew:

Edited by filip skywalker

Well first let me say STOP Mutilating those innocent clones.

Well, there's nothing to add. I could never treat my clones like that, especially the pilots. I mean, they cost like 15 Dollars, also ordered on on BL, whereas it doesn't really matter if you colour 8 normal white troopers.

They look good, although I couldn't do this to my clones, I'd regret that, need to say that I'm also only a collector, so I don't care about playability or how they could look in a certain area.

Excellent figs, Delta! :thumbup:

I'd have to say Delta was my favourite, but I like all the others as well. I think the camo is very nice.

Well done and keep up the good work! :classic:

  • Author

Thanks everyone, especially ADHO who made this a reality. If he hadn't made all those wonderful clones in his thread in the Culture & Multimedia topic then I would have run out of ideas.

With my squad, I tried to make the feeling of Captain Price's Bravo 6 SAS team. Its that kind of family feeling...war does make you think funny things.

BTW I like them all but since it always reverts to the unvoted style I will vote for Delta (I put him as the commander so mentally that makes him superior) and I will definately say 'no' to the second question.

'Why' may you ask? Well the thing is that I seem to be giving lego less recognition. So I'm going all out with it and making it different makes me think more of it. Sorry if you don't understand.

Leopard has blue and red markings and the reason for that is, Leopard has served the 501st several times and he was awarded recognition for it as he bloody well spearheaded the final assault on Felucia during the last hours of the Clone Wars. Because my squad was so independant, they disappeared after Order 66 and trained as mercenaries for many clients. They kept their modified armour as a symbol that there still was 'unwavering discipline' and order throughout the galaxy. Their favourite client was the Fetts, who stood alongside them on many missions. Palpatine did not know much of what the BOC was up to, nor that they merely existed.

I used a Black CD/OHP Marker Pen. With my steady hand (which you cannot buy) I drew, steadily, the markings of which you see here.

Edited by CloneCommanderDelta7

:blush: Oh, you. :grin:

Lovely backstory too. :thumbup:

Wow! These are great! :wub:

I've tried to customise clones, but it doesn't go very well.

Mainly because I tried to give a clone hair. :hmpf:

I like the "New guys" and Delta the most. You must have a lot of patience!

Ben Kenobi :pir-vader:

Minifig Customization Workshop.

The perma-marker is a little too bright for my taste - it's too shiny compared to the official LEGO printing.

The perma-marker is a little too bright for my taste - it's too shiny compared to the official LEGO printing.

I think that too. That's why I like waterslide decals better.

Im sure a purist would just "DIE" over these figs. :tongue:

Anyways if i had to choose one it would be Delta.

P.S. is the name Soundwave a concidence? :tongue:

Edited by RocketClone

Well first let me say STOP Mutilating those innocent clones.
I like them, but I feel scared that you have enough clones to destroy decorate these troops. :sadnew:

Innocent? It's a piece of plastic. :sceptic: Not that I want to turn the thread into a volley of back and forth purist junk. If you don't like minifigure customizing, I'd say you're in the wrong forum.

Besides, there are enough white clones out there to experiment on. It's not like they're rare, except for the pilots.

Generic white clones are boring. That's why I've tried cutting official stickers and adding them to torsos, pauldrons, kamas, and occasionally helmets. I have no interest in army building, as I think it is rediculously boring. So, I'll decorate. It's fun, and as long as I don't post terrible cell phone pics of 'clonez 895 division their are elite this is commandr superfly', I don't care what people's anti-clone wars stance is. :sceptic:

I like the work- I tried Sharpie-ing a clone, with mixed results. I didn't post it, simply because there are enough of them out there and that it's nothing compared to the wonderful work of customizers out there. It was mostly a test to see how well it works, and how steady my hand was before I tried moving on to paints. Private Sharpie will probably end up being put in a bin somewhere if I can't find out how to remove the Sharpie from him.

While covering the helmet and whatnot with sharpy tends to look a little sloppy, I like the camo look. I think it might have turned out better if you used paint to keep it from being so shiny, as the others said. I think a neat effect is to use some of the vinyl dye I've seen used around as a base color, add some paint for the camo effect, and then use a waterslide decal for the torso.

P.S. is the name Soundwave a concidence? :tongue:

I don't think so. Lefty has all his deco on his left. I can't work out what Sierra has.

Also, I posted my MS Paint versions of these three in my thread, Delta. Hope you like them. :classic:

  • Author
I don't think so. Lefty has all his deco on his left. I can't work out what Sierra has.

Also, I posted my MS Paint versions of these three in my thread, Delta. Hope you like them. :classic:

Thanks; in fact, could anyone come up with a better name for Sierra? I couldn't find one so I used a Greek letter name, like I did for Delta. That's right for Lefty as well. If you look at the deco on his chest it resembles a soundwave how it has a arc that gets bigger the further it goes.

Thanks Mr. Mandalorian, you run an interesting point there.

Private Sharpie will probably end up being put in a bin somewhere if I can't find out how to remove the Sharpie from him.

Try Meth, it worked when I was taking sharpie off my clones. :sweet:

Nice work with these Delta, at first I thought you had gone alittle crazy with the shapie but the pics got better and they actually look very nice!

Just the pilots! :oh3: I don't know how you sharpied them?!

Nice job though on the normal clones! :sweet::thumbup:


Edited by CommanderFox

  • Author
Just the pilots! :oh3: I don't know how you sharpied them?!

I used a pen actually. :tongue: Thanks

I used a pen actually. :tongue: Thanks

Oh right, my bad. :laugh:

They look great!

Maybe you should try doing some in a jungle green, that'd look Awesome!


  • Author
Oh right, my bad. :laugh:

They look great!

Maybe you should try doing some in a jungle green, that'd look Awesome!


Thanks. I'll try sometime when I get the right colours but my original idea was to camoflauge them in the BOC colours, i.e. black. As you may have noticed, all of them have a black crest on the helmet.

I'd like to see you try to paint them, or anyone. I'm not saying this as I'm saying I'm the best, no, I meant that you should try to custimise your own battalions.

  • 4 weeks later...
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As the battles commence as always, Delta and his faithful BOC Squad (Black Ops Commandos if you forgot, Black Ops - usually illegal and covered-up military task) are pushed to the limits when carrying out the Republic's dirty work - assassination, sabotage, speratist corruption, paradrop insertion and the extraction of downed troops in the most hostile of areas. They are the BOC Squad 96, camoflauged in black and ready for anything. Fear them!

After severe losses, Delta is awarded Black Camo, prestigious award given to the bravest, toughest, selfless, willing to follow their duty or acceptance of suicidal missions (tasks with low-survival rate).



Along with the death of Leopard, Cub and Tabbycat; Bloodhound is transferred to another BOC squad whilst the undecorated clones, Sierra, Soundwave and Lefty are still alive to tell the tale of watching Leopard die. They are yet to be honoured with Black Camo.

But the loss of old allies gains us new ones.



A all-rounder who specializes in building raids and stealth. He had his armour painted with three claw-marks indented into the armour. It is a symbol of mental self-destruction, brought on by the rapid death of his best friend. The droids who killed him also destroyed Slasher's nerves so he can't feel much pain anymore. The Republic also helped with his mental breakdown by not showing interest in his friend's death.

He was drafted into the BOC Regiment and assigned to BOC Squad 96 while still in a state of harm. The fact that BOCs weren't associated with the Republic, as the Republic itself did not know much about them on the political side of it, helped his recovery. He is currently Delta's right-hand-man.



A clone who will take any order without question, seemingly a commander's dream. He was the best until his former commander,Rex, disgraced him, earning him in the much hated BOC Regiment. The main reason that they are hated may be, according to Cross, is that they are very unlike to the rest. They are shadowy, unknown to many of the politicians and higher level commanders. They are a myth to all clones except for squads that were rescued by them or by chance, fought along side them. Cross has changed his mind and answers to no one. When he does follow orders he says that it will all help in the end. Mysterious as he is, planning something or scheming, the Regiment seems to always transfer clones at the height of their careers.

Other photos in Flickr.

Edited by CloneCommanderDelta7

Wow Delta!

Thanks for the PM as I wouldn't have noticed this for afew days. :thumbup:

These have to be the best, they make the others look like scribles-doodles! :wub:

They look Fantastic!

Btw, where did you get the Black Pauldron from? Is it a custom of yours?

Im keen on doing more customising, but my little bro likes them generic. :hmpf::laugh:

The other problem is that my budget cant really afford to buy BPs to customize the troops.

That will change next year as I hopefully will have a small job. So hopefully expect some custom troops of mine. :sweet:

Great job, keep em coming!


Those are really good! Slasher is my favorite.

I see you got the Landspeeder.


  • Author
Wow Delta!

Thanks for the PM as I wouldn't have noticed this for afew days. :thumbup:

These have to be the best, they make the others look like scribles-doodles! :wub:

They look Fantastic!

Btw, where did you get the Black Pauldron from? Is it a custom of yours?

Im keen on doing more customising, but my little bro likes them generic. :hmpf::laugh:

The other problem is that my budget cant really afford to buy BPs to customize the troops.

That will change next year as I hopefully will have a small job. So hopefully expect some custom troops of mine. :sweet:

Great job, keep em coming!


Yes the Pauldron is custom, used to be orange and black. It didn't fit in with the camo so it got a paint job.

About a budget. I have limited clones so I try and keep a steady hand and a firm idea of what pattern to use.


Those are really good! Slasher is my favorite.

I see you got the Landspeeder.


Landspeeder? You mean the 2010 Landspeeder? Because I haven't got one of them, or traded for it. If you mean the jet pack then I did trade for it. Thanks

Guess where Slasher's symbol came about?

Cross's legs are a bit messy as I experimented with Ghillie style camo but it didn't turn out as well. Should replace them soon. Over and out for now at least!

Edited by CloneCommanderDelta7

Great job! I really like Slasher's sharpie job especially. I also love how you put so much into your custom, phisiclly and also story wise. Brilliant job :thumbup:

About a budget. I have limited clones so I try and keep a steady hand and a firm idea of what pattern to use.

Just keep watching Target. All their 2009 sets are going on sale and the clone BPs are probably going to go down to $5.00 pretty soon.

  • Author
Great job! I really like Slasher's sharpie job especially. I also love how you put so much into your custom, phisiclly and also story wise. Brilliant job :thumbup:

Just keep watching Target. All their 2009 sets are going on sale and the clone BPs are probably going to go down to $5.00 pretty soon.

That's not in Australia is it? I sure hope so though! :cry_happy:

Oh I see that you're in USA so Target would be in the US anyway, sounds too cheap to be Australian Dollars too. Thanks anyway for showing that; kindness is usual in EB! :wink::sweet:

If you're thinking, I wanted to make that feeling of an elite team/squad, not an army. Just like in COD4 these troops are usually on their own, but usually they are paired with some kind of transport to get them out of the enemy lines once they reach the LZ.

Edited by CloneCommanderDelta7

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