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Update 5/6/2010: From Grogall who posted these in the Town Forum:

Large Pictures of some of the new Train Sets for 2010!

Warning Pictures have 2500+ pxl. !

7937 Train Station

Picture 1

Picture 2

7938 Passenger Train

Picture 1

Picture 2




Images from Legoworld in Copenhagen:



FlickR set by Warren Elsmore

LEGO City train sets coming out in June 2010 in NZ

7936 Level Crossing

7937 Train Station

7938 Passenger Train

7939 Cargo Train



Fantastic! Maybe the level crossing includes things like PF boom gates, that would be fun. :classic:

Where did you find this info?

Come on we need to know more!

The lego train line deserve a new run of products and I hope they are not disapointing.

Though the thought of some new train sets delights me, I will remain skeptical until further evidence surfaces.

However, assuming this is real, the lineup seems to be almost an exact duplicate of what was in the RC line.

i too shall remain skeptical

i checked peeron and the set numbers aren't from any previously released set

how did you find out?

Nott that a little sceptisism isn't healthy, but this is at least consistant with the info we have from the reliable european sources.

Also the fact that this set lineup closely mimic the current ones may just suggest that TLG think this is the most profitable way to market trains.

Besides it's not like AllanSmith is known for his talkativeness. In fact three posts in three years seems like he's saving them to use only on important occasions. :tongue:

LEGO City train sets coming out in June 2010 in NZ

7936 Level Crossing

7937 Train Station

7938 Passenger Train

7939 Cargo Train

Hey, this was a rumor sometime ago, what confirmation proof do you have?

Did you see these in a dealer catalog? Or sneak into LEGO :tongue:

I expect this to come true, because it is a high probability.

Very exciting news ! :thumbup:

Now I wonder how they will make the Trains? Cargo and Passenger are good.

The Level crossing is also very interesting :oh:

I hope the Train Station is larger and not like the small town one in 2007

Did you see these in a dealer catalog? Or sneak into LEGO :tongue:

If this is the case, I'm wondering more what other mid-year releases were in there... :wink:

If this is the case, I'm wondering more what other mid-year releases were in there... :wink:

And I would like to know how the new trains are powered. :sceptic:

I assume it is going to be PF-stuff, but you never know...

From the pics popping up around in other themes, it sounds like the Aus/ NZ Legoclub catalogue has been sent to members (boo! I don't have mine yet) - we often see sets we haven't seen before in these (like last year's Dooku's Solar Sailer and this year's Power Miners underground mining station).

Hopefully someone cluey will post decent quality pics for sets across unseen themes fairly soon for ALL themes :sweet:

Fanastic a new level crossing I don't have one for my cargo train. :grin:

I wonder what kind of engines and station Lego have now designed.

I'm like everybody else - PICTURES PLEASE A.S.A.P. :sing:

Great to get a new level crossing. Hasn't been one for ages!!!

I am hoping that this passenger train will have more than just chairs and tables inside...

I was hoping for more. They need train cars and other things, and they really really need a crane.

I hope the make new train cars for the Emerald Night as well.

Edited by LEGOMAN132

I was hoping for more. They need train cars and other things, and they really really need a crane.
I hope the make new cars for the Emerald Night as well.

In Cpt. Zuloo's interview with Jamie Berard (I hope I got that somewhere right working from memory) the designer of Emerald Night, he ruled out any more cars for it. He also said it was unlikely single cars would be sold in the forseeable future because their sales have been poor in the past.

Excuse me and my newbish ways, but is a level crossing where track and road meet? You know, like that world city set that had a walkway, road crossover, etc.? I have that one, but it is broken up. :sad:

Edited by Legoliner Pilot

I am hoping that this passenger train will have more than just chairs and tables inside...

Yea I agree here. The Metroliner has IMO the best interior for any LEGO passenger train made. It had, snack bar, sleeping area, toliet and sink, cargo area, engine room, seating, and Driver area of course. Basically everything that a real life train has.

This wasn't hard to accomplish either, no new molds or special building techniques developed.

Now all they have as an interior are seats and tables and if we are lucky they have storage for suitcases :tongue:

I also agree with Holodoc and what is the Power source. If they make PF, will they include all the motor parts? Will they include track?

They are called Cargo and Passenger Train not Engine. The EN is listed on LEGO.com as an Engine.

Or will they still have the parts available separately which would be :thumbdown: for driving the price up :hmpf_bad:

Excuse me and my newbish ways, but is a level crossing where track and road meet? You know, like that world city set that had a walkway, road crossover, etc.? I have that one, but it is broken up. :sad:

Yes, that's correct a level crossing is where the train line crosses a road at the same level. I haven't bought one since the 4.5V blue track era, so I'm also interested to see what its like.

I'm quoting my own message in another forum, no train cars:

We had talked about this in the ambassadors forums. Train fans show lots of interest

for this. Unfotruantely it is not feasible and TLG doesn't seem to have any such

plans in the near future. Train is like an adult-only series, especially those

individual cars. They don't allocate too much resources for somethign that doesn't

have a comeback. They had to drop another exclusive model just to bring out Emerald

Night this year. Fans asked for seperate cars and this would mean they'd have

to drop out anotehr exclusive for that. Imagine not having Medieval Market Village

just for the sake of a train car, that wouldn't make sense sales-wise. Train

is not an evergreen theme and it's either in the City theme or exclusives. City

has its internal things and trains can't take all the space and those models

do not satisfy adults anyway. As for exclusives, liek I have mentioned, there

are betetr things to produce. So train is like a stepchild If you want to

see more of it, you have to buy more of it. So that they'll invest more.

That's what we've been told. Sorry to hurt your feelings, I lvoe trains too.

From the Behind the Helm interview of Cpn Zuloo with Jamie Berard (transcribed by Izzy!), emphasis added:

Yeah, also do you think we will be seeing any more coaches for this fantastic set in the future?

Unfortunately we won’t be releasing any more wagons for the Emerald Night but that’s not to say there future trains won’t have wagons, but traditionally they haven’t done as well. Many fans say that they buy 5 or 6 wagons for every train, but it hasn’t shown that way in our sales numbers. So it has to be a very specific, very appealing wagon to be able to be on its own. Otherwise we have to think of a more creative way to offer it. So I wouldn’t say there is no potential of wagons in the future but at this time we would have to use one of our… basically every year there will be a specific number of sets and each set is given an article number, for example in the Lego Exclusive last year we launched 6 or 7 items. So you could say, ‘Okay you can have the wagon or Medieval Market, or the wagon or the Rebel Blockade Runner’, so when you only have a limited number of sets and you look at the potential and decided will people as a whole buy more and be more excited about something like the Medieval Market or a train and then another train wagon. It just takes away the potential to launch another item like the new Pirate Ship that is coming out; you could argue why couldn’t that be a new train wagon? In then end we can always make those decisions, we have an article number but when you have so few, it’s hard to justify doing a wagon when traditionally the sales of wagons have not been so strong.

That's sad to hear. I never owned a train, I probably never will. But, coming out of my dark years, I kept hoping for train cars to be released. In vain.

Thanks for the info.

In the light of the above explanation of why there will be no train cars...

We have to buy more Emerald Night sets:

- add the carriages to the engine

- turn the remaining engine parts into something else

At least we're not forced to buy a motor and battery with each Emerald Night - therefore it is feasible to buy more sets without making more engines.

Green tanker anyone?

The question is, would TLG make more EN sets if we bought the lot sooner than they expected? If not, could we petition for there to be one AFOL exclusive train set per year or two, while-ever we bought them?

The recommendation for the RC train sets, on the TLG website, is to add no more than 2 carriages to the ICE train and no more than 4 wagons to the goods train. This indicates that TLG don't design trains to have a lot of wagons. They couldn't pull them if they sold them. At least the train power and market policies are consistent! TLG is no longer in the ready-to-run train market.

We just have to be creative ourselves - that's what it's all about! I think this century MOC trains are the best anyway. Mine are here.

I'm working on hybrid trains, to make PF and 9V trains sit more easily alongside each other. We have to be creative with the electrics too!


I don't see why LEGO needs a "limited number of sets" they make like 3 times as many things now than 15 years ago. Just make a few LEGO.com exclusive sets and shut the hell up. :laugh:

My problem with Emerald Night is that it isn't a train! It's half a train that cost $100 and will cost $250 to make half a train run! That's just insane. LEGO now admits that the Train theme is for adults, then why did they get rid of 9V Trains? Does LEGO even think before they do something?

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