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Well, I guess I have a few things to say:

-I'm allergic to poultry (I've never eaten at KFC)

-my obsession of SW started with clones (I love clones!)

-my favorite movies are Valkyrie and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

-I am proud to be a Christian

-I am 13

-I built my first system LEGO set all by myself when I was only 4 years old (Chrome Crusher)

-I am working on a big Apocatown MOC

-I am disappointed with the CW, but I approve most of SW EU

-My half birthday is Christmas Day

And that's about it! Great topic. :thumbup:

Heres some things about me :classic:

-I love all of Nickelodeon's 90's cartoons

-I like Football (Go Eagles!)

-I'm Mexican

-My Birthday is coming soon! Two days after Christmas!

-Star Wars is probably my favorite movie

-I'm Catholic, but my name is Cristian :tongue:

-My username uses my last name

-I have one dog, its a maltese

-I live in a place where it hardly ever snows. New Mexico.

-I love pixar

-My family owns a 1965 Mustang painted white with red stripes still in beautiful condition.

-I am very smart when it comes to math

-My favorite color is Orange.

-I hate most healthy foods (But I stay fit!)

-I'm a HUGE Beatles fan.

-I hate the Dallas Cowboys.

Edited by General Armendariz

-I own an immortal binder. The thing NEVER DIES. I think it made some Faustian pact with the binder devil. It's survived constant use all throughout middle school and through my freshman year so far.

As a grad student, I'm still using a backpack that I've had since 8th grade (10 years ago). Jansport stuff is well built. :sweet:


# I have been very short sighted since birth, but fortunately I can see just good enough to be able to drive. I am constantly searching for ways to improve my vision.

# The good news: I have been featured on German TV three times due to my vision.

Is that even with glasses? I'm very short sighted too (seemingly inherited) and can't recognize faces from more than a few feet away, but I have no problems with glasses. I also seem to have especially good motion and color perception to make up for it. :tongue:

Oh no, contacts and glasses help a big deal. In fact, that's what two of the TV reports were about, how I make my life easier with aids like that. :wink:

Here's another random fact about me: I wish I had a bionic eye. That would be so cool. :sweet:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Here's another random fact about me: I wish I had a bionic eye. That would be so cool. :sweet:

I agree that would be cool to have.

Some more things:

-I have no brothers or sisters, but lots of cousins

-My favourite animals are cats, birds (chickens ftw!), monkeys, lizards and amphibians!

-We have two ponds where the frogs can go to relax and spawn in the spring

-I am 6ft2"

-My favourite colours are green, orange and navy blue

-I have never broken any bone

-I always worry that the house will burn down when I go out

-I hate anime, but love classic cartoons like Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones and the Simpsons. The modern crap like Family Guy, is horrible.

-I hate reality TV shows

-I always check the newspaper incase any LEGO is for sale

-My middle name is 'Harry'

-I have a PS3, Wii and PS2, not forgetting my old megadrive. :wub:

-For some reason, I want to learn how to dance. :blush: All the programs on TV inspire me to do so.

-I have a girlfriend

-I hope all will go well in JCC1004's proposal. :sweet:

A few things..

- I have an obsession with horror and slasher movies. ( :grin: )

- I collect hats.

- Minifig customizing is my speciality.

- My cat likes vegemite. :laugh:

- Last time I counted, I have 28 custom minifigs.

- Four of those minifigs are Batman related.

- Three of them are Hannibal Lecter related.

- One of them is The (original) Italian Job related.

- A fig I'm trying to make is Drop Dead Fred.

- Clone Killer calls me Wee-gee. *Shudders*

- I am one of the few people on this forum with a robot Sig-fig.

- I have an obsession with horror and slasher movies. ( :grin: )

Don't try to suck up to me. :laugh:

At least wait till we're not 7 games away. :wink:

-I too have a love of slasher films; a favorite is definitly Scream, and it's sequels.

-In Prohibition Mafia, I've seen my worst fears; being married to YG-49 and having Eskallon as our daughter.

-I've got one dog, Charley, and he's cute, sure, but's he Satan, I tell ya, Satan!

-I like cats, but I've never had one. Dogs have always I guess just closer to my heart. :wub:

-I have no siblings, but I have step-siblings. Two twin 25 year old sisters. But they don't live anywhere near us(They live in Arkansas), so we don't see them that often.

-I have no grandparents, they all passed away. :sad:

-My favorite color is yellow.

Well, since I never introduced my self here :blush: let me tell you some things about me here.

  • I also like European comic books like Asterix, Tintin, or Don Rosa's Uncle Scrooge comics.

So, now you know me a little better. I'll post again if I think of something interesting to share about myself.

I love Asterix and Tintin as well. :sweet: I've read through them many times.

- I have one brother, who is 11. He's my best buddy and I love doing things with him. :classic:

Make sure she doesn't see this post

I wouldn't have posted if if she browsed EB. :tongue:

-I hope all will go well in JCC1004's proposal. :sweet:

Thanks. :classic:

Here's another random fact about me: I wish I had a bionic eye. That would be so cool. :sweet:


Cough! Jack Samson! Cough! :tongue:

Another random thing about me My favorite super hero is Sukashi. :cry_happy:

Edited by computerbug

Don't try to suck up to me. :laugh:

At least wait till we're not 7 games away. :wink:

-I too have a love of slasher films; a favorite is definitly Scream, and it's sequels.

-In Prohibition Mafia, I've seen my worst fears; being married to YG-49 and having Eskallon as our daughter.

- I'm not trying to suck up to Striker. :tongue:

- My favorite horrors/slashers are Nightmare on Elm Street, with Silence of the Lambs second and Friday the 13th last.

- Don't remind me...

Edited by YG-49

I just had to say this... Great choice mate! Is it the red version with the white stripes?

Yep! Is there any other kind? :tongue: My wife convinced me that it was the car for us...and she was totally right! I adore it.

Now I know the face to the name. I bumped into you at Brickworld 2008. You were messing with the kids while they watched the crane by remote control go up and down and we small talked for a bit. You had a AWESOME display and I recall you mentioning the SCCA ClubRally and getting out of it and into LEGO again.

Funny how that little snippet brought that memory crashing back.

Cool! I remember talking with you as well! Funny how things like that can jog your memory. :classic: I do miss rallying though. It was good fun when we were into it. I'd like to start racing again someday...but LEGO keeps putting out so many good sets that all my money goes to them. :tongue:

Is there a story in between these two...?

Nah...they aren't totally related. I've always loved to fly even though I am scared of heights. It's actually interesting that a large number of pilots are actually scared of heights. It's kind of a weird oxymoron. Perhaps were all compensating for our fear of heights. LOL. I indoor rock climb as well. I am using that to try and get over my fear of heights.



Great topic! Let's see...

-I am 14(only 4 more years until I'm legally on EB!)

-When I was born, I had jet black hair. When I was 2, I pulled it all out and it grew back blonde.(much to my later regret)

-I started collecting Lego when I was five, after my mother bought me a discounted set for Christmas(ahh, great memories!)

-I got an Ipod on Black Friday, and now I am unfortunately addicted(most of my money that doesn't go to Lego now goes to Itunes :tongue: )

-I love using,um, these thingys: ()

-I love star wars

-I kinda like Star Trek(my mom is a total trekie)

-My favorite Star Wars movie is The Empire Strikes Back(Love Snow,so I had to Love Hoth)

-My favorite Lego Set is 6083 Samurai Stronghold

-I love Architecture, and am hoping to go to college in California with a scholarship and get a job at the Lego Store to pay for the stuff not covered by the scholarship

-I am moving on the 28th to a bigger house.

You are now enlightened.

Here's a little about me....

My real name is Michael, I'm 16 and 1/2.

I live in New Brunswick, Canada.

My favorite theme is Pirates followed by Star Wars, Indy, Castle and City. (Cant wait for Prince of Persia :tongue: )

I'm currently looking for a part time job so I can start collecting all the old Pirate sets.

I hate the dark.

I don't like being alone.

I can't stand Bioniocal :sick::sick::sick:

I want to work for the Lego company when I graduate. I also want to join the Canadian Army Reserves when I finish school.

Hunting, target shooting, playing video games and watching hockey are some of my other hobbies.

Edited by Ratshot

Yep! Is there any other kind? :tongue: My wife convinced me that it was the car for us...and she was totally right! I adore it.

Yup, I've seen many John Coopers with black stripes and quite a few tuning kits (I used to live nearby the primary Mini dealership in Berlin :tongue: ). Knowing your rallying roots, I couldn't be sure you hadn't gone for an Aerodynamics Cooper Kit or a John Cooper GT :)

In any case, your wife has definitely done well there - great choice!

-I hate horror and gory movies

-I can't stand spiders and the dark

-I originally had blonde and curly hair up to the age of two, before I changed to straight black hair. However recently I have noticed some curly black hairs coming through. :look:

-I still get freaked out by even thinking about the statues in a Doctor Who episode called 'Don't Blink' *shudders*

-I enjoy lie-ins

-I get obsessed with finding new LEGO sets or old ones online or in charity shops. :grin:

-I still get freaked out by even thinking about the statues in a Doctor Who episode called 'Don't Blink' *shudders*

The episode was called 'Blink.' :wink:

Sorry, I am a Doctor Who nerd.

Ben Kenobi :pir-vader:

The episode was called 'Blink.' :wink:

Sorry, I am a Doctor Who nerd.

Ben Kenobi :pir-vader:

I bet I am more of one.....hehe.... :tongue:

OK lets add to the bunch:

- My real name is Bart, if I were a girl it would be Sophie.

- I'm 21 years old and have been a non stop LEGO fan, haven't had a dark age.

- I make great union soup.

- I'm a true Harry Potter nerd, have read every book at least 10 times, the 7th book at least 20 times.

- I once fell asleep on my bicycle in the middle of the road.

- I damaged one of my eyes by rolling down in hill in a drunken buzz.

- I'm studying to become a teacher at elementary school.

- I've worked in a restaurant since I was 14 year old, expensive hobby you know.

- I still live at my parents place, who aren't very supportive of my LEGO hobby.

- My collection of Harry Potter minifigs count 180 minifigs (officials and customs)

- I have a squirrel fetish.

- I’m a dog person

- I’m allergic to fish and I am trying to minimize the amount of meat I eat a day. Trying to become a decent vegetarian.

- I love meatballs

- I like to ski even though I suck at it big time.

That’s about everything.

- I make great union soup.

Union soup? :oh: What's that?

- I like to ski even though I suck at it big time.

I'm probably the worst skier here on EB. I cant stop worth a darn.

I broke my arm getting off the ski-lift in March of 08'. Some fat kid pushed me :angry:

Union soup? :oh: What's that?

You don't know!?


Bart - that AND your squirrel fetish. Wow. I shudder at the thought... again (Rick, where are you :tongue: )

I might post something else if I can think of any.
Well, I have thought of a few more things.

-I usually try to be a simple person, but the perfectonist in me doesn't always allow that.

-If you ever see me in public, it may be obvious who I am because I like to wear U.S. Army uniforms, both modern and vintage.

-I have a red 1988 GMC Truck, and am looking for a classic Muscle car.

-Car Shows and Gun Shows always find their place on my calendars.

-I actually listen to vinyl records, the only one I have that is for display is a 1969 Led Zeppelin II that is framed and on my wall.

-Even though my name is Damian, I am called by so many different nicknames that very few people actually call me Damian.

-I am basically the opposite of a vegetarian. Almost all of my favorite foods are meat. :wub:

I plan to propose to my girlfriend of 5 years this Christmas.
Good luck! If you have been together this long, she will more than likely say yes.
I want to get a slump and possibly a smaller drivers hat and an army helmet.
Would you ever actually wear that helmet?

Edited by The Who

Here is some stuff about myself

My birthday is the 14th of april.

I live in a Detached house.

I live with my parents, brother and sister in England.

I have an absolutly wonderful dog westie and here is a picture (not so good picture, but it was already in my brickshelf folder)


I am a big fan of LOTR

I am a big fan of Star Wars, mainly episode 2 and the clone wars.

I am a person that you can trust.

If a friend needs my help they will have it.

I like playing football but watching it just makes me bored

I hate rugby as I am smaller than most my classmates and normally end up hurt if I actually try but I do know that If I had to play properly then I would be able to as I still pay attention.

In 30 minutes I get to open my christmas presents.

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