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Excuse me, but, enhanced night actions? How?

never mind, I have it in my head that the infected could infect other players.

As for the number of scum it can be debated endlessly, but I'm pretty certain that the only effect it would have had if there were 5 scum in this one was that the game would have lasted one more Day :tongue:. Maybe 6 was too much, maybe not. Could probably have done this with 23 players instead though, but I really don't think it would have had any effect on the game.


And checked a couple of earlier games, Mystery Castle had 6 scum out of 21 players, Baritones 2 (which was probably the most well-balanced game we've had on EB) had 6 out of 21, Galactica Paranoia had 7 out of 18 (if you include all that were recruited during the game), (Witch Hunt had as we all know 0 scum :tongue:), Noir actually had 6 too, but that was out of 23.

Alright, alright, you're right. And five in Noir, plus Hinck turned.

And yes, I meant AwesomeStar. :wacko:

  • Author
Alright, alright, you're right. And five in Noir, plus Hinck turned.

Ooops, I was very wrong about Galactica Paranoia, 7 out of 22 there. :blush:


I knew I was right with Ivan being infected! No one trusted me, though. I like the Space Odyssey: 2001 quote too. Very clever.

As Striker said, that was a fast Mafia Game.

Pfft... you didn't have a clue! :tongue:

Now you'll probably never trust me. :laugh:

It was quite a fluke and a twist of fate that things did work out for me, On Night 1, I searched YG-49 just before he was killed, Night 2 I asked to check engofi but Quarryman gave me Draggy. *huh* But I quickly read the pm and only saw the "Infected" part assumed it was Engofi (Since I asked for him) so I decided to try a meat-shield on Engofi to gain Hinck's trust (I was not in the pack yet), Which did work but then I re-read the PM and decided not to vote (Once I realised that it wasn't engofi in the PM) to save my own megablocks. I was also thoroughly confused that I got Draggy when I asked for Engofi. :wacko:

But overall a great game Quarryman and congrats to my fellow wienersWinners. :devil:


(PS: Apparently me and Draggy have now survived 3 games :devil: )

Edited by Darth_Legois

I just assumed that, like chameleons, the Aprahanti changed skin colour when they were angry. Or sexually excited...

I can't wait for Sandy's new game, 'Red River Rising'! :sweet:

Don't you mean 'Aprahanti River Rising'? :grin:

so I decided to try a meat-shield on Engofi to gain Hinck's trust (I was not in the pack yet), Which did work

No, it didn't.

What do the wieners do now they've won? Are they just standing around taking group happy snaps? Who's holding the camera, anyway? The infected AI? Are the wieners going to hatch out of the host bodies and wriggle back to the homeworld and sell off their green palm tree trunks on IntergalacticBricklink at $US6 a pop to furnish funds for their next campaign? Were they good, evil, mad, bad, or merely dangerous to know? Enquiring minds want answers!

Plot, plot, plot! Games Regulator, make Quarry finish the story! :sing:

No, it didn't.

It did at first, You believed me and passed it on. :tongue:

What do the wieners do now they've won? Are they just standing around taking group happy snaps? Who's holding the camera, anyway? The infected AI? Are the wieners going to hatch out of the host bodies and wriggle back to the homeworld and sell off their green palm tree trunks on IntergalacticBricklink at $US6 a pop to furnish funds for their next campaign? Were they good, evil, mad, bad, or merely dangerous to know? Enquiring minds want to know!

Plot, plot, plot! Games Regulator, make Quarry finish the story! :sing:

I guess we'll have to wait for Infection 2, The Return of the Wieners.

It did at first, You believed me and passed it on. :tongue:

I never believed you. Your story was total BS...

I never believed you. Your story was total BS...

Then how did it get passed on?

Then how did it get passed on?

I forwarded it to Shadows and Svelte to show how unconvincing you were...

My sacrifice was not in vain!

Great game- unfortunately, nobody trusted anyone else enough to let some infected go down. Not a problem, though!

I'd love to play again.

I have to say, I've never deserved to lose more. Great job infected! I can't believe we let Dragonator fly under the radar so obviously. Great game Quarryman. It's hard when there's no clues and we were played pretty well by this group. Only killed one infected? And that was all Svelte's doing. :blush: Yikes.

So, what was with Sarah Ohce's belly scars and why did she show up as infected??

Its no wonder we couldn't win, even when I announced I was the vigilante no one believed me. Quarryman writes it in the description and you all still think Svelte was the one who killed Darkness Falls! :hmpf_bad:

Well done Quarry on a fun game.

Draggy played well, but I was suspicious of him, Darth Legois and Darkness Falls. Unfortunately Shadows drags too many people into his personal choas field and we suffered with in fighting amongst the loyals. I almost had a hunch that Quarry would make all of the regulars loyal and new players scum as we would be after each other whilst they flew under the radar.

Till next time, "Who are you?" "What do you want?"

Its no wonder we couldn't win, even when I announced I was the vigilante no one believed me. Quarryman writes it in the description and you all still think Svelte was the one who killed Darkness Falls! :hmpf_bad:

That's what I said. Svelte killed Jad Suur. :hmpf:

"Did I really suck that much as a lover?" he muttered while putting his gun to his head and pulled the trigeer.


So, congratulations to the winners, the Infected!

Wieners. It's wieners. And congrats, you bunch of scum, you did a damn fine job, every single silver tongued one of you, especially Draggy and Sandy. It won't be forgotten. :grin:

(5/6 of the alien Sla-art-tib-art-t'fa-ast :tongue:)


Now you may commence the flaming and tell me how horrible and unbalanced the game was :tongue:

It wasn't too bad, except for sticking me with you-know-who completely unrandomly... :tongue: First we were mortal enemies and opposites who's only purpose was to kill the other in MC2, now this ... It was slightly amusing once, practically hilarious the second time, but 3 strikes is it. In other words, the next host that intentionally links Hinck and I will accidentally be banned. Accidents speak louder than words. :devil:

I can't believe we screwed this one up so badly, but I think it's fair to say that the three stooges are primarily responsible, namely Moe, Larry and Curly in the form of me, Hinck and Stash. We did get a little help from Svelte who was filling in as Shemp.

Crazy game. :laugh:

I can't believe we screwed this one up so badly, but I think it's fair to say that the three stooges are primarily responsible, namely Moe, Larry and Curly in the form of me, Hinck and Stash. We did get a little help from Svelte who was filling in as Shemp.

Crazy game. :laugh:

I don't know about my fellow Wieners but I could not stop laughing the whole time you guys were throwing insults back and forth without us doing anything, It was hilarious. :laugh:

Thank you all for a great game, it was a fun experience playing as the scum for my first time. Good job Quarryman on some excellent hosting, I hope our next pair of entertainers are just as good. You made some nice MOCs to add to the story, there were some interesting twists and characters, and all in all a high quality production of each day. Just what we want in this forum. :thumbup:

What do the wieners do now they've won? Are they just standing around taking group happy snaps? Who's holding the camera, anyway? The infected AI? Are the wieners going to hatch out of the host bodies and wriggle back to the homeworld and sell off their green palm tree trunks on IntergalacticBricklink at $US6 a pop to furnish funds for their next campaign? Were they good, evil, mad, bad, or merely dangerous to know? Enquiring minds want answers!

Plot, plot, plot! Games Regulator, make Quarry finish the story! :sing:

I'll go fetch my official "Whip of Regulation in the Department of Gaming". That will dish out some serious 6d96 damage. :devil:

I don't know about my fellow Wieners but I could not stop laughing the whole time you guys were throwing insults back and forth without us doing anything, It was hilarious. :laugh:

I was subtly encouraging them all privately. :grin:

Whee, we won! Wieners rule the universe! :grin:

But I too have to thank Shadows, Hincks and Stash, you three made it all too easy for us. :wink: I'm sure we could've lasted at least one more day undiscovered, since you were all so anxious to draw in the suspicion towards you. :tongue:

And eliminating WhiteFang first was my idea, since I know how good of a background player you are. We were just lucky you happened to have an important role, as well. :wink:

And congrats, you bunch of scum, you did a damn fine job, every single silver tongued one of you, especially Draggy and Sandy. It won't be forgotten. :grin:

What can I say, I learned from the best. :wink: Honestly, my "neutral"-story was a total emergency lie, I was just lucky that I had started it several days ago when Stash started roughing me up about my night action. But since you all were so eager to believe it, it turned out to be a lifesaver for me. I wouldn't have bought it, myself. :tongue:

I think what ultimately made us win was two factors:

1) We were a pack mind, and thus our actions were not tied to certain individuals. Thus we could really escape from all those who saw us get up during the nights.

2) Dragonator always knew what the Three Stooges were up to, since they were stupid enough to tell him everything. We knew of the connection between Shadows and Hinckley, we knew about the role switches, we knew every "cunning plan" they were going to do, and thus could adjust our actions accordingly.

So in all fairness, the Stooges should be nominated as honorary wieners for all the good work they did for the pro-wiener movement. I can't thank you enough. :tongue:

This was a great, fun game, indeed, so thanks to you too, Quarryman! Just remember that next time you probably shouldn't give all responsibilities and influential roles to the well-seasoned players.

Great game.

I searched YG-49 just before he was killed

Surprised weren't ya? :hmpf::tongue:

And so everybody knows, no, Reckless Cop was not Scum.

And eliminating WhiteFang first was my idea, since I know how good of a background player you are. We were just lucky you happened to have an important role, as well. :wink:

It was you! :angry:


I am speechless that you used Noir Mafia past experience to eliminate me out of the game, and what's best, I was dead at the first night, resulting to stand at the side observing you guys. :cry_sad:

You scums really played well. Great job. :thumbup:

That Draggy pumpkin head is equally sly as Shadows.

  • Author
Draggy played well, but I was suspicious of him, Darth Legois and Darkness Falls. Unfortunately Shadows drags too many people into his personal choas field and we suffered with in fighting amongst the loyals. I almost had a hunch that Quarry would make all of the regulars loyal and new players scum as we would be after each other whilst they flew under the radar.

I didn't make anyone anything, I did a random selection (or rather, wrote a program that did a random selection) and that's how it turned out. I did switch Inertia and Draggy to make sure someone who knew about the flying pumpkin got that role, but that was after they had both become scum so it didn't matter.

Uhm, and as Shadows has gentle reminded me, I did make him and Hinckley a couple, that's true :blush:

It was quite a fluke and a twist of fate that things did work out for me, On Night 1, I searched YG-49 just before he was killed, Night 2 I asked to check engofi but Quarryman gave me Draggy. *huh*

No, you didn't:

I'd like to investigate Ernev Seluj/Draggy.



I think what ultimately made us win was two factors:

1) We were a pack mind, and thus our actions were not tied to certain individuals. Thus we could really escape from all those who saw us get up during the nights.

This actually had far less impact than one would think, as you'll see once I get around to posting all the night actions. Shadows targeted infected on only 1 Night :laugh: ISC fared a little better, he managed to target infected on 3 Nights, but two of those attempts were blocked.

That was a great game, I loved playing as infected, my first time as scum. :grin:

We were pretty well coordinated by Draggy, the hive mind, who made it pretty easy for us to make all the right moves.

I was a background player though, so I guess no one really suspected me. :classic:

No, you didn't

Could've sworn I chose Engofi *huh* , Because I wasn't going after any of more experienced players just in case they could detect my presence, I figured a newer player might just freak out when finding out someone was in their room. :devil::grin:

Edited by Darth_Legois

OH-KNOES! Death by wiener @ss-blaster!!! :laugh:

You guys had us running around in circles for ages... and we were only to happy to oblige! Congratulations on a triumphant win wieners, the universe will suffer a horrible sausage-stuffed fate at your meaty appendages!

Many thanks for all the effort and organisation you've put into this Quarryman, we all appreciate it and I've truly enjoyed it being my first Mafia game and all.

Now... next time.... can I get a power? Other than my strikingly beautiful looks? :laugh:

2) Dragonator always knew what the Three Stooges were up to, since they were stupid enough to tell him everything.

Way to go, pseudo-traitors! :wink:

I can't believe we screwed this one up so badly, but I think it's fair to say that the three stooges are primarily responsible, namely Moe, Larry and Curly in the form of me, Hinck and Stash.


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