December 28, 200915 yr In other words, every freeco speeder and PloKoon's starfighter they offer is money that stays in my pocket. Sure, there are kiddies out there who watch the Clone Wars cartoon and want these but those same kids would love a Millennium Falcon too. I hate to say it, but Prof is right. As much as I'd like plo Koon's fighter, I want the Falcon ten times more. Sure, they just realeased the midi falcon, but It was only out for a month or so, during which I was buying tauntauns and Endor Bunkers! Lego needs to realease the more classic vehicles- even the Tie Fighter; truth be told I only ahve the Intercpter! Why do they make the the Green Slave 1- which was only seen in one or two shots- hundreds of times when they should've made the Falcon- which was seen in most of IV-VI and even III! And now they're making another green Slave 1, and although I don't have one, a LOT of other people do! C'mon LEGO, think! I don't care if they realease one identical to that last decent Falcon, they NEED it out! If you people can't see that then you're BLIND! I don't know how else to put it! There a fantastic ships- The medical frigate for exsample- that people LOVED, but Lego won't make because they're too busy realeasing another snowspeeder! Sepratist Battleships! Theed Palace! Hundreds of goods sets just waiting to be realeased, but are being replaced by REMAKES on NON-CLASSIC things made a HUNDRED TIMES! I can't believe it! AND I'm SHOCKED you guys don't care. Seriously.
December 29, 200915 yr I hate to say it, but Prof is right. As much as I'd like plo Koon's fighter, I want the Falcon ten times more..... Lego needs to realease the more classic vehicles- even the Tie Fighter; truth be told I only ahve the Intercpter! ....and although I don't have one, a LOT of other people do! And therein lies the problem. The people who desperately want a new Falcon, Tie Fighter (or any new set) are the ones who probably missed out on it the first time, while everyone who has one just goes "meh." If you already had a system Falcon, you would have the same mentality as most and wish TLG would make new sets for everyone to enjoy, instead of backtracking to make only specific sets which others missed out on. There were sets back in early 00s which I was too poor to grab when they were available and sadly missed, but that's just how it is. Sometimes you just have to support TLG in making new sets that the majority will love, rather than catering to the wants of a vocal minority. Why do they make the the Green Slave 1- which was only seen in one or two shots- hundreds of times when they should've made the Falcon- which was seen in most of IV-VI and even III! And now they're making another green Slave 1, Tbh the newest Slave 1 was a huge surprise, I have both Jango's and the last version and they were almost flawless sets. Lego's cashing in on Boba Fett's peculiar popularity with Star Wars fans, his action figures vehicles etc always tend to be more popular and sell more than other generic supporting characters. And like the earlier Rocket Clone Troopers, it also coincided with the new Jetpack mould that's separated from the head, making it the first 'true' new version of the minifig. Edited December 29, 200915 yr by Strand
December 29, 200915 yr I was really disappointed at the lack of numbered bads in Tantive IV. That's over 1400 parts! Also there were two bags with the same parts and if I would have known I would have put them closer. TLG could give alert us. The pupils aren't bugging me as much and Luke's in the Landspeeder face looks exactly like the old one but with pupils and a chin dimple.
December 29, 200915 yr I really can't believe there are people arguing AGAINST having a new system-scale falcon! Prof said it best. Everytime Lego releases a new obscure clone wars set, some random droid ship or vehicle, it's money that is staying in my pocket. I'm not interested in random unknown vehicles, give us the Millennium Falcon! I don't buy used sets because of the outrageous prices, and yes - unfortunately I did miss out on all the iconic star wars vehicles. It seems to me that the Star Wars line has just gotten worse and worse as they run out of stuff to build, so why not give us more of what we love, iconic vehicles? Something else to think about, how many fire stations and fire / coast guard boats have we had? I think at least 5 or 6 in the past few years. Lego remakes the same sets all the time, in some cases the next year. Edited December 29, 200915 yr by JKooL
December 29, 200915 yr And therein lies the problem. The people who desperately want a new Falcon, Tie Fighter (or any new set) are the ones who probably missed out on it the first time, while everyone who has one just goes "meh." If you already had a system Falcon, you would have the same mentality as most and wish TLG would make new sets for everyone to enjoy, instead of backtracking to make only specific sets which others missed out on. There were sets back in early 00s which I was too poor to grab when they were available and sadly missed, but that's just how it is. Sometimes you just have to support TLG in making new sets that the majority will love, rather than catering to the wants of a vocal minority. I can definitely agree with this. Before the CW Gunship and AT-TE came out, I was kicking myself for being 12 and not getting either when the originals came out. But my patience paid off in the form of the new sets, which in my opinion look much better. TLG remakes sets frequently enough that I'm sure we'll get a new Falcon. Maybe we'll get one a la the Slave I for ESB, with some extra minifigs. I'd love a System Falcon with the usual crew and an additional Lando and Sullutan pilot. Back on topic. Besides the stickers, I'd have to say that I'm disappointed that some Figs have faces under their helmets (Clones) while others (Imperial troops) don't. I'm probably weird for it, but I would like to have some personality for my Stormies.
December 29, 200915 yr I'd have to say im rarely dissapointed with my star wars sets,the only thing ive been unhappy about is the price of Echo base and the size of its box.Almost £22 for a few bricks is way over priced,the box could have been 50% smaller also lol! Otherwise i think Lego are doing a great job,i missed most of the early sets so re-releases suit me just fine
December 29, 200915 yr I can definitely agree with this. Before the CW Gunship and AT-TE came out, I was kicking myself for being 12 and not getting either when the originals came out. But my patience paid off in the form of the new sets, which in my opinion look much better. TLG remakes sets frequently enough that I'm sure we'll get a new Falcon. Maybe we'll get one a la the Slave I for ESB, with some extra minifigs. I'd love a System Falcon with the usual crew and an additional Lando and Sullutan pilot. Back on topic. Besides the stickers, I'd have to say that I'm disappointed that some Figs have faces under their helmets (Clones) while others (Imperial troops) don't. I'm probably weird for it, but I would like to have some personality for my Stormies. It is dumb that Nien Numb (lol rhyme ) the sullustan haven't appeared- problem with stormy heads is that canonically it is not shown their faces- most of them are supposed to be clones- but not all Jango Fett's so it would be hard to design their looks without getting critical comments from the fans -who think they are not clones- but Lucas originally meant that they are clones since there is a clear mention of the "clone wars"- original stormies is not seen without their helmets- although it is clearly seen that their height is different (variety of templates?) still Leia says that Luke is too short for a stormtrooper so there is sort of height limitation (that the armor will suit- clearly logical with idea of cloned soldiers- only few sizes of armor is needed) So should stormies look like Jangos clones or something different? Hard to decide for TLG is seems
December 29, 200915 yr And therein lies the problem. The people who desperately want a new Falcon, Tie Fighter (or any new set) are the ones who probably missed out on it the first time, while everyone who has one just goes "meh." If you already had a system Falcon, you would have the same mentality as most and wish TLG would make new sets for everyone to enjoy, instead of backtracking to make only specific sets which others missed out on. There were sets back in early 00s which I was too poor to grab when they were available and sadly missed, but that's just how it is. Sometimes you just have to support TLG in making new sets that the majority will love, rather than catering to the wants of a vocal minority.Tbh the newest Slave 1 was a huge surprise, I have both Jango's and the last version and they were almost flawless sets. Lego's cashing in on Boba Fett's peculiar popularity with Star Wars fans, his action figures vehicles etc always tend to be more popular and sell more than other generic supporting characters. And like the earlier Rocket Clone Troopers, it also coincided with the new Jetpack mould that's separated from the head, making it the first 'true' new version of the minifig. True, true. I myself am kicking myself for not getting LEGO Chess when I could've. But that doesn't excuse the fact that with all the advancments LEGO has made, They refuse to make a 'better, stronger, faster' version of the Falcon. The Slave 1- I admitt- does look amasing with the new Carbonite and Boba, but they could've made another Ep.2 one as well- I for one would've wanted it. As much as I hate the fact that all I have of my Boba is the legs, a new Jango would've been fantastic. If only it wasn't ESB's anniversary... I guess we have to hope that in a year or so they will remake they Falcon at last. Now, do you say you have both Jangos? I thought there only was one. It is dumb that Nien Numb (lol rhyme ) the sullustan haven't appeared- problem with stormy heads is that canonically it is not shown their faces- most of them are supposed to be clones- but not all Jango Fett's so it would be hard to design their looks without getting critical comments from the fans -who think they are not clones- but Lucas originally meant that they are clones since there is a clear mention of the "clone wars"- original stormies is not seen without their helmets- although it is clearly seen that their height is different (variety of templates?) still Leia says that Luke is too short for a stormtrooper so there is sort of height limitation (that the armor will suit- clearly logical with idea of cloned soldiers- only few sizes of armor is needed) So should stormies look like Jangos clones or something different? Hard to decide for TLG is seems therre has been a Sullustan made though, Nien's brother I think. But you are wrong, Stromies are not clones. they are trained, although a FEW, such as the 501st, were but into the Galactic Empire's Army. However by the time of a New Hope, most of them died out, I believe. But th mention of the Clone Wars does NOT mean that the Stromtroops are clones! It simply means that there WERE clones! And the 'too short' quote is simple logical. As in the real world, there is an age limitation. Luke was probably too young to have enlisted as a Stormtroop, thus he was 'too short.'
December 29, 200915 yr I guess the fanbase would give a pretty big outcry if they had the wrong sort of head. But what about one of those generic "civilian" faces from other licensed lines?
December 30, 200915 yr I really can't believe there are people arguing AGAINST having a new system-scale falcon! Just to make my stance clear, I do not at all argue against a new system falcon. Hell, I'd love it if they made a new version that was bigger, better and more playable than the 4504 as a sort of 'last hurrah' from SW Lego. Where I draw the line is that, I do not believe TLG should remake old sets that many already, have at the expense of exploring new territory.
December 30, 200915 yr I must say I am not often disappointed with Star Wars sets, mostly they are quite good. Almost every single set however seems to have its one little design flaw, some small bit where it is not completely stable for example: The top fin of the Imperial Shuttle tends to break off, the Tantive IV has a weak point between the main body and the escape pods, the legs of the 7657 AT-ST break apart a lot and the AT-ST from the Endor Bunker is not standing particularly stable either. Flick-fire-missiles are only a problem when they do not work properly like on the turret of 7749 Echo Base. The missiles in that just drop, they do not fly more than a centimeter. Making a whole cannon barrel flick-fire (like on the AAT) is stupid too, because a) it`s unrealistic and b) it does not work. These "cannon-missiles " just don`t fly. The only thing I can say about the Falcon debate is that I don`t really care for a new release of the MF. I have 4504 and I am happy with it, it is truly a great ship. So a new Falcon is no priority for me, I`d rather like (as has been mentioned before) a new blue and white Jango-Slave I or a better minifig-scale AT-AT (with interior), if there had to be rereleases. Of course rereleasing of vehicles that have been made before is great for people who missed out on the first incarnations or if something can be realized in a more accurate fashion (like the A-Wing). But if the majority of new sets are like that, there is a serious lack in diversity. Sure, some people would prefer ,say, a new Falcon to a rather unknown vehicle like the Freeco speeder. But other people (like me) prefer a new, different vehicle to another rendition of an older one. It seems that I have a few of those things a lot of people missed (4504, most of the 2006 wave, all worthwhile Ep. 3 sets and some of the old 1999/2000s), so I´d like something new, even if it`s Clone Wars. Wow, quite a bit of text, I don`t recall ever writing that much in one go before here.
December 31, 200915 yr I do not believe TLG should remake old sets that many already, have at the expense of exploring new territory. I guess I just feel like there is nothing left to explore. We're getting ships and vehicles that were only seen in the movies for a fraction of a second (Clone Turbo Tank anyone? AT-TE walker?). I don't buy any of those, I want the main Star Wars iconic ships like x-wings, y-wings (a real y-wing, not a clone wars one), tie fighters, millenium falcon, stuff that Lego hasn't given us in a long time. I know I'm probably the voice of the minority and I can certainly understand that. But my opinion is no less valid than anyone elses. Not wanting a new Millenium Falcon because you happened to be in the right place at the right time over 5 years ago when they released the last one is not a good argument against releasing a new one. These are the last times we had iconic ships, keep in mind we're going into 2010 now. Tie Fighter - 2005 Millenium Falcon - 2004 X-Wing - 2004 and 2006 Y-Wing - 2007 (this is a little more forgiveable) Tie Bomber - 2003 B-Wing - 2000 and 2006 Snowspeeder - 2004 A-Wing - 2006 (Home one doesn't count, in my opinion) Imperial Shuttle - 2001, but you might include 2005's Imperial Inspection - I'm not counting the 2007 Imperial Landing Craft since it's a different ship entirely. Of course I'm only referring to SYSTEM sets. I don't think the Ultimate Collector Series, Midi-scale, or Mini-scale sets have the same wide appeal as a System set, so I don't consider those releases as filling the spot of a true SYSTEM scale set. I also don't consider a similar set, such as a Tie Defender, a replacement for the iconic Tie Fighter. It's nice to have the variety we do, but Lego didn't acquire the Star Wars license so that people could buy random little-known vehicles from the movies, but I could be wrong. We're going on lapses of 3 to 6 years without re-makes or re-releases of iconic ships, the vehicles that the entire Star Wars license was based upon when it was launched, and primarily the reason for its existence. You can make the argument that the Star Wars license now exists solely for the Clone Wars stuff, but that doesn't interest people like me. As long as they have the license, wouldn't it be better to release stuff we know and love alongside newer unknown sets? Only Lego knows. Edited December 31, 200915 yr by JKooL
December 31, 200915 yr We need remakes of the iconic ships. The falcon issue is really bugging me. That is possibly the most iconic ship in Star Wars. I have most of the Alliance fighters from a few years ago. They all could use an updating. My Rebel Fleet would be able to expand without me having to buy duplicates. We are in desperate need of an update on Imperial ships. We haven't seen a regular TIE for years. The older ones didn't have too sturdy of a design and had blue galore!
December 31, 200915 yr I'll repeat it one more time so read carefully this time. They are not system-scale. It has been over five years since Lego produced a system-scale Falcon. The same can not be said about many other vehicles. Since Lego seems intent on offering redesigned versions of vehicles they've already produced, it's more than time for a new system-scale Millennium Falcon. Just wait for 2011 and don't worry. Edit_: and @ JKool: You are not fair. We got the Snowspeeder with the Rebel Base and it seems we will get the same one with Wampa Attack in 2010. Y-Wing still sells for low price on BL, A- Wing does count and neither B-Wing nor Tie-B-Bomber were desired that much as to make a redesign now. I am all in for an X-Wing or Tie-fighter redesign, but for all the other ones, people, go to BL. Just my 2 or 3 cent. Happy new year! And I am sure X-Wing will see a redesign for 2011. Don't worry. Edited December 31, 200915 yr by Zzz
December 31, 200915 yr I think they will remake a tie-fighter in 2011 with the new light gray colour scheme replacing that awful blue, mainly because they have remade Vaders tie advanced sporting the new light bley.
December 31, 200915 yr @ JKool: You are not fair. We got the Snowspeeder with the Rebel Base and it seems we will get the same one with Wampa Attack in 2010. Y-Wing still sells for low price on BL, A- Wing does count and neither B-Wing nor Tie-B-Bomber were desired that much as to make a redesign now. I am all in for an X-Wing or Tie-fighter redesign, but for all the other ones, people, go to BL. Just my 2 or 3 cent. Happy new year! And I am sure X-Wing will see a redesign for 2011. Don't worry. You're right, it is a difference of opinion and I can completely understand why people would disagree with me, especially about the A-Wing from Home One. The thing is, I'm only interested in the A-wing, not a random (and expensive) playset like Home One. Lego should've split up the A-Wing and Home One playset and sold them separately, but this is wishful thinking. Good discussion all around though.
January 1, 201015 yr I guess I just feel like there is nothing left to explore. We're getting ships and vehicles that were only seen in the movies for a fraction of a second (Clone Turbo Tank anyone? AT-TE walker?). I don't buy any of those, I want the main Star Wars iconic shipsTie Fighter - 2005 Millenium Falcon - 2004 X-Wing - 2004 and 2006 Y-Wing - 2007 (this is a little more forgiveable) Tie Bomber - 2003 B-Wing - 2000 and 2006 Snowspeeder - 2004 A-Wing - 2006 (Home one doesn't count, in my opinion) Imperial Shuttle - 2001, but you might include 2005's Imperial Inspection - I'm not counting the 2007 Imperial Landing Craft since it's a different ship entirely. You might feel like the above sets are iconic, but really, many of them were only seen for a few seconds in their respective movies as well. B-wing, A-wing, Bomber etc probably had less screen-time than AT-TE. You seem to be an OT fan and uninterested in all the Prequel/Clone Wars sets (which form the bulk of releases these days), so I understand the sentiment. But you're also conveniently ignoring the fact that the Snowspeeder, A-wing etc have been released since those dates, yes they came in expensive sets (or sometimes not), but that does count. You want a remade A-wing? They gave us a remade A-wing! Hoping for your favourite vehicles to be remade is one thing, but claiming that certain versions 'don't count' because they came in sets that weren't in the specific price range/box size/piece count you wanted is pedantic. Many of the listed sets have been released 2 or 3 times before, meaning we've been given multiple chances to pick them up in the past. Lego doesn't just drop sets into shops randomly before quickly pulling it out of our grasp. We're talking about sets sitting on shelves for weeks or months at a time with plenty of fanfare on sites like EB. The number of people clamouring for yet even more re-releases of specific vehicles alone (not playsets), is staggering. TLG doesn't need to be told that 30 years of OT fans will buy OT sets like mad, they're probably cooking up some as we speak.
January 1, 201015 yr You're right, it is a difference of opinion and I can completely understand why people would disagree with me, especially about the A-Wing from Home One. The thing is, I'm only interested in the A-wing, not a random (and expensive) playset like Home One. Lego should've split up the A-Wing and Home One playset and sold them separately, but this is wishful thinking. Good discussion all around though. Same here. But why don't you get the whole set and sell the minifigs, or get the single fighter on ebay?
January 9, 201015 yr New helmets are sometimes bad- another rebel helmet from the endor battle and at-at drivers helmet from a new bp don't sit tight in the head- they just pop away- this is bad i have to out piece of blutack that they don't do that...
January 9, 201015 yr New helmets are sometimes bad- another rebel helmet from the endor battle and at-at drivers helmet from a new bp don't sit tight in the head- they just pop away- this is bad i have to out piece of blutack that they don't do that... The AT-AT head seems okay, but the Endor one is a bit annoying. i fixed it somehow though, I don't remember how.
January 10, 201015 yr The AT-AT head seems okay, but the Endor one is a bit annoying. i fixed it somehow though, I don't remember how. some femalehair pieces from a pirates line do the same- it is really problem of the year 2009 it seems...
January 10, 201015 yr I guess I just feel like there is nothing left to explore. We're getting ships and vehicles that were only seen in the movies for a fraction of a second (Clone Turbo Tank anyone? AT-TE walker?). I don't buy any of those, I want the main Star Wars iconic ships like x-wings, y-wings (a real y-wing, not a clone wars one), tie fighters, millenium falcon, stuff that Lego hasn't given us in a long time. I know I'm probably the voice of the minority and I can certainly understand that. But my opinion is no less valid than anyone elses.Not wanting a new Millenium Falcon because you happened to be in the right place at the right time over 5 years ago when they released the last one is not a good argument against releasing a new one. These are the last times we had iconic ships, keep in mind we're going into 2010 now. Tie Fighter - 2005 Millenium Falcon - 2004 X-Wing - 2004 and 2006 Y-Wing - 2007 (this is a little more forgiveable) Tie Bomber - 2003 B-Wing - 2000 and 2006 Snowspeeder - 2004 A-Wing - 2006 (Home one doesn't count, in my opinion) Imperial Shuttle - 2001, but you might include 2005's Imperial Inspection - I'm not counting the 2007 Imperial Landing Craft since it's a different ship entirely. Of course I'm only referring to SYSTEM sets. I don't think the Ultimate Collector Series, Midi-scale, or Mini-scale sets have the same wide appeal as a System set, so I don't consider those releases as filling the spot of a true SYSTEM scale set. I also don't consider a similar set, such as a Tie Defender, a replacement for the iconic Tie Fighter. It's nice to have the variety we do, but Lego didn't acquire the Star Wars license so that people could buy random little-known vehicles from the movies, but I could be wrong. We're going on lapses of 3 to 6 years without re-makes or re-releases of iconic ships, the vehicles that the entire Star Wars license was based upon when it was launched, and primarily the reason for its existence. You can make the argument that the Star Wars license now exists solely for the Clone Wars stuff, but that doesn't interest people like me. As long as they have the license, wouldn't it be better to release stuff we know and love alongside newer unknown sets? Only Lego knows. The most recent and best X-Wing (6212) is still available from S&H as well
January 10, 201015 yr If anything I'd prefer them to remake Jango's slave I, rather than Boba's slaver I again. We needs a fleshie Jango!On the subject of the Falcon, although I too would love a system scale Falcon, we'll just be patient. They will probably release a system scale one once the UCS is off sale. Some new Ep II stuff... Yeah no ep2 stuff have appeared in years- and once again - where is that new Padmé fig?
January 10, 201015 yr These are the last times we had iconic ships, keep in mind we're going into 2010 now. What about Tantive IV? I'd call that one iconic if any. Plus the motorized AT-AT and X-Wing Fighter are still available.
January 10, 201015 yr Yeah no ep2 stuff have appeared in years- and once again - where is that new Padmé fig? Well they call stuff like the Gunship and AT-AT Clone Wars, but you could very well use them for Ep.2 A better hanger fight would be welcomed though.
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