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Welcome to official gameplay for Red Moon.

All posting from here on out, should be done by active players only. Any non-players who want to comment or players who want to make out-of-character (OOC) posts, please do so in the discussion thread. Thank you.


Chapter I

Journey to Devil's Island

20 tourists are greeted by Hector, the tour bus driver. He will drive them to the ferry, which will take them to Devil's Island, and then the bus will continue to the ancient temple ruins of Phasma Diabolus. The group is only waiting on their tour guide Johnson Willoughy, who appears to be running late.


What's up Dudes and Ladies? Ready for a totally rad trip? I am. This should be way trippy. I got my camera and I'm ready for an exciting trip. Sorry that your tour guide is late. He should be here soon. In the mean time, please start lining up with your luggage so our security guard can do a security check. Like, thanks, dudes!


Rules for Game play (borrowed mostly from Dragonator's Mystery Manor)

  1. There are to be 21 participants. If you commit to the game you are committing to contributing to the story and sticking with it to the end. I am trusting you all not to drop out halfway through, as that is never any fun.
  2. The winner will be announced at the end of the game. Players will be scored along the way on certain criteria and completion of objectives. This will not be clear until the end. Ask questions for clarity along the way, but don't be surprised if the answers are cryptic. Of course, to win, you must surviveā€¦
  3. Attempts to solve the mystery or objectives can be postulated in the game itself. The truth will be revealed at the end. If someone solves the mystery before then, the mystery will play out and that player will be given points for solving it.
  4. Throwing out constant solutions will only get you killed. If an objective is to find out who stole something and you end up posting a guess of every other player, your latest post will be taken as your solution and you will be killed anyway, so just don't do it.
  5. You must search for clues. This means that an action must be specified. For example, you wish to search a room for hidden objects. The following is an example of how not to go about this:
    "I wish to look for suspicious or hidden objects in this room".
    Instead, you must be able to specify what you want to do. For example:
    "I would like to open the drawers of the cabinet."
    It is not required for you to specify exactly what you are doing and what you are looking for, but a generalised statement will not find you anything. Act like a detective and you will be fine.
  6. Dynamic Actions: Actions you wish to carry out without all of the other players' knowledge can be PMed to the game host, Hinckley. You may or may not be allowed to do what you request.
  7. Attacking: I have setup a system for attacking and defending that is needlessly complicated and I won't try to involve you all in the specifics. At a certain point, you may want to attack another player. PM me your attack and I will answer if it is plausible or not. Some characters just would not attack another player, based on their character description. Some characters are stronger than other when it comes to defense and counter-attack. So think before you attack.
  8. Life points: I am using TheBrickster's life points system, however I will not bother you all with the details. Just be careful and do your best to live. :devil:
  9. Host response time: Please be patient. You may bring the story to a point where you need the host to further game play. I will be on top of this game as much as possible. Please be patient with me between chapters as well.
  10. The game host is always right. :wink: Please don't question the rules or the info you are given. Take the info I give you and work with it. If you're terribly confused, please say so or ask questions. But, if I don't give you any further info, please be patient with the info you are given and try to work with what you have.
  11. Stagnant game: If you find yourself trapped in a room, it is because you need to find a clue or you've missed something. Donā€™t argue with the game host. Youā€™ll be there until everything that needs to be discovered has been discovered.
  12. This game is meant to be fun, so enjoy yourselves!
  13. Please try to avoid editing your posts, as it can lead to suspicion against you. Just consider what you want to say before you say it or even proofread and you'll be fine.
  14. Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning. A second failure will result in the humorous death of your character.

Cast of characters:

Pleas note: more character info will come to some players from the host before each chapter starts.


Sylvia Berent played by Svelte


Chris Owen played by The Crazy One


Siegourney played by Siegfried


Stanton and Richard Sexton played by Stash2Sixx and Ricecracker


Donna and William Falcon played by Dannylonglegs and WhiteFang, along with DJ and Diesel Nolan played by DJForce and Dragonator


Jack Baxter played by Jim Butcher


Penny Maltese and Zachary Fortem played by Peppermint_M and Zepher


Quentin Mantino played by Quarryman


Sandy Sanders and Sheldon Wills played by Snake...SNAKE?...SNAKE!!!!!?? and Shadows


Samantha Cole played by I Scream Clone


Tony and Ingrid Peck played by TinyPiesRUs and iamded


Fred Thomas played by fallentomato


Diana played by Sir Dillon


Tour Guide Johnson Willoughby played by TheBrickster

Reserve list

1. Zapper Brick

2. Striker

3. Bob the Construction Man

4. Millacol88

5. Tereglith

6. Eskallon

7. Hewki9

8. BigCam

9. GeneralArmendariz

10. Ben Kenobi

Well, isn't this delish? Phasma Diabolus, at last! :wub: The name just rolls off the tongue, not that I'm currently looking to roll tongues particularly!

It's always been a dream of mine to visit the temple ruins. So very soon I shall be able to tick that off my 'Natural Blonde's 20 Things To Do Before I Dye' list.

I eagerly await news of our wayward Johnson :sweet:

Well, we are here finally. :classic: This place looks fantastic, I feel I am going to enjoy my time here, it's great to get off those docks every now and again.

Hi Sylvia, I can't wait to get my hands on some ancient ruins myself. I hope to take loads of great pictures as well. I have been longing to explore Phasma Diabolis for years now, however my partner always held me back.

Does anyone have any Calamine lotion? There could be a few itchy crotches by the end of this steamy trip into the jungle :sick:

Eh whassat? Speak properly, boy, or I'll have your sunglasses.

Now, this ferry we're going on. Did it pass all 56 preliminary-sail checks? No? When we get there I'm going to check. Never trust anyone but a sailor to do all 56 preliminary checks.

I'd like to discreetly peek under the chairs on the bus, and check the bathroom (if one exists).

Ahoowah! Gotta make sure there's no dangerous chemicals in the latrine. *Grunt* I used to be a chemist, you know.

*Turning to my wife, Donna*

There are many new faces whom have signed up for this tour. I wonder what's on their mind by coming here. Nevertheless, let's enjoy this trip with our daughter and her other half. Speaking of which, I wonder where they are right now...

By the way, I heard that our Tour Guide, Mr. Johnson Willoughby is very knowledgeable in this area. Perhaps, we could learn a thing or two of this historic area.

I am Mr. Roarke Johnson Willoughby, your host, tour guide, Velcome to Fantasy Devil's Island.

(I love saying that - and I'll definately say it again when we actually arrive on Fantasy Devil's Island) :grin:

Now let us board the bus (smiles everyone, smiles).

Ah, Mr. Johnson Willoughby is finally here. Let's hope the whole security check thingy will be quick. I want to rest my feets in the coach...

Ah, Mr. Johnson Willoughby is finally here. Let's hope the whole security check thingy will be quick. I want to rest my feets in the coach...

That all depends on how much you tip Tattoo Hector. :wink:

What'cha got in there anyway? You'd think you just came from the Orient with that bag.

  • Author
I'd like to discreetly peek under the chairs on the bus, and check the bathroom (if one exists).

*your search of the bus seats yields nothing but a dead mouse and the search of the bathroom finds nothing but a toilet in serious need of a cleaning*

Security? :wacko: I wasn't told about that? I'm my own security. If permits weren't so hard to get to this place I would have went myself. It's bad enough having to be stuck in a bus with you types.

Next time I'll have to do that anyway....

Now, now Siegourney. Let's play nice. You won't find any aliens on this bus, unless you count Tattoo Hector. :laugh:

  • Author
Now, now Siegourney. Let's play nice. You won't find any aliens on this bus, unless you count Tattoo Hector. :laugh:


Wha? Oh hey, Jackson. I'm so stoked you're finally here. If you were any later, I'd have to report you to management and I don't know how to do that, you know?

*slaps Johnson on the back*

Glad you're here, Jackson.

That all depends on how much you tip Tattoo Hector. :wink:

I was hoping that all of us could go onboard with those troublesome security checks, but it's nice that Hector is taking care of our safety. I couldn't want anyone with arms getting onboard the coach...

What'cha got in there anyway? You'd think you just came from the Orient with that bag.

Nah! It's just some usual accomdation thingy. Nothing special of any sort. :classic:

:hmpf: Oh, can we just move this along? I'm going on the bus, now!
  • Author
:hmpf: Oh, can we just move this along? I'm going on the bus, now!


Sorry, Miss...um...Sissy...gy. Um, you can't get on the bus until you've been through the security check. Where is our security guard? I forget his name. Randy? Wha? Is someone on the bus already? This job is hard sometimes. Mr. Bixby, can you please wait until the Security dude has cleared all passengers and luggage? Please dude? :sceptic:

OK, OK. I'll wait. I had some reading to do anyway. [Pulls out highly customised Palm Pre and starts reading. Heavy rock starts playing as well.]

Oh good, the leader-person has arrived. If I weren''t such a pleasant person I might say something about him making us wait like this. :sadnew:

Single file folks - single file. Let's all get aboard, slowly and safely, safely and slowly. Not so fast Red. (whispers to Hector: this one needs the "extra special search". Just make sure you don't pull the wig off).

If I weren''t such a pleasant person I might say something about him making us wait like this. :sadnew:

My apologies Big D - Lady D, Diana, whatever your name is. I was trapped in this dreadfully awful third world village and had to wait until they found the Johnson Rod to the Ox Cart, and hell, it's a long story. In any case, I'm here now and we'll be off soon. Hector, Hinckley, Randy... let's get'em checked so we can get this tour started. I think the tour may be just around three hours (strange ominous music and a flash of lighting booms from the sky).

  • Author


Whoa, dude. It's against policy and at least one restraining order for me to touch the passengers. We have to let our security guard do it.

*Fred Thomas conducts the security search, confiscating a few items of contraband, but letting every passenger on the bus.*


All right folks! Everyone aboard the bus, please. If you have any questions about what is allowed on the tour and what is not, please refer to the pamphlet in the flap of the chair in front of you. Remember, weapons are strictly prohibited. To those of you who I confiscated contraband from, I will return it to you at the end of the trip. Thanks, folks.

(climbs aboard the bus and picks up antiquated microphone holding it close to his mouth) Testing 1 2 3... (blows in microphone) Testing 1 2 3.

Hello everyone. I'm Johnson Willoughby, your tour guide. Where's everyone from out there? (places right hand on brow towards all as if looking toward a sunrise)

How am I supposed to catch my lunch now? :sceptic:

Where's everyone from out there?

Britain. Can we just skip the tour guide stuff and get on with the actual tour?

If you have any questions about what is allowed on the tour and what is not, please refer to the pamphlet in the flap of the chair in front of you.

I'd like to view this pamphlet. Might as well distract myself from the tour guide...

Ouch... we seem to have a heckler in the crowd. Now, now Red, I'll have no Negative Nancy's on one of my tours. Britain, you don't say? Great country and lots of history. Big Ben, Windsor Castle, White Cliffs of Dover, great history indeed. :classic: -the sort of stuff that LEGO fans would build & blog in a World Adventure over on that web site, Classic-Town.net. (looking strangely at William Falcon).

What the hell? That security wanker took my knife. My lucky knife! I've had that knife since, well, it came with the jacket. :hmpf_bad:

Whatever. So now we've got to listen to this guy droning on about local history and crap? What does he think this is, a train trip? :hmpf:

Let's get this show on the road!

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