Posted December 26, 200915 yr Ok, I was thinking how LEGO has been making lots of new jedi lately, and thought an Expanded Universe subtheme would be . It would help alot with making more jedi and padawans. Put what minifigs you would like to see, and what sets you would like to see. This is highly unlikely, but possible, so comment away!
December 26, 200915 yr How about a World Devestator? I'm thinking sandcrawler size - fill it with mini factories and production lines would be very different and done right would look great - though I fear it would need a solid 2000 bricks...
December 27, 200915 yr I would really love to see bossk's hounds tooth come out as a lego set, but i'm thinking we should be thankful to get an offical figure at the most. I would also really like to see the x-1 viper droid with a luke in darth vader armor oh well,
December 27, 200915 yr Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing or the Assault Gunboat for me, though I dout we'll ever see it sadly.
December 27, 200915 yr Uhm... There already is an EU subtheme. In fact, at least one of the sets coming out in early 2010, the TIE Defender, is EU. There already is a thread for expressing wishes for Future Star Wars sets too. It's right below this topic.
December 27, 200915 yr I'd really like to see Naga Sadow's Sith Meditation Sphere, with Naga Sadow, Gv Daragon and some Massasi warriors figures.
December 27, 200915 yr Uhm... There already is an EU subtheme. In fact, at least one of the sets coming out in early 2010, the TIE Defender, is EU.There already is a thread for expressing wishes for Future Star Wars sets too. It's right below this topic. But ships like the Rogue Shadow and Tie Defender are only released once in a blue moon. I think this is more suggesting it's turned into a whole line, like how we get Clone Wars sets and OT sets. But I'd agree it's uncessary, I'm not a fan of the EU and I don't think enough Lego consumers would recognise the majority of the stuff either. The Rogue Shadow worked because it was from a new videogame and the Tie Defender is just a 'cool' design. I wouldn't mind seeing some more Force Unleashed sets. Something with a Rahm Kota, Shaak Ti or Marris Brood would be great. A Kyle Katarn minifig would be pretty cool too.
December 27, 200915 yr I'd like to see a subtheme with sets from games, like more TFU sets and Old Republic. Or a subtheme about Jedi trainings, like lightsaber training or lightsaber crystal caves.
December 27, 200915 yr Grand Admiral Thrawn is all I want. Ideally with an Ysalamri wrapped around his shoulders, but I'd settle for the dude himself. Not certain what set he'd come with, since he commanded a standard Star Destroyer. Maybe a Mount Tantiss scene, with Joruus C'baoth and Captain Pallaeon. Or one of those Interdictors with the gravity-well spheres, but that's be out of my price range.
December 27, 200915 yr Though I don't think It'll work, I've always wanted to see a Rep/Imp Commando Lego Series.
December 28, 200915 yr The ebon hawk AT-IC AT-AA AT-AT swimmer HAVr A9 Floating Fortress Multi Altitude Assault Transport
December 28, 200915 yr That AT-IC looks really easy to make with an old AT-AT, an easy mod so I dont think it would be neccassray, but the MAAT simply would be awesome as a lego set, what minifigures would come with it?
December 28, 200915 yr Uhm... There already is an EU subtheme. In fact, at least one of the sets coming out in early 2010, the TIE Defender, is EU.There already is a thread for expressing wishes for Future Star Wars sets too. It's right below this topic. I'd have to agree with the man Oky here. But as I've said before, they are probably going to stick pretty close to the Clone Wars theme since that's what s actively on TV and has buyers interest.
December 28, 200915 yr Uhm... There already is an EU subtheme. There are sets, yes, but no Subtheme. Clone wars, is not EU, as Dave Filoni clearly states.
January 1, 201015 yr There are sets, yes, but no Subtheme. Clone wars, is not EU, as Dave Filoni clearly states. Expanded Universe would be anything not in Episode I through VI, regarless of what Dave Filoni says. I'm pretty sure that is what George inteded, so that's the way it's is. And, like Oky said, there is already a topic for wishlists, so the two topics should be merged.
January 1, 201015 yr I wonder if Lego will make sets for "The Old Republic", the game LucasArts and BioWare are creating, after all, they did make a set for "The Force Unleashed".
January 1, 201015 yr Expanded Universe would be anything not in Episode I through VI, regarless of what Dave Filoni says. I'm pretty sure that is what George inteded, so that's the way it's is. And, like Oky said, there is already a topic for wishlists, so the two topics should be merged. George Lucas himself created the Clone Wars and has been heavily involved in the production. It's a proper part of the SW canon along with the upcoming live action TV show that starts sometime this year. They're not part of the EU.
January 5, 201015 yr A Sand crawler size Jabas Palace with, like 15 figures, 5 hunters, 5 Random bar people and 5 main charictors
January 5, 201015 yr I think an EU subltheme would be a great idea. Especially once the CW series finishes and Lego wishes to keep SW sales up. I'm undecided on whether I would prefer many sets from a single EU property as an EU line (i.e., all Heir to the Empire sets, all Dark Forces/Jedi Knight sets) that changes to a new property every few years, or several sets from multiple properties relased at once (i.e. Ebon Hawk, Moldy Crow, and Scimitar Assault Bomber sets in the same year). Either way, we'd get more EU sets, which is good. Possible good choices would be (Knights of) The Old Republic, due to the popularity of the games as well as the new MMORPG coming out soon; Dark Forces/Jedi Knight due to the popularity and large amount of material to pull from; and Heir to the Empire series. For those of you questioning the appeal of those last two to younger kids, don't forget they were released over 15 years ago, so some of their fans are now Lego-buying parents. Personally I'd love a Thrawn fig, though I don't know what kind of set it should be in, an Ebon Hawk set, and a Moldy Crow set with Kyle Katarn, Jan Ors, and a few Dark Troopers. I think vehicles would be a better sell for EU sets than static locations; Lego currently seems to think so too.
January 6, 201015 yr I've alwaysed loved the X-Wing book series, and it would spawn some very interesting sets. (Ton Phanon would make an awesome fig)
January 6, 201015 yr But ships like the Rogue Shadow and Tie Defender are only released once in a blue moon. I think this is more suggesting it's turned into a whole line, like how we get Clone Wars sets and OT sets. But I'd agree it's uncessary, I'm not a fan of the EU and I don't think enough Lego consumers would recognise the majority of the stuff either. The Rogue Shadow worked because it was from a new videogame and the Tie Defender is just a 'cool' design.I wouldn't mind seeing some more Force Unleashed sets. Something with a Rahm Kota, Shaak Ti or Marris Brood would be great. A Kyle Katarn minifig would be pretty cool too. EU has many nice stories and characters and ships -but only good EU:s are the Thrawn-trilogy, KOTOR, TOR, TFU, Jedi knight games, Rogue Squadron- games and some old flying games, old Clone wars- animation (it looks horrible though...) and some books( x-wing series? haven't red) plus very few comics- but many -like Dark Empire with Emperor's clone not to mention the whole legacy-era - those kind of bad EU-comics ruin the canon- George has said that emperor and sith will not return so it is dumb that there still is so many post-palpatine sith. just my opinion -so if there would be EU-line some of those EU:s i like would be cool A Sand crawler size Jabas Palace with, like 15 figures, 5 hunters, 5 Random bar people and 5 main charictors TLG would never put so many figs to the same set....
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