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Stephen harper won
Ugh, I know, at least its a minority

So what does that mean? I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess both of you are from Ontario or points EAST of there, am I right? Fact is the Liberal governmment barely acknowledges Western Canada unless they want oil and natural gas. As a resident of Saskatchewan, I find that bothersome (we have become a have-not province in the last 5 yrs). Change may be good to bring the country together, at least that is my hope. No party or politician is perfect and you can't please everyone any of the time, but it was time for a change. Paul Martin was fiscally responsible....except for the sponsorship scandal :| A federal NDP government? We have that provincially and let me tell you, it is our undoing. No sense of the big "picture". Federally the NDP would alienate us from the USA, which if you acknowledge reality, would be no good for Canada. Not a political analyst by any means, but that is the way I see things from my corner of the country.


No, wit hthe minority comment I ment that at least it wasn't a majority, because I am a Liberal (though not fully) though Martin couldn't cut the cake for me.


I like Liberal.

Conservatives aren't giving anything to help underfunded transit systems and they just seemed to make a bunch of stuff up to catch votes. Maybe they bought the votes


Paul Martin's campaign sucked so its no wonder he lost. Can you believe those adds they had out? I don't like Conservatives but something had to happen. As long as Harper doesn't try dismantling Public Healthcare or becoming buddy buddy with the United States(I want us to be close to the United States, without them we are ALOT worse off)... but the fact Harper has told them to fook off in concerns to OUR Arctic Waters, has made me actually like the guy.

I am all for gay marriage and peoples rights, and I don't like how Harper is going to try to take away gay Marriage... but if the Free Vote doesnt change the matter, than Harper is probably going to bury it and leave it alone.

His childcare plan (if what I read was correct) was a little better than the Liberals. But than again, the Liberals were going to pay part of University Tuition... so i'm a little dissapointed about that.

Paul Martin lost his fire. he used to be this crazy guy who was somewhat charismatic and you wouldn't mind backing. By the election, he was just pathetic. The NDP would be interesting but as someone said I dont think they could hold up enough. I would love to see them as the main opposition. If they could work the United States on things than I think it would be great for them to take power actually!

Harper will be held in check by 3 left-leaning parties (The Liberals under Paul martin were leaning pretty far left). I think he won't be able to dismantle the Healthcare system or take away Gay marriage.

And with his promise to defend Canadian Soverignity up north, i'm pretty excited to see what he can do.

I still think he is a douche though LOL

and I wonder if Stephen Harper will ever meet Bono and attempt to help Africa like Paul Martin did :oo


Liberals? What kind of sick excuse for a leftwing is that? Wheres the proper leftwing?

Sorry, its just so fun teasing countries who got two-party systems with that. :P

Pretty interesting seeing many canadians here.

In times like these, dont care about what you vote for; any change is good! :D

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