February 23, 201312 yr Two more collectable minifigures, finishing off series 9. The Forest Maiden and the Starlet. The Starlet is the very hard to find in Series 9 by feeling each bag along with Mr. Good and Evil.
February 25, 201312 yr Yesterday I diceded to drown my sorrows in ABS! I bought the Space Swarmer and Razcel's Glider contraption thingy.
February 26, 201312 yr Well I couldn`t hold out for the double vip points I got the cinema palace and some pick-a-bricks for my modular building moc. Edited February 26, 201312 yr by kermit
February 28, 201312 yr After a small dark age... again! I got back in business! I got the 10232 Cinema Palace, 10233 Horizon express (2x) and a few city sets and one creator: 60003, 60008, 60010, 60016, 60017, 60018 and 31009. Planning to get some sets this weekend. Mainly 'cause my local supplier had 25% of this saturday
March 1, 201311 yr Hobbit Attack of the Wargs, Hobbit Barrel Escape, Ninjago Golden Dragon for a friend, and..........the PALACE CINEMA!
March 2, 201311 yr Got the 3677 Red cargo train, the 3938 Passengertrain and the 10228 Haunted House today :) All 25% off!
March 5, 201311 yr This morning I decided to go on an order 8 of these round plates, in green, to replace the dark green I have on one of my 10016 Tanker from My Own Train series. As well as, some other bits and pieces. It IS coming from Germany
March 6, 201311 yr 75000; it was a hard pick between this one and the Republic Troopers set but ultimately I went with the former.
March 10, 201311 yr Okay, Myers TTP twisted my arm....... All impressive, except for assembling Shredder.....helmet kept coming off. But such cool figures......happy to add them to my collection.
March 12, 201311 yr i went to my local LEGO store and picked up two Series 9 minifigures, the Elven Female archer and the Mermaid. From the Pick a Brick Wall, well: 44 cutlasses 32 pearl gold window lattices 74 red 1x4 plates 60 yellow 1x4 plates 35 red 1x2 bricks 1 yellow 1x2 brick 1 yellow 1x4 brick 2 red 2x2 bricks 19 trans purple cones 6 trans red cones 32 trans red 1x1 cylinders 177 dark gray 1x2 bricks 162 trans red studs 1 black 2x2 slope 1 gray 2x2 slope 1 orange 1x1 brick 1 orange stud 4 light green stud 56 trans red 1x1 flat plates 2 black angles bricks, 4 studs long, left 12 black angles bricks, 4 studs long, right I'm happy with what I bought.
March 15, 201311 yr Won a couple ebay auctions including one with a new 4202 The Mine for $66.51 and the other with used 4431 Ambulance, 4434 Dump Truck, 7992 Container Stacker for $36.99. Some good deals IMO
March 15, 201311 yr Yesterday, I won 8 Classic Minifigs on ebay for €6.34, It might not be much to some people, but I was looking for the Captain Redbeard Minifig, cos my dad gave mine, from the Black Seas Barracuda, away a couple of years ago, and I wanted the ship to be complete again.. Also good about this is the admiral's bicourne, which will be good for MOC's and Brickfilms, once I start making them again :P
March 16, 201311 yr Iron Man vs. Hobo in a Bumper Car: Ultimate Showdown and Extremis Sea Port Battle.
March 16, 201311 yr Two copies of 4429 Helicopter Rescue - they're gonna be MOCed together into one decently-sized hospital and medevac helicopter, rather than being two ugly, half-finished hospitals and helicopters :)
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