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Not every theme needs to revolve around vehicles, even though they attract a majority of little boys. There are kids with other preferences as well, and I think even TLG realizes this. It would be a very foolish strategy to have all themes cater for just one demographic, anyway.

To my understanding, the HP-line of old did very well at the time, or else they wouldn't have produced so many sets of it. Time just drove by the license, and the people who were kids when the first two movies came out grew up.

Now with the new game coming up, it's a perfect time to relaunch the theme.

But two of them are licensed themes, while Kingdoms is an original theme. Would you rather have LEGO make only license-based toys, and nothing of their own?

No I'm saying they should wait until 2011 to launch Kingdoms and have another year of dwarfs and such. :classic:

I'm so glad to hear this! I was only able to get Rescue from the Merepeople and Hogwarts Castle (5378). Hopefully this time around I'll get more. I guess that hplover something, something guy from last year was right. :wacko:

I hope they make sets from the 6th and 7th movies. I'd love to have a bathroom duel set (with Draco and Harry) and a Shell Cottage or a Gringotts vault ( with a dragon of course). :grin:

I'd love to have a bathroom duel set (with Draco and Harry) and a Shell Cottage or a Gringotts vault ( with a dragon of course). :grin:

A bathroom duel seems very unlikely. It was incredibly intense with loads of blood in the book and the film. A Shell Cottage or a new Gringotss vault would be awesome indeed as playsets. And as a vehicle the dragon would work very well.

I'm one of those people who were younger/kids when those first movies came out. Lucky for me/unlucky for the wallet I never stopped being a fan of Harry Potter (although with little breaks, but for the last few years, since the 6th book I'm non-stop into it). I'm usually a very patient person, but... I can't wait for these sets! :thumbup:

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Yeah, sets from movies 6 and 7 would be really awesome...there's no reason why always have to be related to blood or something like that, the burrow could be based in the 6th, which is the movie it's most featured on, that bathroom duel sounds great for a concept, and from the 7th installment, there are soooo SO MANY scenes that are set-able, and there's any blood in them!

:hmpf_bad: come on Lego!

Here I also think TLC is making a mistake by targeting ages 6-12, it should be 9-14, so those "bloody" or "dark" themes could be covered.

Oooo! The Burrow being based on the 6th movie gave me an idea!

Bellatrix and Fenrir Greyback could be included as well, like in the scene from the 6th movie (and not the book)! This seems possible because Lego likes conflict in their playsets, and the Burrow by itself is pretty nonviolent :laugh:)

This is what I think (or hope) will be in each set:

4736 Dobbys Release

Minifigs: Dobby, Lucius Malfoy, and either Harry Potter or Dumbledore

Set: Sort of a Hogwarts hallway with some decor and a printed sock piece (like the previous version).

Estimated Price: $10.99

4737 Quidditch Lesson

Minifigs: (All in Quidditch Uniform) Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory

(The last two are extremely unlikely, but I really want some Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff uniforms :cry_sad:,

if they are not included, then at least include Oliver Wood and Montague)

Set: If my minifig predictions are true, then the set itself will not be anything spectacular. I'm saying two

stands and 3 hoops.

Estimated Price: $24.99

4738 Hagrids Hut

Minifigs: Hagrid, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger

(If Lego decides to be nice, then maybe Firenze the centaur since

he appears in the latest trailer for the new video game.)

Set: Something very similiar to the previous versions of it, maybe increase

the size of the hut and have some trees or a nicer pumpkin patch outside the home.

Estimated Price: $39.99

4840 The Burrows

Minifigs: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley

Set: This is the only set on the list that hasn't been made before so I don't really know

what to expect. I think it will be a three story home that can be opened up as a playset.

Should be very interesting to see what Lego decides to do with this one.

Estimated price: $49.99-$59.99

4841 Hogwarts Express

Minifigs: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Hagrid

Set: I hope this one will have a niceley designed train with a car attached, and a decent looking

Hogsmeade Station to go along with it.

Estimated Price: $79.99

4842 Hogwarts Castle

Minifigs: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Dumbledore, Prof. Snape, Prof. McGonagall, Draco Malfoy,

Prof. Quirrel, Ravenclaw student, Hufflepuff student (Again, last two extremely unlikely, but it would be nice.)

Set: A revamp of the castle. It should include more play features and rare pieces, similiar to the OotP one, but not

so sticker happy.

Estimated Price: $99.99

Let me know what you guys think!

Let me know what you guys think!

I think your estimations are very reasonable, with nothing out of place except for your estimations for the Quidditch set. Since I think the set name has been established as "Quidditch Lesson," I find it much more likely that Madame Hooch and perhaps a more prominent character like Neville will be included. I really don't think we will see anyone from other houses except maybe a Luna someday in the future, and Wood and Montague are way too obscure for most people. In a theme like Star Wars that has been going strong for ten years, LEGO can afford to make relatively minor named characters (like Zev Senesca or the dark tan beard guy in Home One), but my feeling is in HP LEGO will make all the minifigs pretty well-known characters since this is sort of a "new" line, my thoughts anyway.

I think your estimations are very reasonable, with nothing out of place except for your estimations for the Quidditch set. Since I think the set name has been established as "Quidditch Lesson," I find it much more likely that Madame Hooch and perhaps a more prominent character like Neville will be included. I really don't think we will see anyone from other houses except maybe a Luna someday in the future, and Wood and Montague are way too obscure for most people. In a theme like Star Wars that has been going strong for ten years, LEGO can afford to make relatively minor named characters (like Zev Senesca or the dark tan beard guy in Home One), but my feeling is in HP LEGO will make all the minifigs pretty well-known characters since this is sort of a "new" line, my thoughts anyway.

I would like Neville as well, but it seems extremely unlikely since this is called "Quidditch Lesson" and not "Flying Lesson", and Neville never plays Quidditch. :sceptic:

I just hope lego will do Weasley twins this time!

Wow. I never got any of the original Harry Potter stuff, and to be honest I don't really know everything that was in that line.

I am very excited to have the opportunity to purchase both Hogwarts and the Hogwarts Express! I hope they are reasonably priced.

I just hope lego will do Weasley twins this time!

If they are going to do the twins, they will put only one of them in the set, so you would have to buy the set twice to have two twins. Or wait till they appear on bricklink...

Edited by badboytje88

If they are going to do the twins, they will put only one of them in the set, so you would have to buy the set twice to have two twins. Or wait till they appear on bricklink...

What makes you draw that conclusion? There was a set with Crabbe and Goyle and they were both included. Wouldn't make any sense for TLG to leave one out if there twins. :sceptic:

True, Temple of Doom and RoTS were pretty dark, but I think that there is more of a psychological level that is touched on in the final HP books.

The above movies were basically dark because they had some pretty evil bad guys, but there is a deeper level that is established in the last HP's. It's hard to explain, but I think anyone who had read it will understand what I'm trying to say.

I completely understand your point, 5-7 were 100% written for a more mauture audience. They're not even in the same ball park.

As much as I would love sets from the final installments, I just don't see it happening. I know Lego said it about Temple of Doom, but the Deathly Hollows was REALLY intense.

I'd say that we should reserve judgement on future sets until after these are on the market. If these sets are wildly successful, it stands to reason more (late installments) sets will be released. There are scenes in OOTP, HBP and DH that are certainly light enough to be relased.

I do hope that we will get a Luna figure in the castle, though, she's one of the most light-hearted and comedic (and one of my favorite :classic:) characters in the story.

I really like Luna too....


Let's just enjoy the sets released this year, support the line and hope for the best!

I doubt the latest three movies will be made into lego games. Too dark, lack of central vehicle-based action like Indy and SW have. That said, Lego's decision to tie in some new sets with the game based on years 1-4 is awesome, and the list looks promising. :sweet:

I do not understand the argument that the final three Potter books/movies are too dark to be made into a video game/sets. We got a TON of sets for Revenge of the Sith as well as a game, and it is one of the bloodiest, darkest movies for "kids" ever. Dozens of characters people have grown to love are brutally killed including Mace Windu, Padmie, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Count Dooku, General Grievous, etc, etc, etc. Lego not only made that game, but made it FUN. It could have been deemed "too dark" and not made, but the programmers clearly know how to make even a dark story a lot of fun. Between riding broomsticks, mine carts in Gringotts, Quidditch matches, and so forth there's even enough material there for some good vehicle-based levels.

Does anyone REALLY believe that Lego will end the Harry Potter game franchise with Book 4, wherein the ending is Harry's classmate being brutally murdered and the Dark Lord rising? If they can make that in a Lego game, they can certainly make Books 5-7.

What makes you draw that conclusion? There was a set with Crabbe and Goyle and they were both included. Wouldn't make any sense for TLG to leave one out if there twins. :sceptic:

I think it was a joke. Lego is really good with licensed characters these days. They'll probably come with the Burrow set.

I've been thinking, as the Burrow is going to be released together with the first movie part of the last book, maybe we'll get the Burrow together with the wedding scene? Imagine those figures, and the quantity of them! :cry_happy: Oh well, I'll be extremely happy if we get Arthur, Molly and Fred and George.

Most people say the last books and movies are very dark. I agree, because it suits the story. It has to be dark, to deal with the subjects handled in the story (racism, death and how to deal with it, ...). When you think of it, the graveyard duel set is one of the darkest LEGO sets released, considering the death of Cedric. The designers did a great job on that. But are the last instalments too dark for LEGO? I'm sure the designers are able to find some 'lighter' scenes to put in sets.

I know this is very unrealistic, but it introduces a lot of new figures. But you never know... Also, this is based on the movies. If it would be based on the books, there are more scenes which would fit. And they aren't all dark.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (because one set is pathetic, although it was a good one :tongue: ):

- Escape from Privet Drive: with Harry Potter, Mad Eye Moodey, Tonks and Lupin.

- Thestral Carriage: two thestrals, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom.

- Meeting with Grawp: giant, Harry and Hermoine

(perhaps the battle at the Ministry, although pretty dark)

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince:

- Horace Slughorn's house: Slughorn, Dumbledore and Harry

- the Slug Club: Ginny, Harry, Slughorn and Luna

- the Burrow: with fire! :sceptic:

(I agree, this part doesn't lend for much action based sets...)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

- the Seven Potters: no, just kidding. :tongue:

- the Ghoul in Pyjamas: ghoul, Ron and Harry

- Grimmauld Place: would also fit in HP5

- Escaping in the woods: with tent and the trio

- the Silver Doe: transparent doe

- Lovegood's House: very playable, Xenophilius and Luna

- Malfoy Manor: (pretty dark) Malfoy family and Dobby

- Shell Cottage: very bright house, Bill and Fleur

- Escaping Gringotts: dragon, vault and trio

- and perhapse, as an Exclusive: Battle at Hogwarts!

See, it's possible: 'lighter' LEGO Harry Potter sets. Call me crazy, it would be awesome. Although it would be unbelievable if even one of those would be designed, I think I've given many ideas to make some LEGO Harry Potter creations? :grin::thumbup:

The only semi-official person who has said that the last books are too dark was on the LAML podcast. They also said there would be no more Harry Potter sets, full stop! So yes - not exactly accurate information, was it?

Fans seem hung up on this darkness issue but there is little evidence to say that LEGO treats it with the same reverence as fans seem to.

LEGO seems to take the view that half a licence's worth is in its potential to be converted into a video game, and since when have they been able to stop at just one? :grin: Just like Indy, I am sure we will see a new game once the final movies are in release - Years 5-7 - and if the sales of the physical line are strong this year I don't doubt we'll see another wave of sets.

What makes you draw that conclusion? There was a set with Crabbe and Goyle and they were both included. Wouldn't make any sense for TLG to leave one out if there twins. :sceptic:

Well... Those aren't I dentical twins, they aren't even twins!

What makes you draw that conclusion? There was a set with Crabbe and Goyle and they were both included. Wouldn't make any sense for TLG to leave one out if there twins. :sceptic:

Yes except Crabbe and Goyle are not twins.


Yes except Crabbe and Goyle are not twins.


No... but they, just like Fred and George, never leave eachothers side. Why would TLG only put one twin in a set... it just sounds odd, like putting in a second would make it too expensive or something :sceptic:.

Also, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes would make a great set in my opinion, just think of all the functions and details they could put in that one.

No... but they, just like Fred and George, never leave eachothers side. Why would TLG only put one twin in a set... it just sounds odd, like putting in a second would make it too expensive or something :sceptic:.

Probably the same reason why they weren't included in set 4728, a scene they clearly were in.


From the videogame thread:


Could we be getting a new Fang mold with Hagrid's Hut? :sweet:

Could we be getting a new Fang mold with Hagrid's Hut? :sweet:

And if it comes with the sand green Norbert and Fang, I will definitely be getting a copy or two!

The only semi-official person who has said that the last books are too dark was on the LAML podcast. They also said there would be no more Harry Potter sets, full stop! So yes - not exactly accurate information, was it?

Fans seem hung up on this darkness issue but there is little evidence to say that LEGO treats it with the same reverence as fans seem to.

LEGO seems to take the view that half a licence's worth is in its potential to be converted into a video game, and since when have they been able to stop at just one? :grin: Just like Indy, I am sure we will see a new game once the final movies are in release - Years 5-7 - and if the sales of the physical line are strong this year I don't doubt we'll see another wave of sets.

You're right that Lego don't have an issue with darkness, it's actually the retailers. When the Graveyard duel set was released, most major retailers in Australia refused to stock it because it was 'too dark' for their target audience, however, at the time, I think the Coles-Myer group owned Myer, Target and K-mart which are three of the major stockists of Lego down under. I ended up ordering this from the US at far less than it would have cost me at shop at home, and it's one of my favourite HP sets. So I say "bring on the dark". However, I'm sure the sets will relate to whatever is in the Harry Potter lego game which from what I heard is books 1-4.

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